Пример #1
 public static void OnInit(ClientErrorManager manager, FileServiceConfiguration configuration)
     manager.AddErrors(new ClientErrors("FileService", new Dictionary <string, ClientError>()
         { "too-big-file", new ClientError($"Too big file > {configuration.MaxSize} byte") },
         { "file-load-err", new ClientError("File loading error") }
Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create file service configuration, now service will catch all files greather than 1 MB.
            var configuration = new FileServiceConfiguration(FileSizeEnum.MB);

            // build a folder path where to create log files.

            var folderPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\Logs_for_fileService";

            // create logger instance, passing in folder path.
            // as second parameter passing LogBehaviorEnum.LogOnlyExceptions to log only exceptions, default value is LogBehaviorEnum.LogEverything
            var logger = new FileServiceLogger(folderPath, LogBehaviorEnum.LogOnlyExceptions);

            // assign logger to configuraion instance,
            configuration.ServiceLogger = logger;

            // create file service instance. service will query only max-pc
            var fileService = new FileService(configuration, "max-pc" /*, "cubicle23-pc", etc...*/);

            #region These calls will not delete any file...

            // retrive data by username
            //var data = fileService.GetLargeFilesFromComputers("oleg");

            //// The method above will query to all users in computers
            ////var data = fileService.GetLargeFilesFromComputers();

            //// just to displaying the data
            //foreach (var item in data)
            //    System.Console.WriteLine($"{item.ComputerName} {item.Name} {item.Note} | {item.Status}");


            #region These call will delete file if any...

            // without username
            // fileService.DeleteLargeFiles()

            // with username
            //var data1 = fileService.DeleteLargeFiles("narek");

            //foreach (var item in data1)
            //    // Currently I don't have any files in max-pc computer, this list is empty


            fileService.DeleteProfile("cubicle23-pc", "narek");

Пример #3
 public FileService(IGenericRepository <File> fileGR,
                    FileServiceConfiguration configuration)
     _fileGR        = fileGR;
     _configuration = configuration;
Пример #4
 public static void UseFileService(this IServiceCollection services, FileServiceConfiguration configuration)
     services.AddScoped <IFileService, FileService>();