public SoilSampleProcessor(List <string> filePaths) { foreach (var path in filePaths) { FilePaths.Add(Path.GetFullPath(path)); } }
public override void GetContainer(TransactionContainerAbstract container, string filePath) { if (!FilePaths.Contains(filePath)) { FilePaths.Add(filePath); } else { throw new Exception("This file has already been loaded"); } container.Clear(); foreach (var currentPath in FilePaths) { var lines = File.ReadLines(currentPath); foreach (string s in lines) { string[] split = s.Split(','); if (split.Length != AttributeNumber) { throw new Exception("Column number mismatch"); } container.AddTransaction(long.Parse(split[0]), DateTime.ParseExact(split[1], "HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), split[4], double.Parse(split[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(split[7], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), split[15] == "B" ? true : false); } } }
private void TryAddFilePathToList(string filePath) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath)) { FilePaths.Add(filePath); } }
private DefaultFileCacheDependency(params string[] paths) : this() { foreach (var path in paths) { FilePaths.Add(path); } }
public void AddNewSample(string filepath) { SampleSource newSample = SampleSource.CreateFromWaveFile(filepath); sampleSources.Add(newSample); FilePaths.Add(filepath); Channels++; }
private DefaultFileCacheDependency(string path) : this() { FilePaths.Add(path); Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var fi = new FileInfo(path); LastModified = fi.LastWriteTime; }
private AspNetFileCacheDependency(string[] filenames) : this() { foreach (var filename in filenames) { FilePaths.Add(filename); } Internal = new CacheDependency(filenames); }
private async Task TryAddFilePathToList(IEnumerable <string> filePaths) { await Task.Run(() => { foreach (var path in filePaths) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { FilePaths.Add(path); } } }); }
private void SetImagePaths(IStorageService storageService, string paths) { this.FilePaths = new List <string>(); if (paths != null) { var arr = paths.Split(","); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { arr[i] = arr[i].Replace(" ", ""); arr[i] = storageService.GetFileUrl(arr[i]); FilePaths.Add(arr[i]); } } }
void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (FilePaths == null) { return; } var dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); if (dialog.ShowDialog() ?? false) { FilePaths.Add(dialog.FileName); int timestamp = File.GetLastWriteTime(dialog.FileName).ToUnixTimestamp(); ContentList.Add(dialog.FileName, timestamp, removed: false); } }
public void Paste(FileSelectorModel fileselectormodel) { DisabledMessages(); MessageAddress = fileselectormodel.MessageAddress; FilePaths.Clear(); foreach (var item in fileselectormodel.FilePaths) { FileNameItem filenameitem = new FileNameItem(Mementor); filenameitem.Paste(item); FilePaths.Add(filenameitem); } EnabledMessages(); send = false; }
private void AddToFiles(string filePath) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath)) { return; } filePath = filePath.Trim(); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { return; } if (!FolderAlreadyAdded(filePath)) { FilePaths.Add(filePath); } }
public void Drop(IDropInfo dropInfo) { var dataObject = dropInfo.Data as DataObject; if (dataObject != null) { if (dataObject.ContainsFileDropList()) { Mementor.BeginBatch(); var filedrop = dataObject.GetFileDropList(); foreach (string str in filedrop) { foreach (string fm in FileMask) { if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(str).ToUpperInvariant() == fm) { FileNameItem lbfn = new FileNameItem(Mementor) { FileName = str, FileIsSelected = false }; FilePaths.Add(lbfn); Mementor.ElementAdd(FilePaths, lbfn); } } } Mementor.EndBatch(); } } if (dropInfo.DragInfo != null) { if (dropInfo.DragInfo.VisualSource != dropInfo.VisualTarget && dropInfo.Data.GetType() == typeof(FileNameItem)) { FileNameItem filenameitem = dropInfo.Data as FileNameItem; FileNameItem newfilenameitem = filenameitem.Clone() as FileNameItem; FilePaths.Insert(dropInfo.InsertIndex, newfilenameitem); Mementor.ElementAdd(FilePaths, newfilenameitem); } } }
public void DoWork() { foreach (TileInfo info in infos) { try { string filename = string.Format("{0}{1}", info.Index.Col, extension); string filepath = Path.Combine(path, string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}\{3}\", hostname, layername, info.Index.Level, info.Index.Row)); string fullfilename = Path.Combine(filepath, filename); if (!Directory.Exists(filepath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(filepath); } if (!File.Exists(fullfilename) || !useCache) { try { Byte[] bytes = source.Provider.GetTile(info); System.IO.FileStream stream = new System.IO.FileStream(fullfilename, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.Write); stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); stream.Close(); } catch (System.IO.IOException ex) { //if the file is currently donwloaded by a different user it should be available for this package as well ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("ApplicationLogger"); log.Warn(string.Format("Tile on Path {0} is is being used by another process", fullfilename), ex); } } FilePaths.Add(fullfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("ApplicationLogger"); log.Error(string.Format("Unknown Error while downloading Tile: Level: {0}; Row: {1}; Column: {2} of Layer: {3}", info.Index.Level, info.Index.Row, info.Index.Col, this.layername), ex); this.Errors.Add(new LoadError(ex, info)); } } }
public void Analyze(FilePath scriptPath) { FilePaths.Add(scriptPath); }
private AspNetFileCacheDependency(string filename, DateTime start) : this() { FilePaths.Add(filename); Internal = new CacheDependency(filename, start); }
private void AddInputFilesHandler() { List <string> files = new List <string>(); CommonOpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new CommonOpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.IsFolderPicker = true; openFileDialog.Multiselect = true; openFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; openFileDialog.AllowNonFileSystemItems = true; //ileDialog.Filter = "*.d"; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok) { var iter = openFileDialog.FileNames.GetEnumerator(); while (iter.MoveNext()) { if (iter.Current.EndsWith(".d")) { files.Add(iter.Current); } else { throw new Exception("Selecter is not a \".d\" folder."); } } } if (files.Count != 0) { if (FilePaths.Count == 0) { int i = FilePaths.Count + 1; FilePaths = files; foreach (string file in files) { var source = GetFilePolarity(file); Samples.Add(new Sample { HideOrShow = true, ExpOrder = i, FileName = file, Source = source, SampleType = null, Group = null }); i++; } } else { int i = FilePaths.Count + 1; foreach (string filename in files) { if (!FilePaths.Contains(filename)) { FilePaths.Add(filename); var source = GetFilePolarity(filename); Samples.Add(new Sample { HideOrShow = true, ExpOrder = i, FileName = filename, Source = source, SampleType = null, Group = null }); } } } } }