public NtStatus UnsafeCreateFile(string fileName, DokanNet.FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes, DokanFileInfo info) { string writePath = GetWritePath(fileName); string readOnlyPath = GetReadOnlyPath(fileName); if (info.IsDirectory) { if (mode == FileMode.CreateNew) { if (Directory.Exists(writePath)) { return(DokanResult.FileExists); } else if (File.Exists(writePath)) { return(DokanResult.AlreadyExists); } else if (Directory.Exists(readOnlyPath)) { return(DokanResult.FileExists); } else if (File.Exists(readOnlyPath)) { return(DokanResult.AlreadyExists); } info.Context = new LayeredDirectoryContext(fileName) { WriteDirInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(writePath) }; return(DokanResult.Success); } else if (mode == FileMode.Open) { var context = new LayeredDirectoryContext(fileName); if (Directory.Exists(writePath)) { context.WriteDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(writePath); } else if (File.Exists(writePath)) { return(DokanResult.NotADirectory); } if (Directory.Exists(readOnlyPath)) { context.ReadOnlyDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(readOnlyPath); } else if (context.WriteDirInfo == null) { if (File.Exists(readOnlyPath)) { return(DokanResult.NotADirectory); } else { return(DokanResult.PathNotFound); } } info.Context = context; return(DokanResult.Success); } else { // unkown operation return(DokanResult.Unsuccessful); } } else { var writable = false; var pathExists = false; var pathIsDirectory = Directory.Exists(writePath); if (pathIsDirectory) { pathExists = true; } else if (File.Exists(writePath)) { writable = true; pathExists = true; } else { if (pathIsDirectory = Directory.Exists(readOnlyPath)) { pathExists = true; pathIsDirectory = true; } else { pathExists = File.Exists(readOnlyPath); } } var readAttributes = (access & ReadAttributes) == 0; var readAccess = (access & DataWriteAccess) == 0; switch (mode) { case FileMode.Open: if (!pathExists) { return(DokanResult.FileNotFound); } else { if (pathIsDirectory) { info.IsDirectory = true; if ((access & FileAccess.Delete) == FileAccess.Delete && (access & FileAccess.Synchronize) != FileAccess.Synchronize) { // it is a DeleteFile request on a directory return(DokanResult.AccessDenied); } // call it again, with the IsDirectory set to true return(UnsafeCreateFile(fileName, access, share, mode, options, attributes, info)); } else if (readAttributes) { info.Context = new LayeredReadAttributesContext(fileName, writable ? writePath : readOnlyPath, pathIsDirectory); return(DokanResult.Success); } } break; case FileMode.CreateNew: if (writable) { if (pathExists) { return(DokanResult.FileExists); } } writable = true; break; case FileMode.Create: writable = true; break; case FileMode.Truncate: if (!pathExists) { return(DokanResult.FileNotFound); } break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: if (!pathExists) { writable = true; } break; default: throw new Exception($"Unhandled FileMode {mode.ToString("g")}"); } if (writable) { var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(writePath); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } } else if (!readAccess) { var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(writePath); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } File.Copy(readOnlyPath, writePath, true); FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(readOnlyPath); File.SetCreationTime(writePath, finfo.CreationTime); File.SetLastAccessTime(writePath, finfo.LastAccessTime); File.SetLastWriteTime(writePath, finfo.LastWriteTime); writable = true; } LayeredFileContext context = new LayeredFileContext(fileName, writable ? writePath : readOnlyPath, writable); info.Context = context; try { context.Stream = new FileStream(writable ? writePath : readOnlyPath, mode, readAccess ? System.IO.FileAccess.Read : System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, share, 4096, options); } catch (Exception ex) { var hr = (uint)Marshal.GetHRForException(ex); switch (hr) { case 0x80070020: //Sharing violation return(DokanResult.SharingViolation); default: throw; } } if (mode == FileMode.CreateNew || mode == FileMode.Create) // files are always created as Archive { attributes |= FileAttributes.Archive; context.SetAttributes(attributes); } return(DokanResult.Success); } }
public void DoSetup() { string vmdir = MainDir; string datadir = MainDir; string modeldir = MainDir; string vmns = MainNs + ".ViewModels"; string datans = MainNs; string modelns = MainNs; if (ProjectType == ProjectTypeEnum.Single) { Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}\\Models"); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Models\\ReadMe.txt", "Put your models here"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}\\ViewModels\\HomeVMs"); vmdir = MainDir + "\\ViewModels"; } else { Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}.ViewModel\\HomeVMs"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}.Model"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}.DataAccess"); vmdir = MainDir + ".ViewModel"; datadir = MainDir + ".DataAccess"; modeldir = MainDir + ".Model"; vmns = MainNs + ".ViewModel"; datans = MainNs + ".DataAccess"; modelns = MainNs + ".Model"; File.WriteAllText($"{modeldir}\\{modelns}.csproj", GetResource("Proj.txt"), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{vmdir}\\{vmns}.csproj", GetResource("Proj.txt"), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{datadir}\\{datans}.csproj", GetResource("Proj.txt"), Encoding.UTF8); } Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}\\Areas"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}\\Controllers"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Home"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Login"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Shared"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}\\wwwroot"); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\appsettings.json", GetResource("Appsettings.txt") .Replace("$cs$", CS ?? "") .Replace("$dbtype$", DbType.ToString()) .Replace("$cookiepre$", CookiePre ?? "") .Replace("$enablelog$", EnableLog.ToString().ToLower()) .Replace("$logexception$", LogExceptionOnly.ToString().ToLower()) .Replace("$rpp$", Rpp == null ? "" : Rpp.ToString()) .Replace("$filemode$", FileMode.ToString()) .Replace("$uploaddir$", UploadDir ?? ""), Encoding.UTF8 ); File.WriteAllText($"{datadir}\\DataContext.cs", GetResource("DataContext.txt").Replace("$ns$", datans), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Controllers\\HomeController.cs", GetResource("HomeController.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Controllers\\LoginController.cs", GetResource("LoginController.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Views\\_ViewStart.cshtml", GetResource("ViewStart.txt"), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Home\\Index.cshtml", GetResource("home.Index.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Login\\ChangePassword.cshtml", GetResource("home.ChangePassword.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Home\\Header.cshtml", GetResource("home.Header.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Login\\Login.cshtml", GetResource("home.Login.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Home\\Menu.cshtml", GetResource("home.Menu.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Home\\PIndex.cshtml", GetResource("home.PIndex.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Home\\FrontPage.cshtml", GetResource("home.FrontPage.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{vmdir}\\HomeVMs\\ChangePasswordVM.cs", GetResource("vms.ChangePasswordVM.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{vmdir}\\HomeVMs\\IndexVM.cs", GetResource("vms.IndexVM.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{vmdir}\\HomeVMs\\LoginVM.cs", GetResource("vms.LoginVM.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); if (UI == UIEnum.LayUI) { File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Shared\\_Layout.cshtml", GetResource("layui.Layout.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Views\\Shared\\_PLayout.cshtml", GetResource("layui.PLayout.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Program.cs", GetResource("layui.Program.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Views\\_ViewImports.cshtml", GetResource("layui.ViewImports.txt"), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\Areas\\_ViewImports.cshtml", GetResource("layui.ViewImports.txt"), Encoding.UTF8); Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var sr = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream($""); System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive zip = new System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive(sr); foreach (var entry in zip.Entries) { int index = entry.FullName.LastIndexOf("/"); if (index >= 0) { string dir = $"{MainDir}\\wwwroot\\{entry.FullName.Substring(0, index)}"; if (Directory.Exists(dir) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } } if (entry.FullName.EndsWith("/") == false) { var f = File.OpenWrite($"{MainDir}\\wwwroot\\{entry.FullName}"); var z = entry.Open(); z.CopyTo(f); f.Flush(); f.Dispose(); z.Dispose(); } } sr.Dispose(); } if (ProjectType == ProjectTypeEnum.Single) { var proj = File.ReadAllText($"{MainDir}\\{MainNs}.csproj"); if (proj.IndexOf("WalkingTec.Mvvm.TagHelpers.LayUI") < 0) { proj = proj.Replace("</Project>", $@" <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include=""WalkingTec.Mvvm.TagHelpers.LayUI"" Version=""{version}"" /> <PackageReference Include=""WalkingTec.Mvvm.Mvc.Admin"" Version=""{version}"" /> </ItemGroup > </Project> "); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\{MainNs}.csproj", proj, Encoding.UTF8); } } if (ProjectType == ProjectTypeEnum.Multi) { var proj = File.ReadAllText($"{MainDir}\\{MainNs}.csproj"); if (proj.IndexOf("WalkingTec.Mvvm.TagHelpers.LayUI") < 0) { proj = proj.Replace("</Project>", $@" <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include=""WalkingTec.Mvvm.TagHelpers.LayUI"" Version=""{version}"" /> <PackageReference Include=""WalkingTec.Mvvm.Mvc.Admin"" Version=""{version}"" /> <ProjectReference Include=""..\{modelns}\{modelns}.csproj"" /> <ProjectReference Include=""..\{datans}\{datans}.csproj"" /> <ProjectReference Include=""..\{vmns}\{vmns}.csproj"" /> </ItemGroup > </Project> "); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}\\{MainNs}.csproj", proj, Encoding.UTF8); } //修改modelproject var modelproj = File.ReadAllText($"{modeldir}\\{modelns}.csproj"); if (modelproj.IndexOf("WalkingTec.Mvvm.Core") < 0) { modelproj = modelproj.Replace("</Project>", $@" <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include=""WalkingTec.Mvvm.Core"" Version=""{version}"" /> </ItemGroup > </Project> "); File.WriteAllText($"{modeldir}\\{modelns}.csproj", modelproj, Encoding.UTF8); } //修改dataproject var dataproj = File.ReadAllText($"{datadir}\\{datans}.csproj"); if (dataproj.IndexOf($"{modelns}.csproj") < 0) { dataproj = dataproj.Replace("</Project>", $@" <ItemGroup> <ProjectReference Include=""..\{modelns}\{modelns}.csproj"" /> </ItemGroup > </Project> "); File.WriteAllText($"{datadir}\\{datans}.csproj", dataproj, Encoding.UTF8); } //修改viewmodelproject var vmproj = File.ReadAllText($"{vmdir}\\{vmns}.csproj"); if (vmproj.IndexOf($"{modelns}.csproj") < 0) { vmproj = vmproj.Replace("</Project>", $@" <ItemGroup> <ProjectReference Include=""..\{modelns}\{modelns}.csproj"" /> </ItemGroup > </Project> "); File.WriteAllText($"{vmdir}\\{vmns}.csproj", vmproj, Encoding.UTF8); } var solution = File.ReadAllText($"{Directory.GetParent(MainDir)}\\{MainNs}.sln"); if (solution.IndexOf($"{modelns}.csproj") < 0) { Guid g1 = Guid.NewGuid(); Guid g2 = Guid.NewGuid(); Guid g3 = Guid.NewGuid(); solution = solution.Replace("EndProject", $@"EndProject Project(""{{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}}"") = ""{modelns}"", ""{modelns}\{modelns}.csproj"", ""{{{g1}}}"" EndProject Project(""{{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}}"") = ""{datans}"", ""{datans}\{datans}.csproj"", ""{{{g2}}}"" EndProject Project(""{{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}}"") = ""{vmns}"", ""{vmns}\{vmns}.csproj"", ""{{{g3}}}"" EndProject "); solution = solution.Replace(".Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU", $@".Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {{{g1}}}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU {{{g1}}}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU {{{g1}}}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {{{g1}}}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {{{g2}}}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU {{{g2}}}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU {{{g2}}}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {{{g2}}}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {{{g3}}}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU {{{g3}}}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU {{{g3}}}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {{{g3}}}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU" ); File.WriteAllText($"{Directory.GetParent(MainDir)}\\{MainNs}.sln", solution, Encoding.UTF8); } } if (File.Exists($"{MainDir}\\Startup.cs")) { File.Delete($"{MainDir}\\Startup.cs"); } }
private MFTestResults TestMethod(FileMode fm) { Log.Comment("Starting tests in FileMode: " + fm.ToString()); FileInfo fil2; StreamWriter sw2; Stream fs2 = null; String str2; int iCountErrors = 0; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } Log.Comment("File does not exist"); //------------------------------------------------------------------ fil2 = new FileInfo(fileName); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: Log.Comment("With a null string"); try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Log.Comment("Expected exception thrown :: " + ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString()); } Log.Comment("with an empty string"); try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Log.Comment("Expected exception thrown :: " + ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString()); } fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[] { 54, 65, 54, 90 }, 0, 4); if (fs2.Length != 4) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; default: iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Invalid mode."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ Log.Comment("File already exists"); //------------------------------------------------------------------ sw2 = new StreamWriter(fileName); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Close(); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length of file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != str2.Length) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length on file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length on file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Append: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[] { 54, 65, 54, 90 }, 0, 4); if (fs2.Length != 16) { // already 12 characters are written to the file. iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; default: iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Invalid mode."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } return(iCountErrors == 0 ? MFTestResults.Pass : MFTestResults.Fail); }
internal static Stream DoGetOutputStream(INode node, string contentName, string encoding, FileMode mode, FileShare sharing) { if (contentName != null) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } if (mode == FileMode.Append) { throw new NotSupportedException("FileMode: " + mode.ToString()); } return WebRequest.Create(node.Address.Uri).GetRequestStream(); }
public NtStatus CreateFile(string fileName, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes, DokanFileInfo info) { Debug.WriteLine(@"{0} : {1} {2}", fileName, mode.ToString(), access.ToString()); fileName = ToUnixStylePath(fileName); if (fileName.EndsWith("desktop.ini", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || fileName.EndsWith("autorun.inf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return DokanResult.FileNotFound; } // todo : add to memory cache bool exists = sftpClient.Exists(fileName); SftpFileAttributes attr = sftpClient.GetAttributes(fileName); bool readWriteAttributes = (access & DataAccess) == 0; bool readAccess = (access & DataWriteAccess) == 0; System.IO.FileAccess acs = readAccess ? System.IO.FileAccess.Read : System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite; switch(mode) { case FileMode.Open: if (!exists) return DokanResult.FileNotFound; if (((uint)access & 0xe0000027) == 0 || attr.IsDirectory) { info.IsDirectory = attr.IsDirectory; info.Context = new object(); return DokanResult.Success; } break; case FileMode.CreateNew: if (exists) return DokanResult.AlreadyExists; // cache invalidate break; case FileMode.Truncate: if (!exists) return DokanResult.FileNotFound; // cache invalidate break; default: // cache invalidate break; } try { info.Context = sftpClient.Open(fileName, mode, acs) as SftpFileStream; } catch(Renci.SshNet.Common.SshException) { return DokanResult.AccessDenied; } return DokanResult.Success; }
private MFTestResults TestMethod(FileMode fm) { Log.Comment("Starting tests in FileMode: " + fm.ToString()); FileInfo fil2; StreamWriter sw2; Stream fs2 = null; String str2; int iCountErrors = 0; if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); Log.Comment("File does not exist"); //------------------------------------------------------------------ fil2 = new FileInfo(fileName); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: Log.Comment("With a null string"); try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Log.Comment("Expected exception thrown :: " + ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString()); } Log.Comment("with an empty string"); try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Log.Comment("Expected exception thrown :: " + ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString()); } fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[] { 54, 65, 54, 90 }, 0, 4); if (fs2.Length != 4) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; default: iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Invalid mode."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); //------------------------------------------------------------------ Log.Comment("File already exists"); //------------------------------------------------------------------ sw2 = new StreamWriter(fileName); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Close(); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length of file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != str2.Length) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length on file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length on file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Append: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[] { 54, 65, 54, 90 }, 0, 4); if (fs2.Length != 16) { // already 12 characters are written to the file. iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; default: iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Invalid mode."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); return iCountErrors == 0 ? MFTestResults.Pass : MFTestResults.Fail; }
public void TestMethod(FileMode fm) { String fileName = s_strTFAbbrev+"TestFile"; FileInfo fil2; StreamWriter sw2; Stream fs2 = null; String str2; if(File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); strLoc = "Loc_0001"; fil2 = new FileInfo(fileName); switch(fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: iCountTestcases++; try{ fs2 = File.Open( null , fm); if(!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_0002! File not created, FileMode=="+ fm.ToString()); } } catch(ArgumentNullException ex ){ printinfo("Expected exception thrown :: " + ex.Message ); } catch ( Exception ex ){ iCountErrors++ ; printerr("Error_0003! Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString() ); } iCountTestcases++; try{ fs2 = File.Open( "", fm); if(!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_0004! File not created, FileMode=="+ fm.ToString()); } } catch(ArgumentException ex ){ printinfo("Expected exception thrown :: " + ex.Message ); } catch ( Exception ex ){ iCountErrors++ ; printerr("Error_0005! Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString() ); } fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); iCountTestcases++; if(!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_0006! File not created, FileMode=="+ fm.ToString()); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_0007! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fexc) { printinfo( "Info_0008! Caught expected exception, fexc=="+fexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_0009! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName , fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[]{54,65,54,90}, 0 , 4 ); if ( fs2.Length != 4) { iCountErrors++ ; Console.WriteLine( "Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length ); } fs2.Close(); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_0012! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } break; default: iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_27tbv! This should not be...."); break; } if(File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); strLoc = "Loc_4yg7b"; sw2 = new StreamWriter(fileName); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Close(); switch(fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName , fm); iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_27b98! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_2399c! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_g8782! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: fs2 = File.Open(fileName , fm); if(fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_287vb! Incorrect length of file=="+fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName , fm); if(fs2.Length != str2.Length ) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_2gy78! Incorrect length on file=="+fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: fs2 = File.Open(fileName , fm); if(fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_29gv9! Incorrect length on file=="+fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Append: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName , fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[]{54,65,54,90}, 0 , 4 ); if ( fs2.Length != 16) { iCountErrors++ ; Console.WriteLine( "Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length ); } fs2.Close(); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_27878! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } break; default: iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_587yb! This should not be..."); break; } if(File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); }
internal SftpFileStream(ISftpSession session, string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, int bufferSize) { if (session == null) { throw new SshConnectionException("Client not connected."); } if (path == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); } if (bufferSize <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize"); } Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); Name = path; // Initialize the object state. _session = session; _canRead = (access & FileAccess.Read) != 0; _canSeek = true; _canWrite = (access & FileAccess.Write) != 0; var flags = Flags.None; switch (access) { case FileAccess.Read: flags |= Flags.Read; break; case FileAccess.Write: flags |= Flags.Write; break; case FileAccess.ReadWrite: flags |= Flags.Read; flags |= Flags.Write; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("access"); } if ((access & FileAccess.Read) != 0 && mode == FileMode.Append) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("{0} mode can be requested only when combined with write-only access.", mode.ToString("G"))); } if ((access & FileAccess.Write) == 0) { if (mode == FileMode.Create || mode == FileMode.CreateNew || mode == FileMode.Truncate || mode == FileMode.Append) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Combining {0}: {1} with {2}: {3} is invalid.", typeof(FileMode).Name, mode, typeof(FileAccess).Name, access)); } } switch (mode) { case FileMode.Append: flags |= Flags.Append | Flags.CreateNewOrOpen; break; case FileMode.Create: _handle = _session.RequestOpen(path, flags | Flags.Truncate, true); if (_handle == null) { flags |= Flags.CreateNew; } else { flags |= Flags.Truncate; } break; case FileMode.CreateNew: flags |= Flags.CreateNew; break; case FileMode.Open: break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: flags |= Flags.CreateNewOrOpen; break; case FileMode.Truncate: flags |= Flags.Truncate; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("mode"); } if (_handle == null) { _handle = _session.RequestOpen(path, flags); } // instead of using the specified buffer size as is, we use it to calculate a buffer size // that ensures we always receive or send the max. number of bytes in a single SSH_FXP_READ // or SSH_FXP_WRITE message _readBufferSize = (int)session.CalculateOptimalReadLength((uint)bufferSize); _writeBufferSize = (int)session.CalculateOptimalWriteLength((uint)bufferSize, _handle); if (mode == FileMode.Append) { var attributes = _session.RequestFStat(_handle, false); _position = attributes.Size; } }
private MFTestResults TestMethod(FileMode fm, FileAccess fa) { Log.Comment("Starting tests in FileMode: " + fm.ToString() + " with FileAccess: " + fa.ToString()); int iCountErrors = 0; String fileName = "TestFile"; StreamWriter sw2; FileStream fs2; String str2; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } Log.Comment("File does not exist"); //------------------------------------------------------------------ switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: try { Log.Comment("null path"); fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } try { Log.Comment("string empty path"); fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } try { Log.Comment("string:" + fileName); fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if ((fm == FileMode.Create && fa == FileAccess.Read) || (fm == FileMode.CreateNew && fa == FileAccess.Read)) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: try { Log.Comment("null path"); fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } try { Log.Comment("string empty path"); fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception thrown, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: if (fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created"); } fs2.Close(); } else { try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } break; default: iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Invalid FileMode."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ Log.Comment("File already exists"); //------------------------------------------------------------------ sw2 = new StreamWriter(fileName); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Close(); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (IOException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (IOException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (IOException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length of file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != str2.Length) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length on file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); } catch (ArgumentException iexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, iexc==" + iexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } else { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length on file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } break; case FileMode.Append: if (fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created"); } fs2.Close(); } else { try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } break; default: iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Invalid file mode"); break; } return(iCountErrors == 0 ? MFTestResults.Pass : MFTestResults.Fail); }
public void TestMethod(FileMode fm, FileAccess fa) { String fileName = s_strTFAbbrev+"TestFile"; StreamWriter sw2; FileStream fs2; String str2; if(File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); strLoc = "Loc_234yg"; switch(fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: try { fs2 = File.Open( null, fm, fa); iCountTestcases++; if(!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_0001! File not created, FileMode=="+fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_0002! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_0004! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc); } try { fs2 = File.Open( "", fm, fa); iCountTestcases++; if(!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_0005! File not created, FileMode=="+fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_0006! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_0008! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc); } try { fs2 = File.Open( fileName, fm, fa); iCountTestcases++; if(!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_48gb7! File not created, FileMode=="+fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if((fm == FileMode.Create && fa == FileAccess.Read) || (fm == FileMode.CreateNew && fa == FileAccess.Read)) { printinfo( "Info_4987v! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_478v8! Unexpected exception, aexc=="+aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_4879v! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc); } break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_1001! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { printinfo( "Info_1002! Caught expected exception, fexc=="+fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_1003! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_1005! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_1006! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { printinfo( "Info_1007! Caught expected exception, fexc=="+fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_1008! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_1010! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm,fa); iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_2yg8b! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { printinfo( "Info_49y7b! Caught expected exception, fexc=="+fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if(fa == FileAccess.Read) printinfo( "Info_4398v! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); else { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_v48y8! Unexpected exception thrown, aexc=="+aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_2y7gf! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: if(fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm,fa); iCountTestcases++; if(!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_2498y! File not created"); } fs2.Close(); } else { iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm,fa); iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_2g78b! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_2g7y7! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_g77b7! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } } break; default: iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_27tbv! This should not be...."); break; } if(File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); strLoc = "Loc_4yg7b"; sw2 = new StreamWriter(fileName); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Close(); switch(fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm,fa); iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_2001! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_2002! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (IOException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_2004! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_2005! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm,fa); iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_2006! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_2007! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (IOException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_2009! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_2010! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_27b98! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if(fa == FileAccess.Read) { printinfo( "Info_348vy! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_4387v! Unexpected exception, aexc=="+aexc); } } catch (IOException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_2399c! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_g8782! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm,fa); if(fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_287vb! Incorrect length of file=="+fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if(fa == FileAccess.Read) { printinfo( "Info_4398v! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_48vy7! Unexpected exception, aexc=="+aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_47yv3! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm,fa); if(fs2.Length != str2.Length ) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_2gy78! Incorrect length on file=="+fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: if(fa == FileAccess.Read) { iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName,fm,fa); iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_g95y8! Expected exception not thrown"); } catch (ArgumentException iexc) { printinfo( "Info_2988f! Caught expected exception, iexc=="+iexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_98y4v! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } } else { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm,fa); if(fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_29gv9! Incorrect length on file=="+fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } break; case FileMode.Append: if(fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm,fa); iCountTestcases++; if(!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_4089v! File not created"); } fs2.Close(); } else { iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName,fm,fa); iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_287yb! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo( "Info_93282! Caught expected exception, aexc=="+aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_27878! Incorrect exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } } break; default: iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_587yb! This should not be..."); break; } if(File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); }
public int CreateFile(String filename, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, DokanFileInfo info) { String userName = GetProcessOwner((int)info.ProcessId); string path = GetPath(filename); info.Context = count_++; logger.WriteLine("CreateFile: " + path + " //// " + mode.ToString(), Logger.MessagePriority.Debug); if (!(Directory.Exists(path)) && (mode == FileMode.Create || mode == FileMode.CreateNew || mode == FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { if (File.Exists(path)) { return 0; } RamFile fs = null; logger.WriteLine("Creating " + path, Logger.MessagePriority.Debug); if (!userFSList.ContainsKey(userName)) { //fs = new OpenedRamFile(root_ + filename); UserFS ufs = new UserFS(); ufs.userName = userName; ufs.files = new System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList<RamFile>(); //ufs.files.AddLast(fs); lock (userFSLock) { userFSList.Add(userName, ufs); } AddUserFSRamFile(userName, filename); } else { fs = GetUserFSFile(userName, filename); if (fs == null) { lock (userFSLock) { fs = GetUserFSFile(userName, filename); if (fs == null) { fs = AddUserFSRamFile(userName, filename); } } } } return 0; } else if (File.Exists(path)) { return 0; } else if (Directory.Exists(path)) { info.IsDirectory = true; return 0; } else { UserFS ufs; if (userFSList.TryGetValue(userName, out ufs)) { foreach (RamFile f in ufs.files) { if (f.Name.ToLower().Equals(path.ToLower())) { return 0; } } } return -DokanNet.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } }
public static void TestMethod(FileMode fm, FileAccess fa) { String fileName = Path.Combine(TestInfo.CurrentDirectory, Path.GetRandomFileName()); StreamWriter sw2; FileStream fs2; String str2; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } // File does not exist //------------------------------------------------------------------ s_strLoc = "Loc_234yg"; switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0001! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0004! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0005! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0008! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_48gb7! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (!((fm == FileMode.Create && fa == FileAccess.Read) || (fm == FileMode.CreateNew && fa == FileAccess.Read))) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_478v8! Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_4879v! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1001! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (IOException) { } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1005! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1006! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (IOException) { } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1010! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2yg8b! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (IOException) { } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa != FileAccess.Read) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_v48y8! Unexpected exception thrown, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2y7gf! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: if (fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2498y! File not created"); } fs2.Dispose(); } else { s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2g78b! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g77b7! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } break; default: s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27tbv! This should not be...."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // File already exists //------------------------------------------------------------------ s_strLoc = "Loc_4yg7b"; FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create); sw2 = new StreamWriter(stream); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Dispose(); stream.Dispose(); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2001! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (IOException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2005! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2006! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (IOException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2010! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27b98! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa != FileAccess.Read) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_4387v! Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (IOException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g8782! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != 0) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_287vb! Incorrect length of file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa != FileAccess.Read) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_48vy7! Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_47yv3! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != str2.Length) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2gy78! Incorrect length on file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g95y8! Expected exception not thrown"); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_98y4v! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } else { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != 0) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_29gv9! Incorrect length on file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); } break; case FileMode.Append: if (fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_4089v! File not created"); } fs2.Dispose(); } else { s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_287yb! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27878! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } break; default: s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_587yb! This should not be..."); break; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } }
public static void TestMethod(FileMode fm) { String fileName = Path.Combine(TestInfo.CurrentDirectory, Path.GetRandomFileName()); FileInfo fil2; StreamWriter sw2; Stream fs2 = null; String str2; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } // [] File does not exist //------------------------------------------------------------------ s_strLoc = "Loc_0001"; fil2 = new FileInfo(fileName); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: //With a null string s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0002! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { } catch (Exception ex) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0003! Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString()); } //with anempty string s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0004! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception ex) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0005! Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString()); } fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0006! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } fs2.Dispose(); break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0007! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0009! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[] { 54, 65, 54, 90 }, 0, 4); if (fs2.Length != 4) { s_iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0012! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; default: s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27tbv! This should not be...."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // [] File already exists //------------------------------------------------------------------ s_strLoc = "Loc_4yg7b"; FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create); sw2 = new StreamWriter(stream); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Dispose(); stream.Dispose(); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27b98! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (IOException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g8782! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != 0) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_287vb! Incorrect length of file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != str2.Length) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2gy78! Incorrect length on file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != 0) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_29gv9! Incorrect length on file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); break; case FileMode.Append: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[] { 54, 65, 54, 90 }, 0, 4); if (fs2.Length != 16) { // already 12 characters are written to the file. s_iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27878! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; default: s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_587yb! This should not be..."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } }
private MFTestResults TestMethod(FileMode fm, FileAccess fa) { Log.Comment("Starting tests in FileMode: " + fm.ToString() + " with FileAccess: " + fa.ToString()); int iCountErrors = 0; String fileName = "TestFile"; StreamWriter sw2; FileStream fs2; String str2; if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); Log.Comment("File does not exist"); //------------------------------------------------------------------ switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: try { Log.Comment("null path"); fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } try { Log.Comment("string empty path"); fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } try { Log.Comment("string:" + fileName); fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if ((fm == FileMode.Create && fa == FileAccess.Read) || (fm == FileMode.CreateNew && fa == FileAccess.Read)) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: try { Log.Comment("null path"); fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } try { Log.Comment("string empty path"); fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa == FileAccess.Read) Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); else { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception thrown, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: if (fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created"); } fs2.Close(); } else { try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } break; default: iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Invalid FileMode."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); //------------------------------------------------------------------ Log.Comment("File already exists"); //------------------------------------------------------------------ sw2 = new StreamWriter(fileName); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Close(); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (IOException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (IOException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (IOException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length of file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != str2.Length) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length on file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); } catch (ArgumentException iexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, iexc==" + iexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } else { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect length on file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } break; case FileMode.Append: if (fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("File not created"); } fs2.Close(); } else { try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { Log.Comment("Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } break; default: iCountErrors++; Log.Exception("Invalid file mode"); break; } return iCountErrors == 0 ? MFTestResults.Pass : MFTestResults.Fail; }
public static void TestMethod(FileMode fm, FileAccess fa) { String fileName = Path.Combine(TestInfo.CurrentDirectory, Path.GetRandomFileName()); StreamWriter sw2; FileStream fs2; String str2; if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); // File does not exist //------------------------------------------------------------------ s_strLoc = "Loc_234yg"; switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0001! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0004! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0005! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0008! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_48gb7! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (!((fm == FileMode.Create && fa == FileAccess.Read) || (fm == FileMode.CreateNew && fa == FileAccess.Read))) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_478v8! Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_4879v! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1001! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (IOException) { } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1005! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1006! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (IOException) { } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1010! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2yg8b! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (IOException) { } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa != FileAccess.Read) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_v48y8! Unexpected exception thrown, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2y7gf! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: if (fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2498y! File not created"); } fs2.Dispose(); } else { s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2g78b! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g77b7! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } break; default: s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27tbv! This should not be...."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // File already exists //------------------------------------------------------------------ s_strLoc = "Loc_4yg7b"; FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create); sw2 = new StreamWriter(stream); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Dispose(); stream.Dispose(); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2001! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (IOException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2005! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2006! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (IOException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2010! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27b98! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa != FileAccess.Read) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_4387v! Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (IOException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g8782! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != 0) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_287vb! Incorrect length of file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa != FileAccess.Read) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_48vy7! Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_47yv3! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != str2.Length) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2gy78! Incorrect length on file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g95y8! Expected exception not thrown"); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_98y4v! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } else { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != 0) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_29gv9! Incorrect length on file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); } break; case FileMode.Append: if (fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_4089v! File not created"); } fs2.Dispose(); } else { s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_287yb! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27878! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } break; default: s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_587yb! This should not be..."); break; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); }
public void TestMethod(FileMode fm, FileAccess fa) { String fileName = s_strTFAbbrev + "TestFile"; StreamWriter sw2; FileStream fs2; String str2; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } strLoc = "Loc_234yg"; switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0001! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo("Info_0002! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0004! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0005! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo("Info_0006! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0008! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_48gb7! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString("G")); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if ((fm == FileMode.Create && fa == FileAccess.Read) || (fm == FileMode.CreateNew && fa == FileAccess.Read)) { printinfo("Info_4987v! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_478v8! Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_4879v! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc); } break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1001! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { printinfo("Info_1002! Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo("Info_1003! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1005! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1006! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { printinfo("Info_1007! Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo("Info_1008! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_1010! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2yg8b! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException fexc) { printinfo("Info_49y7b! Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { printinfo("Info_4398v! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_v48y8! Unexpected exception thrown, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2y7gf! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: if (fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2498y! File not created"); } fs2.Close(); } else { iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2g78b! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo("Info_2g7y7! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g77b7! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } break; default: iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27tbv! This should not be...."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } strLoc = "Loc_4yg7b"; sw2 = new StreamWriter(fileName); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Close(); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2001! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo("Info_2002! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (IOException aexc) { printinfo("Info_2004! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2005! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2006! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo("Info_2007! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (IOException aexc) { printinfo("Info_2009! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2010! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27b98! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { printinfo("Info_348vy! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_4387v! Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (IOException aexc) { printinfo("Info_2399c! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g8782! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_287vb! Incorrect length of file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { printinfo("Info_4398v! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } else { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_48vy7! Unexpected exception, aexc==" + aexc); } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_47yv3! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != str2.Length) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2gy78! Incorrect length on file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: if (fa == FileAccess.Read) { iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g95y8! Expected exception not thrown"); } catch (ArgumentException iexc) { printinfo("Info_2988f! Caught expected exception, iexc==" + iexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_98y4v! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } else { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_29gv9! Incorrect length on file==" + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } break; case FileMode.Append: if (fa == FileAccess.Write) { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_4089v! File not created"); } fs2.Close(); } else { iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm, fa); iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_287yb! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (ArgumentException aexc) { printinfo("Info_93282! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27878! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } } break; default: iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_587yb! This should not be..."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } }
public void TestMethod(FileMode fm) { String fileName = s_strTFAbbrev + "TestFile"; FileInfo fil2; StreamWriter sw2; Stream fs2 = null; String str2; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } strLoc = "Loc_0001"; fil2 = new FileInfo(fileName); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: iCountTestcases++; try{ fs2 = File.Open(null, fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0002! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { printinfo("Expected exception thrown :: " + ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0003! Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; try{ fs2 = File.Open("", fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0004! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } } catch (ArgumentException ex) { printinfo("Expected exception thrown :: " + ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0005! Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString()); } fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0006! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0007! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fexc) { printinfo("Info_0008! Caught expected exception, fexc==" + fexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0009! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[] { 54, 65, 54, 90 }, 0, 4); if (fs2.Length != 4) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0012! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; default: iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27tbv! This should not be...."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } strLoc = "Loc_4yg7b"; sw2 = new StreamWriter(fileName); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Close(); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27b98! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Close(); } catch (IOException aexc) { printinfo("Info_2399c! Caught expected exception, aexc==" + aexc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g8782! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_287vb! Incorrect length of file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != str2.Length) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2gy78! Incorrect length on file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != 0) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_29gv9! Incorrect length on file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Close(); break; case FileMode.Append: iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[] { 54, 65, 54, 90 }, 0, 4); if (fs2.Length != 16) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length); } fs2.Close(); } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27878! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; default: iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_587yb! This should not be..."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } }
public void DoSetup() { string vmdir = MainDir; string datadir = MainDir; string modeldir = MainDir; string vmns = MainNs + ".ViewModels"; string datans = MainNs; string modelns = MainNs; if (ProjectType == ProjectTypeEnum.Single) { Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Models"); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Models{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ReadMe.txt", "Put your models here"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ViewModels{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}HomeVMs"); vmdir = MainDir + $"{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ViewModels"; } else { Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}.ViewModel{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}HomeVMs"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}.Model"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}.DataAccess"); vmdir = MainDir + ".ViewModel"; datadir = MainDir + ".DataAccess"; modeldir = MainDir + ".Model"; vmns = MainNs + ".ViewModel"; datans = MainNs + ".DataAccess"; modelns = MainNs + ".Model"; File.WriteAllText($"{modeldir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{modelns}.csproj", GetResource("Proj.txt"), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{vmdir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{vmns}.csproj", GetResource("Proj.txt"), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{datadir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{datans}.csproj", GetResource("Proj.txt"), Encoding.UTF8); } Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Areas"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Controllers"); if (UI == UIEnum.LayUI) { Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Home"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Login"); Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Shared"); } Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}wwwroot"); var proj = File.ReadAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{MainNs}.csproj"); if (UI == UIEnum.LayUI) { proj = proj.Replace("</Project>", $@" <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include=""WalkingTec.Mvvm.TagHelpers.LayUI"" Version=""{version}"" /> <PackageReference Include=""WalkingTec.Mvvm.Mvc.Admin"" Version=""{version}"" /> </ItemGroup> </Project> "); proj = proj.Replace("</PropertyGroup>", $@" <CopyRefAssembliesToPublishDirectory>true</CopyRefAssembliesToPublishDirectory> </PropertyGroup> "); } if (UI == UIEnum.React) { proj = proj.Replace("</Project>", $@" <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include=""WalkingTec.Mvvm.TagHelpers.LayUI"" Version=""{version}"" /> <PackageReference Include=""WalkingTec.Mvvm.Mvc.Admin"" Version=""{version}"" /> <PackageReference Include=""Swashbuckle.AspNetCore"" Version=""4.0.1"" /> </ItemGroup> <ItemGroup> <Content Remove=""$(SpaRoot)**"" /> <None Include=""$(SpaRoot)**"" Exclude=""$(SpaRoot)node_modules\**;$(SpaRoot).awcache\**;$(SpaRoot).cache-loader\**"" /> </ItemGroup> <Target Name=""DebugEnsureNodeEnv"" BeforeTargets=""Build"" Condition="" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' And !Exists('$(SpaRoot)node_modules') ""> <Exec Command=""node --version"" ContinueOnError=""true""> <Output TaskParameter=""ExitCode"" PropertyName=""ErrorCode"" /> </Exec> <Error Condition=""'$(ErrorCode)' != '0'"" Text=""Node.js is required to build and run this project. To continue, please install Node.js from, and then restart your command prompt or IDE."" /> <Message Importance=""high"" Text=""Restoring dependencies using 'npm'. This may take several minutes..."" /> <Exec WorkingDirectory=""$(SpaRoot)"" Command=""npm install"" /> </Target> <Target Name=""PublishRunWebpack"" AfterTargets=""ComputeFilesToPublish""> <Exec WorkingDirectory=""$(SpaRoot)"" Command=""npm install"" /> <Exec WorkingDirectory=""$(SpaRoot)"" Command=""npm run build"" /> <ItemGroup> <DistFiles Include=""$(SpaRoot)build\**"" /> <ResolvedFileToPublish Include=""@(DistFiles->'%(FullPath)')"" Exclude=""@(ResolvedFileToPublish)""> <RelativePath>%(DistFiles.Identity)</RelativePath> <CopyToPublishDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToPublishDirectory> </ResolvedFileToPublish> </ItemGroup> </Target> </Project> "); proj = proj.Replace("</PropertyGroup>", $@" <TypeScriptCompileBlocked>true</TypeScriptCompileBlocked> <TypeScriptToolsVersion>3.2</TypeScriptToolsVersion> <IsPackable>false</IsPackable> <SpaRoot>ClientApp\</SpaRoot> <DefaultItemExcludes>$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(SpaRoot)node_modules\**</DefaultItemExcludes> <CopyRefAssembliesToPublishDirectory>true</CopyRefAssembliesToPublishDirectory> </PropertyGroup> "); } if (ProjectType == ProjectTypeEnum.Multi) { proj = proj.Replace("</Project>", $@" <ItemGroup> <ProjectReference Include=""..\{modelns}\{modelns}.csproj"" /> <ProjectReference Include=""..\{datans}\{datans}.csproj"" /> <ProjectReference Include=""..\{vmns}\{vmns}.csproj"" /> </ItemGroup > </Project> "); } File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{MainNs}.csproj", proj, Encoding.UTF8); if (ProjectType == ProjectTypeEnum.Multi) { //修改modelproject var modelproj = File.ReadAllText($"{modeldir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{modelns}.csproj"); if (modelproj.IndexOf("WalkingTec.Mvvm.Core") < 0) { modelproj = modelproj.Replace("</Project>", $@" <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include=""WalkingTec.Mvvm.Core"" Version=""{version}"" /> </ItemGroup > </Project> "); File.WriteAllText($"{modeldir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{modelns}.csproj", modelproj, Encoding.UTF8); } //修改dataproject var dataproj = File.ReadAllText($"{datadir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{datans}.csproj"); if (dataproj.IndexOf($"{modelns}.csproj") < 0) { dataproj = dataproj.Replace("</Project>", $@" <ItemGroup> <ProjectReference Include=""..\{modelns}\{modelns}.csproj"" /> </ItemGroup > </Project> "); File.WriteAllText($"{datadir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{datans}.csproj", dataproj, Encoding.UTF8); } //修改viewmodelproject var vmproj = File.ReadAllText($"{vmdir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{vmns}.csproj"); if (vmproj.IndexOf($"{modelns}.csproj") < 0) { vmproj = vmproj.Replace("</Project>", $@" <ItemGroup> <ProjectReference Include=""..\{modelns}\{modelns}.csproj"" /> </ItemGroup > </Project> "); File.WriteAllText($"{vmdir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{vmns}.csproj", vmproj, Encoding.UTF8); } var solution = File.ReadAllText($"{Directory.GetParent(MainDir)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{MainNs}.sln"); if (solution.IndexOf($"{modelns}.csproj") < 0) { Guid g1 = Guid.NewGuid(); Guid g2 = Guid.NewGuid(); Guid g3 = Guid.NewGuid(); solution = solution.Replace("EndProject", $@"EndProject Project(""{{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}}"") = ""{modelns}"", ""{modelns}\{modelns}.csproj"", ""{{{g1}}}"" EndProject Project(""{{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}}"") = ""{datans}"", ""{datans}\{datans}.csproj"", ""{{{g2}}}"" EndProject Project(""{{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}}"") = ""{vmns}"", ""{vmns}\{vmns}.csproj"", ""{{{g3}}}"" EndProject "); solution = solution.Replace(".Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU", $@".Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {{{g1}}}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU {{{g1}}}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU {{{g1}}}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {{{g1}}}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {{{g2}}}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU {{{g2}}}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU {{{g2}}}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {{{g2}}}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {{{g3}}}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU {{{g3}}}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU {{{g3}}}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {{{g3}}}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU" ); File.WriteAllText($"{Directory.GetParent(MainDir)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{MainNs}.sln", solution, Encoding.UTF8); } } File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}appsettings.json", GetResource("Appsettings.txt") .Replace("$cs$", CS ?? "") .Replace("$dbtype$", DbType.ToString()) .Replace("$pagemode$", PageMode.ToString()) .Replace("$cookiepre$", CookiePre ?? "") .Replace("$enablelog$", EnableLog.ToString().ToLower()) .Replace("$logexception$", LogExceptionOnly.ToString().ToLower()) .Replace("$rpp$", Rpp == null ? "" : Rpp.ToString()) .Replace("$filemode$", FileMode.ToString()) .Replace("$uploaddir$", UploadDir ?? ""), Encoding.UTF8 ); File.WriteAllText($"{datadir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}DataContext.cs", GetResource("DataContext.txt").Replace("$ns$", datans), Encoding.UTF8); if (UI == UIEnum.LayUI) { File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Controllers{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}HomeController.cs", GetResource("HomeController.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Controllers{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}LoginController.cs", GetResource("LoginController.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}_ViewStart.cshtml", GetResource("ViewStart.txt", "Mvc"), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Home{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Index.cshtml", GetResource("home.Index.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Login{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ChangePassword.cshtml", GetResource("home.ChangePassword.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Home{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Header.cshtml", GetResource("home.Header.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Login{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Login.cshtml", GetResource("home.Login.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Home{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Menu.cshtml", GetResource("home.Menu.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Home{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}PIndex.cshtml", GetResource("home.PIndex.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Home{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}FrontPage.cshtml", GetResource("home.FrontPage.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{vmdir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}HomeVMs{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ChangePasswordVM.cs", GetResource("vms.ChangePasswordVM.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{vmdir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}HomeVMs{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}IndexVM.cs", GetResource("vms.IndexVM.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{vmdir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}HomeVMs{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}LoginVM.cs", GetResource("vms.LoginVM.txt").Replace("$ns$", MainNs).Replace("$vmns$", vmns), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Shared{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}_Layout.cshtml", GetResource("layui.Layout.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Shared{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}_PLayout.cshtml", GetResource("layui.PLayout.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Program.cs", GetResource("layui.Program.txt", "Mvc").Replace("$ns$", MainNs), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Views{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}_ViewImports.cshtml", GetResource("layui.ViewImports.txt", "Mvc"), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Areas{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}_ViewImports.cshtml", GetResource("layui.ViewImports.txt", "Mvc"), Encoding.UTF8); UnZip("", $"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}wwwroot"); } if (UI == UIEnum.React) { Directory.CreateDirectory($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ClientApp"); UnZip("", $"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}wwwroot"); UnZip("", $"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ClientApp"); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Program.cs", GetResource("Program.txt", "Spa").Replace("$ns$", MainNs), Encoding.UTF8); var config = File.ReadAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ClientApp{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}src{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}global.config.tsx"); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ClientApp{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}src{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}global.config.tsx", config.Replace("title: \"WalkingTec MVVM\",", $"title: \"{MainNs}\","), Encoding.UTF8); File.WriteAllText($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ClientApp{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}src{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}setupProxy.js", $@" const proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware'); module.exports = (app) => {{ app.use(proxy('/api', {{ target: 'http://localhost:{Port}/', changeOrigin: true, logLevel: ""debug"" }})); }}; ", Encoding.UTF8); } if (File.Exists($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Startup.cs")) { File.Delete($"{MainDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Startup.cs"); } }
public static void TestMethod(FileMode fm) { String fileName = Path.Combine(TestInfo.CurrentDirectory, Path.GetRandomFileName()); FileInfo fil2; StreamWriter sw2; Stream fs2 = null; String str2; if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); // [] File does not exist //------------------------------------------------------------------ s_strLoc = "Loc_0001"; fil2 = new FileInfo(fileName); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: //With a null string s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(null, fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0002! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { } catch (Exception ex) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0003! Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString()); } //with anempty string s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open("", fm); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0004! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (Exception ex) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0005! Unexpected exception thrown :: " + ex.ToString()); } fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); s_iCountTestcases++; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0006! File not created, FileMode==" + fm.ToString()); } fs2.Dispose(); break; case FileMode.Open: case FileMode.Truncate: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0007! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0009! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Append: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[] { 54, 65, 54, 90 }, 0, 4); if (fs2.Length != 4) { s_iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_0012! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; default: s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27tbv! This should not be...."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // [] File already exists //------------------------------------------------------------------ s_strLoc = "Loc_4yg7b"; FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create); sw2 = new StreamWriter(stream); str2 = "Du er en ape"; sw2.Write(str2); sw2.Dispose(); stream.Dispose(); switch (fm) { case FileMode.CreateNew: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27b98! Expected exception not thrown"); fs2.Dispose(); } catch (IOException) { } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_g8782! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; case FileMode.Create: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != 0) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_287vb! Incorrect length of file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); break; case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.Open: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != str2.Length) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_2gy78! Incorrect length on file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); break; case FileMode.Truncate: fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); if (fs2.Length != 0) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_29gv9! Incorrect length on file==" + fil2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); break; case FileMode.Append: s_iCountTestcases++; try { fs2 = File.Open(fileName, fm); fs2.Write(new Byte[] { 54, 65, 54, 90 }, 0, 4); if (fs2.Length != 16) { // already 12 characters are written to the file. s_iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Unexpected file length .... " + fs2.Length); } fs2.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exc) { s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_27878! Incorrect exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } break; default: s_iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_587yb! This should not be..."); break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); }