private void SetDynamicFolderAndPermissions(string userName)
            var rootFolder = new FileManagerRootFolder
                Name     = string.Format("Folder of {0}", userName),
                Location = string.Format("~/App_Data/RootFolder3/{0}", userName)

            var accessControl = new FileManagerAccessControl {
                Path = @"\"

            switch (userName)
            case "User1":
                accessControl.AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.Full;

            case "User2":
                accessControl.AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.ReadOnly | FileManagerPermissions.Upload;

        public ActionResult Overview()
            var fileManager = new FileManager
                Width = 800, //Default unit is pixels. Percentage can be specified as Unit.Percentage(100)
                Height = 600,
                Resizable = true

            //Create a root folder via assignment statements and add it to the control.
            var rootFolder = new FileManagerRootFolder();
            rootFolder.Name = "1. Root Folder";

              For connecting as a specific user to a protected folder (UNC or local) use this format:

                Location="Path=\\server\share; User Name=USERNAME; Password=PASSWORD"
                Please see description of Location property on the right pane for more information.

              Information on FileManagerRootFolder.Location property as of v4.7:

                This property is now of type Location class instead of string. You can still assign
                a string to this property as it's automatically casted so this is not a breaking change. The advantage of this special
                Location class is that you can now set it directly to an instance of PhysicalLocation or AmazonS3Location (more will
                be available in the future) classes. For instance this line:

                rootFolder.Location = "Type=AmazonS3; Bucket Name=mybucket";

                is same as this line:

                rootFolder.Location = new AmazonS3Location { BucketName = "mybucket" };

                This means you don't need to bother with formatting location strings correctly (eg. guessing property names)
                Except in aspx markup, you will still need to use strings which look like connection strings if you need to set
                advanced properties. Also note that this line:

                rootFolder.Location = "c:\some\folder";

                is same as this line:

                rootFolder.Location = "Type=Physical; Path=c:\some\folder";

                and also same as this line:

                rootFolder.Location = new PhysicalLocation { Path = "c:\some\folder" };

                So as in previous versions, setting location to a path string directly means it's a physical location by default.
            rootFolder.Location = "~/App_Data/RootFolder1";

            var accessControl = new FileManagerAccessControl();
            accessControl.Path = @"\";
            accessControl.AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.Full;

            //Create another root folder. This time use object initializers (See CreateRootFolder2 method body).

            //Create the final root folder and add it to the control

            if (Request["languageSelector"] != null)
                fileManager.DisplayLanguage = Request["languageSelector"];


            return View(fileManager);
Пример #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            fileManager.Width           = Unit.Percentage(100); // or new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage)
            fileManager.Height          = 600;                  //Default unit is pixels.
            fileManager.DisplayLanguage = "en";

            //Create a root folder and add it to the control
            var rootFolder1 = new FileManagerRootFolder();

            rootFolder1.Name = "Root Folder 1";

             * For connecting as a specific user to a protected folder (UNC or local) use this format:
             *  Location="Path=\\server\share; User Name=USERNAME; Password=PASSWORD"
             *  Please see description of Location property on the right pane for more information.
             * Information on FileManagerRootFolder.Location property as of v4.7:
             *  This property is now of type Location class instead of string. You can still assign
             *  a string to this property as it's automatically casted so this is not a breaking change. The advantage of this special
             *  Location class is that you can now set it directly to an instance of PhysicalLocation or AmazonS3Location (more will
             *  be available in the future) classes. For instance this line:
             *  rootFolder.Location = "Type=AmazonS3; Bucket Name=mybucket";
             *  is same as this line:
             *  rootFolder.Location = new AmazonS3Location { BucketName = "mybucket" };
             *  This means you don't need to bother with formatting location strings correctly (eg. guessing property names)
             *  Except in aspx markup, you will still need to use strings which look like connection strings if you need to set
             *  advanced properties. Also note that this line:
             *  rootFolder.Location = "c:\some\folder";
             *  is same as this line:
             *  rootFolder.Location = "Type=Physical; Path=c:\some\folder";
             *  and also same as this line:
             *  rootFolder.Location = new PhysicalLocation { Path = "c:\some\folder" };
             *  So as in previous versions, setting location to a path string directly means it's a physical location by default.
            rootFolder1.Location = "~/App_Data/RootFolder1";

            var accessControl1 = new FileManagerAccessControl();

            accessControl1.Path = @"\";
            accessControl1.AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.Full;

            //Create another root folder and add it to the control
            //This time use object initializers
            var rootFolder2 = new FileManagerRootFolder
                Name     = "Root Folder 2",
                Location = "~/App_Data/RootFolder2"

                new FileManagerAccessControl
                Path = @"\",
                AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.ListSubfolders | FileManagerPermissions.ListFiles
                                     | FileManagerPermissions.Download | FileManagerPermissions.Upload,
                AllowedFileTypes = new FileTypeSet(new [] { "*.jpg", "*.gif" }), //or FileTypeSet.Parse("*.jpg|*.gif")
                Quota            = new ByteSizeValue(2, ByteSizeUnit.MB)         //or ByteSizeValue.Parse("2 MB")
                new FileManagerAccessControl
                Path = @"\Subfolder1",
                AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.Full,
                DeniedPermissions  = FileManagerPermissions.Download,
                DeniedFileTypes    = new FileTypeSet(new [] { "*.exe" })      //or FileTypeSet.Parse("*.exe")

             * Choosing the initial folder to select and display
             * By default, the first root folder is selected, however you can select any folder in any root folder
             * InitialFolder property should be set to the full path of the folder like "[RootFolderName]:\Some\Folder".
             * Below lines are same
             *  fileManager.InitialFolder = @"[Root Folder 2]:\";
             *  fileManager.InitialFolder = rootFolder2.GetFolder(@"\").FullPath;
             *  fileManager.InitialFolder = fileManager.RootFolders[1].GetFolder(@"\").FullPath;
             * Below lines are same
             *  fileManager.InitialFolder = @"[Root Folder 2]:\Subfolder1";
             *  fileManager.InitialFolder = rootFolder2.GetFolder(@"\Subfolder1").FullPath;
             *  fileManager.InitialFolder = fileManager.RootFolders[1].GetFolder(@"\Subfolder1").FullPath;
        public IActionResult Overview()
            var fileManager = new FileManager
                Width     = 800, //Default unit is pixels. Percentage can be specified as CssLength.Percentage(100)
                Height    = 600,
                Resizable = true

            //Create a root folder via assignment statements and add it to the control.
            var rootFolder = new FileManagerRootFolder();

            rootFolder.Name = "1. Root Folder";

             * For connecting as a specific user to a protected folder (UNC or local) use this format:
             *  Location="Path=\\server\share; User Name=USERNAME; Password=PASSWORD"
             *  Please see description of Location property on the right pane for more information.
             * Information on FileManagerRootFolder.Location property as of v4.7:
             *  This property is now of type Location class instead of string. You can still assign
             *  a string to this property as it's automatically casted so this is not a breaking change. The advantage of this special
             *  Location class is that you can now set it directly to an instance of PhysicalLocation or AmazonS3Location (more will
             *  be available in the future) classes. For instance this line:
             *  rootFolder.Location = "Type=AmazonS3; Bucket Name=mybucket";
             *  is same as this line:
             *  rootFolder.Location = new AmazonS3Location { BucketName = "mybucket" };
             *  This means you don't need to bother with formatting location strings correctly (eg. guessing property names)
             *  Except in aspx markup, you will still need to use strings which look like connection strings if you need to set
             *  advanced properties. Also note that this line:
             *  rootFolder.Location = "c:\some\folder";
             *  is same as this line:
             *  rootFolder.Location = "Type=Physical; Path=c:\some\folder";
             *  and also same as this line:
             *  rootFolder.Location = new PhysicalLocation { Path = "c:\some\folder" };
             *  So as in previous versions, setting location to a path string directly means it's a physical location by default.
            rootFolder.Location = "~/App_Data/RootFolder1";

            var accessControl = new FileManagerAccessControl();

            accessControl.Path = @"\";
            accessControl.AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.Full;

            //Create another root folder. This time use object initializers (See CreateRootFolder2 method body).

            //Create the final root folder and add it to the control

            var context          = Hosting.GetHttpContext();
            var selectedLanguage = context.Request["languageSelector"];

            if (selectedLanguage != null)
                fileManager.DisplayLanguage = selectedLanguage;


Пример #5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            fileManager.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); // or new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage)
            fileManager.Height = 600; //Default unit is pixels.
            fileManager.DisplayLanguage = "en";

            //Create a root folder and add it to the control
            var rootFolder1 = new FileManagerRootFolder();
            rootFolder1.Name = "Root Folder 1";

              For connecting as a specific user to a protected folder (UNC or local) use this format:

                Location="Path=\\server\share; User Name=USERNAME; Password=PASSWORD"
                Please see description of Location property on the right pane for more information.

              Information on FileManagerRootFolder.Location property as of v4.7:

                This property is now of type Location class instead of string. You can still assign
                a string to this property as it's automatically casted so this is not a breaking change. The advantage of this special
                Location class is that you can now set it directly to an instance of PhysicalLocation or AmazonS3Location (more will
                be available in the future) classes. For instance this line:

                rootFolder.Location = "Type=AmazonS3; Bucket Name=mybucket";

                is same as this line:

                rootFolder.Location = new AmazonS3Location { BucketName = "mybucket" };

                This means you don't need to bother with formatting location strings correctly (eg. guessing property names)
                Except in aspx markup, you will still need to use strings which look like connection strings if you need to set
                advanced properties. Also note that this line:

                rootFolder.Location = "c:\some\folder";

                is same as this line:

                rootFolder.Location = "Type=Physical; Path=c:\some\folder";

                and also same as this line:

                rootFolder.Location = new PhysicalLocation { Path = "c:\some\folder" };

                So as in previous versions, setting location to a path string directly means it's a physical location by default.
            rootFolder1.Location = "~/App_Data/RootFolder1";

            var accessControl1 = new FileManagerAccessControl();
            accessControl1.Path = @"\";
            accessControl1.AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.Full;

            //Create another root folder and add it to the control
            //This time use object initializers
            var rootFolder2 = new FileManagerRootFolder
                Name = "Root Folder 2",
                Location = "~/App_Data/RootFolder2"
                new FileManagerAccessControl
                        Path = @"\",
                        AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.ListSubfolders | FileManagerPermissions.ListFiles
                                             | FileManagerPermissions.Download | FileManagerPermissions.Upload,
                        AllowedFileTypes = new FileTypeSet(new [] { "*.jpg", "*.gif" }), //or FileTypeSet.Parse("*.jpg|*.gif")
                        Quota = new ByteSizeValue(2, ByteSizeUnit.MB) //or ByteSizeValue.Parse("2 MB")
                new FileManagerAccessControl
                        Path = @"\Subfolder1",
                        AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.Full,
                        DeniedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.Download,
                        DeniedFileTypes = new FileTypeSet(new [] { "*.exe" }) //or FileTypeSet.Parse("*.exe")
Пример #6
        private void SetDynamicFolderAndPermissions(string userName)
            var rootFolder = new FileManagerRootFolder
                Name = string.Format("Folder of {0}", userName),
                Location = string.Format("~/App_Data/RootFolder3/{0}", userName)

            var accessControl = new FileManagerAccessControl { Path = @"\" };

            switch (userName)
                case "User1":
                    accessControl.AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.Full;
                case "User2":
                    accessControl.AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.ReadOnly | FileManagerPermissions.Upload;
