Пример #1
        public UInt64LinksTransactionsLayer(ILinks <ulong> links, string logAddress)
            : base(links)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(logAddress))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logAddress));
            // В первой строке файла хранится последняя закоммиченную транзакцию.
            // При запуске это используется для проверки удачного закрытия файла лога.
            // In the first line of the file the last committed transaction is stored.
            // On startup, this is used to check that the log file is successfully closed.
            var lastCommitedTransition = FileHelpers.ReadFirstOrDefault <Transition>(logAddress);
            var lastWrittenTransition  = FileHelpers.ReadLastOrDefault <Transition>(logAddress);

            if (!lastCommitedTransition.Equals(lastWrittenTransition))
                throw new NotSupportedException("Database is damaged, autorecovery is not supported yet.");
            if (lastCommitedTransition == default)
                FileHelpers.WriteFirst(logAddress, lastCommitedTransition);
            _lastCommitedTransition = lastCommitedTransition;
            // TODO: Think about a better way to calculate or store this value
            var allTransitions = FileHelpers.ReadAll <Transition>(logAddress);

            _lastCommitedTransactionId = allTransitions.Length > 0 ? allTransitions.Max(x => x.TransactionId) : 0;
            _uniqueTimestampFactory    = new UniqueTimestampFactory();
            _logAddress        = logAddress;
            _log               = FileHelpers.Append(logAddress);
            _transitions       = new Queue <Transition>();
            _transitionsPusher = new Task(TransitionsPusher);