public static T CreateGO <T>(string newPath) where T : Component { if (!newPath.StartsWith("Assets/")) { newPath = "Assets/" + newPath; } T ret = null; GameObject go = new GameObject(); try { FileAdapter.RequestFilePath(newPath); go.AddComponent <T>(); if (!FileAdapter.Exists(newPath + ".prefab") || EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning!", "File (" + newPath + ".prefab" + ") already exists you want to replace that file? This will delete the already existing Prefab", "Yes", "No")) { var refGo = PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset(go, newPath + ".prefab", out var success); ret = refGo.GetComponent <T>(); } } finally { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go); } return(ret); }
public Stream CheckNew2(string applicationId) { dynamic apps = win.core.utils.FileAdapter.GetJSONFromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/CheckNew2.json")); dynamic app = null; foreach (dynamic theOne in apps) { if (theOne.ApplicationId == applicationId) { app = theOne; break; } } if (app == null) { WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "text/plain"; return(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("无效的AppId"))); } //检查主程序 string exeFileName = app.ApplicationCode; string exeDir = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/" + applicationId); string exeFilePath = exeDir + @"\" + exeFileName; if (FileAdapter.Exists(exeFilePath)) { //Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(exeFilePath);会锁定 Assembly asm = Assembly.Load(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(exeFilePath)); string version = asm.GetName().Version.ToString(); Product product = new Product { ApplicationId = applicationId, ApplicationName = app.ApplicationName, Version = version, Description = "更新说明" }; string appRoot = GetAppRootPath(); if (appRoot.EndsWith("/")) { appRoot = appRoot.Substring(0, appRoot.Length - 1); } product.FileList = new UpdateFilesInfo { SourcePath = appRoot + "/" + applicationId + "/" }; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(exeDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); product.FileList.FileItems = new List <FileItem>(); foreach (string file in files) { string itemName = file.Replace(exeDir + @"\", "").Replace(@"\", "/"); product.FileList.FileItems.Add(new FileItem { Name = itemName }); } product.FileList.Count = product.FileList.FileItems.Count.ToString(); byte[] resultBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(XmlSerializeAdapter.Serialize <Product>(product)); WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "text/xml"; return(new MemoryStream(resultBytes)); } return(null); }
static T RequestResource(string resourcePath) { var t = Resources.Load <T>(resourcePath); if (t != null) { return(t); } var firstImport = FileAdapter.Exists($"{Application.dataPath}/{RESOURCES_DEFAULT_PATH}{resourcePath}.asset"); if (firstImport) { return(null); } var create = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Constant not Found", $"Did not find asset at {resourcePath}, do you want to create new one?", "Sure", "No"); if (!create) { return(null); } t = Create(RESOURCES_DEFAULT_PATH + resourcePath); Debug.LogWarning("Created new Resource at " + RESOURCES_DEFAULT_PATH + resourcePath); return(t); }
static void PrepareAppEnvironment() { Assembly assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(assem.GetManifestResourceStream("SmartLife.Client.Seat.log4net.config")); FileAdapter.EnsurePath(Common.SOUND_FILE_PATH); if (!FileAdapter.Exists(Common.DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME_OF_CALL_IN)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Common.DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME_OF_CALL_IN, FileMode.Create)) { byte[] data = new byte[Properties.Resources.Callin.Length]; Properties.Resources.Callin.Read(data, 0, data.Length); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } } if (!FileAdapter.Exists(Common.DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME_OF_EXT_OFFLINE)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Common.DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME_OF_EXT_OFFLINE, FileMode.Create)) { byte[] data = new byte[Properties.Resources.ExtOffline.Length]; Properties.Resources.ExtOffline.Read(data, 0, data.Length); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } } FileAdapter.EnsurePath(Common.TOOLS_FILE_PATH); if (!FileAdapter.Exists(Common.TOOLS_IPERF_EXE)) {, Common.TOOLS_FILE_PATH); } }
public static T CreateSequentialGO <T>(string newPrefabPrefix) where T : Component { if (!newPrefabPrefix.StartsWith("Assets/")) { newPrefabPrefix = "Assets/" + newPrefabPrefix; } if (!FileAdapter.Exists(newPrefabPrefix + ".prefab")) { return(CreateGO <T>(newPrefabPrefix)); } int id = 2; while (FileAdapter.Exists(newPrefabPrefix + id + ".prefab")) { id++; } return(CreateGO <T>(newPrefabPrefix + id)); }
public static ScriptableObject CreateSequential(string newPrefabPrefix, System.Type type, bool focus = false) { if (!newPrefabPrefix.StartsWith("Assets/") && !newPrefabPrefix.StartsWith("Assets\\")) { newPrefabPrefix = "Assets/" + newPrefabPrefix; } if (!FileAdapter.Exists(newPrefabPrefix + ".asset")) { return(Create(newPrefabPrefix, type, focus)); } int id = 2; while (FileAdapter.Exists(newPrefabPrefix + id + ".asset")) { id++; } return(Create(newPrefabPrefix + id, type, focus)); }
public static T CreateSequential <T>(string newPrefabPrefix, bool focus = false) where T : ScriptableObject { if (!newPrefabPrefix.StartsWith("Assets/") && !newPrefabPrefix.StartsWith("Assets\\")) { newPrefabPrefix = "Assets/" + newPrefabPrefix; } if (!FileAdapter.Exists(newPrefabPrefix + ".asset")) { return(Create <T>(newPrefabPrefix, focus)); } int id = 2; while (FileAdapter.Exists(newPrefabPrefix + id + ".asset")) { id++; } return(Create <T>(newPrefabPrefix + id, focus)); }
static void PrepareAppEnvironment() { Assembly assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(assem.GetManifestResourceStream("SmartLife.Client.Merchant.log4net.config")); FileAdapter.EnsurePath(Common.SOUND_FILE_PATH); if (!FileAdapter.Exists(Common.DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME_OF_DEALING)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Common.DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME_OF_DEALING, FileMode.Create)) { byte[] data = new byte[Properties.Resources.Dealing.Length]; Properties.Resources.Dealing.Read(data, 0, data.Length); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } } if (!FileAdapter.Exists(Common.DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME_OF_WAIT_RESPONSE)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Common.DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME_OF_WAIT_RESPONSE, FileMode.Create)) { byte[] data = new byte[Properties.Resources.WattingResponse.Length]; Properties.Resources.WattingResponse.Read(data, 0, data.Length); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } } if (!FileAdapter.Exists(Common.DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME_OF_WEIXING)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Common.DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME_OF_WEIXING, FileMode.Create)) { byte[] data = new byte[Properties.Resources.WeiXing.Length]; Properties.Resources.WeiXing.Read(data, 0, data.Length); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } } }
public Stream Output(string code) { string result = ""; if (code == "apppath") { result = GetAppRootPath(); } else if (code == "apppath2") { string appRoot = GetAppRootPath(); if (appRoot.EndsWith("/")) { appRoot = appRoot.Substring(0, appRoot.Length - 1); } result = appRoot; } else if (code == "CS002") { string exeFileName = "SmartLife.Client.Seat.exe"; string exeFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/" + code) + "/" + exeFileName; if (FileAdapter.Exists(exeFilePath)) { Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(exeFilePath); result = asm.GetName().Version.ToString(); } } else if (code == "compare") { string _newsVersion = "0.1.5311.24874"; int ret = _newsVersion.CompareTo("0.1.5311.16842"); result = ret.ToString(); } byte[] resultBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result); return(new MemoryStream(resultBytes)); }
public static bool Exists(string path) { return(_dict.ContainsKey(path) || FileAdapter.Exists(path)); }
public bool Exists(string path) { return(FileAdapter.Exists(_defaultPath + path)); }