public ActionResult ChangeFieldStatus(int id, int status) { ResponseModel <FieldDetailViewModel> response = null; var service = this.Service <IFieldService>(); try { Field field = service.ChangeFieldStatus(id, status); if (field != null) { FieldDetailViewModel result = PrepareFieldDetailViewModel(field); response = new ResponseModel <FieldDetailViewModel>(true, "Trạng thái sân đã được cập nhật thành công", null, result); } else { response = ResponseModel <FieldDetailViewModel> .CreateErrorResponse("Cập nhật trạng thái sân thất bại", systemError); } } catch (Exception) { response = ResponseModel <FieldDetailViewModel> .CreateErrorResponse("Cập nhật trạng thái sân thất bại", systemError); } return(Json(response)); }
public ActionResult ShowFieldDetail(int id) { ResponseModel <FieldDetailViewModel> response = null; var service = this.Service <IFieldService>(); try { Field field = service.GetFieldInfo(id); if (field != null) { FieldDetailViewModel result = PrepareFieldDetailViewModel(field); response = new ResponseModel <FieldDetailViewModel>(true, "Chi tiết sân:", null, result); } else { response = ResponseModel <FieldDetailViewModel> .CreateErrorResponse("Tải chi tiết sân thất bại!", systemError); } } catch (Exception) { response = ResponseModel <FieldDetailViewModel> .CreateErrorResponse("Tải chi tiết sân thất bại!", systemError); } return(Json(response)); }
public ActionResult FieldDetail(string name, string target, string cntl, string actn, string currFld) { FieldDetailViewModel fvm = new FieldDetailViewModel(); = target; fvm.actn = actn; fvm.cntl = cntl; fvm.currFld = currFld; fvm.placehldr = _sd.GetUserPrompt("fieldcommentplaceholder"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { Field fld = _ud.GetFieldDetails(name); fvm.currFieldName = fld.fieldName; fvm.fieldName = fld.fieldName; fvm.fieldArea = fld.area.ToString(); fvm.fieldComment = fld.comment; fvm.fieldId =; fvm.act = "Edit"; } else { fvm.act = "Add"; } return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); }
private FieldDetailWindow() { _vmField = new FieldDetailViewModel() { Window = this }; this.DataContext = _vmField; this.AddModel(_vmField); InitializeComponent(); }
private FieldDetailViewModel PrepareFieldDetailViewModel(Field field) { FieldDetailViewModel result = Mapper.Map <FieldDetailViewModel>(field); result.StatusString = Utils.GetEnumDescription((FieldStatus)result.Status); FieldImage image = field.FieldImages.FirstOrDefault(); if (image != null) { result.Avatar = image.Image; } return(result); }
public ActionResult FieldDetail(string name, string target, string cntl, string actn, string currFld) { FieldDetailViewModel fvm = new FieldDetailViewModel(); Models.StaticData.ConversionFactor cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); fvm.selPrevYrManureOptions = _sd.GetPrevManureApplicationInPrevYears(); = target; fvm.actn = actn; fvm.cntl = cntl; fvm.currFld = currFld; fvm.placehldr = _sd.GetUserPrompt("fieldcommentplaceholder"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { Field fld = _ud.GetFieldDetails(name); fvm.currFieldName = fld.fieldName; fvm.fieldName = fld.fieldName; fvm.fieldArea = fld.area.ToString(); fvm.fieldComment = fld.comment; fvm.fieldId =; // retrofit old saved NMP files if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fld.prevYearManureApplicationFrequency)) { // set to default (no manure applied in the last two years) fvm.selPrevYrManureOption = cf.defaultApplicationOfManureInPrevYears; } else { fvm.selPrevYrManureOption = fld.prevYearManureApplicationFrequency; } fvm.act = "Edit"; } else { fvm.act = "Add"; } return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); }
public ActionResult FieldDetail(FieldDetailViewModel fvm) { decimal area = 0; string url; // required to populate o/w validation messages are suppressed fvm.selPrevYrManureOptions = _sd.GetPrevManureApplicationInPrevYears(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fvm.fieldComment)) { if (fvm.fieldComment.Length > Convert.ToInt32(_appSettings.Value.CommentLength)) { ModelState.AddModelError("fieldComment", "Comment length of " + fvm.fieldComment.Length.ToString() + " exceeds maximum of " + _appSettings.Value.CommentLength); return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); } } try { area = decimal.Parse(fvm.fieldArea); } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("fieldArea", "Invalid amount for area."); return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); } if (fvm.selPrevYrManureOption == "select") { ModelState.AddModelError("selPrevYrManureOption", "Manure application in previous years must be selected"); return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); } Field fld = _ud.GetFieldDetails(fvm.fieldName); if (fld != null) { if ((fvm.act == "Edit" & fvm.currFieldName != fvm.fieldName) | fvm.act == "Add") { ModelState.AddModelError("fieldName", "A field already exists with this name."); return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); } } if (fvm.act == "Add") { fld = new Field(); } else { fld = _ud.GetFieldDetails(fvm.currFieldName); if (fld == null) { fld = new Field(); } } fld.fieldName = fvm.fieldName; fld.area = Math.Round(area, 1); fld.comment = fvm.fieldComment; fld.prevYearManureApplicationFrequency = fvm.selPrevYrManureOption; if (fvm.act == "Add") { _ud.AddField(fld); } else { _ud.UpdateField(fld); } if ( == "#fields") { url = Url.Action("RefreshFieldsList", "Fields"); } else { url = Url.Action(fvm.actn, fvm.cntl, new { nme = fld.fieldName }); //url = Url.Action("RefreshList", "Fields", new { cntl = fvm.cntl, actn = fvm.actn, currFld = fvm.currFld }); } return(Json(new { success = true, url = url, target = })); } return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); }
public ActionResult FieldDetail(FieldDetailViewModel fvm) { decimal area = 0; string url; if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fvm.fieldComment)) { if (fvm.fieldComment.Length > Convert.ToInt32(_appSettings.Value.CommentLength)) { ModelState.AddModelError("fieldComment", "Comment length of " + fvm.fieldComment.Length.ToString() + " exceeds maximum of " + _appSettings.Value.CommentLength); return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); } } try { area = decimal.Parse(fvm.fieldArea); } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("fieldArea", "Invalid amount for area."); return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); } Field fld = _ud.GetFieldDetails(fvm.fieldName); if (fld != null) { if ((fvm.act == "Edit" & fvm.currFieldName != fvm.fieldName) | fvm.act == "Add") { ModelState.AddModelError("fieldName", "A field already exists with this name."); return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); } } if (fvm.act == "Add") { fld = new Field(); } else { fld = _ud.GetFieldDetails(fvm.currFieldName); if (fld == null) { fld = new Field(); } } fld.fieldName = fvm.fieldName; fld.area = Math.Round(area, 1); fld.comment = fvm.fieldComment; if (fvm.act == "Add") { _ud.AddField(fld); } else { _ud.UpdateField(fld); } if ( == "#fields") { url = Url.Action("RefreshFieldsList", "Fields"); } else { url = Url.Action("RefreshList", "Fields", new { cntl = fvm.cntl, actn = fvm.actn, currFld = fvm.currFld }); } return(Json(new { success = true, url = url, target = })); } return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); }