Пример #1
        public void SetColors(uint bubbleValueId, FieldDerivativeType dt, FEWorld world, IColorMap colorMap)
            FieldValue fv = world.GetFieldValue(bubbleValueId);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(fv.IsBubble == true);
            uint     quantityId = fv.QuantityId;
            var      mesh       = world.Mesh;
            MeshType meshType;

            int[] vertexs;
            mesh.GetConnectivity(MeshId, out meshType, out vertexs);

            if (Type == ElementType.Tri)
                Colors = new float[ElemCount * 3];
                for (int iTri = 0; iTri < ElemCount; iTri++)
                    // Bubble
                    uint feId = world.GetTriangleFEIdFromMesh(quantityId, MeshId, (uint)iTri);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(feId != 0);
                    double value = fv.GetShowValue((int)(feId - 1), 0, dt);
                    var    color = colorMap.GetColor(value);
                    for (int iColor = 0; iColor < 3; iColor++)
                        Colors[iTri * 3 + iColor] = (float)color[iColor];
            else if (Type == ElementType.Quad)
                // TRIと同じでよいが要素IDを取得するメソッドが現状ない
                throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #2
 public EdgeFieldDrawer(uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType valueDt,
                        bool isntDisplacementValue,
                        bool isDrawInnerEdge,
                        FEWorld world)
     Set(valueId, valueDt, isntDisplacementValue, isDrawInnerEdge, world);
Пример #3
 public FaceFieldDrawer(uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType valueDt, bool isntDisplacementValue,
                        FEWorld world,
                        uint colorValueId, FieldDerivativeType colorValueDt,
                        double min, double max)
     ColorMap = new ColorMap(min, max);
     Set(valueId, valueDt, isntDisplacementValue, world, colorValueId, colorValueDt);
Пример #4
        public void UpdateBubbleFieldValueValuesFromNodeValues(
            uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType dt, double[] nodeValues)
            FieldValue fv         = FieldValueArray.GetObject(valueId);
            uint       quantityId = fv.QuantityId;
            uint       dof        = fv.Dof;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(fv.Dof == GetDof(quantityId));
            double[] values     = fv.GetDoubleValues(dt);
            uint     coCnt      = GetCoordCount(quantityId);
            uint     offsetNode = 0;

            for (uint qId = 0; qId < quantityId; qId++)
                offsetNode += GetNodeCount(qId) * GetDof(qId);

            IList <uint> feIds = GetTriangleFEIds(quantityId);

            foreach (uint feId in feIds)
                TriangleFE triFE       = GetTriangleFE(quantityId, feId);
                int[]      coIds       = triFE.NodeCoordIds;
                uint       elemNodeCnt = triFE.NodeCount;
                double[]   bubbleValue = new double[dof];
                for (int iNode = 0; iNode < elemNodeCnt; iNode++)
                    int coId   = coIds[iNode];
                    int nodeId = Coord2Node(quantityId, coId);
                    if (nodeId == -1)
                        //for (int iDof = 0; iDof < dof; iDof++)
                        //    bubbleValue[iDof] += 0;
                        for (int iDof = 0; iDof < dof; iDof++)
                            bubbleValue[iDof] += nodeValues[offsetNode + nodeId * dof + iDof];
                for (int iDof = 0; iDof < dof; iDof++)
                    bubbleValue[iDof] /= (double)elemNodeCnt;

                for (int iDof = 0; iDof < dof; iDof++)
                    values[(feId - 1) * dof + iDof] = bubbleValue[iDof];
Пример #5
 public double[] GetDoubleValue(int coId, FieldDerivativeType dt)
     double[] values = GetDoubleValues(dt);
     double[] value  = new double[Dof];
     for (int iDof = 0; iDof < Dof; iDof++)
         value[iDof] = values[coId * Dof + iDof];
Пример #6
 public System.Numerics.Complex[] GetComplexValue(int coId, FieldDerivativeType dt)
     System.Numerics.Complex[] values = GetComplexValues(dt);
     System.Numerics.Complex[] value  = new System.Numerics.Complex[Dof];
     for (int iDof = 0; iDof < Dof; iDof++)
         value[iDof] = values[coId * Dof + iDof];
Пример #7
 public FieldValue(uint quantityId, FieldValueType type, FieldDerivativeType dt,
                   bool isBubble, FieldShowType showType, uint pointCnt)
     QuantityId     = quantityId;
     Type           = type;
     Dof            = GetDof(Type);
     DerivativeType = dt;
     IsBubble       = isBubble;
     ShowType       = showType;
Пример #8
        public void UpdateFieldValueValuesFromCoordValues(
            uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType dt, System.Numerics.Complex[] coordValues)
            FieldValue fv = FieldValueArray.GetObject(valueId);

            //uint quantityId = fv.QuantityId;
            //uint dof = fv.Dof;
            System.Numerics.Complex[] values = fv.GetComplexValues(dt);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(values.Length == coordValues.Length);
            coordValues.CopyTo(values, 0);
Пример #9
        private void UpdateSymmetricTensor2(uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType dt, FEWorld world)
            ValueDof = 6;

            FieldValue fv         = world.GetFieldValue(valueId);
            uint       quantityId = fv.QuantityId;
            uint       dof        = fv.Dof;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(fv.IsBubble == true);
            var      mesh = world.Mesh;
            MeshType meshType;

            int[] vertexs;
            mesh.GetConnectivity(MeshId, out meshType, out vertexs);

            if (Type == ElementType.Tri)
                Values = new double[ElemCount * ValueDof];
                for (int iTri = 0; iTri < ElemCount; iTri++)
                    // Bubble
                    uint feId = world.GetTriangleFEIdFromMesh(quantityId, MeshId, (uint)iTri);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(feId != 0);
                    double[] sigma = new double[dof];
                    for (int iDof = 0; iDof < dof; iDof++)
                        sigma[iDof] = fv.GetShowValue((int)(feId - 1), iDof, dt);

                    double[] vecs;
                    double   ls;
                    double[] vecl;
                    double   ll;
                                                                out vecs, out ls,
                                                                out vecl, out ll);
                    Values[iTri * ValueDof + 0] = vecs[0];
                    Values[iTri * ValueDof + 1] = vecs[1];
                    Values[iTri * ValueDof + 2] = ls;
                    Values[iTri * ValueDof + 3] = vecl[0];
                    Values[iTri * ValueDof + 4] = vecl[1];
                    Values[iTri * ValueDof + 5] = ll;
            else if (Type == ElementType.Quad)
                // TRIと同じでよいが要素IDを取得するメソッドが現状ない
                throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #10
        public void Update(uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType dt, VectorFieldDrawerType drawerType, FEWorld world)
            DrawerType = drawerType;

            if (DrawerType == VectorFieldDrawerType.Vector)
                UpdateVector(valueId, dt, world);
            else if (DrawerType == VectorFieldDrawerType.SymmetricTensor2)
                UpdateSymmetricTensor2(valueId, dt, world);
                throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #11
        public double GetShowValue(int coId, int iDof, FieldDerivativeType dt)
            double value = 0;

            switch (ShowType)
            case FieldShowType.Real:
                double[] values = GetDoubleValues(dt);
                value = values[coId * Dof + iDof];

            case FieldShowType.Abs:
                double[] values = GetDoubleValues(dt);
                value = Math.Abs(values[coId * Dof + iDof]);

            case FieldShowType.ZReal:
                System.Numerics.Complex[] values = GetComplexValues(dt);
                value = values[coId * Dof].Real;

            case FieldShowType.ZImaginary:
                System.Numerics.Complex[] values = GetComplexValues(dt);
                value = values[coId * Dof].Imaginary;

            case FieldShowType.ZAbs:
                System.Numerics.Complex[] values = GetComplexValues(dt);
                value = values[coId * Dof].Magnitude;
Пример #12
        public void GetMinMaxShowValue(out double min, out double max, int iDof, FieldDerivativeType dt)
            min = Double.MaxValue;
            max = Double.MinValue;

            uint ptCnt = GetPointCount();

            for (int coId = 0; coId < ptCnt; coId++)
                double value = GetShowValue(coId, iDof, dt);
                if (value < min)
                    min = value;
                if (value > max)
                    max = value;
Пример #13
 public System.Numerics.Complex[] GetComplexValues(FieldDerivativeType dt)
     System.Numerics.Complex[] values = null;
     if (dt.HasFlag(FieldDerivativeType.Value) && ComplexValues != null)
         values = ComplexValues;
     else if (dt.HasFlag(FieldDerivativeType.Velocity) && ComplexVelocityValues != null)
         values = ComplexVelocityValues;
     else if (dt.HasFlag(FieldDerivativeType.Acceleration) && ComplexAccelerationValues != null)
         values = ComplexAccelerationValues;
Пример #14
 public double[] GetDoubleValues(FieldDerivativeType dt)
     double[] values = null;
     if (dt.HasFlag(FieldDerivativeType.Value) && DoubleValues != null)
         values = DoubleValues;
     else if (dt.HasFlag(FieldDerivativeType.Velocity) && DoubleVelocityValues != null)
         values = DoubleVelocityValues;
     else if (dt.HasFlag(FieldDerivativeType.Acceleration) && DoubleAccelerationValues != null)
         values = DoubleAccelerationValues;
Пример #15
        public void UpdateBubbleFieldValueValuesFromCoordValues(
            uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType dt, double[] coordValues)
            FieldValue fv         = FieldValueArray.GetObject(valueId);
            uint       quantityId = fv.QuantityId;
            uint       dof        = fv.Dof;

            double[] values = fv.GetDoubleValues(dt);
            uint     coCnt  = GetCoordCount(quantityId);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(coCnt * dof == coordValues.Length);

            IList <uint> feIds = GetTriangleFEIds(quantityId);

            foreach (uint feId in feIds)
                TriangleFE triFE       = GetTriangleFE(quantityId, feId);
                int[]      coIds       = triFE.NodeCoordIds;
                uint       elemNodeCnt = triFE.NodeCount;
                double[]   bubbleValue = new double[dof];
                for (int iNode = 0; iNode < elemNodeCnt; iNode++)
                    int coId = coIds[iNode];
                    for (int iDof = 0; iDof < dof; iDof++)
                        bubbleValue[iDof] += coordValues[coId * dof + iDof];
                for (int iDof = 0; iDof < dof; iDof++)
                    bubbleValue[iDof] /= (double)elemNodeCnt;

                for (int iDof = 0; iDof < dof; iDof++)
                    values[(feId - 1) * dof + iDof] = bubbleValue[iDof];
Пример #16
        private void Set(uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType valueDt, FEWorld world)
            ValueId = valueId;
            var mesh = world.Mesh;

            uint dim = world.Dimension;
                if (dim == 2)
                    SutableRotMode = RotMode.RotMode2D;
                else if (dim == 3)
                    SutableRotMode = RotMode.RotMode3D;
            FieldValue fv = world.GetFieldValue(valueId);

            if (fv.Type == FieldValueType.Vector2 || fv.Type == FieldValueType.Vector3)
                Type = VectorFieldDrawerType.Vector;
            else if (fv.Type == FieldValueType.SymmetricTensor2)
                Type = VectorFieldDrawerType.SymmetricTensor2;

                IList <uint> meshIds = mesh.GetIds();
                foreach (uint meshId in meshIds)
                    VectorFieldDrawPart dp = new VectorFieldDrawPart(meshId, world);

Пример #17
        public uint AddFieldValue(FieldValueType fieldType, FieldDerivativeType derivativeType,
                                  uint quantityId, bool isBubble, FieldShowType showType)
            uint pointCnt = 0;

            if (isBubble)
                pointCnt = (uint)GetTriangleFEIds(quantityId).Count;
                pointCnt = GetCoordCount(quantityId);
            FieldValue fv = new FieldValue(quantityId, fieldType, derivativeType,
                                           isBubble, showType, pointCnt);

            uint freeId  = FieldValueArray.GetFreeObjectId();
            uint valueId = FieldValueArray.AddObject(freeId, fv);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(valueId == freeId);
Пример #18
        private void UpdateVector(uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType dt, FEWorld world)
            ValueDof = 2;

            FieldValue fv         = world.GetFieldValue(valueId);
            uint       quantityId = fv.QuantityId;
            uint       dof        = fv.Dof;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(fv.IsBubble == true);
            var      mesh = world.Mesh;
            MeshType meshType;

            int[] vertexs;
            mesh.GetConnectivity(MeshId, out meshType, out vertexs);

            if (Type == ElementType.Tri)
                Values = new double[ElemCount * ValueDof];
                for (int iTri = 0; iTri < ElemCount; iTri++)
                    // Bubble
                    uint feId = world.GetTriangleFEIdFromMesh(quantityId, MeshId, (uint)iTri);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(feId != 0);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(dof >= ValueDof);
                    for (int iDof = 0; iDof < ValueDof; iDof++)
                        double u = fv.GetShowValue((int)(feId - 1), iDof, dt);
                        Values[iTri * ValueDof + iDof] = u;
            else if (Type == ElementType.Quad)
                // TRIと同じでよいが要素IDを取得するメソッドが現状ない
                throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #19
        public void UpdateFieldValueValuesFromNodeValues(
            uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType dt, double[] nodeValues)
            FieldValue fv         = FieldValueArray.GetObject(valueId);
            uint       quantityId = fv.QuantityId;
            uint       dof        = fv.Dof;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(fv.Dof == GetDof(quantityId));
            double[] values     = fv.GetDoubleValues(dt);
            uint     coCnt      = GetCoordCount(quantityId);
            uint     offsetNode = 0;

            for (uint qId = 0; qId < quantityId; qId++)
                offsetNode += GetNodeCount(qId) * GetDof(qId);

            for (int coId = 0; coId < coCnt; coId++)
                int nodeId = Coord2Node(quantityId, coId);
                if (nodeId == -1)
                    for (int iDof = 0; iDof < dof; iDof++)
                        values[coId * dof + iDof] = 0;
                    for (int iDof = 0; iDof < dof; iDof++)
                        values[coId * dof + iDof] = nodeValues[offsetNode + nodeId * dof + iDof];
Пример #20
        private void Set(uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType valueDt,
                         bool isntDisplacementValue,
                         bool isDrawInnerEdge,
                         FEWorld world)
            var mesh = world.Mesh;

            if (!world.IsFieldValueId(valueId))
                throw new ArgumentException();

            ValueId = valueId;
            ValueDt = valueDt;
            IsntDisplacementValue = isntDisplacementValue;

            var fv = world.GetFieldValue(ValueId);

            // 線要素を生成
            uint quantityId = fv.QuantityId;

            if (isDrawInnerEdge)
                // 内部の全ての辺を描画
                LineFEs = world.MakeBoundOfElements(quantityId);
                // 境界の辺だけ描画
                LineFEs = new List <LineFE>();
                IList <MeshBarArray> barArrays = mesh.GetBarArrays();
                foreach (MeshBarArray barArray in barArrays)
                    uint        eCadId   = barArray.ECadId;
                    IList <int> allCoIds = world.GetCoordIdsFromCadId(quantityId, eCadId, CadElementType.Edge);

                    for (int i = 0; i < (allCoIds.Count - 1); i++)
                        int    workFEOrder = 1;
                        LineFE lineFE      = new LineFE(workFEOrder);
                            int[] coIds = { allCoIds[i], allCoIds[i + 1] };

            int feOrder;
                LineFE lineFE = LineFEs[0]; // 先頭の要素
                feOrder     = lineFE.Order;
                LinePtCount = lineFE.NodeCount;

            uint ptCnt = LineCount * LinePtCount;
            uint dim   = world.Dimension;

            uint drawDim;

            if (!IsntDisplacementValue &&
                dim == 2 &&
                (fv.Type == FieldValueType.Scalar || fv.Type == FieldValueType.ZScalar))
                drawDim = 3;
                drawDim = dim;
            VertexArray.SetSize(ptCnt, drawDim);

            if (drawDim == 2)
                SutableRotMode = RotMode.RotMode2D;
            else if (dim == 3)
                SutableRotMode = RotMode.RotMode3D;
                SutableRotMode = RotMode.RotMode2DH;

Пример #21
        public void Update(FEWorld world)
            FieldValue fv         = world.GetFieldValue(ValueId);
            uint       quantityId = fv.QuantityId;
            uint       dim        = world.Dimension;

            uint ptCnt = 0;

            if (IsNsvDraw)
                ptCnt = fv.GetPointCount();
                // あとで実装する
                throw new NotImplementedException();
                ptCnt = world.GetCoordCount(quantityId);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(VertexArray.PointCount == ptCnt);

            if (!IsntDisplacementValue)
                // 変位を伴う場合

                if (dim == 2 &&
                    (fv.Type == FieldValueType.Scalar || fv.Type == FieldValueType.ZScalar))
                    // 垂直方向の変位として捉える

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(VertexArray.Dimension == 3);
                    for (int coId = 0; coId < ptCnt; coId++)
                        double[]            coord = world.GetCoord(quantityId, coId);
                        FieldDerivativeType dt    = ValueDt;
                        double value = fv.GetShowValue(coId, 0, dt);
                        VertexArray.VertexCoordArray[coId * 3 + 0] = coord[0];
                        VertexArray.VertexCoordArray[coId * 3 + 1] = coord[1];
                        VertexArray.VertexCoordArray[coId * 3 + 2] = value;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(VertexArray.Dimension == dim);
                    for (int coId = 0; coId < ptCnt; coId++)
                        double[]            coord = world.GetCoord(quantityId, coId);
                        FieldDerivativeType dt    = ValueDt;
                        for (int iDim = 0; iDim < dim; iDim++)
                            double value = fv.GetShowValue(coId, iDim, dt);
                            VertexArray.VertexCoordArray[coId * dim + iDim] = coord[iDim] + value;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(VertexArray.Dimension == dim);
                for (int coId = 0; coId < ptCnt; coId++)
                    double[] coord = world.GetCoord(quantityId, coId);
                    for (int iDim = 0; iDim < dim; iDim++)
                        VertexArray.VertexCoordArray[coId * dim + iDim] = coord[iDim];

            if (world.IsFieldValueId(ColorValueId))
                FieldValue          colorfv = world.GetFieldValue(ColorValueId);
                FieldDerivativeType dt      = ColorValueDt;
                bool isBubble        = colorfv.IsBubble;
                uint colorQuantityId = colorfv.QuantityId;
                uint colorPtCnt      = world.GetCoordCount(colorQuantityId);
                if (!ColorMap.IsFixedMinMax)
                    double min;
                    double max;

                    colorfv.GetMinMaxShowValue(out min, out max, 0, dt);
                    ColorMap.MinValue = min;
                    ColorMap.MaxValue = max;

                if (!isBubble)
                    // color is assigned to vertex
                    if (ColorArray == null)
                        ColorArray = new float[colorPtCnt * 4];
                    for (int coId = 0; coId < colorPtCnt; coId++)
                        double   value = colorfv.GetShowValue(coId, 0, dt);
                        double[] color = ColorMap.GetColor(value);
                        ColorArray[coId * 4]     = (float)color[0];
                        ColorArray[coId * 4 + 1] = (float)color[1];
                        ColorArray[coId * 4 + 2] = (float)color[2];
                        ColorArray[coId * 4 + 3] = 0.0f;
                    // color is assigned to face
                    for (int idp = 0; idp < DrawParts.Count; idp++)
                        FaceFieldDrawPart dp = DrawParts[idp];
                        dp.SetColors(ColorValueId, dt, world, ColorMap);

            if (NormalArray != null)

            if (UVArray != null)
                for (int coId = 0; coId < ptCnt; coId++)
                    double[] coord = world.GetCoord(quantityId, coId);
                    UVArray[coId * 2 + 0] = coord[0] * TexScale;
                    UVArray[coId * 2 + 1] = coord[1] * TexScale;
Пример #22
        private void Set(uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType valueDt, bool isntDisplacementValue,
                         FEWorld world,
                         uint colorValueId, FieldDerivativeType colorValueDt)
            var mesh = world.Mesh;

            if (!world.IsFieldValueId(valueId))
                throw new ArgumentException();
            if (world.IsFieldValueId(colorValueId))
                IsColorLegendDraw = true;
                IsColorLegendDraw = false;

            ValueId               = valueId;
            ValueDt               = valueDt;
            ColorValueId          = colorValueId;
            ColorValueDt          = colorValueDt;
            IsntDisplacementValue = isntDisplacementValue;

            var  fv         = world.GetFieldValue(valueId);
            uint quantityId = fv.QuantityId;
            uint dim        = world.Dimension;
            uint ptCnt      = 0;

            if (IsNsvDraw)
                ptCnt = fv.GetPointCount();
                // あとで実装する
                throw new NotImplementedException();
                ptCnt = world.GetCoordCount(quantityId);

            uint drawDim;

            if (!IsntDisplacementValue &&
                dim == 2 &&
                (fv.Type == FieldValueType.Scalar || fv.Type == FieldValueType.ZScalar))
                drawDim = 3;
                drawDim = dim;
            VertexArray.SetSize(ptCnt, drawDim);

                bool isNormal = (NormalArray != null);
                if (NormalArray != null)
                    NormalArray = null;
                if (isNormal)
                    NormalArray = new double[ptCnt * 3];

                bool isUv = (UVArray != null);
                if (UVArray != null)
                    UVArray = null;
                if (isUv)
                    UVArray = new double[ptCnt * 2];

            if (drawDim == 2)
                SutableRotMode = RotMode.RotMode2D;
            else if (dim == 3)
                SutableRotMode = RotMode.RotMode3D;
                SutableRotMode = RotMode.RotMode2DH;

                IList <uint> meshIds = mesh.GetIds();
                foreach (uint meshId in meshIds)
                    if (IsNsvDraw)
                        // あとで実装する
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                    FaceFieldDrawPart dp = new FaceFieldDrawPart(meshId, world, valueId);

Пример #23
 public VectorFieldDrawer(uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType valueDt, FEWorld world)
     Set(valueId, valueDt, world);
Пример #24
        public void Update(FEWorld world)
            FieldValue fv         = world.GetFieldValue(ValueId);
            uint       quantityId = fv.QuantityId;
            uint       dim        = world.Dimension;
            uint       ptCnt      = LineCount * LinePtCount;
            uint       lineCnt    = LineCount;
            uint       drawDim    = VertexArray.Dimension;

            if (IsntDisplacementValue)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(drawDim == 2); // いまはそうなってる
                for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < lineCnt; iEdge++)
                    LineFE lineFE = LineFEs[iEdge];
                    for (int iPt = 0; iPt < LinePtCount; iPt++)
                        int      coId = lineFE.NodeCoordIds[iPt];
                        double[] co   = world.GetCoord(quantityId, coId);
                        VertexArray.VertexCoordArray[(iEdge * LinePtCount + iPt) * drawDim + 0] = co[0];
                        VertexArray.VertexCoordArray[(iEdge * LinePtCount + iPt) * drawDim + 1] = co[1];
                // 変位を伴う場合

                if (dim == 2 && drawDim == 3)
                    for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < LineCount; iEdge++)
                        LineFE lineFE = LineFEs[iEdge];
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lineFE.NodeCoordIds.Length == LinePtCount);
                        for (int iPt = 0; iPt < LinePtCount; iPt++)
                            int                 coId  = lineFE.NodeCoordIds[iPt];
                            double[]            coord = world.GetCoord(quantityId, coId);
                            FieldDerivativeType dt    = ValueDt;
                            double              value = fv.GetShowValue(coId, 0, dt);
                            VertexArray.VertexCoordArray[(iEdge * LinePtCount + iPt) * drawDim + 0] = coord[0];
                            VertexArray.VertexCoordArray[(iEdge * LinePtCount + iPt) * drawDim + 1] = coord[1];
                            VertexArray.VertexCoordArray[(iEdge * LinePtCount + iPt) * drawDim + 2] = value;
                    for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < lineCnt; iEdge++)
                        LineFE lineFE = LineFEs[iEdge];
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lineFE.NodeCoordIds.Length == LinePtCount);
                        for (int iPt = 0; iPt < LinePtCount; iPt++)
                            int                 coId  = lineFE.NodeCoordIds[iPt];
                            double[]            coord = world.GetCoord(quantityId, coId);
                            FieldDerivativeType dt    = ValueDt;
                            for (int iDim = 0; iDim < drawDim; iDim++)
                                double value = fv.GetShowValue(coId, iDim, dt);
                                VertexArray.VertexCoordArray[(iEdge * LinePtCount + iPt) * drawDim + iDim] =
                                    coord[iDim] + value;
Пример #25
 public FaceFieldDrawer(uint valueId, FieldDerivativeType valueDt, bool isntDisplacementValue,
                        FEWorld world,
                        uint colorValueId = 0, FieldDerivativeType colorValueDt = FieldDerivativeType.Value)
     Set(valueId, valueDt, isntDisplacementValue, world, colorValueId, colorValueDt);