Пример #1
        public ResponseDto UpdateProducts(FicheDto ficheDto)
            ResponseDto responseDto = new ResponseDto();

            if (ficheDto == null || ficheDto.ProductList == null || ficheDto.ProductList.Count == 0)
                responseDto.IsSuccess = false;
                responseDto.Message   = Business.Stc.GetDicValue("xNoProduct", Session.RealPerson.LanguageId);

            FicheBo ficheBo = new FicheBo()
                DebtPersonId   = ficheDto.DebtPersonId,
                CreditPersonId = ficheDto.CreditPersonId,
                CurrencyId     = ficheDto.CurrencyId,

                // We do not need other fields.

                Session = Session

            ficheBo.ProductList = (from x in ficheDto.ProductList
                                   //where !x.IsDeleted
                                   select new FicheProductBo
                Id = x.Id,
                ProductId = x.ProductId,
                Quantity = x.Quantity,
                UnitPrice = x.UnitPrice,
                DiscountRate = x.DiscountRate,
                DiscountTotal = x.DiscountTotal,
                VatRate = x.VatRate,

                Notes = x.Notes,
                IsDeleted = x.IsDeleted

            ResponseBo responseBo = ficheProductBusiness.UpdateProducts(ficheBo);

            responseDto = responseBo.ToResponseDto();
Пример #2
        public ResponseDto Save(FicheDto ficheDto)
            ResponseDto responseDto = new ResponseDto();

            if (ficheDto == null)
                responseDto.IsSuccess = false;
                responseDto.Message   = Business.Stc.GetDicValue("xInvalidData", Session.RealPerson.LanguageId);

            if ((ficheDto.FicheTypeId == Enums.FicheTypes.xReceipt || ficheDto.FicheTypeId == Enums.FicheTypes.xInvoice) &&
                (ficheDto.ProductList == null || ficheDto.ProductList.Count() == 0))
                responseDto.IsSuccess = false;
                responseDto.Message   = Business.Stc.GetDicValue("xNoProduct", Session.RealPerson.LanguageId);

            if (ficheDto.IssueDateNumber < 0 || (ficheDto.DueDateNumber != null && ficheDto.DueDateNumber.Value < 0))
                responseDto.IsSuccess = false;
                responseDto.Message   = Business.Stc.GetDicValue("xInvalidDate", Session.RealPerson.LanguageId);

            FicheBo ficheBo = new FicheBo()
                Id             = ficheDto.Id,
                DebtPersonId   = ficheDto.DebtPersonId,
                CreditPersonId = ficheDto.CreditPersonId,

                FicheTypeId = ficheDto.FicheTypeId,
                CurrencyId  = ficheDto.CurrencyId,
                // FicheStatId sp will decide it.
                IncludingVat = ficheDto.IncludingVat,

                PrintedCode = ficheDto.PrintedCode,
                IssueDate   = ficheDto.IssueDateNumber.ToDateTimeFromNumber(),
                DueDate     = ficheDto.DueDateNumber.ToDateTimeFromNumberNull(),

                UnderDiscountRate  = ficheDto.UnderDiscountRate,
                UnderDiscountTotal = ficheDto.UnderDiscountTotal,

                FicheContentId      = ficheDto.FicheContentId,
                FicheContentGroupId = ficheDto.FicheContentGroupId,

                Notes = ficheDto.Notes,

                AcceptorPersonId = ficheDto.AcceptorPersonId,

                OrderId = ficheDto.OrderId,

                IsUncompleted = ficheDto.IsUncompleted,

                GrandTotal = ficheDto.GrandTotal, // Will not be calculated in case of fiche type is 'xDebtCredit'.

                Session = Session

                          // Business will calculate below values:
                          // GrandTotal
                          // Total
                          // RowDiscountTotal
                          // UnderDiscountTotal
                          // VatTotal

            if (ficheDto.MoneyList != null && ficheDto.MoneyList.Count > 0)
                ficheBo.MoneyList = (from x in ficheDto.MoneyList
                                     select new FicheMoneyBo
                    Id = x.Id,
                    DebtPersonAccountId = x.DebtPersonAccountId,
                    CreditPersonAccountId = x.CreditPersonAccountId,
                    Total = x.Total,
                    DebtPersonAccountTypeId = x.DebtPersonAccountTypeId,
                    CreditPersonAccountTypeId = x.CreditPersonAccountTypeId,
                    Notes = x.Notes

            if (ficheDto.ProductList != null && ficheDto.ProductList.Count > 0)
                // ficheDto.ProductList.Count()
                foreach (var line in ficheDto.ProductList.Where(w => !w.IsDeleted).GroupBy(info => info.ProductId)
                         .Select(group => new
                    Metric = group.Key,
                    Count = group.Count()
                         .OrderBy(x => x.Metric))
                    if (line.Count > 1)
                        responseDto.IsSuccess = false;
                        responseDto.Message   = "Birden fazla aynı ürün var hacı.";

                ficheBo.ProductList = (from x in ficheDto.ProductList
                                       //where !x.IsDeleted
                                       select new FicheProductBo
                    Id = x.Id,
                    ProductId = x.ProductId,
                    Quantity = x.Quantity,
                    UnitPrice = x.UnitPrice,
                    DiscountRate = x.DiscountRate,
                    DiscountTotal = x.DiscountTotal,
                    VatRate = x.VatRate,

                    Notes = x.Notes,
                    IsDeleted = x.IsDeleted

                                // Business will calculate below values:
                                // Total
                                // Discount total
                                // VatTotal
                                // GrandTotal

            if (ficheDto.RelationList != null && ficheDto.RelationList.Count > 0)
                ficheBo.RelationList = (from x in ficheDto.RelationList
                                        select new FicheRelationSaveBo
                    ChildFicheId = x.ChildFicheId,
                    FicheRelationTypeId = x.FicheRelationTypeId

            // No need to pass the 'VatTotalList'. Because business will calculate it.

            ResponseBo responseBo = ficheBusiness.Save(ficheBo);


            responseDto = responseBo.ToResponseDto();