public void Slip(bool f) { if (f) { state = FerretState.Slipping; DropItem(); } else { state = FerretState.Idle; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //print(f_stamina); //IF YOU HAVE STAMINA YOU CAN SPRINT if (f_stamina > 0) { b_cansprint = true; } else { b_cansprint = false; } //Delay stamina Recovery on finishing sprint. if (f_stamina < MAX_STAMINA && !b_sprinting && !b_recoverydelay && !b_recovering) { b_recoverydelay = true; } //STAMINA DECAY if (b_sprinting) { //Stamina Decay f_stamina -= f_staminadecay * Time.deltaTime /** 10*/; if (f_stamina <= 0.0f) { f_stamina = 0.0f; b_cansprint = false; } } // Recovery Delay TIMER if (b_recoverydelay && f_staminadelay > 0) { f_staminadelay -= Time.deltaTime; } // BEGIN RECOVERING if (f_staminadelay <= 0) { f_staminadelay = 3.0f; b_recoverydelay = false; b_recovering = true; } if (b_recovering) { f_stamina += f_staminarecov * Time.deltaTime * 5; if (f_stamina >= MAX_STAMINA) { f_stamina = MAX_STAMINA; } } //SPRINT if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) && b_cansprint && f_stamina > 0) { f_sprintmult = 2.5f; b_sprinting = true; b_recovering = false; } else { f_sprintmult = 1.0f; b_sprinting = false; } //TEMPORARY UI STUFF textpro.text = f_stamina.ToString("#"); //Movement if (e_currstate != FerretState.Slipping) { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) { c_control.Move(transform.forward * f_speed * Time.deltaTime * f_sprintmult); i_lastKey = 0; //c_control.Move(new Vector3(0, 0, i_speed * Time.deltaTime)); } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) { c_control.Move(transform.forward * -f_speed * Time.deltaTime * f_sprintmult); i_lastKey = 1; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { c_control.Move(transform.right * f_speed * Time.deltaTime * f_sprintmult); i_lastKey = 2; } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { c_control.Move(transform.right * -f_speed * Time.deltaTime * f_sprintmult); i_lastKey = 3; } } else { //curSpill needs to reference something if (h_curSpill != null) { if (h_curSpill.getSurface() == true) { Debug.Log("SLIP"); switch (i_lastKey) { case 0: c_control.Move(transform.forward * f_speed * Time.deltaTime * h_curSpill.getSpeed()); break; case 1: c_control.Move(transform.forward * -f_speed * Time.deltaTime * h_curSpill.getSpeed()); break; case 2: c_control.Move(transform.right * f_speed * Time.deltaTime * h_curSpill.getSpeed()); break; case 3: c_control.Move(transform.right * -f_speed * Time.deltaTime * h_curSpill.getSpeed()); break; } } } } //Jumping if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) && c_control.isGrounded == true) { f_jumptimer = f_jumptime; //c_control.Move(new Vector3(0, i_jumpspeed * Time.deltaTime, 0)); e_currstate = FerretState.Jumping; } else if (e_currstate == FerretState.Jumping) { f_jumptimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (f_jumptimer <= 0) { e_currstate = FerretState.Idle; } } //Mouse Player movement transform.Rotate(0, Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * 1.1f, 0); //Checks if absolute angel is between 35 & 0 degrees OR 350(-10) & 360(0) degrees, this is the spot we WANT the camera. if (obj_cam.transform.eulerAngles.x <= 35.0f && obj_cam.transform.eulerAngles.x >= 0.0f || obj_cam.transform.eulerAngles.x >= 350.0f && obj_cam.transform.eulerAngles.x <= 360.0f) { obj_cam.transform.Rotate(Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * -0.5f, 0, 0); //The negative multiplier is just so that the camera moves nicer if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") != 0.0f) { f_mouseyprev = (Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * -0.5f); //So long as the mouse had previously moved, save the axis it moved for the corrector. } } //To prevent the camera from locking, this checks directly after the sweetspot for 10 units //This is done specifically to account for negative angles. else if (obj_cam.transform.eulerAngles.x >= 35.0f && obj_cam.transform.eulerAngles.x <= 45.0f && f_mouseyprev <= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") || obj_cam.transform.eulerAngles.x <= 350.0f && obj_cam.transform.eulerAngles.x >= 340.0f && f_mouseyprev >= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y")) { obj_cam.transform.Rotate(Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * -0.5f, 0, 0); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Tab)) { c_command = new GotoMainMenuCommand(); c_command.Execute(c_command, obj_player); } switch (e_currstate) { case FerretState.Idle: c_control.Move(new Vector3(0, -f_gravity * Time.deltaTime, 0)); break; case FerretState.Jumping: c_control.Move(new Vector3(0, f_jumpspeed * Time.deltaTime, 0)); break; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { float stamina_start = stamina; if (can_climb && Input.GetButton("Climb")) { state = FerretState.Climbing; } else if (state == FerretState.Climbing) { state = FerretState.Idle; } float sprint = Input.GetAxis("Sprint"); bool hit_obj = false; bool moved = false; bool butt_moved = false; for (int c = 0; c < origins.Length; c++) { origins[c] = trail[c].position; } float dt = Time.deltaTime; float joystick_x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); float joystick_y = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); float magnitude = new Vector2(joystick_x, joystick_y).magnitude; Vector3 movement = new Vector3(); CharacterController cc = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); if (can_climb) { climb_timer = (climb_timer + dt > LookTime) ? LookTime : climb_timer + dt; } else { climb_timer = (climb_timer - dt < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : climb_timer - dt; } Vector3 dir; switch (state) { case FerretState.Climbing: movement += Vector3.up * PLAYER_SPEED * dt; break; case FerretState.Slipping: dir = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, player_orientation, 0.0f) * Vector3.forward; ApplyGravity(ref movement, dt); movement += (dir * PLAYER_SPEED) * dt; break; default: if (on_ground && Input.GetButton("Jump") && stamina > 0.0f) { Jump(PLAYER_JUMP); stamina -= JumpCost; } ApplyGravity(ref movement, dt); if (magnitude > 0.01f) { float theta = (Mathf.Atan2(joystick_x, joystick_y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg); if (Cam != null) { theta += Cam.GetTheta(); } if (Mathf.Abs(theta - player_orientation) > Mathf.Abs((theta + 360.0f) - player_orientation)) { theta += 360.0f; } else if (Mathf.Abs(theta - player_orientation) > Mathf.Abs((theta - 360.0f) - player_orientation)) { theta -= 360.0f; } float t_change = 0.0f; if (theta != player_orientation) { t_change = (theta - player_orientation) / Mathf.Abs(theta - player_orientation); } player_orientation += t_change * ROT_SPEED * dt; if (player_orientation > 360.0f) { player_orientation -= 360.0f; } else if (player_orientation < -360.0f) { player_orientation += 360.0f; } transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, player_orientation, 0.0f) * handle_rot; dir = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, player_orientation, 0.0f) * Vector3.forward; Vector3 input_motion = (dir * PLAYER_SPEED) * dt; if (on_ground && sprint > 0.0f && stamina > 0.0f) { input_motion *= SprintModifier; stamina -= SprintCost * dt; } movement += input_motion; if (handle != null) { handle.rotation = transform.rotation; } } break; } if (cc != null) { Vector3 start_pos = cc.transform.position; CollisionFlags hits = cc.Move(movement); Vector3 end_pos = cc.transform.position; if (hits.HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Sides)) { //Debug.Log("HOI!!!"); hit_obj = true; } if (hits.HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Below)) { //frwd_up_vel =; on_ground = true; frwd_up_vel.y = Physics.gravity.y / 2.0f; Vector3 b_start = trail[trail.Length - 1].transform.position; ApplyTailGrav(dt); Vector3 b_end = trail[trail.Length - 1].transform.position; if (!Mathf.Approximately((b_end - b_start).magnitude, 0.0f)) { butt_moved = true; } } else { on_ground = false; } if (!Mathf.Approximately((end_pos - start_pos).magnitude, 0.0f)) { moved = true; } } else { transform.position += movement; } if (handle != null) { handle.position = transform.position; } if (!hit_obj && (moved || butt_moved)) { AdjustTail(); } /* * if (butt != null) * { * Vector3 front_to_back = transform.position - butt.transform.position; * * Vector3 back_move = new Vector3(); * * if (front_to_back.magnitude > 5.0f) * { * butt.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(front_to_back.normalized, Vector3.up); * * back_move += front_to_back.normalized * PLAYER_SPEED * dt; * } * * back_move += Physics.gravity * dt; * butt.Move(back_move); * * if (back_handle != null) * { * back_handle.position = butt.transform.position; * //back_handle.transform.rotation = butt.transform.rotation; * } * } */ // Stamina if (Mathf.Approximately(stamina_start - stamina, 0.0f)) { if (srt > 0.0f) { srt -= dt; } else { stamina += StaminaRecovery * dt; if (stamina > MaxStamina) { stamina = MaxStamina; } } } else { srt = StaminaRecoveryTime; } StaminaDisplay.text = stamina.ToString(); }