Пример #1
    void LoadObjectsData()
        // find start of the Objects
        Match  matchResult       = Regex.Match(fbxStrData, "Connections:\\s\\s\\{([^\\}]*)\\}");
        string connAll           = matchResult.Groups [0].Value;
        string allConnAttributes = matchResult.Groups [1].Value;


        // load all attributes
        connObjs = new List <FbxConnectionObj>();

        string[] splliter     = { "\t\n" };
        string[] splittedData = allConnAttributes.Split(splliter, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        for (int i = 0; i < splittedData.Length; i++)
            FbxConnectionObj tempObj = new FbxConnectionObj(splittedData [i]);
            if (tempObj.isSucceed)

        // debug
        Debug.Log("found attributes: " + connObjs.Count);
        for (int i = 0; i < connObjs.Count; i++)
            connObjs [i].Log();

        // test

//		int startIndex = fbxStrData.IndexOf ("Objects:  {\n");
//		startIndex += ("Objects:  {\n").Length;
//		StringReader reader = new StringReader (fbxStrData);
//		// skip to start index
//		for (int i = 0; i < startIndex; i++)
//			reader.Read ();
//		// find the end of the Objects {}
//		int bracketBalancer = 1;
//		int readCounter = 0;
//		while (true) {
//			char temp = (char)reader.Read ();
//			++readCounter;
//			if (temp == '{')
//				bracketBalancer += 1;
//			else if (temp == '}') {
//				bracketBalancer -= 1;
//				if (bracketBalancer == 0)
//					break;
//			}
//		}
//		// save other data in string
//		originalObjsData = fbxStrData.Substring(startIndex, readCounter-1);
//		fbxStrData = fbxStrData.Remove (startIndex, readCounter - 1);
Пример #2
//	void SearchAttribute () {
//		string searchPattern = "\\t;[^:]*::[^,]*,\\s[^:]*::[^\\n]*\\n\\tC:\\s\"[^\"]*\",[0-9]*,[0-9]*[^\\n]*\\n";
//	}

    public void AddConnectionItem(string type1, string name1, string id1, string type2, string name2, string id2, string relation, string relationDesc = "")
        FbxConnectionObj tempConnObj = new FbxConnectionObj(type1, name1, id1, type2, name2, id2, relation, relationDesc);
