private ISet <FaultSet> GetSubsets(IEnumerable <FaultSet> sets)
     return(new HashSet <FaultSet>(
                from set in sets
                // get a subset of size subsetStepSize
                from subset in GetSubsets(set, _subsetStepSize)
                // remove all faults in the subset and their subsuming faults
                let suggestion = set.GetDifference(FaultSet.SubsumingFaults(subset, _allFaults))
                                 select suggestion
        private void CollectSuggestions(IEnumerable <IEnumerable <Fault> > faultGroups)
            var faults = new FaultSet(_allFaults);

            _currentSuggestions = new HashSet <FaultSet>(
                // one fault of each group is not activated (try all combinations)
                from excludedFaults in CartesianProduct(faultGroups)
                // also exclude subsuming faults
                let subsuming = FaultSet.SubsumingFaults(excludedFaults, _allFaults)
                                orderby subsuming.Cardinality ascending
                                select faults.GetDifference(subsuming)