public static void DynamicOverride(object dataAccess, FaultHandler handler)
			// Goofy code to change MongoDataAccess to use TestMongoRepositoryFactory implementation instead of default
			// TestMongoRepositoryFactory is a decorator over the default implementation and includes fault injection logic
			PropertyInfo repoFactoryInfo;
			object factories;
			var repoFactory = ExtractRepoFactory(dataAccess, out repoFactoryInfo, out factories);
			var newRepoFactory = new TestMongoRepositoryFactory(repoFactory, handler);
			repoFactoryInfo.SetValue(factories, newRepoFactory, null);
        public static void DynamicOverride(object dataAccess, FaultHandler handler)
            // Goofy code to change MongoDataAccess to use TestMongoRepositoryFactory implementation instead of default
            // TestMongoRepositoryFactory is a decorator over the default implementation and includes fault injection logic
            PropertyInfo repoFactoryInfo;
            object       factories;
            var          repoFactory    = ExtractRepoFactory(dataAccess, out repoFactoryInfo, out factories);
            var          newRepoFactory = new TestMongoRepositoryFactory(repoFactory, handler);

            repoFactoryInfo.SetValue(factories, newRepoFactory, null);
        private void HandleFault(NetMessage message)
            string msgDest = message.Action.FaultMessage.Detail;

            if (message.Action.FaultMessage.Code.Equals(NetFault.PollTimeoutErrorMessage.Action.FaultMessage.Code) ||
                lock (this.syncSubscriptions)
                    if (syncSubscriptions.ContainsKey(msgDest))
                        PollRequest request = syncSubscriptions[msgDest];
                        if (message.Action.FaultMessage.Code.Equals(NetFault.PollTimeoutErrorMessage.Action.FaultMessage.Code))

            message.Action.FaultMessage.Headers = message.Headers;

            if (!PendingAcceptRequestsManager.MessageFailed(message.Action.FaultMessage))
                FaultHandler handler = OnFault;
                if (handler != null)
Пример #4
 public IEnumerable <Course> ListCategoryByIds(IEnumerable <int> categoryId)
     return(FaultHandler <Course> .Protect(() => new CourseDomain().ListByCategoryIds(categoryId)));
Пример #5
 public IEnumerable <Course> ListCoursesByIds(IEnumerable <int> courseIds)
     return(FaultHandler <Course> .Protect(() => new CourseDomain().ListByCourseIds(courseIds)));
Пример #6
 public IEnumerable <string> ListByPrefix(string prefix)
     return(FaultHandler <string> .Protect(() => new CourseDomain().ListByPrefix(prefix)));
Пример #7
    public virtual Differences VisitFaultHandler(FaultHandler faultHandler1, FaultHandler faultHandler2){
      Differences differences = new Differences(faultHandler1, faultHandler2);
      if (faultHandler1 == null || faultHandler2 == null){
        if (faultHandler1 != faultHandler2) differences.NumberOfDifferences++; else differences.NumberOfSimilarities++;
        return differences;
      FaultHandler changes = (FaultHandler)faultHandler2.Clone();
      FaultHandler deletions = (FaultHandler)faultHandler2.Clone();
      FaultHandler insertions = (FaultHandler)faultHandler2.Clone();

      Differences diff = this.VisitBlock(faultHandler1.Block, faultHandler2.Block);
      if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); return differences;}
      changes.Block = diff.Changes as Block;
      deletions.Block = diff.Deletions as Block;
      insertions.Block = diff.Insertions as Block;
      Debug.Assert(diff.Changes == changes.Block && diff.Deletions == deletions.Block && diff.Insertions == insertions.Block);
      differences.NumberOfDifferences += diff.NumberOfDifferences;
      differences.NumberOfSimilarities += diff.NumberOfSimilarities;

      if (differences.NumberOfDifferences == 0){
        differences.Changes = null;
        differences.Deletions = null;
        differences.Insertions = null;
        differences.Changes = changes;
        differences.Deletions = deletions;
        differences.Insertions = insertions;
      return differences;
Пример #8
 public Responder(ResultHandler resultHandler, FaultHandler faultHandler)
     _resultHandler = resultHandler;
     _faultHandler = faultHandler;
 public override Statement VisitFaultHandler(FaultHandler faultHandler)
   throw new ApplicationException("unimplemented");
Пример #10
 public override Statement VisitFaultHandler(FaultHandler faultHandler)
     if (faultHandler == null) return null;
     return base.VisitFaultHandler((FaultHandler)faultHandler.Clone());
Пример #11
 public virtual Statement VisitFaultHandler(FaultHandler faultHandler1, FaultHandler faultHandler2)
     if (faultHandler1 == null) return null;
     if (faultHandler2 == null)
         faultHandler1.Block = this.VisitBlock(faultHandler1.Block, null);
         faultHandler1.Block = this.VisitBlock(faultHandler1.Block, faultHandler2.Block);
     return faultHandler1;
 public TestMongoRepositoryFactory(IMongoRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory,
                                   FaultHandler faultHandler)
     this.repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
     this.faultHandler      = faultHandler;
Пример #13
 public Responder(ResultHandler resultHandler, FaultHandler faultHandler)
     _resultHandler = resultHandler;
     _faultHandler  = faultHandler;
Пример #14
 public override Statement VisitFaultHandler(FaultHandler faultHandler)
     throw new ApplicationException("unimplemented");
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill the various structures with step data from the BPEL XML file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workflowContext"> workflowcontextModel class</param>
        /// <param name="startElement">Integer value representing the starting element in the nodeList.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeList">XmlNodeList containing the BPEL data from the BPEL file</param>
        /// <param name="cancelEventHandlerName">cancelEventHandlerName</param>
        private void FillStepList(WorkflowContext workflowContext, List <IWorkflowStep> workflowStepList, int startElement, XmlNodeList nodeList, ref string cancelEventHandlerName)
            for (int i = startElement; i < nodeList.Count; i++)
                var currentStep = nodeList[i];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentStep.Prefix))
                    currentStep.Prefix = "bpel";

                if (currentStep is XmlComment)

                if (currentStep.LocalName == "invoke")
                    var workflowStep = new InvokeStep(currentStep.Attributes);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "sequence")
                    var sequenceStep = new SequenceStep(currentStep.Attributes);
                    FillStepList(workflowContext, sequenceStep.WorkflowSteps, 0, currentStep.ChildNodes, ref cancelEventHandlerName);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "scope")
                    // can't get tool to produce invoke without having it enclosed in a scope.
                    // just ignore scope for now but get the internals as if at the same level.
                    FillStepList(workflowContext, workflowStepList, 0, currentStep.ChildNodes, ref cancelEventHandlerName);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "receive")
                    var receiveStep = new ReceiveStep(currentStep.Attributes);
                    string messageName = String.Empty;
                    string timesetTime = String.Empty;
                    if (currentStep.Attributes != null)
                        foreach (XmlAttribute attrib in currentStep.Attributes)
                            if (attrib.LocalName == "timeout")
                                timesetTime = attrib.Value;
                            if (attrib.LocalName == "variable")
                                messageName = attrib.Value;
                    if (!timeoutParameters.ContainsKey(messageName))
                        timeoutParameters.Add(messageName, timesetTime);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "switch")
                    var switchStep = new SwitchStep(currentStep.Attributes);

                    // Fill case/otherwise steps inside of switch step
                    FillStepList(workflowContext, switchStep.WorkflowSteps, 0, currentStep.ChildNodes, ref cancelEventHandlerName);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "case")
                    var caseStep = new CaseStep(currentStep.Attributes, false);
                    FillStepList(workflowContext, caseStep.WorkflowSteps, 0, currentStep.ChildNodes, ref cancelEventHandlerName);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "otherwise")
                    var caseStep = new CaseStep(currentStep.Attributes, true);
                    FillStepList(workflowContext, caseStep.WorkflowSteps, 0, currentStep.ChildNodes, ref cancelEventHandlerName);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "while")
                    var whileStep = new WhileStep(currentStep.Attributes);
                    FillStepList(workflowContext, whileStep.WorkflowSteps, 0, currentStep.ChildNodes, ref cancelEventHandlerName);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "pick")
                    var pickStep = new PickStep(currentStep.Attributes);
                    FillStepList(workflowContext, pickStep.WorkflowSteps, 0, currentStep.ChildNodes, ref cancelEventHandlerName);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "eventHandlers")
                    //we will handle this section as same as handl scope
                    FillStepList(workflowContext, workflowStepList, 0, currentStep.ChildNodes, ref cancelEventHandlerName);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "onMessage")
                    var messageStep = new OnMessageStep(currentStep.Attributes);

                    string messageName = String.Empty;
                    string timesetTime = String.Empty;
                    if (currentStep.Attributes != null)
                        foreach (XmlAttribute attrib in currentStep.Attributes)
                            if (attrib.LocalName == "timeout")
                                timesetTime = attrib.Value;
                            if (attrib.LocalName == "variable")
                                messageName = attrib.Value;
                    if (!timeoutParameters.ContainsKey(messageName))
                        timeoutParameters.Add(messageName, timesetTime);

                    FillStepList(workflowContext, messageStep.WorkflowSteps, 0, currentStep.ChildNodes, ref cancelEventHandlerName);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "onEvent")
                    var onEventStep = new OnEventStep(currentStep.Attributes);
                    workflowContext.MessageTimeoutEventHanlderDict.Add(onEventStep.EventKey, onEventStep.StepId);
                    FillStepList(workflowContext, onEventStep.WorkflowSteps, 0, currentStep.ChildNodes, ref cancelEventHandlerName);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "partnerLinks")
                    FillPartnerLinkList(workflowContext, currentStep);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "variables")
                    FillVariableList(workflowContext, currentStep);
                else if (currentStep.LocalName == "faultHandlers")
                    foreach (XmlNode childNode in currentStep.ChildNodes)
                        var faultHandler = new FaultHandler(childNode);
                        FillStepList(workflowContext, faultHandler.WorkflowSteps, 0, childNode.ChildNodes, ref cancelEventHandlerName);
                    Debug.Fail("Unhandled " + currentStep.Name + " of " + currentStep.InnerText);
Пример #16
 public void UpdateCourse(Course item)
     FaultHandler <Course> .Protect(() => new CourseDomain().Update(item));
Пример #17
 public void UpdateCourseStatusSendEmail(Course item)
     FaultHandler <Course> .Protect(() => new CourseDomain().UpdateCourseStatusSendEmail(item));
Пример #18
 public virtual void VisitFaultHandler(FaultHandler faultHandler)
   if (faultHandler == null) return;
Пример #19
 public virtual Statement VisitFaultHandler(FaultHandler faultHandler){
   if (faultHandler == null) return null;
   faultHandler.Block = this.VisitBlock(faultHandler.Block);
   return faultHandler;
Пример #20
 public Course CreateCourse(Course item)
     return(FaultHandler <Course> .Protect(() => new CourseDomain().Create(item)));
Пример #21
 public virtual FaultHandler GetClosestMatch(FaultHandler/*!*/ nd1, FaultHandlerList/*!*/ list1, FaultHandlerList list2, int list1pos, ref int list2start,
   TrivialHashtable/*!*/ matchedNodes, out Differences closestDifferences, out int list2pos) {
   closestDifferences = null; list2pos = -1;
   if (list2 == null) return null;
   if (nd1 == null || list1 == null || matchedNodes == null || list1pos < 0 || list1pos >= list1.Count || list2start < 0 || list2start >= list2.Count) {
     Debug.Assert(false); return null;
   FaultHandler closest = null;
   Differences winnerSoFar = null;
   for (int j = list2start, m = list2.Count; j < m; j++){
     FaultHandler nd2 = list2[j];
     if (list2start == j) list2start++;
     if (nd2 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     Differences diff = this.GetDifferences(nd1, nd2);
     if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); continue;}
     if (diff.Similarity <= 0.5){
       //Not a good enough match
       if (list2start == j+1) list2start--; //The next call to GetClosestMatch will start looking at list2start, so this node will be considered then
       continue; //ignore it for the rest of this call
     if (winnerSoFar != null && winnerSoFar.Similarity >= diff.Similarity) continue;
     winnerSoFar = closestDifferences = diff;
     closest = nd2;
     list2pos = j;
     if (diff.NumberOfDifferences == 0) return closest; //Perfect match, no need to look for other matches
   if (closest != null){
     //^ assert winnerSoFar != null;
     //closest is closer to nd1 than any other node in list2, but this is no good if some other node in list1 has a better claim on closest
     for (int i = list1pos+1, n = list1.Count; i < n; i++){
       FaultHandler nd1alt = list1[i];
       if (nd1alt == null) continue;
       if (matchedNodes[nd1alt.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
       Differences diff = this.GetDifferences(nd1alt, closest);
       if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); continue;}
       if (diff.Similarity <= winnerSoFar.Similarity) continue;
       //nd1alt has a better claim on closest. See if it wants closest.
       Differences diff2;
       int j, k = list2start;
       FaultHandler nd2alt = this.GetClosestMatch(nd1alt, list1, list2, i, ref k,  matchedNodes, out diff2, out j);
       if (nd2alt != closest){
         Debug.Assert(nd2alt != null && diff2 != null && diff2.Similarity >= diff.Similarity);
         continue; //nd1alt prefers nd2alt to closest, so closest is still available
       //nd1alt wants closest, take it out of the running
       matchedNodes[closest.UniqueKey] = nd1alt;
       //Now that closest is out of the running, try again
       k = list2start;
       FaultHandler newClosest = this.GetClosestMatch(nd1, list1, list2, i, ref k, matchedNodes, out winnerSoFar, out list2pos);
       //put closest back in the running so that the next call to this routine will pick it up
       matchedNodes[closest.UniqueKey] = closest;
       closest = newClosest;
   closestDifferences = winnerSoFar;
   return closest;
Пример #22
 public Course GetCourse(int id)
     return(FaultHandler <Course> .Protect(() => new CourseDomain().Get(id)));
Пример #23
 public virtual FaultHandler VisitFaultHandler(FaultHandler faultHandler, FaultHandler changes, FaultHandler deletions, FaultHandler insertions){
   this.UpdateSourceContext(faultHandler, changes);
   if (faultHandler == null) return changes;
   if (changes != null){
     if (deletions == null || insertions == null)
       faultHandler.Block = this.VisitBlock(faultHandler.Block, changes.Block, deletions.Block, insertions.Block);
   }else if (deletions != null)
     return null;
   return faultHandler;
Пример #24
 public IEnumerable <Course> ListCourses(int trainerId)
     return(FaultHandler <Course> .Protect(() => new CourseDomain().List(trainerId)));