public static void EndEffect(LSEffect effect) { if (EffectActive [effect.ID] == false) { return; } effect.Deactivate(); EffectPool [effect.MyEffectCode].Add(effect); EffectActive [effect.ID] = false; Effects [effect.ID] = null; OpenSlots.Add(effect.ID); }
public static void Pool(MovementGroup group) { int indexID = group.indexID; activeGroups.RemoveAt(indexID); pooledGroups.Add(group); }
public static void PoolPair(CollisionPair pair) { pair.Deactivate(); if (LockstepManager.PoolingEnabled) { CachedCollisionPairs.Add(pair); } }
private static void Generate() { #region Pooling; no need to create all those nodes again if (Grid != null) { int min = Grid.Length; CachedGridNodes.EnsureCapacity(min); for (int i = min - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (LockstepManager.PoolingEnabled) { CachedGridNodes.Add(Grid[i]); } } } if (ScanGrid != null) { int min = ScanGrid.Length; CachedScanNodes.EnsureCapacity(min); for (int i = min - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (LockstepManager.PoolingEnabled) { CachedScanNodes.Add(ScanGrid[i]); } } } #endregion //long startMem = System.GC.GetTotalMemory (true); ScanGrid = new ScanNode[ScanGridSize]; for (int i = ScanWidth - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = ScanHeight - 1; j >= 0; j--) { ScanNode node = CachedScanNodes.Count > 0 ? CachedScanNodes.Pop() : new ScanNode(); node.Setup(i, j); ScanGrid [GetScanIndex(i, j)] = node; } } Grid = new GridNode[GridSize]; for (int i = Width - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = Height - 1; j >= 0; j--) { GridNode node = CachedGridNodes.Count > 0 ? CachedGridNodes.Pop() : new GridNode(); node.Setup(i, j); Grid [GetGridIndex(i, j)] = node; } } //long usedMem = System.GC.GetTotalMemory (true) - startMem; //Debug.Log ("Grid generated using " + usedMem + " Bytes!"); }
public void Deactivate() { for (i = 0; i < Movers.Count; i++) { Move mover = Movers [i]; mover.MyMovementGroup = null; mover.MyMovementGroupID = -1; } Movers.FastClear(); ActiveGroups[this.IndexID] = null; ActiveGroupOpenSlots.Add(this.IndexID); InactiveGroups.Add(this); CalculatedBehaviors = false; this.IndexID = -1; }
internal static void Dessimilate(LSBody body) { int tid = body.ID; if (!SimObjects[tid].IsNotNull()) { Debug.LogWarning("Object with ID" + body.ID.ToString() + "cannot be dessimilated because it it not assimilated"); return; } SimObjects[tid] = null; CachedIDs.Add(tid); if (body.DynamicID >= 0) { DynamicSimObjects.RemoveAt(body.DynamicID); body.DynamicID = -1; } }
public static void ChangeController(RTSAgent agent, AgentController newCont) { AgentController leController = agent.Controller; if (leController != null) { leController.LocalAgentActive[agent.LocalID] = false; GlobalAgentActive[agent.GlobalID] = false; leController.OpenLocalIDs.Add(agent.LocalID); OpenGlobalIDs.Add(agent.GlobalID); if (newCont == null) { agent.InitializeController(null, 0, 0); } else { agent.Influencer.Deactivate(); newCont.AddAgent(agent); agent.Influencer.Initialize(); } } }