Пример #1
        private Task CheckAssetsToReload()
            return(GameDispatcher.InvokeTask(async() =>
                List <ReloadingAsset> assets;

                // Get assets to reload from queue
                lock (assetsToReloadLock)
                    // Nothing left, early exit
                    if (assetsToReloadQueue.Count == 0)

                    // Copy locally and clear queue
                    assets = assetsToReloadQueue.ToList();

                // Update the colorspace

                var objToFastReload = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                using (await database.MountInCurrentMicroThread())
                    // First, unload assets
                    foreach (var assetToUnload in assets)
                        if (FastReloadTypes.Contains(assetToUnload.AssetItem.Asset.GetType()) && IsCurrentlyLoaded(assetToUnload.AssetItem.Asset.Id))
                            // If this type supports fast reload, retrieve the current (old) value via a load
                            var type = AssetRegistry.GetContentType(assetToUnload.AssetItem.Asset.GetType());
                            string url = GetLoadingTimeUrl(assetToUnload.AssetItem);
                            var oldValue = Game.Content.Get(type, url);
                            if (oldValue != null)
                                logger?.Debug($"Preparing fast-reload of {assetToUnload.AssetItem.Location}");
                                objToFastReload.Add(url, oldValue);
                        else if (IsCurrentlyLoaded(assetToUnload.AssetItem.Asset.Id, true))
                            // Unload this object if it has already been loaded.
                            logger?.Debug($"Unloading {assetToUnload.AssetItem.Location}");
                            await UnloadAsset(assetToUnload.AssetItem.Asset.Id);

                    // Process fast-reload objects
                    var nonFastReloadAssets = new List <ReloadingAsset>();
                    foreach (var assetToLoad in assets)
                        object oldValue;
                        string url = GetLoadingTimeUrl(assetToLoad.AssetItem);
                        if (FastReloadTypes.Contains(assetToLoad.AssetItem.Asset.GetType()) && objToFastReload.TryGetValue(url, out oldValue))
                            // Fill oldValue with the values from the database without reloading the object.
                            // As a result, no reference needs to be updated.
                            logger?.Debug($"Fast-reloading {assetToLoad.AssetItem.Location}");
                            ReloadContent(oldValue, assetToLoad.AssetItem);
                            var loadedObject = oldValue;

                            // This fast-reloaded content might have been already loaded through private reference, but if we're reloading it here,
                            // it means that we expect a public reference (eg. it has just been referenced publicly). Reload() won't increase public reference count
                            // so we have to do it manually.
                            if (!IsCurrentlyLoaded(assetToLoad.AssetItem.Id, true))
                                var type = AssetRegistry.GetContentType(assetToLoad.AssetItem.Asset.GetType());
                                LoadContent(type, url);

                            await Manager.ReplaceContent(assetToLoad.AssetItem.Asset.Id, loadedObject);


                    // Load all async object in a separate task
                    // We avoid Game.Content.LoadAsync, which would wait next frame between every loaded asset
                    var microThread = Scheduler.CurrentMicroThread;
                    var bufferBlock = new BufferBlock <KeyValuePair <ReloadingAsset, object> >();
                    var task = Task.Run(() =>
                        var initialContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
                        // This synchronization context gives access to any MicroThreadLocal values. The database to use might actually be micro thread local.
                        SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new MicrothreadProxySynchronizationContext(microThread));

                        foreach (var assetToLoad in nonFastReloadAssets)
                            var type = AssetRegistry.GetContentType(assetToLoad.AssetItem.Asset.GetType());
                            string url = GetLoadingTimeUrl(assetToLoad.AssetItem);

                            object loadedObject = null;
                                loadedObject = LoadContent(type, url);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                logger?.Error($"Unable to load asset [{assetToLoad.AssetItem.Location}].", e);

                            // Post it in BufferBlock so that the game-side loop can process results incrementally
                            bufferBlock.Post(new KeyValuePair <ReloadingAsset, object>(assetToLoad, loadedObject));



                    while (await bufferBlock.OutputAvailableAsync())
                        var item = await bufferBlock.ReceiveAsync();

                        var assetToLoad = item.Key;
                        var loadedObject = item.Value;

                        if (loadedObject != null)
                            // If it's the first load of this asset, keep its loading url
                            if (!AssetLoadingTimeUrls.ContainsKey(assetToLoad.AssetItem.Asset.Id))
                                AssetLoadingTimeUrls.Add(assetToLoad.AssetItem.Asset.Id, assetToLoad.AssetItem.Location);

                            // Add assets that were not previously loaded to the assetLoadingTimeUrls map.
                            var dependencyManager = Asset.AssetItem.Package.Session.DependencyManager;
                            var dependencies = dependencyManager.ComputeDependencies(Asset.AssetItem.Id, AssetDependencySearchOptions.Out | AssetDependencySearchOptions.Recursive, ContentLinkType.Reference);
                            if (dependencies != null)
                                foreach (var dependency in dependencies.LinksOut)
                                    if (!AssetLoadingTimeUrls.ContainsKey(dependency.Item.Id))
                                        AssetLoadingTimeUrls.Add(dependency.Item.Id, dependency.Item.Location);

                            // Remove assets that were previously loaded but are not anymore from the assetLoadingTimeUrls map.
                            foreach (var loadedUrls in AssetLoadingTimeUrls.Where(x => !Game.Content.IsLoaded(x.Value)).ToList())

                        await Manager.ReplaceContent(assetToLoad.AssetItem.Asset.Id, loadedObject);


                    // Make sure everything is complete before we return
                    await task;
Пример #2
        private async void AssetPropertiesChanged(object sender, AssetChangedEventArgs e)
            // Get the list of assets directly referenced by entities, that reference one of the modified asset. (eg. get models when a material is changed)
            var allAssetsToRebuild = new HashSet <AssetViewModel>();

            // Don't propagate property changes until we're fully initialized.
            await Asset.EditorInitialized;

            // If GameSettingsAssets.ColorSpace was changed, rebuild the whole scene
            var assets = e.Assets.ToList();

            var references = await ComputeReferences();

            var assetsToProcess = new Queue <AssetViewModel>(assets);
            var processedAssets = new HashSet <AssetViewModel>(assets);

            // Recurse through assets that depend on this one (recursively)
            while (assetsToProcess.Count > 0)
                var assetToProcess = assetsToProcess.Dequeue();
                HashSet <AssetId> modifiedAssetReferencers;

                // Check if the asset is referenced in the scene.
                if (!references.TryGetValue(assetToProcess.Id, out modifiedAssetReferencers))

                // We wait for a lock of the database. The lock we retrieve is synchronous, do not await in this using block!
                using ((await database.ReserveSyncLock()).Lock())
                    // Use fast reload if supported and the asset is currently loaded
                    if (FastReloadTypes.Contains(assetToProcess.AssetType) && IsCurrentlyLoaded(assetToProcess.Id))
                        // Allow fast-reload only if the has not been added as non-fast-reloadable.

                        // Find dependent assets
                        foreach (var referencer in assetToProcess.Dependencies.ReferencerAssets)
                            var node = database.AssetDependenciesCompiler.BuildDependencyManager.FindOrCreateNode(referencer.AssetItem, typeof(AssetCompilationContext));
                            foreach (var reference in node.References)
                                // Check if this reference is actually a compile-time dependency
                                if (reference.Target.AssetItem.Id == assetToProcess.Id && reference.HasOne(BuildDependencyType.CompileContent | BuildDependencyType.Runtime))
                                    // If yes, process this asset later
                                    if (processedAssets.Add(referencer))
                        // Otherwise, rebuild the objects that are referenced by entities from the scene and that references this asset
                        foreach (var assetViewModel in modifiedAssetReferencers.Select(x => Session.GetAssetById(x)).NotNull())

            await BuildAndReloadAssets(allAssetsToRebuild.Select(x => x.AssetItem));
Пример #3
        private async void AssetPropertiesChanged(object sender, AssetChangedEventArgs e)
            // Get the list of assets directly referenced by entities, that reference one of the modified asset. (eg. get models when a material is changed)
            var allAssetsToRebuild = new HashSet <AssetViewModel>();

            // Don't propagate property changes until we're fully initialized.
            await Asset.EditorInitialized;

            // If GameSettingsAssets.ColorSpace was changed, rebuild the whole scene
            var assets = e.Assets.ToList();

            var references = await ComputeReferences();

            var assetsToProcess = new Queue <AssetViewModel>(assets);
            var processedAssets = new HashSet <AssetViewModel>(assets);

            // Recurse through assets that depend on this one (recursively)
            while (assetsToProcess.Count > 0)
                var assetToProcess = assetsToProcess.Dequeue();
                HashSet <AssetId> modifiedAssetReferencers;

                // Check if the asset is referenced in the scene.
                if (!references.TryGetValue(assetToProcess.Id, out modifiedAssetReferencers))

                // We wait for a lock of the database. The lock we retrieve is synchronous, do not await in this using block!
                using ((await database.ReserveSyncLock()).Lock())
                    // There is two patterns:
                    // - Object is a fast-reloadable & already loaded object: we can replace its content internally without loading a new object and recreating any of its referencers
                    //   Note that we still need to process referencers in case it is used as a compile-time dependency (i.e. Material layer)
                    // - Object is not a fast-reloadable object: we need to find its referencers (recursively) until we find node directly referenced by the scene (part of modifiedAssetReferencers) and reload this one
                    var isFastReloadCurrentlyLoaded = FastReloadTypes.Contains(assetToProcess.AssetType) && IsCurrentlyLoaded(assetToProcess.Id);
                    if (modifiedAssetReferencers.Contains(assetToProcess.Id) || isFastReloadCurrentlyLoaded)

                    // Find dependent assets
                    foreach (var referencer in assetToProcess.Dependencies.ReferencerAssets)
                        var node = database.AssetDependenciesCompiler.BuildDependencyManager.FindOrCreateNode(referencer.AssetItem, typeof(AssetCompilationContext));
                        foreach (var reference in node.References)
                            // Check if this reference is actually a compile-time dependency
                            // Or if it's not a fast reloadable type (in which case we also need to process its references)
                            if (reference.Target.AssetItem.Id == assetToProcess.Id && (reference.HasOne(BuildDependencyType.CompileContent | BuildDependencyType.CompileAsset) || !isFastReloadCurrentlyLoaded))
                                // If yes, process this asset later
                                if (processedAssets.Add(referencer))

            await BuildAndReloadAssets(allAssetsToRebuild.Select(x => x.AssetItem));