private void CreateDistinctSegmentsFromList()
            // we don't want to reset the line renderer here, because we are using the same line renderer from the CreateContinuousLineFromList method and we want to keep those points
            // LineRenderer.Reset();

            // generate random start and end points
            List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                float x = Random.Range(-150.0f, 150.0f);
                float y = Random.Range(-100.0f, 100.0f);
                points.Add(new Vector3(x, y, 0.0f));

                x = Random.Range(-150.0f, 150.0f);
                y = Random.Range(-100.0f, 100.0f);
                points.Add(new Vector3(x, y, 0.0f));

            // animation time per segment - set to 0 to have the whole thing appear at once
            const float animationTime = 1.0f;

            // create properties - do this once, before your loop
            // note you don't need to set the join for distinct segments added via the AddLine or AddLines call
            FastLineRendererProperties props = new FastLineRendererProperties();

            LineRenderer.AddLines(props, points, (FastLineRendererProperties _props) =>
                // random color
                props.Color = new Color32((byte)Random.Range(0, 256), (byte)Random.Range(0, 256), (byte)Random.Range(0, 256), byte.MaxValue);

                // random radius
                props.Radius = Random.Range(0.25f, 1.0f);

                // animate this line segment in later
            }, true, true);

            // must call apply to make changes permanent