private void dgv_liste_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { try { if (dgv_liste.CurrentRow.Cells["id_"].Value != null) { Int32 id = Convert.ToInt32(dgv_liste.CurrentRow.Cells["id_"].Value); if (id > 0) { FamillesArticle f = FamillesArticleBLL.One(id); if (e.ColumnIndex == 5) { if (DialogResult.Yes == Messages.Confirmation(Mots.Supprimer.ToLower())) { if (FamillesArticleBLL.Delete(f)) { DeleteRow(f); Reset(); Messages.Succes(); } } } else { Populate(f); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Messages.Exception(ex); } }
public static FamillesArticle saveFamillesArticle(FamillesArticle f) { NpgsqlConnection con = Connexion.Connection(); try { string insert = "insert into familles_article (reference,designation,description) values ('" + f.Reference + "','" + f.Designation + "','" + f.Description + "')"; if (f.Parent != null ? f.Parent.Id > 0 : false) { insert = "insert into familles_article (reference,designation,description,parent) values ('" + f.Reference + "','" + f.Designation + "','" + f.Description + "'," + f.Parent.Id + ")"; } NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(insert, con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); f.Id = currentFamillesArticle(f); return(f); } catch (NpgsqlException e) { Messages.Exception(e); return(null); } finally { Connexion.Deconnection(con); } }
private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Recopie(); if (current.Control()) { if (!current.Update) { FamillesArticle f = FamillesArticleBLL.Save(current); if (f != null ? f.Id > 0 : false) { current.Id = f.Id; current.Update = true; AddRow(f); Messages.Succes(); } } else { if (FamillesArticleBLL.Update(current)) { UpdateRow(current); Messages.Succes(); } } Reset(); } }
public static List <FamillesArticle> listFamillesArticle(string query) { NpgsqlConnection con = Connexion.Connection(); try { NpgsqlCommand Lcmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, con); NpgsqlDataReader lect = Lcmd.ExecuteReader(); List <FamillesArticle> l = new List <FamillesArticle>(); if (lect.HasRows) { while (lect.Read()) { FamillesArticle y = oneFamillesArticle((Int32)((lect["id"] != null) ? (!lect["id"].ToString().Trim().Equals("") ? lect["id"] : 0) : 0)); l.Add(y); } } return(l); } catch (NpgsqlException e) { Messages.Exception(e); return(null); } finally { Connexion.Deconnection(con); } }
private void com_parent_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { FamillesArticle a = com_parent.SelectedItem as FamillesArticle; a = familles.Find(x => x.Id == a.Id); famille = a; }
private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FamillesArticle f = new FamillesArticle(); f.Reference = txt_reference.Text.Trim(); f.Designation = txt_designation.Text.Trim(); f.Description = txt_description.Text.Replace("'", "''"); if (famille != null ? famille.Id > 0 : false) { f.Parent = famille; } if (f.Control()) { f = FamillesArticleBLL.Save(f); if (f != null ? f.Id > 0 : false) { current.familles.Add(f); current.com_famille.Refresh(); if (current.current != null ? current.current.Id > 0 : false) { current.current.Famille = f; } current.com_famille.DataSource = new BindingSource(current.familles, null); current.com_famille.Text = f.Designation; this.Close(); } } }
public static Int32 currentFamillesArticle(FamillesArticle f) { NpgsqlConnection con = Connexion.Connection(); try { String search = "select * from familles_article where reference = '" + f.Reference + "' and designation = '" + f.Designation + "' and description = '" + f.Description + "'"; NpgsqlCommand Lcmd = new NpgsqlCommand(search, con); NpgsqlDataReader lect = Lcmd.ExecuteReader(); Int32 id = new Int32(); if (lect.HasRows) { while (lect.Read()) { id = (Int32)((lect["id"] != null) ? (!lect["id"].ToString().Trim().Equals("") ? lect["id"] : 0) : 0); } } return(id); } catch (NpgsqlException e) { Messages.Exception(e); return(0); } finally { Connexion.Deconnection(con); } }
public static bool updateFamillesArticle(FamillesArticle f) { NpgsqlConnection con = Connexion.Connection(); try { string update = "update familles_article set reference ='" + f.Reference + "' , designation ='" + f.Designation + "' , description = '" + f.Description + "' where id = " + f.Id; if (f.Parent != null ? f.Parent.Id > 0 : false) { update = "update familles_article set reference ='" + f.Reference + "' , designation ='" + f.Designation + "' , description = '" + f.Description + "' , parent = " + f.Parent.Id + " where id = " + f.Id; } NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(update, con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(true); } catch (NpgsqlException e) { Messages.Exception(e); return(false); } finally { Connexion.Deconnection(con); } }
private void Reset() { txt_reference.ResetText(); txt_designation.ResetText(); txt_description.ResetText(); com_parent.ResetText(); current = new FamillesArticle(); LoadFamille(); }
public static bool Delete(FamillesArticle y) { try { return(FamillesArticleDAO.deleteFamillesArticle(y)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Suppression Impossible", ex); } }
public static bool Update(FamillesArticle y) { try { return(FamillesArticleDAO.updateFamillesArticle(y)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Modification Impossible", ex); } }
public static Int32 Current(FamillesArticle y) { try { return(FamillesArticleDAO.currentFamillesArticle(y)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Retour Impossible", ex); } }
public static FamillesArticle Save(FamillesArticle y) { try { return(FamillesArticleDAO.saveFamillesArticle(y)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Insertion Impossible", ex); } }
public static bool data(FamillesArticle f) { NpgsqlConnection con = Connexion.Connection(); try { return(true); } catch (NpgsqlException e) { Messages.Exception(e); return(false); } finally { Connexion.Deconnection(con); } }
private void Populate(FamillesArticle f) { FamillesArticle f_ = FamillesArticleBLL.One(f.Id); txt_reference.Text = f_.Reference; txt_designation.Text = f_.Designation; txt_description.Text = f_.Description; current = f; LoadFamille(); if (f_.Parent != null ? f_.Parent.Id > 0 : false) { com_parent.Text = f_.Parent.Designation; current.Parent = f_.Parent; } else { com_parent.ResetText(); current.Parent = null; } }
public static bool deleteFamillesArticle(FamillesArticle f) { NpgsqlConnection con = Connexion.Connection(); try { string delete = "delete from familles_article where id = " + f.Id; NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(delete, con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(true); } catch (NpgsqlException e) { Messages.Exception(e); return(false); } finally { Connexion.Deconnection(con); } }
private void dgv_liste_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (dgv_liste.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dgv_liste.CurrentRow.Cells["id_"].Value != null) { Int32 id = (Int32)dgv_liste.CurrentRow.Cells["id_"].Value; if (id > 0) { FamillesArticle f = FamillesArticleBLL.One(id); Populate(f); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Messages.Exception(ex); } }
public static FamillesArticle oneFamillesArticle(Int32 id) { NpgsqlConnection con = Connexion.Connection(); try { String search = "select f.*, p.designation as designation_ from familles_article f left join familles_article p on f.parent = where = " + id; NpgsqlCommand Lcmd = new NpgsqlCommand(search, con); NpgsqlDataReader lect = Lcmd.ExecuteReader(); FamillesArticle y = new FamillesArticle(); if (lect.HasRows) { while (lect.Read()) { y.Id = id; y.Reference = lect["reference"].ToString(); y.Designation = lect["designation"].ToString(); y.Description = lect["description"].ToString(); Int32 id_ = (Int32)((lect["parent"] != null) ? (!lect["parent"].ToString().Trim().Equals("") ? lect["parent"] : 0) : 0); y.Parent = new FamillesArticle(id_, lect["designation_"].ToString()); y.Sous = listFamillesArticle("select * from familles_article where parent = " + id); y.Update = true; } } return(y); } catch (NpgsqlException e) { Messages.Exception(e); return(null); } finally { Connexion.Deconnection(con); } }
private void AddRow(FamillesArticle f) { dgv_liste.Rows.Add(new object[] { f.Id, f.Reference, f.Designation, f.Parent != null ? f.Parent.Designation : "", f.Description, null }); }
private void DeleteRow(FamillesArticle f) { dgv_liste.Rows.RemoveAt(Utils.GetRowData(dgv_liste, f.Id)); }
private void UpdateRow(FamillesArticle f) { dgv_liste.Rows.RemoveAt(Utils.GetRowData(dgv_liste, f.Id)); f = FamillesArticleBLL.One(f.Id); AddRow(f); }