public void EditPostDoesntTouchAlreadyPublishedEntrysPublishDate()
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();

            Guid     postID        = Guid.NewGuid();
            DateTime publishedDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

            postService.AddedPosts.Add(new Oxite.Models.Post()
                ID        = postID,
                Published = publishedDate

            Post newPost = new Post()
                title       = "PostTitle",
                description = "PostDescription",
                mt_excerpt  = "PostBodyShort",
                mt_basename = "PostSlug"

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, null, userService, null, null);

            service.EditPost(postID.ToString(), "test", "test", newPost, true);

            Assert.Equal(publishedDate, postService.AddedPosts[0].Published);
        public void NewPostCreatesSlugForEntry()
            FakePostService        postService        = new FakePostService();
            FakeAreaService        areaService        = new FakeAreaService();
            FakeTagService         tagService         = new FakeTagService();
            FakeUserService        userService        = new FakeUserService();
            FakeRegularExpressions regularExpressions = new FakeRegularExpressions();
            Guid areaID = Guid.NewGuid();

            areaService.StoredAreas.Add("test", new Oxite.Models.Area()
                ID = areaID

            Post newPost = new Post()
                title = "This is a test", description = "A Test", dateCreated = DateTime.Now, mt_basename = ""

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, areaService, userService, null, regularExpressions);

            service.NewPost(areaID.ToString(), "test", "test", newPost, false);

            Oxite.Models.Post savedPost = postService.AddedPosts[0];
            Assert.Equal("This-is-a-test", savedPost.Slug);
        public void EditPostSavesChangesToTextFields()
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();

            Guid postID = Guid.NewGuid();

            postService.AddedPosts.Add(new Oxite.Models.Post()
                ID = postID,

            Post newPost = new Post()
                title       = "PostTitle",
                description = "PostDescription",
                mt_excerpt  = "PostBodyShort",
                mt_basename = "PostSlug"

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, null, userService, null, null);

            bool success = service.EditPost(postID.ToString(), "test", "test", newPost, false);

            Oxite.Models.Post edited = postService.AddedPosts[0];
            Assert.Equal(newPost.title, edited.Title);
            Assert.Equal(newPost.description, edited.Body);
            Assert.Equal(newPost.mt_excerpt, edited.BodyShort);
            Assert.Equal(newPost.mt_basename, edited.Slug);
        public void NewPostAddsToService()
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeAreaService areaService = new FakeAreaService();
            FakeTagService  tagService  = new FakeTagService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();
            Guid            areaID      = Guid.NewGuid();

            areaService.StoredAreas.Add("test", new Oxite.Models.Area()
                ID = areaID

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, areaService, userService, null, null);

            Post newPost = new Post()
                title = "Test", description = "A Test", dateCreated = DateTime.Now, mt_basename = "test"
            string postIDString = service.NewPost(areaID.ToString(), "test", "test", newPost, false);

            Assert.Equal(1, postService.AddedPosts.Count);
            Assert.Equal(postService.AddedPosts[0].ID.ToString(), postIDString);
            Assert.Equal("Test", postService.AddedPosts[0].Title);
            Assert.Equal("A Test", postService.AddedPosts[0].Body);
            Assert.Equal(newPost.dateCreated, postService.AddedPosts[0].Created);
            Assert.Equal("test", postService.AddedPosts[0].Slug);
            Assert.Equal(Oxite.Models.EntityState.Normal, postService.AddedPosts[0].State);
        public void NewPostFaultsForNonParsableBlogID()
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();
            MetaWeblogAPI   service     = new MetaWeblogAPI(null, null, userService, null, null);

            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => service.NewPost("xxx", "test", "test", null, false));
        public void NewPostAddsPassedCategoriesAsTags()
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeAreaService areaService = new FakeAreaService();
            FakeTagService  tagService  = new FakeTagService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();
            Guid            areaID      = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid            tag1ID      = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid            tag2ID      = Guid.NewGuid();

            areaService.StoredAreas.Add("test", new Oxite.Models.Area()
                ID = areaID

            Post newPost = new Post()
                categories  = new[] { "Test1", "Test2" },
                title       = "Test",
                description = "A Test",
                dateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                mt_basename = "test"

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, areaService, userService, null, null);

            service.NewPost(areaID.ToString(), "test", "test", newPost, false);

            Assert.Equal(1, postService.AddedPosts.Count);

            Oxite.Models.Post savedPost = postService.AddedPosts[0];
            Assert.Equal(2, savedPost.Tags.Count);
            Assert.Contains("Test1", savedPost.Tags.Select(t => t.Name));
            Assert.Contains("Test2", savedPost.Tags.Select(t => t.Name));
        public void GetCategoriesFaultsOnNullUser()
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();
            MetaWeblogAPI   service     = new MetaWeblogAPI(null, null, userService, null, null);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.GetCategories(null, null, null));
        public void EditPostPublishesIfPublishIsTrue()
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();

            Guid postID = Guid.NewGuid();

            postService.AddedPosts.Add(new Oxite.Models.Post()
                ID = postID,

            Post newPost = new Post()
                title       = "PostTitle",
                description = "PostDescription",
                mt_excerpt  = "PostBodyShort",
                mt_basename = "PostSlug"

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, null, userService, null, null);

            service.EditPost(postID.ToString(), "test", "test", newPost, true);

            Assert.True(DateTime.Today < postService.AddedPosts[0].Published);
        public void GetPostFaultsOnBadID()
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, null, userService, null, null);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => service.GetPost(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "test", "test"));
Пример #10
        public void TestsCleanup()
            this.userService         = null;
            this.navigationService   = null;
            this.localizationService = null;
            this.dialogService       = null;

            this.registerViewModel = null;
        public void GetPostReturnsPost()
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();

            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            Oxite.Models.Post fakePost = new Oxite.Models.Post()
                Title     = "Title",
                Body      = "Body",
                Created   = DateTime.Now,
                Published = DateTime.Now,
                ID        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Creator   = new Oxite.Models.User()
                    DisplayName = "Test User", Name = "user"
                BodyShort = "Excerpt",
                Slug      = "Slug"
            fakePost.Area = new Oxite.Models.Area()
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Blog1", DisplayName = "Blog One"
            fakePost.Tags =
                new List <Oxite.Models.Tag>(new[]
                new Oxite.Models.Tag()
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Tag1"
                new Oxite.Models.Tag()
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Tag2"


            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, null, userService, null, null);

            Post post = service.GetPost(fakePost.ID.ToString(), "test", "test");

            Assert.Equal(fakePost.Title, post.title);
            Assert.Equal(fakePost.Body, post.description);
            Assert.Equal(fakePost.Created, post.dateCreated);
            Assert.Equal(fakePost.Creator.ID, new Guid(post.userid));
            Assert.Equal(fakePost.BodyShort, post.mt_excerpt);
            Assert.Equal(fakePost.Slug, post.mt_basename);
            foreach (string category in post.categories)
                Assert.Contains <string>(category, fakePost.Tags.Select(t => t.Name));
        public void NewPostFaultsOnNullUser()
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();

            Guid areaID = Guid.NewGuid();

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(null, null, userService, null, null);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.NewPost(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), null, null, new Post(), false));
        public void NewPostFaultsOnBadUsernamePassword()
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(null, null, userService, null, null);

            userService.Authenticate = false;

            Assert.Throws <System.Security.Authentication.InvalidCredentialException>(() => service.NewPost(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "test", "test", null, false));
Пример #14
        public void TestsCleanUp()
            this.userService         = null;
            this.storageService      = null;
            this.navigationService   = null;
            this.localizationService = null;
            this.dialogService       = null;

            this.loginViewModel = null;
Пример #15
        public void TestsInitialize()
            this.userService         = new FakeUserService();
            this.navigationService   = new FakeNavigationService();
            this.localizationService = new FakeLocalizationService();
            this.dialogService       = new FakeDialogService();

            this.registerViewModel = new RegisterViewModel(this.userService, this.navigationService,
                                                           this.localizationService, this.dialogService);
Пример #16
        public void TestsInitialize()
            this.userService         = new FakeUserService();
            this.storageService      = new FakeStorageService();
            this.navigationService   = new FakeNavigationService();
            this.localizationService = new FakeLocalizationService();
            this.dialogService       = new FakeDialogService();

            this.loginViewModel = new LoginViewModel(this.userService, this.storageService,
                                                     this.navigationService, this.localizationService, this.dialogService);
        public void SignInSetsModelStateErrorIfUserDoesNotExist()
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();

            userService.Authenticate = false;

            UserController controller = new UserController(null, userService);

            controller.SignIn("test", "test", false, null);

        public void SignInRedirectsToUrlForNonNullReturnUrl()
            FakeUserService         userService = new FakeUserService();
            FakeFormsAuthentication formsAuth   = new FakeFormsAuthentication();

            UserController controller = new UserController(formsAuth, userService);

            ActionResult result = controller.SignIn("test", "test", true, "/test") as ActionResult;

            Assert.IsType <RedirectResult>(result);
            RedirectResult redirectResult = result as RedirectResult;

            Assert.Equal("/test", redirectResult.Url);
Пример #19
        public ActionResult Index(string id)
            IUserService userService = new FakeUserService();
            var          user        = userService.GetUserByName(id);

            ViewBag.UserId = "";

            var sender = userService.GetUserByName(this.User.Identity.Name);

            // 获取在线用户列表
            List <SelectListItem> onlineUserList = new List <SelectListItem>();

            onlineUserList.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "请选择在线用户", Value = ""

            var allUsers = userService.GetUsers();

            foreach (var ou in allUsers)
                if (ou.UserName == sender.UserName)

                SelectListItem item = new SelectListItem();
                item.Text  = ou.DisplayName;
                item.Value = ou.UserName;
                if (user != null && ou.UserName == user.UserName)
                    item.Selected = true;


            ViewData["OnlineUsers"] = onlineUserList;
            ViewBag.Sender          = sender.DisplayName;
            if (sender.UserRole == Models.UserRole.管理员)
                ViewBag.CanBroadcast = true;
                ViewBag.CanBroadcast = false;

Пример #20
        public void NewPostSetsCreatorToUser()
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeAreaService areaService = new FakeAreaService();
            FakeTagService  tagService  = new FakeTagService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();
            Guid            areaID      = Guid.NewGuid();

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, areaService, userService, null, null);

            service.NewPost(areaID.ToString(), "test", "test", new Post(), false);

            Oxite.Model.Post newPost = postService.AddedPosts[0];
            Assert.Equal("test", newPost.Creator.Name);
        public void GetCategoriesReturnsAllTags()
            FakeTagService  tagService  = new FakeTagService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();

            tagService.StoredTags.Add("test", new Oxite.Models.Tag()
                Name = "test"

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(null, null, userService, tagService, null);

            CategoryInfo[] categories = service.GetCategories(null, "test", "test");

            Assert.Equal(1, categories.Length);
            Assert.Equal("test", categories[0].description);
        public void GetRecentPostsReturnsNumberOfPostsInBlog()
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();

            Guid areaID = Guid.NewGuid();

            Oxite.Models.Post post1 = new Oxite.Models.Post()
                ID      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Creator = new Oxite.Models.User(),
                Area    = new Oxite.Models.Area()
                    ID = areaID
                Slug    = "Post1",
                Created = DateTime.Now,
                Tags    = new List <Oxite.Models.Tag>()
            Oxite.Models.Post post2 = new Oxite.Models.Post()
                ID      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Creator = new Oxite.Models.User(),
                Area    = new Oxite.Models.Area()
                    ID = areaID
                Slug    = "Post2",
                Created = DateTime.Now,
                Tags    = new List <Oxite.Models.Tag>()

            postService.AddedPosts.AddRange(new[] { post1, post2 });

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, null, userService, null, null);

            Post[] posts = service.GetRecentPosts(areaID.ToString(), "test", "test", 2);

            Assert.Equal(2, posts.Length);
            Assert.Contains <Guid>(post1.ID, posts.Select(p => new Guid(p.postid)));
            Assert.Contains <Guid>(post2.ID, posts.Select(p => new Guid(p.postid)));
Пример #23
        public void NewPostAddsExcerptAsBodyShort()
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeAreaService areaService = new FakeAreaService();
            FakeTagService  tagService  = new FakeTagService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();
            Guid            areaID      = Guid.NewGuid();

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, areaService, userService, null, null);

            Post newPost = new Post()
                mt_excerpt = "Preview", title = "Test", description = "A Test", dateCreated = DateTime.Now, mt_basename = "test"

            service.NewPost(areaID.ToString(), "test", "test", newPost, false);

            Assert.Equal(newPost.mt_excerpt, postService.AddedPosts[0].BodyShort);
Пример #24
        public void NewPostSetsPublishDateToNullIfPublishFalse()
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeAreaService areaService = new FakeAreaService();
            FakeTagService  tagService  = new FakeTagService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();
            Guid            areaID      = Guid.NewGuid();

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, areaService, userService, null, null);

            Post newPost = new Post()
                title = "Test", description = "A Test", dateCreated = DateTime.Now, mt_basename = "test"

            service.NewPost(areaID.ToString(), "test", "test", newPost, false);

        public void EditPostEditsTagList()
            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();
            Guid            postID      = Guid.NewGuid();

            postService.AddedPosts.Add(new Oxite.Models.Post()
                ID        = postID,
                Title     = "PreTitle",
                Body      = "PreBody",
                BodyShort = "PreBodyShort",
                Tags      =
                    new List <Oxite.Models.Tag>(new Oxite.Models.Tag[]
                    new Oxite.Models.Tag()
                        Name = "Old1"
                    new Oxite.Models.Tag()
                        Name = "Both1"

            Post newPost = new Post()
                categories  = new[] { "New1", "Both1" },
                title       = "PostTitle",
                description = "PostDescription",
                mt_excerpt  = "PostBodyShort"

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, null, userService, null, null);

            service.EditPost(postID.ToString(), "test", "test", newPost, false);

            Oxite.Models.Post edited = postService.AddedPosts[0];
            Assert.Equal(2, edited.Tags.Count());
            Assert.Contains("New1", edited.Tags.Select(t => t.Name));
            Assert.Contains("Both1", edited.Tags.Select(t => t.Name));
        public void DeletePostDeletesPost()
            Guid postID = Guid.NewGuid();

            FakePostService postService = new FakePostService();
            FakeUserService userService = new FakeUserService();

            postService.AddedPosts.Add(new Oxite.Models.Post()
                ID = postID, State = Oxite.Models.EntityState.Normal

            MetaWeblogAPI service = new MetaWeblogAPI(postService, null, userService, null, null);

            bool ret = service.DeletePost(null, postID.ToString(), "test", "test", false);

            Assert.Equal(1, postService.RemovedPosts.Count);
            Assert.Equal(postID, postService.RemovedPosts[0].ID);
Пример #27
        private bool LoginUser(string userName, string password)
            IUserService userService  = new FakeUserService();
            bool         loginSuccess = userService.ValidateUser(userName, password);

            if (loginSuccess)
                var usr = userService.GetUserByName(userName);

                    new ClaimsIdentity(
                        new[] {
                    new Claim(ClaimsIdentity.DefaultNameClaimType, userName),
                    new Claim("DisplayName", usr.DisplayName)

        public void SignInSetsCookieForValidUser()
            FakeUserService         userService = new FakeUserService();
            FakeFormsAuthentication formsAuth   = new FakeFormsAuthentication();

            RouteCollection routes = new RouteCollection();

            routes.Add("Posts", new Route("", new MvcRouteHandler()));

            UrlHelper helper = new UrlHelper(new RequestContext(new FakeHttpContext(new Uri(""), "~/"), new RouteData()), routes);

            UserController controller = new UserController(formsAuth, userService)
                Url = helper

            controller.SignIn("test", "test", true, null);

            Assert.Equal("test", formsAuth.LastUserName);
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the user's information by login ID after object is constructed
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateUserSession()
            //So, again, like throughout this
            //trash heap, basically Im trying to quickly
            //emulate the same behavior that I had implemented
            //previously in the corp AD environment.
            //Because the whole thing lived inside of the corp intranet,
            //basically we had the luxury of just setting needed items
            //into a session to be used through the application and not
            //worry too too much about security thats whats here

            this.ID = UserHandler.ReturnLogInID();
            var fsu = new FakeUserService();

            var objUsr = fsu.GetUserByLogin(ID);

            this.UserObject = objUsr;

            //Finally set it into a session state...
            HttpContext.Current.Session["currentUser"] = this;
        public async Task AuthenticateUseCase_ValidInput_ShouldReturnTheUser()
            // Arrange
            var userService = new FakeUserService();
            var presenter   = new FakeAuthenticateOutputHandler();

            var sut = new AuthenticateUseCase(presenter, userService);

            var input = new AuthenticationInput("username", "password");

            // Act
            await sut.Execute(input);

            // Assert
