public void DeleteCommentsToPost() { Mock <IUnitOfWork> uow = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>(); uow.Setup(x => x.PostCommentRepository.GetByKey((long)10)).Returns(new PostComment() { Id = 1 } ); uow.Setup(x => x.PostCommentRepository.GetPostComments((long)10)).Returns(new List <PostComment>() { new PostComment() { Id = 10 } } ); UserManager <AppUser> um = new FakeUserManager(); UserBlogService ubs = new UserBlogService(uow.Object, um); UserBlogApiController UBC = new UserBlogApiController(ubs); var result = UBC.DeleteCommentsToPost(10) as EmptyResult; uow.Verify(x => x.PostCommentRepository.Delete(It.IsAny <long>())); }
public void AddCommentToPost() { Mock <IUnitOfWork> uow = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>(); uow.Setup(x => x.PostCommentRepository.GetByKey(1)).Returns(fakePostComments.Where(x => x.Id == 1).FirstOrDefault()); uow.Setup(x => x.PostCommentRepository.GetPostComments(1)).Returns(fakePostComments); UserManager <AppUser> um = new FakeUserManager(); UserBlogService ubs = new UserBlogService(uow.Object, um); UserBlogApiController UBC = new UserBlogApiController(ubs); UBC.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext { HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext { User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, "username") }, "someAuthTypeName")) } }; var result = UBC.AddCommentToPost(new UserBlogCommentModel() { BlogId = 1, ParentId = 1, Text = "text" }) as ObjectResult; result.Value.Should().NotBeNull(); //uow.Verify(x => x.PostCommentRepository.Delete(It.IsAny<long>())); }
public void Setup() { _userManager = new FakeUserManager(); _jwtGenerator = Substitute.For <IJwtGenerator>(); _arpaContext = Substitute.For <IArpaContext>(); _handler = new RefreshAccessToken.Handler(_userManager, _jwtGenerator, _arpaContext, new FakeDateTimeProvider()); }
public void IndexTest() { UserManager <AppUser> um = new FakeUserManager(); Mock <IUserValidator <AppUser> > uv = new Mock <IUserValidator <AppUser> >(); var failed = Task.FromResult(IdentityResult.Failed()); //Console.Write(failed.Errors); uv.Setup(x => x.ValidateAsync(um, It.IsAny <AppUser>())).Returns(failed); //uv.Setup(x => x.ValidateAsync(um, fakeUser)).Returns(Task.FromResult(IdentityResult.Success)); uv.Setup(x => x.ValidateAsync(um, It.Is <AppUser>(a => a == fakeUser))).Returns(Task.FromResult(IdentityResult.Success)); AccountController AC = new AccountController(um, uv.Object); var result = AC.Index(); result.Should().NotBeNull(); var result2 = AC.Index(new AppUserViewModel() { Name = "name", Surname = "surname" }); result2 = AC.Index(new AppUserViewModel() { Name = "asd", Surname = "sde" }); result2.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public void RegisterUser_FirstUser_LocalRedirect() { // Arrange FakeUserManager fakeUserManager = new FakeUserManager(); fakeUserManager.SetUsers(new List <ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationUser[] {}).AsQueryable()); FakeSignInManager fakeSignInManager = new FakeSignInManager(); RegisterModel registerModel = new RegisterModel(fakeUserManager, fakeSignInManager, new FakeLogger <LoginModel>(), null); registerModel.PageContext = new PageContext(); registerModel.Input = new RegisterModel.InputModel { Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", }; // Act IActionResult result = registerModel.OnPostAsync().Result; // Assert Assert.IsType(typeof(LocalRedirectResult), result); }
public void SetUp() { _factory = new InMemorySqlLiteContextFactory(); _mockSignManager = new FakeSignInManager(); _mockUserManager = new FakeUserManager(); _uut = new IdentityUserRepository(_mockUserManager, _mockSignManager); }
public void ShouldReturnNull_WhenNoUserAssociated() { var userManager = new FakeUserManager(); var sut = new UserAuthorizationService(userManager, Mock.Of <AllReadyContext>()); sut.AssociatedUserId.ShouldBeNull(); }
public void HasAssociatedUserShouldReturnFalse_WhenNoUserAssociated() { var userManager = new FakeUserManager(); var sut = new UserAuthorizationService(userManager, Mock.Of <AllReadyContext>()); sut.HasAssociatedUser.ShouldBeFalse(); }
public ManageControllerTests(ITestOutputHelper output) { _output = output; _fakeUserManager = new FakeUserManager(); _fakeSignInManager = new FakeSignInManager(); _mockSmsSender = new Mock <ISmsSender>(); _sut = new ManageController(_fakeUserManager, _fakeSignInManager, _mockSmsSender.Object); }
public void Setup() { _userManager = new FakeUserManager(); _emailSender = Substitute.For <IEmailSender>(); _jwtConfiguration = new JwtConfiguration(); _clubConfiguration = new ClubConfiguration(); _handler = new ForgotPassword.Handler(_userManager, _clubConfiguration, _jwtConfiguration, _emailSender); }
public void Setup() { _userManager = new FakeUserManager(); _emailSender = Substitute.For <IEmailSender>(); _jwtConfiguration = new JwtConfiguration(); _clubConfiguration = new ClubConfiguration(); _handler = new CreateEmailConfirmationToken.Handler(_userManager, _clubConfiguration, _jwtConfiguration, _emailSender); }
public void DetailsTest() { int id = 1; var um = new FakeUserManager(); Mock <IUnitOfWork> uow = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>(); uow.Setup(x => x.PersonRepository.GetByKey((long)id)).Returns(_fakePersons.Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefault()); uow.Setup(x => x.FileRepository.GetByKey((long)id)).Returns(new Models.File() { Path = (Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\FilmSearch.dll"), FileType = "dll" }); uow.Setup(x => x.PersonRoleRepository.GetAll()).Returns(fakePersonRoles); uow.Setup(x => x.PersonPerformanceRepository.GetAll()).Returns(fakePersonPerfomances); uow.Setup(x => x.FilmRepository.GetByKey(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(new Film() { Id = 1, PhotoId = 1, Title = "title" } ); uow.Setup(x => x.FilmRoleRepository.GetByKey(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(new FilmRole() { Id = 1, Name = "name" } ); Mock <IHostingEnvironment> env = new Mock <IHostingEnvironment>(); PersonService ps = new FakePersonService(uow.Object); PersonController PC = new PersonController(uow.Object, env.Object, ps, um); /* * var username = "******"; * var identity = new GenericIdentity(username); * //create claim and add it to indentity * var nameIdentifierClaim = new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, username); * identity.AddClaim(nameIdentifierClaim); * * var user = new Mock<IPrincipal>(); * user.Setup(x => x.Identity).Returns(identity); * Thread.CurrentPrincipal = user.Object; */ PC.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext { HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext { User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, "username") }, "someAuthTypeName")) } }; var result = PC.Details(id) as ViewResult; result.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public ToDoListsControllerTests() { this.optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("toDoListsDatabase"); this.db = new ApplicationDbContext(this.optionsBuilder.Options); this.toDoListsService = new ToDoListsService(this.db); this.userManager = new FakeUserManager(); this.controller = new ToDoListsController(this.toDoListsService, this.userManager); }
public async Task IsTeamLead_ReturnsFalse_WhenNoUserAssociated() { var userManager = new FakeUserManager(); var sut = new UserAuthorizationService(userManager, Context); var isEventManager = await sut.IsTeamLead(); isEventManager.ShouldBe(false); }
public void BanTest() { UserManager <AppUser> um = new FakeUserManager(); Mock <IUserValidator <AppUser> > uv = new Mock <IUserValidator <AppUser> >(); AccountController AC = new AccountController(um, uv.Object); var result = (AC.Ban() as ViewResult).Model as List <AppUser>; result.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public InvestmentsControllerTests() { this.optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("investmentWalletsDatabase"); this.db = new ApplicationDbContext(this.optionsBuilder.Options); this.currenciesService = new CurrenciesService(this.db); this.investmentsWalletsService = new InvestmentsWalletsService(this.db); this.userManager = new FakeUserManager(); this.controller = new InvestmentsController(this.currenciesService, this.investmentsWalletsService, this.userManager); }
public async Task GetLedItineraryIds_ShouldReturnEmptyListWhenNoAssociatedUser() { var userManager = new FakeUserManager(); var sut = new UserAuthorizationService(userManager, Context); var teamLeadIds = await sut.GetLedItineraryIds(); teamLeadIds.ShouldBeEmpty(); }
public async Task GetUser() { var userName = "******"; var userStore = new Mock <IUserStore <ApplicationUser> >(); var userManager = new FakeUserManager(userStore.Object); var userToVerify = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(userName); Assert.Equal("*****@*****.**", userToVerify.Email); }
public async Task GetManagedCampaignIds_ShouldReturnEmptyListWhenNoAssociatedUser() { var userManager = new FakeUserManager(); var sut = new UserAuthorizationService(userManager, Context); var managedCampaignIds = await sut.GetManagedCampaignIds(); managedCampaignIds.ShouldBeEmpty(); }
public void GetAllTest() { UserManager <AppUser> um = new FakeUserManager(); Mock <Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration> conf = new Mock <Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration>(); NewsletterApiController NAC = new NewsletterApiController(new Services.UserService(um), new Services.MailService(), um, conf.Object); var result = NAC.GetAll("q", 1) as ViewResult; result.Should().BeNull(); }
public void PersonStatsTest() { UserManager <AppUser> um = new FakeUserManager(); Mock <IUserValidator <AppUser> > uv = new Mock <IUserValidator <AppUser> >(); AccountController AC = new AccountController(um, uv.Object); var result = (AC.PersonStats() as ViewResult); result.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public void DisableUser() { UserManager <AppUser> um = new FakeUserManager(); Mock <IUserValidator <AppUser> > uv = new Mock <IUserValidator <AppUser> >(); AccountController AC = new AccountController(um, uv.Object); string id = "1"; var result = AC.DisableUser(id).Result; result.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public void CreateBlogTest() { Mock <IUnitOfWork> uow = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>(); UserManager <AppUser> um = new FakeUserManager(); UserBlogService ubs = new UserBlogService(uow.Object, um); UserBlogController ubc = new UserBlogController(ubs); var result = ubc.CreateBlog() as ViewResult; result.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public TokenControllerTests(ITestOutputHelper output) { _fakeSignInManager = new FakeSignInManager(); _fakeUserManager = new FakeUserManager(); var config = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\..\..\ContosoUniversity.Web")) .AddJsonFile("appsettings.development.json") .Build(); _sut = new TokenController(_fakeSignInManager, _fakeUserManager, config); }
public ActionResult Index(string question) { var vm = new TeachingRoomViewModel(); var uman = new FakeUserManager(); vm.DisplayName = User.Identity.Name; vm.UserId = uman.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name); vm.DisplayQuestion = question ?? ""; return(View(vm)); }
public TradesControllerTests() { this.optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("tradesDatabase"); this.db = new ApplicationDbContext(this.optionsBuilder.Options); this.repo = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <Company>(this.db); this.companiesService = new CompaniesService(this.repo); this.tradesService = new TradesService(this.db, this.companiesService); this.userManager = new FakeUserManager(); this.controller = new TradesController(this.companiesService, this.tradesService, this.userManager); }
public APITestBase() : base() { _userManager = new FakeUserManager(_context); _signInManager = new FakeSignInManager(_userManager); _courseService = new CourseService(_context); _studentService = new StudentService(_context); _enrollService = new EnrollService(_context); _facultyService = new FacultyService(_context); _wishlistService = new WishlistService(_context); }
public AccountControllerTests(ITestOutputHelper output) { _output = output; _fakeUserManager = new FakeUserManager(); _fakeSignInManager = new FakeSignInManager(); _mockUrlHelperAdaptor = new Mock <IUrlHelperAdaptor>(); _mockEmailSender = new Mock <IEmailSender>(); _mockSmsSender = new Mock <ISmsSender>(); _sut = new AccountController(_fakeUserManager, _fakeSignInManager, _mockEmailSender.Object, _mockSmsSender.Object, _mockUrlHelperAdaptor.Object); }
public void SearchTest() { var um = new FakeUserManager(); Mock <IUnitOfWork> uow = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>(); Mock <IHostingEnvironment> env = new Mock <IHostingEnvironment>(); PersonService ps = new PersonService(uow.Object); PersonController PC = new PersonController(uow.Object, env.Object, ps, um); var result = PC.Search() as ViewResult; result.Model.Should().BeNull(); }
public WalletsControllerTests() { this.optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("walletsDatabase"); this.db = new ApplicationDbContext(this.optionsBuilder.Options); this.recordsService = new RecordsService(this.db); this.currenciesService = new CurrenciesService(this.db); this.categoriesService = new CategoriesService(this.db, this.recordsService); this.walletsService = new WalletsService(this.db, this.recordsService, this.currenciesService, this.categoriesService); this.userManager = new FakeUserManager(); this.controller = new WalletsController(this.walletsService, this.recordsService, this.currenciesService, this.userManager); }