Пример #1
    public void TestAddRemove()
        Bin bin = ElementFactory.Make("bin") as Bin;

        Assert.IsNotNull(bin, "Could not create bin");

        Element e1 = new FakeSrc("fakesrc");
        Element e2 = new Identity("identity");
        Element e3 = new FakeSink("fakesink");

        Assert.IsNotNull(e1, "Could not create fakesrc");
        Assert.IsNotNull(e2, "Could not create identity");
        Assert.IsNotNull(e3, "Could not create fakesink");

        bin.Add(e1, e2, e3);
        Element.Link(e1, e2, e3);

        Assert.AreEqual(bin.ChildrenCount, 3);
        bin.Remove(e2, e3);
        Assert.AreEqual(bin.ChildrenCount, 1);
        Assert.AreEqual(bin.ChildrenCount, 2);
        bin.Remove(e1, e2);
        Assert.AreEqual(bin.ChildrenCount, 0);
Пример #2
        public BpmDetector()
            try {
                pipeline = new Pipeline();
                filesrc  = new FileSrc();
                var decodebin    = new DecodeBin2();
                var audioconvert = Make("audioconvert");
                var bpmdetect    = Make("bpmdetect");
                fakesink = new FakeSink();

                pipeline.Add(filesrc, decodebin, audioconvert, bpmdetect, fakesink);

                if (!filesrc.Link(decodebin))
                    Log.Error("Could not link pipeline elements");
                    throw new Exception();

                // decodebin and audioconvert are linked dynamically when the decodebin creates a new pad
                decodebin.NewDecodedPad += delegate(object o, DecodeBin2.NewDecodedPadArgs args) {
                    var audiopad = audioconvert.GetStaticPad("sink");
                    if (audiopad.IsLinked)

                    using (var caps = args.Pad.Caps) {
                        using (var str = caps[0]) {
                            if (!str.Name.Contains("audio"))


                if (!Element.Link(audioconvert, bpmdetect, fakesink))
                    Log.Error("Could not link pipeline elements");
                    throw new Exception();

                //gst_bus_add_watch (gst_pipeline_get_bus (GST_PIPELINE (detector->pipeline)), bbd_pipeline_bus_callback, detector);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ApplicationException(Catalog.GetString("Could not create BPM detection driver."), e);
Пример #3
    public void TestAdd()
        Bin     bin = new Bin("test-bin");
        Element e1  = new FakeSrc("fakesrc");
        Element e2  = new FakeSink("fakesink");

        Assert.IsNotNull(bin, "Could not create bin");
        Assert.IsNotNull(e1, "Could not create fakesrc");
        Assert.IsNotNull(e2, "Could not create fakesink");

        bin.Add(e1, e2);

        Assert.AreEqual(bin.ChildrenCount, 2);
Пример #4
    public void TestBaseTime()
        Element  pipeline = ElementFactory.Make("pipeline", "pipeline");
        FakeSrc  fakesrc  = FakeSrc.Make("fakesrc");
        FakeSink fakesink = FakeSink.Make("fakesink");

        Assert.IsNotNull(pipeline, "Could not create pipeline");
        Assert.IsNotNull(fakesrc, "Could not create fakesrc");
        Assert.IsNotNull(fakesink, "Could not create fakesink");

        fakesrc.IsLive = true;

        Bin bin = (Bin)pipeline;

        bin.Add(fakesrc, fakesink);

        Pad sink = fakesink.GetStaticPad("sink");
Пример #5
    public static void Main(string [] args)

        Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline("pipeline");
        FileSrc  source   = FileSrc.Make("source");

        typefind = TypeFindElement.Make("typefind");
        FakeSink sink = FakeSink.Make("sink");

        source.Location = args[0];

        typefind.HaveType += OnHaveType;

        pipeline.Add(source, typefind, sink);


Пример #6
        public void SimpleAutoSyncTrackingCancelledCycle()
            // arrange identifiers
            var scopeId    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var scopeName  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var trackingId = Guid.NewGuid();

            // arrange a stopwatch that tracks a known interval
            var elapsed = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(123);
            var watch   = new FakeTrackerStopwatch
                TargetElapsed = elapsed
            var factory = Mock.Of <ITrackerStopwatchFactory>(x => x.Create() == watch);

            // arrange a test sink
            var sink = new FakeSink();

            // arrange a system clock
            var now   = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            var clock = new FakeSystemClock {
                Now = now

            // act - build host
            using (var host = Host
                              .UseChronoscope(chrono =>
                chrono.ConfigureServices(services =>
                    services.AddSingleton <ITrackingSink>(sink);
                    services.AddSingleton <ISystemClock>(clock);
                // act - request services
                var chrono  = host.Services.GetRequiredService <IChronoscope>();
                var scope   = chrono.CreateScope(scopeId, scopeName);
                var tracker = scope.CreateAutoTracker(trackingId);

                // assert - elapsed is zero
                Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.Zero, tracker.Elapsed);

                // act - do tracking
                int result = -1;
                    var token = new CancellationToken(true);
                    result = tracker.Track((scope, token) =>
                    }, token);
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    /* noop */

                // assert - the result is correct
                Assert.Equal(-1, result);

                // assert - elapsed time is correct
                Assert.Equal(elapsed, tracker.Elapsed);

                // assert - events were generated
                                  e =>
                    var x = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <IScopeCreatedEvent>(e);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeId, x.ScopeId);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeName, x.Name);
                    Assert.Equal(now, x.Timestamp);
                                  e =>
                    var x = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ITrackerCreatedEvent>(e);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeId, x.ScopeId);
                    Assert.Equal(trackingId, x.TrackerId);
                    Assert.Equal(now, x.Timestamp);
                    Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.Zero, x.Elapsed);
                                  e =>
                    var x = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ITrackerStartedEvent>(e);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeId, x.ScopeId);
                    Assert.Equal(trackingId, x.TrackerId);
                    Assert.Equal(now, x.Timestamp);
                    Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.Zero, x.Elapsed);
                                  e =>
                    var x = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ITrackerStoppedEvent>(e);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeId, x.ScopeId);
                    Assert.Equal(trackingId, x.TrackerId);
                    Assert.Equal(now, x.Timestamp);
                    Assert.Equal(elapsed, x.Elapsed);
                                  e =>
                    var x = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ITrackerCancelledEvent>(e);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeId, x.ScopeId);
                    Assert.Equal(trackingId, x.TrackerId);
                    Assert.Equal(now, x.Timestamp);
                    Assert.Equal(elapsed, x.Elapsed);
                    Assert.IsAssignableFrom <OperationCanceledException>(x.Exception);
Пример #7
        public void SimpleManualTrackingCancelledCycle()
            // arrange identifiers
            var scopeId    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var scopeName  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var trackingId = Guid.NewGuid();

            // arrange a stopwatch that tracks a known interval
            var elapsed = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(123);
            var watch   = Mock.Of <ITrackerStopwatch>();

            Mock.Get(watch).Setup(x => x.Stop()).Callback(() => Mock.Get(watch).Setup(x => x.Elapsed).Returns(elapsed));
            var factory = Mock.Of <ITrackerStopwatchFactory>(x => x.Create() == watch);

            // arrange a test sink
            var sink = new FakeSink();

            // arrange a system clock
            var now   = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            var clock = Mock.Of <ISystemClock>(x => x.Now == now);

            // act - build host
            using (var host = Host
                              .UseChronoscope(chrono =>
                chrono.ConfigureServices(services =>
                    services.AddSingleton <ITrackingSink>(sink);
                // act - request services
                var chrono  = host.Services.GetRequiredService <IChronoscope>();
                var scope   = chrono.CreateScope(scopeId, scopeName);
                var tracker = scope.CreateManualTracker(trackingId);

                // assert - elapsed is zero
                Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.Zero, tracker.Elapsed);

                // act - start manual tracking

                // assert - stopwatch was started
                Mock.Get(watch).Verify(x => x.Start());
                Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.Zero, tracker.Elapsed);

                // act - stop manual tracking

                // assert - elapsed time is correct
                Mock.Get(watch).Verify(x => x.Stop());
                Assert.Equal(elapsed, tracker.Elapsed);

                // act - fault tracking
                var exception = new InvalidCastException();

                // assert - elapsed time is correct
                Assert.Equal(elapsed, tracker.Elapsed);

                // assert - events were generated
                                  e =>
                    var x = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <IScopeCreatedEvent>(e);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeId, x.ScopeId);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeName, x.Name);
                    Assert.Equal(now, x.Timestamp);
                                  e =>
                    var x = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ITrackerCreatedEvent>(e);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeId, x.ScopeId);
                    Assert.Equal(trackingId, x.TrackerId);
                    Assert.Equal(now, x.Timestamp);
                    Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.Zero, x.Elapsed);
                                  e =>
                    var x = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ITrackerStartedEvent>(e);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeId, x.ScopeId);
                    Assert.Equal(trackingId, x.TrackerId);
                    Assert.Equal(now, x.Timestamp);
                    Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.Zero, x.Elapsed);
                                  e =>
                    var x = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ITrackerStoppedEvent>(e);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeId, x.ScopeId);
                    Assert.Equal(trackingId, x.TrackerId);
                    Assert.Equal(now, x.Timestamp);
                    Assert.Equal(elapsed, x.Elapsed);
                                  e =>
                    var x = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ITrackerCancelledEvent>(e);
                    Assert.Equal(scopeId, x.ScopeId);
                    Assert.Equal(trackingId, x.TrackerId);
                    Assert.Equal(now, x.Timestamp);
                    Assert.Equal(elapsed, x.Elapsed);
                    Assert.Same(exception, x.Exception);
Пример #8
        public Visualization(Bin audiobin, Pad teepad)
            // The basic pipeline we're constructing is:
            // .audiotee ! queue ! audioresample ! audioconvert ! fakesink

            Element converter, resampler;
            Queue   audiosinkqueue;
            Pad     pad;

            vis_buffer            = null;
            vis_fft               = gst_fft_f32_new(SLICE_SIZE * 2, false);
            vis_fft_buffer        = new GstFFTF32Complex [SLICE_SIZE + 1];
            vis_fft_sample_buffer = new float [SLICE_SIZE];

            // Core elements, if something fails here, it's the end of the world
            audiosinkqueue = (Queue)ElementFactory.Make("queue", "vis-queue");

            pad = audiosinkqueue.GetStaticPad("sink");
            pad.AddEventProbe(new PadEventProbeCallback(EventProbe));

            resampler = ElementFactory.Make("audioresample", "vis-resample");
            converter = ElementFactory.Make("audioconvert", "vis-convert");
            FakeSink fakesink = ElementFactory.Make("fakesink", "vis-sink") as FakeSink;

            // channels * slice size * float size = size of chunks we want
            wanted_size = (uint)(2 * SLICE_SIZE * sizeof(float));

            if (audiosinkqueue == null || resampler == null || converter == null || fakesink == null)
                Log.Debug("Could not construct visualization pipeline, a fundamental element could not be created");

            // Keep around the 5 most recent seconds of audio so that when resuming
            // visualization we have something to show right away.
            audiosinkqueue.Leaky          = Queue.LeakyType.Downstream;
            audiosinkqueue.MaxSizeBuffers = 0;
            audiosinkqueue.MaxSizeBytes   = 0;
            audiosinkqueue.MaxSizeTime    = Clock.Second * 5;

            fakesink.Handoff += PCMHandoff;

            // This enables the handoff signal.
            fakesink.SignalHandoffs = true;
            // Synchronize so we see vis at the same time as we hear it.
            fakesink.Sync = true;
            // Drop buffers if they come in too late.  This is mainly used when
            // thawing the vis pipeline.
            fakesink.MaxLateness = (long)(Clock.Second / 120);
            // Deliver buffers one frame early.  This allows for rendering
            // time.  (TODO: It would be great to calculate this on-the-fly so
            // we match the rendering time.
            fakesink.TsOffset = -(long)(Clock.Second / 60);
            // Don't go to PAUSED when we freeze the pipeline.
            fakesink.Async = false;

            audiobin.Add(audiosinkqueue, resampler, converter, fakesink);

            pad = audiosinkqueue.GetStaticPad("sink");

            Element.Link(audiosinkqueue, resampler, converter);

            converter.LinkFiltered(fakesink, caps);

            vis_buffer    = new Adapter();
            vis_resampler = resampler;
            vis_thawing   = false;
            active        = false;

            // Disable the pipeline till we hear otherwise from managed land.
            Blocked = true;