Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updating the failed attempts for the users to update the users attempts
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="incomingFailedAttempt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ResponseDto <bool> UpdateFailedAttempt(FailedAttempts incomingFailedAttempt)
            using (var dbContextTransaction = authenticationContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    (from account in authenticationContext.UserAccounts
                     where account.Id == incomingFailedAttempt.Id
                     select account.Id).First();

                    // Updating the failed attempts

                    // Commiting the trasaction to the Database

                    return(new ResponseDto <bool>()
                        Data = true
                catch (Exception)
                    // Rolls back the changes saved in the transaction
                    // Returning a false and Error
                    return(new ResponseDto <bool>()
                        Data = false,
                        Error = GeneralErrorMessages.GENERAL_ERROR
        private ResponseDto <LoginDto> FailedAttempt(FailedAttempts attempts, string error)
            using (var gateway = new AuthenticationGateway())

Пример #3
 private void AddWordGuess(string word, bool isGoodGuess)
     AllGuesses.Add(new WordGuess(isGoodGuess, word));
     if (!isGoodGuess)
         FailedAttempts.Add(new WordGuess(isGoodGuess, word));
        private ResponseDto <LoginDto> SuccessfulAttempt(FailedAttempts attempts, LoginDto dto)
            using (var gateway = new AuthenticationGateway())

            return(new ResponseDto <LoginDto>()
                Data = dto
        public void Should_ReturnTrue_When_UserIdIsNull_InFailedAttempt()
            // Arrange
            var gateway = new AuthenticationGateway();
            var incomingFailedAttempt = new FailedAttempts()
                LastAttemptTime = DateTime.UtcNow

            // Act
            var result = gateway.UpdateFailedAttempt(incomingFailedAttempt);

            // Assert
        /// <summary>
        /// This Method contains all the logic that is implemented to authenticate the user with the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loginDto"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// ResponseDto with the updated LoginDto
        /// </returns>
        public ResponseDto <LoginDto> LoginUser(LoginDto loginDto)
            var loginPreLogicValidationStrategy = new LoginPreLogicValidationStrategy(loginDto);

            // Checking if the Dto has all the information it needs
            var validateLoginDtoResult = loginPreLogicValidationStrategy.ExecuteStrategy();

            if (!validateLoginDtoResult.Data)
                return(new ResponseDto <LoginDto>
                    Error = validateLoginDtoResult.Error

            // Pulling attempts from DB
            using (var gateway = new AuthenticationGateway())
                var userAttemptsResult = gateway.GetFailedAttempt(loginDto.Username);
                // Checking if the gateway returns a false
                if (userAttemptsResult.Error != null)
                // If there is no Error then take the data out
                var userAttempts = userAttemptsResult.Data;

                // Checking if they already have 5 failed attempts 20 mins ago
                if (userAttempts == null)
                    userAttempts = new FailedAttempts()
                        LastAttemptTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Count           = 0
                else if (userAttempts.Count >= 5)
                    var timeToCompare = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20));
                    if (!(userAttempts.LastAttemptTime.CompareTo(timeToCompare) < 0))
                    userAttempts.Count = 0;

                // Pull the User From DB
                // Getting the user's ID
                var userAccountResult = gateway.GetUserAccount(loginDto.Username);
                if (userAccountResult.Error != null)

                // If there are no Errors from the gateway assign the data to an object
                var userAccount = userAccountResult.Data;
                // Set UserAttempts Id with the UserAccount Id
                userAttempts.Id = userAccount.Id;

                // Getting the Salt associated with the ID
                var saltResult = gateway.GetUserPasswordSalt(userAccount.Id);
                if (saltResult.Error != null)

                // Check if user is Active
                if (userAccount.IsActive == null || userAccount.IsActive == false)

                var password = loginDto.Password;
                // Hash and Salting the Password
                var hashedPassword = new PayloadHasher().Sha256HashWithSalt(saltResult.Data.Salt, password);

                // Checking if the Password is equal to what is in the DataBase
                var checkPasswordResult = hashedPassword == userAccount.Password;

                // If Password matches log the attempt and send loginDto back
                if (checkPasswordResult)
                    userAttempts.Count = 0;
                    return(SuccessfulAttempt(userAttempts, loginDto));

                // Checking if this is the 5th attempt to time stamp it
                if (++userAttempts.Count >= 5)
                    userAttempts.LastAttemptTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                return(FailedAttempt(userAttempts, AuthenticationErrorMessages.USERNAME_PASSWORD_ERROR));