public IActionResult Sort_API() { //tbname,字段规则 string orderStr = DataConvert.CStr(RequestEx["orderStr"]).Trim(','); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderStr)) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } string[] orderArr = orderStr.Split(','); foreach (string item in orderArr) { int id = DataConvert.CLng(item.Split(':')[0]); int order = DataConvert.CLng(item.Split(':')[1]); switch (TbName.ToLower()) { case "commonmodel": DBCenter.UpdateSQL(TableName, "OrderID=" + order, "GeneralID=" + id); break; case "product": DBCenter.UpdateSQL(TableName, "OrderID=" + order, "ID=" + id); break; case "modelfield": DBCenter.UpdateSQL(TableName, "OrderID=" + order, "FieldID=" + id); break; } } return(Content(Success.ToString())); }
public string Comment_API() { string action = Request["action"]; string value = ""; string result = ""; switch (action) { case "report": //举报 value = Request.Form["cid"]; cmtBll.ReportComment(Convert.ToInt32(value), mu.UserID); result = Success.ToString(); break; case "support": //支持反对操作 value = Request.Form["flag"]; bool rflag = true; bool flag = DataConverter.CLng(value) > 0; if (buser.GetLogin().IsNull) { rflag = cmtBll.Support(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["id"]), flag ? 1 : 0, EnviorHelper.GetUserIP()); } else { rflag = cmtBll.Support(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["id"]), flag ? 1 : 0, EnviorHelper.GetUserIP(), mu.UserID, mu.UserName); } result = rflag ? Success.ToString() : Failed.ToString(); break; case "assist": //顶与踩 bool bl = true; if (buser.GetLogin().IsNull) { bl = cmtBll.Support(0, Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["value"]), EnviorHelper.GetUserIP(), Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["gid"])); } else { bl = cmtBll.Support(0, Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["value"]), EnviorHelper.GetUserIP(), mu.UserID, mu.UserName, Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["gid"])); } result = bl ? "1" : "0"; break; case "reply": //回复 result = Comment_Reply(); break; case "sender": //发送评论 result = SendComm(); break; default: throw new Exception(action + "不存在"); } return(result); }
private void ClearData() { TotalRecord = 0; Complete = 0; Failed = 0; progressBarInsReport.Value = 0; progressBarInsReport.Visible = false; lbl_totalrecord.Text = TotalRecord.ToString(); lbl_complete.Text = Complete.ToString(); lbl_failed.Text = Failed.ToString(); }
public override ITelemetry ToTelemetry() { var eventTelementry = new EventTelemetry { Name = GetType().Name }; eventTelementry.Properties["BatchId"] = BatchId.ToString(); eventTelementry.Properties["RecordId"] = RecordId.ToString(); eventTelementry.Properties["Failed"] = Failed.ToString(); eventTelementry.Properties["EventType"] = EventType.ToString(); eventTelementry.Properties["Message"] = Message; return(eventTelementry); }
public ContentResult DictCate_API() { string action = GetParam("action"); string ids = GetParam("ids"); switch (action) { case "del": B_DataDicCategory.DelCate(ids); break; case "use": B_DataDicCategory.SetUsedByArr(ids, true); break; case "unuse": B_DataDicCategory.SetUsedByArr(ids, false); break; case "save": //新增或修改 { string name = GetParam("name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } if (Mid > 0) { M_DicCategory info = B_DataDicCategory.GetDicCate(Mid); info.CategoryName = name; B_DataDicCategory.Update(info); } else { M_DicCategory info = new M_DicCategory(); info.DicCateID = 0; info.CategoryName = name; info.IsUsed = true; B_DataDicCategory.AddCate(info); } } break; } return(Content(Success.ToString())); }
public ContentResult Pub_API() { string action = RequestEx["action"]; string ids = RequestEx["ids"]; switch (action) { case "del": { pubBll.DelByIDS(ids); } break; case "copy": { int id = DataConvert.CLng(ids); if (id < 1) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } M_Pub pubMod = pubBll.SelReturnModel(id); pubMod.Pubid = 0; pubMod.PubCreateTime = DateTime.Now; pubMod.PubName = pubMod.PubName + "_copy"; pubBll.insert(pubMod); } break; case "modelname": //模型名ajax检测 { string name = DataConverter.CStr(Request.Form["value"]); string result = DBHelper.Table_IsExist(B_Pub.PREFIX + name).ToString().ToLower(); return(Content(result)); //return "<font color=blue>数据表已存在! 可重复使用!</font>"; //return "<font color=green>数据表不存在,系统将自动创建!</font>"; } case "recover": { pubBll.RecyleByIDS(ids, 1); } break; } return(Content(Success.ToString())); }
public IActionResult ValidateCode() { string key = GetParam("key"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } if (Request.IsAjax()) { string action = Request.Form["action"]; string value = Request.Form["value"]; string result = "0"; switch (action) { case "checkcode": if (value.ToLower().Equals(CMSCodeVerify.CodeDic[key])) { result = "1"; } break; default: break; } return(Content(result)); } else { string randomcode = function.GetRandomString(SiteConfig.SiteOption.VerifyLen, SiteConfig.SiteOption.VerifyForm); if (CMSCodeVerify.CodeDic.ContainsKey(key)) { CMSCodeVerify.CodeDic[key] = randomcode.ToLower(); } else { CMSCodeVerify.CodeDic.Add(key, randomcode.ToLower()); } //return File(CreateImage(randomcode).); MemoryStream ms = CaptchaCreate.CreateGif(randomcode); return(File(ms.ToArray(), "image/gif")); } }
public ContentResult GCate_API() { string action = GetParam("action"); string ids = GetParam("ids"); switch (action) { case "del": gcateBll.DelByIDS(ids); break; case "save": { string name = GetParam("name"); string alias = GetParam("alias"); string remark = GetParam("remark"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias)) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } //int CateID = DataConverter.CLng(this.HdnCateID.Value); if (Mid > 0) { M_GradeCate info = gcateBll.GetCate(CateID); info.CateID = CateID; info.CateName = name; info.Remark = remark; info.GradeAlias = alias; gcateBll.UpdateCate(info); } else { M_GradeCate info = new M_GradeCate(); info.CateName = name; info.Remark = remark; info.GradeAlias = alias; gcateBll.AddCate(info); } } break; } return(Content(Success.ToString())); }
public ContentResult DicItem_API() { string action = GetParam("action"); string ids = GetParam("ids"); switch (action) { case "del": dItemBll.DelByIds(ids); break; case "save": { string name = GetParam("name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } M_Dictionary info = new M_Dictionary(); if (Mid > 0) { info = B_DataDictionary.GetModel(Mid); } info.DicName = name; if (info.DicID < 1) { info.DicCate = CateID; info.IsUsed = true; B_DataDictionary.AddDic(info); } else { B_DataDictionary.Update(info); } } break; } return(Content(Success.ToString())); }
public ContentResult GOption_API() { string action = GetParam("action"); string ids = GetParam("ids"); switch (action) { case "del": gradeBll.DelByIds(ids); break; case "save": { string name = GetParam("name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } if (Mid > 0) { M_Grade info = gradeBll.GetGradeOption(Mid); info.GradeName = name; gradeBll.UpdateDic(info); } else { M_Grade info = new M_Grade(); info.GradeName = name; info.ParentID = DataConverter.CLng(RequestEx["ParentID"]); info.Cate = CateID; info.Grade = DataConverter.CLng(GetParam("level")); gradeBll.AddGradeOption(info); } break; } } return(Content(Success.ToString())); }
public ContentResult Store_API() { string action = GetParam("action"); string ids = Request.Form["idchk"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } string[] idArr = ids.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string idStr in idArr) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(idStr); switch (action) { case "audit": //批量审核 conBll.UpdateStatus(id, (int)ZLEnum.ConStatus.Audited); break; case "unaudit": //取消审核 conBll.UpdateStatus(id, (int)ZLEnum.ConStatus.Reject); break; case "elite": //批量推荐 conBll.UpdateStatus(id, (int)ZLEnum.ConStatus.Audited); conBll.UpdateElite(idStr, 1); break; case "unelite": //取消推荐 conBll.UpdateElite(idStr, 0); break; case "del": //批量删除 conBll.DelContent(id); break; } } return(Content(Success.ToString())); }
//上传base64图片 public IActionResult Base64() { string base64str = Request.Form["base64"];//上传的base64字符串 string action = Request.Form["action"]; string uploadPath = ""; string saveName = function.GetRandomString(6) + ".jpg"; string result = ""; M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(); try { if (!mu.IsNull) { uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_User(mu, "dai"); } else if (adminMod != null) { uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_Admin(adminMod, "dai"); } else //Not Login { uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_Anony("dai"); } ImgHelper imghelper = new ImgHelper(); imghelper.Base64ToImg(uploadPath + saveName, base64str); result = uploadPath + saveName; return(Content(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { ZLLog.L(ZLEnum.Log.fileup, new M_Log() { Source = Request.RawUrl(), Message = "上传失败|文件名:" + uploadPath + saveName + "|" + "原因:" + ex.Message }); return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } }
public string Admin_API() { string action = GetParam("action"); string ids = GetParam("ids"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return(Failed.ToString()); } ZoomLa.BLL.SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); switch (action) { case "del": foreach (string id in ids.Split(',')) { B_Admin.DelAdminById(Convert.ToInt32(id)); } break; case "lock": { badmin.LockAdmin(ids, true); } break; case "unlock": { badmin.LockAdmin(ids, false); } break; default: throw new Exception("未指定action"); } return(Success.ToString()); }
public IActionResult Order_API() { if (!B_ARoleAuth.AuthCheckEx(, "order")) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } string action = GetParam("a"); string ids = GetParam("ids"); int Mid = DataConvert.CLng(GetParam("ids")); switch (action) { case "info_normal": { M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "恢复正常"); string str = "Aside=0,Suspended=0,Settle=0,BackID=0,OrderStatus=" + (int)M_OrderList.StatusEnum.Normal; orderBll.UpOrderinfo(str, Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; case "info_complete": //完结订单 { M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "完结订单"); //前使用必须修改,只更改状态,不执行FinalStep M_OrderList orderMod = oll.SelReturnModel(Mid); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderMod.PaymentNo)) //未支付则生成支付单 { OrderHelper.FinalStep(orderMod); } else { M_Payment payMod = payBll.SelModelByOrder(orderMod); OrderHelper.FinalStep(payMod, orderMod, new M_Order_PayLog()); } logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; case "info_invoce": //已开发票 { M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "已开发票"); oll.UpOrderinfo("Developedvotes=1", Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; case "info_suspend": //冻结,挂起订单 { M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "冻结处理"); oll.UpOrderinfo("Suspended=1", Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; case "info_suspend_no": { M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "取消冻结"); oll.UpOrderinfo("Suspended=0", Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; case "info_aside": { M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "订单作废"); oll.UpOrderinfo("Aside=1", Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; case "info_refund": //退单还款 { M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "退单还款"); M_OrderList orderinfo = oll.GetOrderListByid(Mid); if (orderinfo.Paymentstatus == (int)M_OrderList.PayEnum.NoPay) { return(WriteErr("操作失败,订单还未支付")); } if (orderinfo.Paymentstatus == (int)M_OrderList.PayEnum.Refunded) { return(WriteErr("操作失败,该订单已退款")); } buser.ChangeVirtualMoney(orderinfo.Userid, new M_UserExpHis() { score = orderinfo.Receivablesamount, ScoreType = 1, detail = "订单[" + + "]退单返款,返款金额:" + orderinfo.Receivablesamount }); oll.UpOrderinfo("Paymentstatus=" + (int)M_OrderList.PayEnum.Refunded, Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; case "info_payed": { M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "已经支付"); oll.UpOrderinfo("Paymentstatus=" + (int)M_OrderList.PayEnum.HasPayed, Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; case "info_pay_cancel": { M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "取消支付"); oll.UpOrderinfo("Paymentstatus=" + (int)M_OrderList.PayEnum.NoPay + ",PaymentNo=''", Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; case "info_remind": //更新备注信息 { M_OrderList orderinfo = oll.SelReturnModel(Mid); orderinfo.Internalrecords = GetParam("Internalrecords"); orderinfo.Ordermessage = GetParam("Ordermessage"); oll.UpdateByID(orderinfo); } break; case "exp_cancel": //取消发送 { M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "取消发送"); oll.UpOrderinfo("StateLogistics=" + (int)M_OrderList.ExpEnum.NoSend + ",ExpressNum=''", Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; case "exp_sign": { M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "客户已签收"); oll.UpOrderinfo("Signed=1,StateLogistics=" + (int)M_OrderList.ExpEnum.HasReceived, Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; //------------------------ case "sure": //确认订单 { orderBll.ChangeSure(ids, 1); //M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "确认订单"); //oll.UpOrderinfo("IsSure=1", Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); } break; case "sure_no": { orderBll.ChangeSure(ids, 0); //M_Order_OPLog logMod = logBll.NewLog(Mid, "取消确认"); //oll.UpOrderinfo("IsSure=0", Mid); logBll.Insert(logMod); //return WriteOK("取消确认成功", "Orderlistinfo?id=" + Mid); } break; case "recycle": //回收站 { orderBll.ChangeStatus(ids, "recycle"); } break; case "recover": { orderBll.ChangeStatus(ids, "recover"); } break; case "del": { orderBll.DelByIDS(ids); } break; case "clear": { orderBll.ClearRecycle(); } break; } return(Content(Success.ToString())); }
public IActionResult UploadFileHandler() { //HttpRequest Request = context.Request; //context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //context.Request.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"); //context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"); var file = Request.Form.Files["Filedata"]; if (file == null) { file = Request.Form.Files["file"];//接受Uploadify或WebUploader传参,优先Uploadify } if (file == null || file.Length < 1) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } if (SafeSC.FileNameCheck(file.FileName)) { throw new Exception("不允许上传该后缀名的文件"); } M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(); if (adminMod == null && mu.IsNull) { throw new Exception("未登录"); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ M_User_Plat upMod = new B_User_Plat().SelReturnModel(mu.UserID); string uploadPath = SiteConfig.SiteOption.UploadDir.TrimEnd('/') + "/", filename = "", ppath = "", result = "0";//上传根目录,文件名,上物理路径,结果 string action = GetParam("action"), value = GetParam("value"); try { switch (action) { #region OA与能力中心 case "OAattach": //OA--公文||事务--附件 //uploadPath += "OA/" + mu.UserName + mu.UserID + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "/"; uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_User(mu, "OA"); ppath = function.VToP(uploadPath); //判断是否有同名文件的存在 break; case "Blog": //能力中心--博客 uploadPath = B_Plat_Common.GetDirPath(upMod, B_Plat_Common.SaveType.Blog); ppath = function.VToP(uploadPath); break; case "Plat_Doc": //能力中心--我的文档 uploadPath = B_Plat_Common.GetDirPath(upMod, B_Plat_Common.SaveType.Person) + SafeSC.PathDeal(GetParam("Dir")); ppath = function.VToP(uploadPath); break; case "Plat_Doc_Common": //能力中心--公司文档 uploadPath = B_Plat_Common.GetDirPath(upMod, B_Plat_Common.SaveType.Company) + SafeSC.PathDeal(GetParam("Dir")); ppath = function.VToP(uploadPath); break; case "Plat_Task": //能力中心--任务中心附件 int tid = Convert.ToInt32(value); ZoomLa.Model.Plat.M_Plat_Task taskMod = new B_Plat_Task().SelReturnModel(tid); uploadPath = B_Plat_Common.GetDirPath(upMod, B_Plat_Common.SaveType.Plat_Task) + taskMod.TaskName + "/"; break; case "Plat_Project": //能力中心--项目 int pid = Convert.ToInt32(value); ZoomLa.Model.Plat.M_Plat_Pro proMod = new B_Plat_Pro().SelReturnModel(pid); uploadPath = B_Plat_Common.GetDirPath(upMod, B_Plat_Common.SaveType.Plat_Task) + proMod.Name + "/"; break; #endregion case "ModelFile": //组图,多图等 { int nodeid = Convert.ToInt32(value); //M_Node nodeMod = new B_Node().GetNodeXML(nodeid); string exname = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).Replace(".", ""); //string fpath = nodeMod.NodeDir + "/" + exname + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/"); uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_System("field", "images", "yyyyMMdd"); filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss") + function.GetRandomString(6, 2) + "." + exname; } break; case "admin_custom": //管理员上传,自定义路径 { if (adminMod == null || adminMod.AdminId < 1) { throw new Exception("管理员未登录"); } uploadPath = GetParam("save"); //BannerAdd } break; default: //通常格式,不需做特殊处理的格式但必须登录 if (mu.UserID > 0) { //uploadPath = context.Server.UrlDecode(uploadPath + "User/" + mu.UserName + mu.UserID + "/"); uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_User(mu, "User", "", ""); } else if (adminMod != null) { //uploadPath = context.Server.UrlDecode(uploadPath + "Admin/" + adminMod.AdminName + adminMod.AdminId + "/"); uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_Admin(adminMod, "", "", "yyyyMMdd"); } else { //注册等页面用户未登录 uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_System("user", "register", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); } break; } string uploadDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(function.VToP(uploadPath)); if (!Directory.Exists(uploadDir)) { SafeSC.CreateDir(function.PToV(uploadDir)); } if (action.Equals("Plat_Doc") || action.Equals("Plat_Doc_Common")) { #region 能力中心文档 M_Plat_File fileMod = new M_Plat_File(); B_Plat_File fileBll = new B_Plat_File(); fileMod.FileName = file.FileName; fileMod.SFileName = function.GetRandomString(12) + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); fileMod.VPath = uploadPath.Replace("//", "/"); fileMod.UserID = upMod.UserID.ToString(); fileMod.CompID = upMod.CompID; //SafeSC.SaveFile(uploadPath, file, fileMod.SFileName); fileMod.FileSize = new FileInfo(ppath + fileMod.SFileName).Length.ToString(); fileBll.Insert(fileMod); #endregion } else if (action.Equals("Cloud_Doc")) { #region 用户中心云盘 if (!buser.CheckLogin()) { throw new Exception("云盘,用户未登录"); } M_User_Cloud cloudMod = new M_User_Cloud(); B_User_Cloud cloudBll = new B_User_Cloud(); uploadPath = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(cloudBll.H_GetFolderByFType(GetParam("type"), mu)) + GetParam("value"); cloudMod.FileName = file.FileName; cloudMod.SFileName = function.GetRandomString(12) + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); cloudMod.VPath = (uploadPath + "/").Replace("//", "/"); cloudMod.UserID = mu.UserID; cloudMod.FileType = 1; //result = SafeSC.SaveFile(cloudMod.VPath, file, cloudMod.SFileName); //if (SafeSC.IsImage(cloudMod.SFileName)) //{ // string icourl = SiteConfig.SiteOption.UploadDir + "YunPan/" + mu.UserName + mu.UserID + "/ico" + value + "/"; // if (!Directory.Exists(function.VToP(icourl))) { SafeSC.CreateDir(icourl); } // ImgHelper imghelp = new ImgHelper(); // imghelp.CompressImg(file, 100, icourl + cloudMod.SFileName); //} cloudMod.FileSize = new FileInfo(function.VToP(cloudMod.VPath) + cloudMod.SFileName).Length.ToString(); cloudBll.Insert(cloudMod); #endregion } else { //string fname = CreateFName(file.FileName); //if (SafeC.IsImageFile(file.FileName) && file.Length > (5 * 1024 * 1024))//图片超过5M则压缩 //{ // result = uploadPath + function.GetRandomString(6) + fname; // new ImgHelper().CompressImg(file, 5 * 1024, result); //} //else //{ result = SafeC.SaveFile(uploadPath, filename, file.OpenReadStream(), (int)file.Length); //} //添加水印 //if (WaterModuleConfig.WaterConfig.EnableUserWater) //{ // //未以管理员身份登录,并有会员身份登录记录 // if (adminMod == null && !mu.IsNull) // { // Image img = WaterImages.DrawFont(ImgHelper.ReadImgToMS(result), mu.UserName + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), 9); // ImgHelper.SaveImage(result, img); // } //} //else if (DataConverter.CStr(context.Request["IsWater"]).Equals("1")) //{ // //前台主动标识需要使用水印 // result = ImgHelper.AddWater(result); //} } ZLLog.L(ZLEnum.Log.fileup, new M_Log() { UName = mu.UserName, Source = Request.RawUrl(), Message = "上传成功|文件名:" + file.FileName + "|" + "保存路径:" + uploadPath }); } catch (Exception ex) { ZLLog.L(ZLEnum.Log.fileup, new M_Log() { UName = mu.UserName, Source = Request.RawUrl(), Message = "上传失败|文件名:" + file.FileName + "|" + "原因:" + ex.Message }); } return(Content(result)); }
private void ReportStatus() { lbl_complete.Text = Complete.ToString(); lbl_failed.Text = Failed.ToString(); }
public ContentResult OrderCom() { M_APIResult retMod = new M_APIResult(M_APIResult.Failed); switch (action) { case "cart_del": { cartBll.DelByIDS(CartCookID, buser.GetLogin().UserName, ids); retMod.retcode = M_APIResult.Success; } break; case "setnum": //兼容 case "cart_setnum": //ID,数量,Cookies,可不登录,数量不能小于1 { int id = DataConverter.CLng(GetParam("id")); int pronum = DataConverter.CLng(GetParam("pronum")); if (id < 1 || pronum < 1) { retMod.retmsg = "商品ID与数量不能小于1"; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CartCookID)) { retMod.retmsg = "CartCookID不存在"; } else { cartBll.UpdateProNum(CartCookID, mu.UserID, id, pronum); retMod.retcode = M_APIResult.Success; } } break; case "deladdress": { int id = DataConverter.CLng(GetParam("id")); if (mu == null || mu.UserID == 0 || id < 1) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } else { receBll.U_DelByID(id, mu.UserID); return(Content(Success.ToString())); } } case "arrive": { string flow = GetParam("flow"); double money = double.Parse(GetParam("money")); DataTable cartdt = cartBll.SelByCartID(CartCookID, mu.UserID, -100, ids); if (cartdt.Rows.Count < 1) { retMod.retmsg = "购物车为空"; return(Content(retMod.ToString())); } M_Arrive avMod = avBll.SelModelByFlow(flow, mu.UserID); M_Arrive_Result arrMod = avBll.U_CheckArrive(avMod, mu.UserID, cartdt, money); if (arrMod.enabled) { retMod.retcode = M_APIResult.Success; //已优惠金额,优惠后金额 retMod.result = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(arrMod); } else { retMod.retmsg = arrMod.err; } } break; default: retMod.retmsg = "[" + action + "]接口不存在"; break; } return(Content(retMod.ToString())); }
public string Arrive_API() { M_Store_Info storeMod = storeBll.SelModelByUser(mu.UserID); string action = Request.QueryString["action"]; string ids = Request.Form["ids"]; switch (action) { case "del": //只可删除未被领取的优惠券 { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return(Failed.ToString()); } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string where = "ID IN (" + ids + ") AND StoreID=" + storeMod.ID + " AND UserID=0"; DBCenter.DelByWhere("ZL_Arrive", where); } break; case "change": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return(Failed.ToString()); } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); int state = Convert.ToInt32(Request["state"]); if (state == 0) { //取消激活,只适用于已激活但未被用户领取的优惠券。 string where = "ID IN (" + ids + ") AND StoreID=" + storeMod.ID + " AND UserID=0"; DBCenter.UpdateSQL("ZL_Arrive", "State=0", where); } else { avBll.UpdateState(ids, state, storeMod.ID); } break; case "bind": int uid = Convert.ToInt32(Request["uid"]); avBll.GetUpdateUserIdByIDS(ids, uid, storeMod.ID); break; case "unbind": { //\\win10\D\Web\办酒网BAK if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return(Failed.ToString()); } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); avBll.GetUpdateUserIdByIDS(ids, 0, storeMod.ID); } break; default: return("[" + action + "]未命中"); } return(M_APIResult.Success.ToString()); }
public void SerializeAsNUnit(string xmlFile) { var doc = new XmlDocument(); var declaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "no"); var root = doc.DocumentElement; doc.InsertBefore(declaration, root); var run = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "test-run", string.Empty); run.SetAttribute("id", "2"); // Hardcoded for NUnit tests run.SetAttribute("name", RunName); run.SetAttribute("testcasecount", TestCaseCount.ToString()); run.SetAttribute("result", Result.ToString()); run.SetAttribute("time", ((double)((DateTime.Now - StartTime).TotalMilliseconds) / 1000.0).ToString("0.000")); run.SetAttribute("total", Total.ToString()); run.SetAttribute("passed", Passed.ToString()); run.SetAttribute("failed", Failed.ToString()); run.SetAttribute("inconclusive", Inconclusive.ToString()); run.SetAttribute("skipped", Skipped.ToString()); run.SetAttribute("asserts", "0"); run.SetAttribute("run-date", StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); run.SetAttribute("start-time", StartTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss")); doc.AppendChild(run); var env = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "environment", string.Empty); env.SetAttribute("nunit-version", ""); run.AppendChild(env); foreach (var testSuite in TestSuites.Values) { var suite = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "test-suite", string.Empty); suite.SetAttribute("type", "TestSuite"); suite.SetAttribute("id", testSuite.Id.ToString()); suite.SetAttribute("name", testSuite.Name); suite.SetAttribute("testcasecount", testSuite.TestCaseCount.ToString()); suite.SetAttribute("total", testSuite.Total.ToString()); suite.SetAttribute("result", testSuite.Result.ToString()); suite.SetAttribute("time", ((double)((testSuite.EndTime - testSuite.StartTime).TotalMilliseconds) / 1000.0).ToString("0.000")); suite.SetAttribute("passed", testSuite.Passed.ToString()); suite.SetAttribute("failed", testSuite.Failed.ToString()); suite.SetAttribute("inconclusive", testSuite.Inconclusive.ToString()); suite.SetAttribute("skipped", testSuite.Skipped.ToString()); suite.SetAttribute("asserts", "0"); run.AppendChild(suite); foreach (var testCase in testSuite.TestCases) { var tc = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "test-case", string.Empty); tc.SetAttribute("id", testCase.Id.ToString()); tc.SetAttribute("name", testCase.Name); tc.SetAttribute("result", testCase.Result.ToString()); tc.SetAttribute("time", "0.000"); tc.SetAttribute("asserts", "0"); suite.AppendChild(tc); if (testCase.Properties != null && testCase.Properties.Count > 0) { var props = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "properties", string.Empty); tc.AppendChild(props); foreach (var property in testCase.Properties) { var prop = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "property", string.Empty); prop.SetAttribute("name", property.Key); prop.SetAttribute("value", property.Value); props.AppendChild(prop); } } if (testCase.Failure != null) { var failure = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "failure", string.Empty); tc.AppendChild(failure); if (testCase.Failure.Message != null) { var msg = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "message", string.Empty); var msgData = doc.CreateCDataSection(testCase.Failure.Message); msg.AppendChild(msgData); failure.AppendChild(msg); } if (testCase.Failure.StackTrace != null) { var stck = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "stack-trace", string.Empty); var stckData = doc.CreateCDataSection(testCase.Failure.StackTrace); stck.AppendChild(stckData); failure.AppendChild(stck); } } } } doc.Save(xmlFile); }