Пример #1
 /// <summary>Starts a coroutine to fade the screen to black and then to show everything again.</summary>
 /// <param name="colorChangeSpeed">Speed to fade in and out at.</param>
 /// <param name="afterFadeOut">Delegate to call when we the world turns black.</param>
 /// <param name="afterFadeIn">Delegate to call when the world is shown again.</param>
 public void StartFadeOutAndIn(float colorChangeSpeed, FadeOutInFunction afterFadeOut, FadeOutInFunction afterFadeIn)
     if (isFadeInOutActive)
     fadeInOutCoroutine = StartCoroutine(FadeOutAndInCoroutine(colorChangeSpeed, afterFadeOut, afterFadeIn));
Пример #2
    /// <summary>Coroutine to fade out (fade to black) and then fade in (show the world again).</summary>
    /// <param name="colorChangeSpeed">Speed to fade in and out at.</param>
    /// <param name="afterFadeOut">Delegate to call when we the world turns black.</param>
    /// <param name="afterFadeIn">Delegate to call when the world is shown again.</param>
    private IEnumerator FadeOutAndInCoroutine(float colorChangeSpeed, FadeOutInFunction afterFadeOut, FadeOutInFunction afterFadeIn)
        isFadeInOutActive = true;

        // Fade out the screen
        Color startColor = Color.black;

        startColor.a = 0;
        while (blackImage.color.a < 1)
            Color CurrentColor = blackImage.color;
            CurrentColor.a  += colorChangeSpeed;
            blackImage.color = CurrentColor;
            yield return(null);
        startColor.a     = 1;
        blackImage.color = startColor;

        // While the screen is completely black do the given do while dark behavior

        // Fade in the screen
        while (blackImage.color.a > 0)
            Color CurrentColor = blackImage.color;
            CurrentColor.a  -= colorChangeSpeed;
            blackImage.color = CurrentColor;
            yield return(null);
        startColor.a     = 0;
        blackImage.color = startColor;

        // Call the after fade in behavior

        isFadeInOutActive = false;
        yield return(null);