Пример #1
    // Do your threaded task. DON'T use the Unity API here
    protected override void ThreadFunction()
         * I could of split each type of generation into their own methods, but I just used regions instead :/
        //The C# Random instance
        Random rnd = new Random(seed);

        //Set the size of the whole city
        citySlots = new GeneratedSlot[citySize, citySize];
        //Setting the list
        roads = new List <Road>();

        //Setting all the tiles first so we don't get any errors later on
        EmptySlot emptySlot = new EmptySlot();

        for (int x = 0; x < citySize; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < citySize; y++)
                citySlots[x, y] = emptySlot;

        #region Motorway

         * Motorway

        //Generate the one motorway from top to bottom
        int motorwayStartX = 20 + rnd.Next(citySize - 40); //Picks a random number from 0 to city size

        //The motorway is always going to be the size of the city
        Vector3[] points = new Vector3[citySize];

        //The first slot won't be connected to anything
        citySlots[motorwayStartX, 0] = new RoadSlot(RoadSlot.Type.M, 0);
        points[0] = new Vector3(motorwayStartX, 0, 0);
        //This for loop will go from top to bottom along the one x axis to create the motorway
        for (int i = 1; i < citySize; i++)
            citySlots[motorwayStartX, i] = new RoadSlot(RoadSlot.Type.M, 0);
            points[i] = new Vector3(motorwayStartX, 0, i);

        Road motorway = new Road(points, RoadType.M);


        #region A-Road

         * A-Road
         * Each side of the motorway there will be 3 different A roads unless
         * the motorway is less that the minium size for small houses

        //Left side
        Vector3[] a1Points = new Vector3[motorwayStartX];
        Vector3[] a2Points = new Vector3[motorwayStartX];
        Vector3[] a3Points = new Vector3[motorwayStartX];

        //Right side
        Vector3[] a4Points = new Vector3[citySize - motorwayStartX];
        Vector3[] a5Points = new Vector3[citySize - motorwayStartX];
        Vector3[] a6Points = new Vector3[citySize - motorwayStartX];

        for (int i = 0; i < motorwayStartX; i++)
            CheckSlotForRoad(motorwayStartX - i, 0, 0, 0, RoadSlot.Type.A, RoadSlot.Type.A, 90);
            a1Points[i] = new Vector3(motorwayStartX - i, 0, 0);

            CheckSlotForRoad(motorwayStartX - i, citySize / 2, 0, 0, RoadSlot.Type.A, RoadSlot.Type.A, 90);
            a2Points[i] = new Vector3(motorwayStartX - i, 0, citySize / 2);

            CheckSlotForRoad(motorwayStartX - i, citySize - 1, 0, 0, RoadSlot.Type.A, RoadSlot.Type.A, 90);
            a3Points[i] = new Vector3(motorwayStartX - i, 0, citySize - 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < citySize - motorwayStartX; i++)
            CheckSlotForRoad(motorwayStartX + i, 0, 0, 0, RoadSlot.Type.A, RoadSlot.Type.A, 90);
            a4Points[i] = new Vector3(motorwayStartX + i, 0, 0);

            CheckSlotForRoad(motorwayStartX + i, citySize / 2, 0, 0, RoadSlot.Type.A, RoadSlot.Type.A, 90);
            a5Points[i] = new Vector3(motorwayStartX + i, 0, citySize / 2);

            CheckSlotForRoad(motorwayStartX + i, citySize - 1, 0, 0, RoadSlot.Type.A, RoadSlot.Type.A, 90);
            a6Points[i] = new Vector3(motorwayStartX + i, 0, citySize - 1);

        Road a1 = new Road(a1Points, RoadType.A);
        Road a2 = new Road(a2Points, RoadType.A);
        Road a3 = new Road(a3Points, RoadType.A);
        Road a4 = new Road(a4Points, RoadType.A);
        Road a5 = new Road(a5Points, RoadType.A);
        Road a6 = new Road(a6Points, RoadType.A);



        #region S-Road Housing

         * Side Road Housing

        //These two roads are the roads we are going to be finding the random points off of
        Road leftStraightRoad  = a1;
        Road rightStraightRoad = a4;
        int  amountOfSideRoads = rnd.Next(0, 5); //This number will be used to how many random points we find

        for (int i = 0; i < (citySize / 2) - 2; i += 2)
            Vector3[] leftRoadPoints  = new Vector3[motorwayStartX - 2]; //There is some overflow here, not sure why
            Vector3[] rightRoadPoints = new Vector3[citySize - motorwayStartX - 2];

            Vector2[] leftRandomPoints  = new Vector2[amountOfSideRoads];
            Vector2[] rightRandomPoints = new Vector2[amountOfSideRoads];

            //First find the random points that we want to use
            for (int j = 0; j < amountOfSideRoads; j++)
                //This will give a random point of the points list to pick from
                int leftPoint  = rnd.Next(leftStraightRoad.points.Length - 1);
                int rightPoint = rnd.Next(rightStraightRoad.points.Length - 1);

                Vector2 leftVector2  = leftStraightRoad.points[leftPoint + 1];
                Vector2 rightVector2 = rightStraightRoad.points[rightPoint + 1];

                leftRandomPoints[j]  = leftVector2;
                rightRandomPoints[j] = rightVector2;

            //Loop for the whole length that the road needs to be
            for (int j = 0; j < citySize - motorwayStartX - 2; j++)
                int x = motorwayStartX + j + 2;
                int y = i + 2;

                RoadSlot rightSlot = new RoadSlot(RoadSlot.Type.S, 90);
                rightRoadPoints[j] = new Vector3(x, 0, y);
                for (int k = 0; k < rightRandomPoints.Length; k++)
                    if (rightRandomPoints[k].x == x)
                        rightSlot.AddConnection(x, y - 1, RoadSlot.Type.S);

                        //There should be the road we had done before in this slot, so we are just adding a connection
                        CheckSlotForRoad(x, i, x, i + 1, RoadSlot.Type.S, RoadSlot.Type.S, 90);

                        RoadSlot middleSlot = new RoadSlot(RoadSlot.Type.S, 0);
                        citySlots[x, y - 1] = middleSlot;

                        Vector3[] smallRoadPoints = new Vector3[3];
                        smallRoadPoints[0] = new Vector3(x, 0, y);
                        smallRoadPoints[1] = new Vector3(x, 0, y - 1);
                        smallRoadPoints[2] = new Vector3(x, 0, i);
                        roads.Add(new Road(smallRoadPoints, RoadType.S));

                        //Rotating the bottom S road
                        if (citySlots[x, i] is RoadSlot)
                            if (((RoadSlot)citySlots[x, i]).type == RoadSlot.Type.S)
                                ((RoadSlot)citySlots[x, i]).primaryDirection += 180;
                        //If there is no road joining the two straight lines, this should be a building
                        citySlots[x, y - 1] = new BuildingSlot();

                citySlots[x, y] = rightSlot;

            for (int j = 0; j < motorwayStartX - 2; j++)
                int x = motorwayStartX - j - 2;
                int y = i + 2;

                RoadSlot leftSlot = new RoadSlot(RoadSlot.Type.S, 90);
                leftRoadPoints[j] = new Vector3(x, 0, y);
                for (int k = 0; k < leftRandomPoints.Length; k++)
                    if (leftRandomPoints[k].x == x)
                        leftSlot.AddConnection(x, y - 1, RoadSlot.Type.S);

                        //There should be the road we had done before in this slot, so we are just adding a connection
                        CheckSlotForRoad(x, i, x, i + 1, RoadSlot.Type.S, RoadSlot.Type.S, 90);

                        RoadSlot middleSlot = new RoadSlot(RoadSlot.Type.S, 0);
                        citySlots[x, y - 1] = middleSlot;

                        Vector3[] smallRoadPoints = new Vector3[3];
                        smallRoadPoints[0] = new Vector3(x, 0, y);
                        smallRoadPoints[1] = new Vector3(x, 0, y - 1);
                        smallRoadPoints[2] = new Vector3(x, 0, i);
                        roads.Add(new Road(smallRoadPoints, RoadType.S));

                        //Rotating the bottom S road
                        if (citySlots[x, i] is RoadSlot)
                            if (((RoadSlot)citySlots[x, i]).type == RoadSlot.Type.S)
                                ((RoadSlot)citySlots[x, i]).primaryDirection += 180;
                        //If there is no road joining the two straight lines, this should be a building
                        citySlots[x, y - 1] = new BuildingSlot();

                citySlots[x, y] = leftSlot;

            Road left  = new Road(leftRoadPoints, RoadType.S);
            Road right = new Road(rightRoadPoints, RoadType.S);

            leftStraightRoad  = left;
            rightStraightRoad = right;


        //Connecting the the middle A roads

        Vector2[] leftLastRandomPoints  = new Vector2[amountOfSideRoads];
        Vector2[] rightLastRandomPoints = new Vector2[amountOfSideRoads];

        for (int i = 0; i < amountOfSideRoads; i++)
            Vector3[] leftPoints  = new Vector3[3];
            Vector3[] rightPoints = new Vector3[3];

            //This will give a random point of the points list to pick from
            int leftPoint  = rnd.Next(leftStraightRoad.points.Length);
            int rightPoint = rnd.Next(rightStraightRoad.points.Length);

            leftPoints[0] = new Vector3(leftStraightRoad.points[leftPoint].x, 0, (citySize / 2) - 2);
            leftPoints[1] = new Vector3(leftStraightRoad.points[leftPoint].x, 0, (citySize / 2));
            leftPoints[2] = new Vector3(leftStraightRoad.points[leftPoint].x, 0, (citySize / 2));

            rightPoints[0] = new Vector3(rightStraightRoad.points[rightPoint].x, 0, (citySize / 2) - 2);
            rightPoints[1] = new Vector3(rightStraightRoad.points[rightPoint].x, 0, (citySize / 2) - 1);
            rightPoints[2] = new Vector3(rightStraightRoad.points[rightPoint].x, 0, (citySize / 2));

            //These float should already be a whole number anyways
            int rightX = Mathf.RoundToInt(rightPoints[0].x);
            int leftX  = Mathf.RoundToInt(leftPoints[0].x);
            int y      = Mathf.RoundToInt(leftStraightRoad.points[0].z);

            //Adding it to the slot array
            CheckSlotForRoad(rightX, y, rightX, y + 1, RoadSlot.Type.S, RoadSlot.Type.S, 180);
            CheckSlotForRoad(rightX, y + 1, 0, 0, RoadSlot.Type.S, RoadSlot.Type.S, 0);
            CheckSlotForRoad(rightX, y + 2, rightX, y + 1, RoadSlot.Type.S, RoadSlot.Type.S, 180);

            CheckSlotForRoad(leftX, y, leftX, y + 1, RoadSlot.Type.S, RoadSlot.Type.S, 180);
            CheckSlotForRoad(leftX, y + 1, 0, 0, RoadSlot.Type.S, RoadSlot.Type.S, 0);
            CheckSlotForRoad(leftX, y + 2, leftX, y + 1, RoadSlot.Type.S, RoadSlot.Type.S, 180);

            //Having to do some manual correction as CheckSlotsForRoad has a flaw
            ((RoadSlot)citySlots[leftX, y]).primaryDirection     = 270;
            ((RoadSlot)citySlots[leftX, y + 2]).primaryDirection = 270;

            ((RoadSlot)citySlots[rightX, y]).primaryDirection     = 270;
            ((RoadSlot)citySlots[rightX, y + 2]).primaryDirection = 270;

            Road leftSmallRoad  = new Road(leftPoints, RoadType.S);
            Road rightSmallRoad = new Road(rightPoints, RoadType.S);


        #region S-Road Factories

         * S-Road Factories
         * The way the roads are going to generate will be based of a fixed size
         * So for every 10 units, we place a road then inside of that 10 units we would spawn the prefab for the factory
         * if there is less that 10 units left we just stop
         * If there is less than 10 units on the whole side we just leave that side.

        //First we want to work out how many times we can move along on one side
        float factorySize       = 4;
        int   leftFactoryRoads  = Mathf.FloorToInt(motorwayStartX / factorySize);
        int   rightFactoryRoads = Mathf.FloorToInt((citySize - motorwayStartX) / factorySize);
        citySlots[motorwayStartX + 1, (citySize / 2) + 1] = new FactorySlot(true, true);
        citySlots[motorwayStartX - 1, (citySize / 2) + 1] = new FactorySlot(true, false);

        //Left side
        for (int i = 1; i <= leftFactoryRoads; i++)
            int roadX    = Mathf.RoundToInt(motorwayStartX - (factorySize * i));
            int distance = citySize / 2 - 2;
            //For the distance between the middle road and the top road, we create a straight line on x
            Vector3[] currentRoadPoints = new Vector3[distance]; //This should be half the size

            CheckSlotForRoad(roadX, citySize / 2, roadX, citySize / 2, RoadSlot.Type.S, RoadSlot.Type.S, 0);

            for (int j = 0; j < distance; j++)
                int y = j + citySize / 2 + 1;
                currentRoadPoints[j] = new Vector3(roadX, 0, y);

                citySlots[roadX, y] = new RoadSlot(RoadSlot.Type.S, 0);

                //Every 4
                if (j % 2 == 0 && roadX - 1 > 0)
                    //Adding the factory spawn
                    citySlots[roadX - 1, y] = new FactorySlot(true, false);

            Road currentRoad = new Road(currentRoadPoints, RoadType.S);

        //Right Side
        for (int i = 1; i <= rightFactoryRoads; i++)
            int roadX    = Mathf.RoundToInt(motorwayStartX + (factorySize * i));
            int distance = citySize / 2 - 2;
            //For the distance between the middle road and the top road, we create a straight line on x
            Vector3[] currentRoadPoints = new Vector3[distance]; //This should be half the size

            CheckSlotForRoad(roadX, citySize / 2, roadX, citySize / 2, RoadSlot.Type.S, RoadSlot.Type.S, 0);
            for (int j = 0; j < distance; j++)
                int y = j + citySize / 2 + 1;
                currentRoadPoints[j] = new Vector3(roadX, 0, y);

                citySlots[roadX, y] = new RoadSlot(RoadSlot.Type.S, 0);

                //Every 4
                if (j % 2 == 0 && roadX + 1 < 100)
                    //Adding the factory spawn
                    citySlots[roadX + 1, y] = new FactorySlot(true, true);

            Road currentRoad = new Road(currentRoadPoints, RoadType.S);

        //This does a for loop coving anything which isn't a road in the factory area
        for (int x = 0; x < citySize; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < (citySize / 2) - 2; y++)
                if (citySlots[x, y + ((citySize / 2) + 1)] is EmptySlot)
                    citySlots[x, y + ((citySize / 2) + 1)] = new FactorySlot();

Пример #2
    private IEnumerator WaitForThread()
        RoadThread roadThread = threads[threads.Count - 1];

        //This will wait for that thread to be complete
        yield return(StartCoroutine(roadThread.WaitFor()));

        string cityName = Cities.GetRandomName();

        GameObject parent = new GameObject(cityName);

        parent.tag = "City";
        parent.transform.position = roadThread.position;

        float scaleBackX = roadThread.position.x * (cityScale - 1);
        float scaleBackZ = roadThread.position.z * (cityScale - 1);

        GeneratedSlot[,] generatedSlots = roadThread.citySlots;
        City lastCity = new City(cityName, roadThread.citySlots, roadThread.roads, roadThread.position);

        if (createDebugLines)
            GameObject lineParent = new GameObject("Debug Lines");
            for (int i = 0; i < roadThread.roads.Count; i++)
                GameObject last = Instantiate(roadDebugLine, lineParent.transform);
                last.name = string.Format("{0}{1} Road", roadThread.roads[i].roadType.ToString(), i);
                LineRenderer lineRenderer = last.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
                lineRenderer.positionCount = roadThread.roads[i].points.Length;

                for (int j = 0; j < lineRenderer.positionCount; j++)
                    //This adds the offset for each point
                    Vector3 position = new Vector3(
                        ((roadThread.roads[i].points[j].x + roadThread.position.x) * cityScale) - scaleBackX,
                        ((roadThread.roads[i].points[j].y + roadThread.position.y) * cityScale),
                        ((roadThread.roads[i].points[j].z + roadThread.position.z) * cityScale) - scaleBackZ);
                    lineRenderer.SetPosition(j, position);

                if (roadThread.roads[i].roadType == RoadType.M)
                    lineRenderer.startColor = Color.blue;
                    lineRenderer.endColor   = Color.blue;
                else if (roadThread.roads[i].roadType == RoadType.A)
                    lineRenderer.startColor = Color.green;
                    lineRenderer.endColor   = Color.green;
        if (createDebugSquares)
            GameObject squareParent = new GameObject("Debug Squares");
            for (int x = 0; x < generatedSlots.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < generatedSlots.GetLength(1); y++)
                    Vector3 position = new Vector3(
                        ((x + roadThread.position.x) * cityScale) - scaleBackX,
                        (1 + roadThread.position.y) * cityScale + 2,
                        ((y + roadThread.position.z) * cityScale) - scaleBackZ);
                    //Spawning a debug square
                    GameObject square = Instantiate(roadTypeSquare, position, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0), squareParent.transform);
                    Material   m      = square.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material;
                    if (generatedSlots[x, y] is RoadSlot)
                        //checking what type of road it is
                        RoadSlot slot = (RoadSlot)generatedSlots[x, y];
                        if (slot.type == RoadSlot.Type.S)
                            m.SetColor("_BaseColor", Color.white);
                            //if there is no connections
                            if (!slot.hasConnection)
                                //GameObject sroad = Instantiate(sRoadsPrefabs[0],position, Quaternion.Euler(0,slot.primaryDirection,0), parent.transform);
                        else if (slot.type == RoadSlot.Type.A)
                            m.SetColor("_BaseColor", Color.green);
                            m.SetColor("_BaseColor", Color.blue);
                    else if (generatedSlots[x, y] is BuildingSlot)
                        m.SetColor("_BaseColor", Color.magenta);
                        //Debug.Log(generatedSlots[x,y].GetType() + " X " + x + " Y " + y);
                    else if (generatedSlots[x, y] is FactorySlot)
                        if (((FactorySlot)generatedSlots[x, y]).isSpawn)
                            m.SetColor("_BaseColor", Color.yellow);
                            m.SetColor("_BaseColor", Color.red);
                        m.SetColor("_BaseColor", Color.black);
        if (createRoads)
            GameObject roadsParent = new GameObject("Roads Prefabs");
            for (int x = 0; x < generatedSlots.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < generatedSlots.GetLength(1); y++)
                    Vector3 position = new Vector3(
                        ((x + roadThread.position.x) * cityScale) - scaleBackX,
                        ((y + roadThread.position.z) * cityScale) - scaleBackZ);
                    if (generatedSlots[x, y] is RoadSlot)
                        //checking what type of road it is
                        RoadSlot slot = (RoadSlot)generatedSlots[x, y];
                        if (slot.type == RoadSlot.Type.S)
                            //if there is no connections
                            if (!slot.hasConnection)
                                GameObject sroad = Instantiate(sRoadsPrefabs[0], position,
                                                               Quaternion.Euler(0, slot.primaryDirection, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                            else if (slot.connectedType.Count == 1)
                                if (slot.connectedType[0] == RoadSlot.Type.M)
                                else if (slot.connectedType[0] == RoadSlot.Type.S)
                                    GameObject sRoad = Instantiate(sRoadsPrefabs[1], position,
                                                                   Quaternion.Euler(0, slot.primaryDirection, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                            else if (slot.connectedType.Count == 2)
                                //This should be the max possiable connections for a road,
                                //but still doing an else if just in case not
                                if (slot.connectedType[0] == RoadSlot.Type.S &&
                                    slot.connectedType[1] == RoadSlot.Type.S)
                                    GameObject sRoad = Instantiate(sRoadsPrefabs[2], position,
                                                                   Quaternion.Euler(0, slot.primaryDirection, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                        else if (slot.type == RoadSlot.Type.A)
                            if (!slot.hasConnection)
                                GameObject aRoad = Instantiate(aRoadsPrefabs[0], position,
                                                               Quaternion.Euler(0, slot.primaryDirection, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                            else if (slot.connectedType.Count == 1)
                                position += new Vector3(0, 0.001f, 0);
                                //This means there should only be 1 other road connecting to it
                                if (slot.connectedType[0] == RoadSlot.Type.M)
                                    //It must be a small road as A roads don't need to connect to each other
                                    GameObject aRoad = Instantiate(aRoadsPrefabs[1], position,
                                                                   Quaternion.Euler(0, slot.primaryDirection, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                            else if (slot.connectedType.Count == 2)
                                position += new Vector3(0, 0.002f, 0);
                                if (slot.connectedType[0] == RoadSlot.Type.S &&
                                    slot.connectedType[1] == RoadSlot.Type.S)
                                    GameObject aRoad = Instantiate(aRoadsPrefabs[2], position,
                                                                   Quaternion.Euler(0, slot.primaryDirection, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                        else if (slot.type == RoadSlot.Type.M)
                            if (!slot.hasConnection)
                                GameObject mRoad = Instantiate(mRoadsPrefabs[0], position,
                                                               Quaternion.Euler(0, slot.primaryDirection, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                            else if (slot.connectedType.Count == 2)
                                position += new Vector3(0, 0.003f, 0);
                                GameObject mRoad = Instantiate(mRoadsPrefabs[1], position,
                                                               Quaternion.Euler(0, slot.primaryDirection, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                    else if (generatedSlots[x, y] is BuildingSlot)
                        int index = rnd.Next(buildingPrefabs.Length);

                        GameObject emptySlot = Instantiate(buildingPrefabs[index], position,
                                                           Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                    else if (generatedSlots[x, y] is EmptySlot)
                        GameObject emptySlot = Instantiate(buildingPrefabs[0], position,
                                                           Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                    else if (generatedSlots[x, y] is FactorySlot)
                        FactorySlot slot = (FactorySlot)generatedSlots[x, y];

                        if (slot.isSpawn)
                            int index = rnd.Next(factoriesPrefabs.Length);
                            if (slot.rightSide)
                                GameObject factorySlot = Instantiate(factoriesPrefabs[index], position,
                                                                     Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                                //Need to move the asset over on the left side
                                GameObject factorySlot = Instantiate(factoriesPrefabs[index], position,
                                                                     Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0), roadsParent.transform);
                                factorySlot.transform.localPosition += Vector3.left * 46.88f;


            GameObject gameObject18 = new GameObject("Minimap Lines");
            gameObject18.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 100f, 0f);
            for (int num3 = 0; num3 < roadThread.roads.Count; num3++)
                GameObject last = Instantiate(roadDebugLine, gameObject18.transform);
                last.layer = 15;
                last.name  = string.Format("{0}{1} Road", roadThread.roads[num3].roadType.ToString(), num3);
                LineRenderer lineRenderer = last.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
                lineRenderer.positionCount = roadThread.roads[num3].points.Length;
                for (int num4 = 0; num4 < lineRenderer.positionCount; num4++)
                    Vector3 position3 = new Vector3((roadThread.roads[num3].points[num4].x + roadThread.position.x) * (float)RoadGenerator.cityScale - scaleBackX, (roadThread.roads[num3].points[num4].y + roadThread.position.y) * (float)RoadGenerator.cityScale + gameObject18.transform.position.y, (roadThread.roads[num3].points[num4].z + roadThread.position.z) * (float)RoadGenerator.cityScale - scaleBackZ);
                    lineRenderer.SetPosition(num4, position3);
                if (roadThread.roads[num3].roadType == RoadType.M)
                    lineRenderer.startColor = Color.blue;
                    lineRenderer.endColor   = Color.blue;
                else if (roadThread.roads[num3].roadType == RoadType.A)
                    lineRenderer.startColor = Color.green;
                    lineRenderer.endColor   = Color.green;

        city = lastCity;

        //This calls to the RoomSwitcher to spawn the rooms in as all of the roads and buildings have been spawned