Пример #1
        public void FactoryAttributeLoaderMustInjectUnnamedCustomFactoryIntoContainer()
            var    mockContainer     = new Mock <IServiceContainer>();
            var    mockPreProcessors = new Mock <IList <IPreProcessor> >();
            Type   serviceType       = typeof(ISampleService);
            string serviceName       = null;

            // The container should add the expected
            // factory type
                container => container.AddFactory(serviceName, serviceType, It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Type> >(),
                                                  It.IsAny <SampleFactory>()));

            // The factory attribute loader will add the custom
            // factory to the preprocessors collection
            mockContainer.Expect(container => container.PreProcessors)

            mockPreProcessors.Expect(p => p.Add(It.IsAny <IPreProcessor>()));

            ITypeLoader loader = new FactoryAttributeLoader();
            IEnumerable <Action <IServiceContainer> > actions = loader.Load(typeof(SampleFactory));

            // The factory loader should return a set of actions
            // that will inject that custom factory into the container
            // itself
            foreach (var action in actions)

Пример #2
        public void FactoryAttributeLoaderMustInjectOpenGenericServiceTypeIntoContainer()
            var  mockContainer      = new Mock <IServiceContainer>();
            Type serviceType        = typeof(ISampleGenericService <>);
            var  mockPostProcessors = new Mock <IList <IPostProcessor> >();
            var  mockPreProcessors  = new Mock <IList <IPreProcessor> >();

            ITypeLoader loader = new FactoryAttributeLoader();
            IEnumerable <Action <IServiceContainer> > actions = loader.Load(typeof(SampleOpenGenericFactory));

            // The loader should load the mock container
            // using the generic open type as the service type
            mockContainer.Expect(container => container.PostProcessors)

            mockContainer.Expect(container => container.PreProcessors)

            mockContainer.Expect(container => container.AddFactory(null,
                                                                   serviceType, It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Type> >(),
                                                                   It.IsAny <SampleOpenGenericFactory>()));

            // The postprocessor list should have an additional element added
            mockPostProcessors.Expect(p => p.Add(It.IsAny <IPostProcessor>()));

            // The preprocessor list should have an additional element added as well
            mockPreProcessors.Expect(p => p.Add(It.IsAny <IPreProcessor>()));

            Action <IServiceContainer> applyActions =
                container =>
                foreach (var action in actions)


            // Apply the actions to a real container and verify
            // it with the expected service instance
            var realContainer = new ServiceContainer();

Пример #3
        public void FactoryAttributeLoaderMustInjectStronglyTypedFactoryIntoContainer()
            var  container   = new ServiceContainer();
            Type serviceType = typeof(ISampleService);

            ITypeLoader loader = new FactoryAttributeLoader();
            IEnumerable <Action <IServiceContainer> > actions = loader.Load(typeof(SampleStronglyTypedFactory));

            // The factory loader should return a set of actions
            // that will inject that custom factory into the container
            // itself
            foreach (var action in actions)
