public async Task <ActionResult <FacilityMaster> > PostFacility(FacilityMaster facility) { _context.FacilityMasters.Add(facility); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetFacility", new { id = facility.FacilityID }, facility)); }
public async Task Create_Faciltiy_Master_Test() { var facilityName = "Martin Memorial Medical Center - North Campus"; var orderMap = "0149600001496A000"; IDbConnection smartAgentDb = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[_devAppConfigName].ConnectionString); var kernel = new StandardKernel(new RepoTestsModule(smartAgentDb)); var clientLocationRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <ClientLocations> >(); var result = await clientLocationRepo.FindByName(facilityName); if (result.Any()) { var facilites = new List <FacilityMaster>(); var location = result.SingleOrDefault(); var facility = FacilityMaster.CreateFaciltiy( facilityName, Guid.NewGuid(), orderMap, location.ClientKey, location.ClientLocationKey ); facilites.Add(facility); var facilityRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <FacilityMaster> >(); var facilityKey = await facilityRepo.AddAsync(facilites); writeToConsole("Created new facility! Key: ", facilityKey.ToString()); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutFacility(int id, FacilityMaster facility) { if (id != facility.FacilityID) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(facility).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!FacilityExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetFacilityMaster(int?skip, int?top, string columns, string FCTY_CODE, string FCTY_NAME, DateTime?FCTY_V_START_DATE) { int s = (skip == null) ? 0 : skip.GetValueOrDefault(); int t = (top == null) ? 1000 : top.GetValueOrDefault(); if (s < 0) { return(BadRequest("Skip can't be a negative number")); } if (t < 1) { return(BadRequest("Top can't be less then 1")); } if (columns != null) { columns = columns.Replace(" ", ""); } /* This section is used to check the existence of columns suplied in the request, * and in the event of no columns being supplied finds a list of each column of the given model. */ FacilityMaster obj = new FacilityMaster(); var cols = obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(e => e.Name.ToUpper()).ToArray(); if (columns == null) { columns = string.Join(",", cols); } else { string[] colSplit = columns.Split(','); foreach (string col in colSplit) { if (!cols.Contains(col.Trim().ToUpper())) { return(BadRequest(col + " is not a valid column")); } } } /* This section takes care of the db request. * Here Linq.Dynamic.Core is used to dynamically select specific columns. */ var result = _db.FacilityMaster .Where(e => (e.FCTY_CODE == FCTY_CODE || FCTY_CODE == null) && (e.FCTY_NAME == FCTY_NAME || FCTY_NAME == null) && (e.FCTY_V_START_DATE >= FCTY_V_START_DATE || FCTY_V_START_DATE == null) ) .Skip(s) .Take(t) .Select("new(" + columns + ")"); return(Ok(await result.ToDynamicListAsync())); }
public int DeleteSingleOrDefaultFacilityRecord(int selectedfacility) { List <UserLoginInformation> userinfo = _context.UserLoginInformations.Where(x => x.FacilityId == selectedfacility).ToList(); List <UserFacility> userfacinfo = _context.UserFacilities.Where(x => x.FacilityId == selectedfacility).ToList(); if (userinfo.Count == 0 && userfacinfo.Count == 0) { FacilityMaster facility = _context.FacilityMasters.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FacilityMasterId.Equals(selectedfacility)); _context.FacilityMasters.Remove(facility); _context.SaveChanges(); return(1); } return(2); }
public ActionResult GenerateReport(int selectedOrganisation, int selectedtype, int selectedstatus) { List <FacilityMaster> facilitymasters; if (selectedOrganisation == 0) { if (selectedstatus == 0) { facilitymasters = FacilityMaster.GetAllFacilities(); } else if (selectedstatus == 1) { facilitymasters = FacilityMaster.GetAllActiveFacilities(); } else { facilitymasters = FacilityMaster.GetAllInActiveFacilities(); } } else { Organisation org = _context.Organisations.Find(selectedOrganisation); if (selectedstatus == 0) { facilitymasters = org.GetAssocaitedFacilities(); } else if (selectedstatus == 1) { facilitymasters = org.GetAssocaitedActiveFacilities(); } else { facilitymasters = org.GetAssocaitedInActiveFacilities(); } } foreach (FacilityMaster facmaster in facilitymasters) { facmaster.AssociatedUsers = facmaster.GetAssocaitedFacilityAdmins(); } return(performActionForReportType(selectedtype, facilitymasters)); }
public void UpdateFacilityMasterAndCreateFacilityTrans(FacilityMaster facilityMaster, FacilityTrans facilityTrans, string status, string userCode) { #region 记事务 facilityTrans.FacilityCategory = facilityMaster.Category; facilityTrans.AssetNo = facilityMaster.AssetNo; facilityTrans.FacilityName = facilityMaster.Name; facilityTransMgrE.CreateFacilityTrans(facilityTrans); #endregion #region 更新状态 facilityMaster.Status = status; facilityMaster.LastModifyDate = DateTime.Now; facilityMaster.LastModifyUser = userCode; UpdateFacilityMaster(facilityMaster); #endregion #region 保养和检测的需要自动关闭对应的ISI任务 if (facilityTrans.TransType == FacilityConstants.CODE_MASTER_FACILITY_TRANSTYPE_MAINTAIN_FINISH || facilityTrans.TransType == FacilityConstants.CODE_MASTER_FACILITY_TRANSTYPE_INSPECT_FINISH) { DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(TaskMstr)); criteria.CreateAlias("TaskSubType", "t"); criteria.Add(Expression.In("Status", new string[] { ISIConstants.CODE_MASTER_ISI_STATUS_VALUE_ASSIGN, ISIConstants.CODE_MASTER_ISI_STATUS_VALUE_INPROCESS })); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("t.Code", "SSGL")); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("Desc2", facilityMaster.FCID)); // criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("f.Status", FacilityConstants.CODE_MASTER_FACILITY_STATUS_AVAILABLE)); IList<TaskMstr> facilityTaskList = criteriaMgrE.FindAll<TaskMstr>(criteria); if (facilityTaskList != null && facilityTaskList.Count > 0) { User user = userMgrE.LoadUser(userCode); TaskMstr t = facilityTaskList.First(); //只关第一条 if (t.Status == ISIConstants.CODE_MASTER_ISI_STATUS_VALUE_ASSIGN) { taskMgrE.ConfirmTask(t.Code, user); } taskMgrE.CompleteTask(t.Code, user); taskMgrE.CloseTask(t.Code, user); } } #endregion }
public ActionResult CheckIfValidFacilityName(string facility) { string[] strings = facility.Split(new string[] { "||||" }, StringSplitOptions.None); FacilityMaster res = null; string name = strings[0]; int facilityid = int.Parse(strings[1]); if (facilityid == 0) { res = _context.FacilityMasters.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FacilityMasterName == name); } else { res = _context.FacilityMasters.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FacilityMasterName == name && x.FacilityMasterId != facilityid); } if (res != null) { return(Json("FacilityName Already Exists.Use Another Facility Name", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Result(int currentrecord) { FacilityMaster @facility = _context.FacilityMasters.Find(currentrecord); Organisation currentOrganisation = @facility.OOrganisation; List <int> participantsIds = null; if (currentrecord != 0) { List <UserLoginInformation> usersInDb = new List <UserLoginInformation>(); usersInDb.AddRange(@facility.GetAssocaitedFacilityAdmins()); participantsIds = usersInDb.Select(x => x.USERID).ToList(); } List <MyNode> nodes = new List <MyNode>(); MyOrganisation @org = new MyOrganisation(); @org.Name = currentOrganisation.Name; @org.Value = currentOrganisation.OrganisationId; MyNode orgNode = new MyNode { text = org.Name, value = org.Value, icon = "glyphicon glyphicon-home", backColor = "#ffffff", color = "#428bca", //state = new state() { @checked = true, disabled = false, expanded = true, selected = false }, nodetype = MyNodeType.Organisation }; List <MyFacility> facilities = new List <MyFacility> { new MyFacility { Name = @facility.FacilityMasterName, ParentOrganisationId = @facility.OrganisationId, Value = @facility.FacilityMasterId } }; if (facilities.Count > 0) { orgNode.nodes = new List <MyNode>(); foreach (MyFacility @fac in facilities) { MyNode facNode = new MyNode { parent = orgNode.value, text = fac.Name, value = fac.Value, icon = "glyphicon glyphicon-th-list", backColor = "#ffffff", color = "#66512c", //state = new state() { @checked = true, disabled = false, expanded = true, selected = false }, nodetype = MyNodeType.Facility }; List <MyUser> users = @fac.GetAllMatchingUsers(); if (users != null && users.Count > 0) { facNode.nodes = new List <MyNode>(); foreach (MyUser @user in users) { MyNode userNode = new MyNode { parent = facNode.value, text = user.Name, value = user.Value, icon = "glyphicon glyphicon-user", backColor = "#ffffff", color = "#31708f", nodetype = MyNodeType.User }; if (ChatGroupController.CheckIfMatchingMyUserExists(participantsIds, userNode) != null) { userNode.state = new state { @checked = true, disabled = false, expanded = true, selected = false }; } facNode.nodes.Add(userNode); } } orgNode.nodes.Add(facNode); } } nodes.Add(orgNode); return(Json(nodes, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult getMatchingFacility(int selectedfacility) { FacilityMaster facilityinfo = _context.FacilityMasters.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FacilityMasterId.Equals(selectedfacility)); return(Json(facilityinfo, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public FacilityMaster Updateobject(int id, FacilityMaster filled) { FacilityMaster obj = _context.FacilityMasters.Find(id); PropertyInfo[] props = obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props) { object currentprop = prop.GetValue(filled); if (currentprop is Int32) { int currentint = (int)currentprop; if (currentint == 0) { prop.SetValue(filled, prop.GetValue(obj), null); } } else if (currentprop is Int16) { Int16 currentInt16 = (Int16)currentprop; if (currentInt16 == 0) { prop.SetValue(filled, prop.GetValue(obj), null); } } else if (currentprop is Byte) { Byte currentByte = (Byte)currentprop; if (currentByte == 0) { prop.SetValue(filled, prop.GetValue(obj), null); } } else if (currentprop is Boolean) { Boolean currentBoolean = (Boolean)currentprop; if (currentBoolean == (Boolean)prop.GetValue(obj)) { prop.SetValue(filled, prop.GetValue(obj), null); } } else if (currentprop is String) { prop.SetValue(filled, (String)currentprop, null); } else if (currentprop is DateTime) { DateTime currentDateTime = (DateTime)currentprop; if (currentDateTime == new DateTime()) { prop.SetValue(filled, prop.GetValue(obj), null); } } else { if (currentprop == null) { prop.SetValue(filled, prop.GetValue(obj), null); } } } return(filled); }
public string UpdateFacilittMaster(FacilityMaster facilityinfo) { try { UserLoginInformation loggedinUser = (UserLoginInformation)LoginController.ActiveUser; if (facilityinfo.FacilityMasterId == 0) { facilityinfo.CreatedById = loggedinUser.USERID.ToString(); facilityinfo.ModifiedById = loggedinUser.USERID.ToString(); facilityinfo.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; facilityinfo.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; _context.FacilityMasters.Add(facilityinfo); _context.SaveChanges(); } else { try { using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope()) { try { using (kryptoEntities1 db = new kryptoEntities1()) { facilityinfo = Updateobject(facilityinfo.FacilityMasterId, facilityinfo); facilityinfo.ModifiedById = loggedinUser.USERID.ToString(); facilityinfo.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; db.Entry(facilityinfo).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); List <MyNode> responseNodes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MyNode> >(facilityinfo.UserSelections); List <UserLoginInformation> usersInDb = new List <UserLoginInformation>(); usersInDb.AddRange(facilityinfo.GetAssocaitedFacilityAdmins()); List <int> indb = usersInDb.Select(x => x.USERID).ToList(); List <int> inselections = responseNodes.Select(x => x.value).ToList(); var toInclude = UserDatatablesController.ExcludedRight(indb, inselections); var toExclude = UserDatatablesController.ExcludedLeft(indb, inselections); foreach (int @in in toInclude) { UserLoginInformation current = db.UserLoginInformations.Find(@in); current.IsFacilityAdmin = true; db.Entry(current).State = EntityState.Modified; } foreach (int @out in toExclude) { UserLoginInformation current = db.UserLoginInformations.Find(@out); current.IsFacilityAdmin = false; db.Entry(current).State = EntityState.Modified; } db.SaveChanges(); } transactionScope.Complete(); } catch (Exception ee) { return("FAIL"); } } } catch (Exception exception) { return("FAIL"); } } } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } return("FAIL"); } return("SUCESS"); }
public override void CreateFacilityMaster(FacilityMaster facilityMaster) { base.CreateFacilityMaster(facilityMaster); #region 记事务 FacilityTrans facilityTrans = new FacilityTrans(); facilityTrans.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; facilityTrans.CreateUser = facilityMaster.CreateUser; facilityTrans.EffDate = DateTime.Now.Date; facilityTrans.FCID = facilityMaster.FCID; facilityTrans.FromChargePerson = facilityMaster.CurrChargePerson; facilityTrans.FromChargePersonName = facilityMaster.CurrChargePersonName; facilityTrans.FromOrganization = facilityMaster.ChargeOrganization; facilityTrans.FromChargeSite = facilityMaster.ChargeSite; facilityTrans.ToChargePerson = facilityMaster.CurrChargePerson; facilityTrans.ToChargePersonName = facilityMaster.CurrChargePersonName; facilityTrans.ToOrganization = facilityMaster.ChargeOrganization; facilityTrans.ToChargeSite = facilityMaster.ChargeSite; facilityTrans.TransType = FacilityConstants.CODE_MASTER_FACILITY_TRANSTYPE_CREATE; facilityTrans.AssetNo = facilityMaster.AssetNo; facilityTrans.FacilityName = facilityMaster.Name; facilityTrans.FacilityCategory = facilityMaster.Category; facilityTransMgrE.CreateFacilityTrans(facilityTrans); #endregion }
public void UpdateFacilityMasterMaintain(FacilityMaster facilityMaster) { #region 计算保养间隔期,按天的 if (facilityMaster.MaintainType != null && facilityMaster.MaintainType != FacilityConstants.CODE_MASTER_FACILITY_MAINTAIN_TYPE_ONCE) { facilityMaster.MaintainTypePeriod = Convert.ToInt32(facilityMaster.MaintainType.Substring(0, facilityMaster.MaintainType.Length - 1)); } #endregion #region 计算下次时间 DateTime dateTimeNow = DateTime.Now.Date; if (facilityMaster.MaintainStartDate == null) { facilityMaster.MaintainStartDate = dateTimeNow; } //下次提醒时间 facilityMaster.NextMaintainTime = facilityMaster.MaintainStartDate.Value.AddDays(facilityMaster.MaintainLeadTime.HasValue ? 0 - facilityMaster.MaintainLeadTime.Value : 0); this.Update(facilityMaster); #endregion }
public async Task Create_Client_Test() { // Get connection prepare for data entry IDbConnection smartAgentDb = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[_devAppConfigName].ConnectionString); // Instantiate Repositories needed for data entry var kernel = new StandardKernel(new RepoTestsModule(smartAgentDb)); // Start client creation process. var clientName = "Community Health Systems (CHS)"; var clientKey = new Guid("5ee74d8b-f1f9-4464-a1e3-aa7c4335d12d"); var howToDeliver = "OCSVC"; if (clientKey == new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")) { clientKey = Guid.NewGuid(); } var client = new ClientMaster(clientName: clientName, clientKey: clientKey, howToDeliver: howToDeliver); var clientLocationName = "CHS - Deaconess Med Ctr"; var clientId = "109781"; string facilityId = "VAC"; var tpId = "178995"; var lastUserId = "kris.lindsey"; IEnumerable <ClientMaster> clients = new List <ClientMaster>(); var clientMasterRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <ClientMaster> >(); var clientLocationRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <ClientLocations> >(); //Check to see if client already exists in data clients = await clientMasterRepo.FindByName(client.ClientName); // If one exits add location data if (clients.Any()) { var locations = new List <ClientLocations>(); var clientLocationKey = Guid.NewGuid(); var clientLocation = ClientLocations.CreateClientLocation ( clientLocationName, clientKey, clientLocationKey, clientId, tpId, facilityId ); clientLocation.LastUserId = lastUserId; locations.Add(clientLocation); var clientLocationEntryResult = await clientLocationRepo.AddAsync(locations); if (clientLocationEntryResult == clientLocation.ClientLocationKey) { var facilityRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <FacilityMaster> >(); var newFacility = FacilityMaster.CreateFaciltiy ( clientLocation.ClientLocationName, Guid.NewGuid(), "0144300301443003", clientLocation.ClientKey, clientLocation.ClientLocationKey ); var facilites = new List <FacilityMaster>(); facilites.Add(newFacility); var result = await facilityRepo.AddAsync(facilites); var mappingValues = new List <PayerWebsiteMappingValue>(); var newMappingValue = PayerWebsiteMappingValue.CreateWebisteMappingValue ( clientKey, clientLocationKey ); mappingValues.Add(newMappingValue); var pwmvRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <PayerWebsiteMappingValue> >(); var mvresult = await pwmvRepo.AddAsync(mappingValues); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientLocationName)) { var criteriaRepo = new CreateSmartAgentUserRepo(smartAgentDb); var criteriaSearchRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <CriteriaDetails> >(); //var criteriaSetName = ""; var insuranceName = "Emblem Submit"; var clientkey = new Guid("6648E492-D332-443B-8273-77992C36CD3E"); var criteriaSetname = clientName + insuranceName; var scriptKey = new Guid("CD2D1C15-D197-E211-B890-000C29729DFF"); var criteriaSetKey = Guid.NewGuid(); var iprkey = "PCEMBLEM01"; var c = Criteria.CreateCriteria ( criteriaSetname, criteriaSetKey, scriptKey, iprkey, clientkey, clientLocationKey, "kris.lindsey", "" ); var critera = await criteriaSearchRepo.FindByName(clientLocationName); if (critera.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("Found records! nothing to do hear :)"); return; } else { var results = await criteriaRepo.CreateCriteraRecords(c); Console.WriteLine("criteria created: ", result); } } } } //If not create client master record and then procedd to enter client data. else { var cs = new List <ClientMaster>(); cs.Add(client); var result = await clientMasterRepo.AddAsync(cs); if (result == clientKey) { } } foreach (var item in clients) { writeToConsole(item.ClientName + " ", item.ClientKey); } }
public ActionResult GenerateReport(int selectedOrg, int selectedFacility, int selectedstatus, int selectedtype) { bool includeFacInCondition = false; var includeOrgInCondition = PerformActionForSelectedOrganisation(selectedOrg); if (includeOrgInCondition) { includeFacInCondition = performActionForSelectedFacility(selectedFacility); } var includestatusAsCondition = performActionForSelectedstatus(selectedstatus); List <UserLoginInformation> users = new List <UserLoginInformation>(); if (!includeOrgInCondition) { if (!includestatusAsCondition) { users = _context.UserLoginInformations.Where(x => x.Status == 1).ToList(); } else { if (selectedstatus == 1) { foreach (Organisation @orgObj in _context.Organisations.Where(x => x.Status == 1).ToList()) { foreach (FacilityMaster @facility in orgObj.GetAssocaitedFacilities()) { users.AddRange(@facility.GetAssocaitedActiveUsers()); } } } else if (selectedstatus == 2) { foreach (Organisation @orgObj in _context.Organisations.Where(x => x.Status == 1).ToList()) { foreach (FacilityMaster @facility in orgObj.GetAssocaitedFacilities()) { users.AddRange(@facility.GetAssocaitedInActiveUsers()); } } } else { foreach (Organisation @orgObj in _context.Organisations.Where(x => x.Status == 1).ToList()) { foreach (FacilityMaster @facility in orgObj.GetAssocaitedFacilities()) { users.AddRange(@facility.GetAssocaitedUsers()); } } } } } else { if (includeFacInCondition) { FacilityMaster facility = _context.FacilityMasters.Find(selectedFacility); if (selectedstatus == 1) { users.AddRange(@facility.GetAssocaitedActiveUsers()); } else if (selectedstatus == 2) { users.AddRange(@facility.GetAssocaitedInActiveUsers()); } else { users.AddRange(@facility.GetAssocaitedUsers()); } } else { Organisation orgObj = _context.Organisations.Find(selectedOrg); if (selectedstatus == 1) { foreach (FacilityMaster @facility in orgObj.GetAssocaitedFacilities()) { users.AddRange(@facility.GetAssocaitedActiveUsers()); } } else if (selectedstatus == 2) { foreach (FacilityMaster @facility in orgObj.GetAssocaitedFacilities()) { users.AddRange(@facility.GetAssocaitedInActiveUsers()); } } else { foreach (FacilityMaster @facility in orgObj.GetAssocaitedFacilities()) { users.AddRange(@facility.GetAssocaitedUsers()); } } } } return(PerformActionForReportType(selectedtype, users)); }