Пример #1
        private void btnGetMyInfo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var fb = new Facebook(txtAccessToken.Text);

            // using async method, silverlight supports only async methods
                        result =>
                // incase you are using async,
                // always check if it was successful.
                if (result.IsSuccessful)
                    // this prints out the raw json, // make sure u write on the appropriate thread
                    WriteLine(result.RawResponse + "\n");

                    // this mite be preferable - the generic version of the result
                    var user = result.GetResponseAs <User>();
                    WriteLine("Hi " + user.Name);
                    // exception is stored in result.Exception
                    // u can extract the message using result.Exception.Message
                    // or u can get raw facebook json exception using result.Response.
                    WriteLine("Error: " + "\n" + result.Exception.Message + "\n");

            //// example for posting on the wall:
            //             new Dictionary<string, string>
            //                 {
            //                     { "message", "testing form Silverlight FacebookSharp" }
            //                 },
            //             result =>
            //             {
            //                 if (result.IsSuccessful)
            //                 {
            //                     WriteLine("New post id" + result.RawResponse);
            //                 }
            //                 else
            //                 {
            //                     WriteLine("Error: " + "\n" + result.Exception.Message + "\n");
            //                 }
            //             });

            //// example for deleting
            //               result =>
            //               {
            //                   if (result.IsSuccessful)
            //                   {
            //                       WriteLine(result.RawResponse);
            //                   }
            //                   else
            //                   {
            //                       WriteLine("Error: \n" + result.Exception.Message);
            //                   }
            //               });
Пример #2
        private void btnGetMyInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Facebook fb = new Facebook(txtAccessToken.Text);

            // using async method
                        result =>
                // incase you are using async,
                // always check if it was successful.
                if (result.IsSuccessful)
                    // this prints out the raw json

                    // this mite be preferable - the generic version of the result
                    var user = result.GetResponseAs <User>();
                    MessageBox.Show("Hi " + user.Name);
                    // exception is stored in result.Exception
                    // u can extract the message using result.Exception.Message
                    // or u can get raw facebook json exception using result.Response.
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: " + Environment.NewLine + result.Exception.Message);

            // you can also use synchronous version like below
            // Methods not containing Async are treated as synchronous.

            // you can either use generic version or non generic version
            //var user = fb.Get<User>("/me");
            //MessageBox.Show("Hi " + user.Name);

            // non-generic version returns raw JSON string given by Facebook.

            // example for posting on the wall:
            //string resultPost = fb.Post("/me/feed", new Dictionary<string, string>
            //                        {
            //                            {"message", "testing from FacebookSharp."}
            //                        });
            //MessageBox.Show(resultPost); // this result is the id of the new post

            // example for deleting
            //string resultDelete = fb.Delete("/id");

            // you can also use Parameter Extensions
            // (make sure you add -> using FacebookSharp.Extensions; )
            // https://graph.facebook.com/?fields=id,picture&ids=123741737666932,100001241534829&oauth_token=your_oauth_token.
            // var result = fb.Get(string.Empty,
            //                    new Dictionary<string, string>()
            //                        .SelectFields(new[] { "picture" })
            //                        .SelectIds(new[] { "123741737666932", "100001241534829" })
            //                        .SelectField("id"));
            // You can also do things like .Offset(2).LimitTo(3) and much more.
            // checkout ParameterExtensions.cs file

            // You can also use the old RestApi by calling GetUsingRestApi or GetUsingRestApiAsync
            fb.GetUsingRestApiAsync("status.get", new Dictionary <string, string>().LimitTo(1),
                                    callback =>
                if (callback.IsSuccessful)
            // You can also use the Facebook Query Language by calling Query or QueryAsync methods.
            fb.QueryAsync("SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid = me()",
                          result =>
                if (result.IsSuccessful)
                    MessageBox.Show("Response using FQL: " + result.RawResponse);
Пример #3
        private void btnGetMyInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Facebook fb = new Facebook(txtAccessToken.Text);

            // using async method
                        result =>
                            // incase you are using async,
                            // always check if it was successful.
                            if (result.IsSuccessful)
                                // this prints out the raw json

                                // this mite be preferable - the generic version of the result
                                var user = result.GetResponseAs<User>();
                                MessageBox.Show("Hi " + user.Name);
                                // exception is stored in result.Exception
                                // u can extract the message using result.Exception.Message
                                // or u can get raw facebook json exception using result.Response.
                                MessageBox.Show("Error: " + Environment.NewLine + result.Exception.Message);

            // you can also use synchronous version like below
            // Methods not containing Async are treated as synchronous.

            // you can either use generic version or non generic version
            //var user = fb.Get<User>("/me");
            //MessageBox.Show("Hi " + user.Name);

            // non-generic version returns raw JSON string given by Facebook.

            // example for posting on the wall:
            //string resultPost = fb.Post("/me/feed", new Dictionary<string, string>
            //                        {
            //                            {"message", "testing from FacebookSharp."}
            //                        });
            //MessageBox.Show(resultPost); // this result is the id of the new post

            // example for deleting
            //string resultDelete = fb.Delete("/id");

            // you can also use Parameter Extensions
            // (make sure you add -> using FacebookSharp.Extensions; )
            // https://graph.facebook.com/?fields=id,picture&ids=123741737666932,100001241534829&oauth_token=your_oauth_token.
            // var result = fb.Get(string.Empty,
            //                    new Dictionary<string, string>()
            //                        .SelectFields(new[] { "picture" })
            //                        .SelectIds(new[] { "123741737666932", "100001241534829" })
            //                        .SelectField("id"));
            // You can also do things like .Offset(2).LimitTo(3) and much more.
            // checkout ParameterExtensions.cs file

            // You can also use the old RestApi by calling GetUsingRestApi or GetUsingRestApiAsync
            fb.GetUsingRestApiAsync("status.get", new Dictionary<string, string>().LimitTo(1),
                                    callback =>
                                        if (callback.IsSuccessful)
            // You can also use the Facebook Query Language by calling Query or QueryAsync methods.
            fb.QueryAsync("SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid = me()",
                          result =>
                              if (result.IsSuccessful)
                                  MessageBox.Show("Response using FQL: " + result.RawResponse);