private async Task startDetection(MediaFile file) { faceDetectResult = await CognitiveService.FaceDetect(file.GetStreamWithImageRotatedForExternalStorage()); //await Task.Delay(5000); processing = false; }
public static async Task <FaceDetectResult> DetectFaceAsync(string photoPath) { // Face API 呼び出し準備 var apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"; var apiEndpoint = ""; var client = new FaceServiceClient(apiKey, apiEndpoint); // Face API で判定 var file = new FileFromPath(photoPath); var imageStream = file.Open(FileAccess.Read); var attributes = new FaceAttributeType[] { FaceAttributeType.Age, FaceAttributeType.Gender, FaceAttributeType.Smile, }; var result = await client.DetectAsync(imageStream, false, false, attributes); // 判定結果を代入 var detectResult = new FaceDetectResult(); detectResult.Age = result[0].FaceAttributes.Age; detectResult.Gender = result[0].FaceAttributes.Gender; detectResult.Smile = result[0].FaceAttributes.Smile; return(detectResult); }
public static async Task <FaceDetectResult> DetectFaceAsync(string photoPath) { // Face API 呼び出し準備 var apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"; var apiEndpoint = ""; var client = new FaceClient(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(apiKey)) { Endpoint = apiEndpoint }; // Face API で判定 var file = new FileFromPath(photoPath); var imageStream = file.Open(FileAccess.Read); var attributes = new FaceAttributeType[] { FaceAttributeType.Age, FaceAttributeType.Gender, FaceAttributeType.Smile, }; //var result = await client.Face.DetectWithStreamAsync(imageStream, false, false, attributes); var result = await client.Face.DetectWithStreamAsync(imageStream, false, false, attributes); // 判定結果を代入 var detectResult = new FaceDetectResult(); detectResult.Age = (double)result[0].FaceAttributes.Age; detectResult.Gender = result[0].FaceAttributes.Gender.ToString(); detectResult.Smile = (double)result[0].FaceAttributes.Smile; return(detectResult); }
private async Task startDetection(MediaFile file) { // Appel de la fonction FaceDetect du dossier Services pour l'analyse du visage faceDetectResult = await CognitiveService.FaceDetect(file.GetStreamWithImageRotatedForExternalStorage()); processing = false; }
private async void RunButton_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { // 画像の選択 var photo = ""; var imageChoiceResult = await DisplayAlert("どちらの画像を使いますか", "", "カメラ", "ローカルフォルダー"); try { if (imageChoiceResult) { photo = await TakePhotoAsync(); } else { photo = await PickPhotoAsync(); } } catch (Exception exception) { await DisplayAlert("エラーが発生しました", exception.Message, "OK"); } // 画像の判定 ImagePreview.Source = photo; var faceResult = new FaceDetectResult(); try { faceResult = await DetectFaceAsync(photo); } catch (Exception exception) { await DisplayAlert("Face API の呼び出しに失敗しました", exception.Message, "OK"); return; } // 判定結果を配置 Age.Text = "年齢 : " + faceResult.Age; Gender.Text = "性別 : " + faceResult.Gender; Smile.Text = "笑顔 : " + (faceResult.Smile * 100).ToString("##0") + "点"; }
public static async Task <FaceDetectResult> DetectFaceAsync(string photo) { // Face API 呼び出し準備 var subKey = "Your_FaceAPISubKey"; var client = new FaceServiceClient(subKey); // Face API で判定 var file = await FileSystem.Current.GetFileFromPathAsync(photo); var imageStream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccess.Read); var result = await client.DetectAsync(imageStream, false, false, Enum.GetValues(typeof(FaceAttributeType)).OfType <FaceAttributeType>().ToArray()); // 判定結果を代入 var detectResult = new FaceDetectResult(); detectResult.age = result[0].FaceAttributes.Age; detectResult.gender = result[0].FaceAttributes.Gender; detectResult.emotionKey = result[0].FaceAttributes.Emotion.ToRankedList().First <KeyValuePair <string, float> >().Key; detectResult.emotionValue = result[0].FaceAttributes.Emotion.ToRankedList().First <KeyValuePair <string, float> >().Value; return(detectResult); }
public static async Task <bool> RunDetect(Guid requestID, string apis, string name, string source, Stream incomingPicture, string sourceContainerName, string resultContainerName, IAsyncCollector <object> outputItem, TraceWriter log, string videoName = null) { string apikey = string.Empty; try { string[] apiArr = apis.Split(','); int randomApi = FaceHelper.Instance.Next(0, apiArr.Length); apikey = apiArr[randomApi]; log.Info($"RunDetect request id: {requestID} apiKey: {apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}"); Tuple <HttpClient, PolicyWrap <HttpResponseMessage> > tuple = FaceHelper.HttpClientList.GetOrAdd(apikey, new Tuple <HttpClient, PolicyWrap <HttpResponseMessage> >( new HttpClient(), FaceHelper.DefineAndRetrieveResiliencyStrategy(log))); HttpClient client = tuple.Item1; PolicyWrap <HttpResponseMessage> policy = tuple.Item2; IDatabase cache = FaceHelper.Connection.GetDatabase(int.Parse(FaceHelper.Connection.GetDatabase(1).StringGet(apikey))); //the large group id it's based on the mac address we get - each MAC address can work with different face api group string largegroupid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[source]; if (videoName == null) { log.Info($"Detecting {name} requestId: {requestID} apiKey: {apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}"); } else { log.Info($"Detecting thumbnail {name} from {videoName} requestId: {requestID} apiKey: {apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}"); } byte[] pictureImage; // Convert the incoming image stream to a byte array. using (var br = new BinaryReader(incomingPicture)) { pictureImage = br.ReadBytes((int)incomingPicture.Length); } var detectionResult = await new FaceDetect(log, client).DetectFaces(pictureImage, apikey, requestID, policy); if ((detectionResult != null) && (detectionResult.Length > 0)) { //prepare identify request int maxCandidate = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxNumOfCandidatesReturned"]); double threshold = double.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["confidenceThreshold"]); var identifyResquest = new FaceIdentifyRequest() { ConfidenceThreshold = threshold, MaxNumOfCandidatesReturned = maxCandidate, LargePersonGroupId = largegroupid, FaceIds = detectionResult.Select(s => s.FaceId).ToArray() }; var identifyResult = await new FaceIdentify(log, client).IdentifyFaces(identifyResquest, apikey, requestID, policy); if ((identifyResult == null) || (identifyResult.Length == 0)) { log.Info($"No identification result requestId: {requestID}, apiKey:{apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}"); } var personResult = new PersonDetails(log, client); //merging results and find person name for (int i = 0; i < detectionResult.Length; i++) { if (videoName == null) { detectionResult[i].FaceBlobName = string.Concat(detectionResult[i].FaceId, "_", name); } else { detectionResult[i].FaceBlobName = videoName + "/" + name; } if ((identifyResult != null) && (identifyResult.Length > 0)) { detectionResult[i].Candidates = identifyResult[i].Candidates; for (int j = 0; j < detectionResult[i].Candidates.Length; j++) { string personid = detectionResult[i].Candidates[j].PersonId.ToString(); string personName = cache.StringGet(largegroupid + "-" + personid); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personName) == true) { log.Info($"Missing cache requestId: {requestID} apiKey: {apikey} personId: {personid} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}"); var tPerson = await personResult.GetPersonName(personid, apikey, largegroupid, requestID, policy); personName = tPerson.Name; cache.StringSet(largegroupid + "-" + personid, personName, null, When.Always); } detectionResult[i].Candidates[j].PersonName = new InternalPersonDetails() { PersonId = detectionResult[i].Candidates[j].PersonId, Name = personName }; } } } } else { log.Info($"No dectection result requestId: {requestID}, apiKey:{apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}"); //in case of video, we want to create a link to the face detected by AMS (Azure Media Services) although face api didn't recognize it if (videoName != null) { detectionResult = new FaceDetectResult[1] { new FaceDetectResult() { FaceBlobName = videoName + "/" + name } } } ; } string blobname = videoName ?? name; var actionResult = new FaceIdentifyResult() { BlobName = blobname, ContainerName = sourceContainerName, ResultContainerName = resultContainerName, BlobLength = incomingPicture.Length, CreatedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow, RequestId = requestID, ApiKey = apikey, LargeGroupId = largegroupid, Source = source, DetectResultList = detectionResult }; string strResult = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actionResult); await outputItem.AddAsync(strResult); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error($"Exception Message: {ex.Message}, requestId: {requestID}, apiKey:{apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}", ex); return(false); } return(true); }
private async Task starDetection(Stream data) { faceDetectResult = await CognitiveService.FaceDetect(data); processing = false; }
private async void RunButton_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { // 画像の選択 var photo = ""; var imageChoiceResult = await DisplayAlert("どちらの画像を使いますか", "", "カメラ", "ローカルフォルダー"); try { if (imageChoiceResult) { photo = await TakePhotoAsync(); } else { photo = await PickPhotoAsync(); } } catch (Exception exception) { await DisplayAlert("エラーが発生しました", exception.Message, "OK"); } // 画像の判定 ImagePreview.Source = photo; var faceResult = new FaceDetectResult(); try { faceResult = await DetectFaceAsync(photo); } catch (Exception exception) { await DisplayAlert("Face API の呼び出しに失敗しました", exception.Message, "OK"); return; } // 判定結果を配置 Age.Text = "年齢 : " + faceResult.age; Gender.Text = "性別 : " + faceResult.gender; Emotion.Text = "表情 : "; switch (faceResult.emotionKey) { case "Anger": Emotion.Text = Emotion.Text + "怒り"; break; case "Contempt": Emotion.Text = Emotion.Text + "軽蔑"; break; case "Disgust": Emotion.Text = Emotion.Text + "むかつき"; break; case "Fear": Emotion.Text = Emotion.Text + "恐れ"; break; case "Happiness": Emotion.Text = Emotion.Text + "喜び"; break; case "Neutral": Emotion.Text = Emotion.Text + "無表情"; break; case "Sadness": Emotion.Text = Emotion.Text + "悲しみ"; break; case "Surprise": Emotion.Text = Emotion.Text + "驚き"; break; default: break; } Emotion.Text = Emotion.Text + "(" + faceResult.emotionValue.ToString("0.00%") + ")"; }
private async Task FaceDetectAsync(FaceDetector detector, MediaCapture capture, CancellationToken token) { if (detector == null || capture == null || token == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } var previewProperties = capture.VideoDeviceController.GetMediaStreamProperties(MediaStreamType.VideoPreview) as VideoEncodingProperties; var videoFrame = new VideoFrame(BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, (int)previewProperties.Width, (int)previewProperties.Height); int width = (int)previewProperties.Width; int height = (int)previewProperties.Height; FaceDetectResult result = null; var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); { using (var currentFrame = await capture.GetPreviewFrameAsync(videoFrame)) using (var softwareBitmap = currentFrame.SoftwareBitmap) { if (softwareBitmap == null) { return; } // SoftwareBitmap -> byte array var buffer = new byte[4 * width * height]; softwareBitmap.CopyToBuffer(buffer.AsBuffer()); token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // Detect face result = detector.Detect(buffer, width, height); token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); } } stopWatch.Stop(); videoFrame.Dispose(); // Draw result to Canvas await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () => { FaceDrawCanvas.Width = width; FaceDrawCanvas.Height = height; // Draw fps FpsTextBlock.Text = (1000 / stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds) + "fps"; // Draw face point if (_faceDrawer != null && result != null) { List <FaceDetectData> faces = new List <FaceDetectData>(); foreach (var f in result.Faces) { FaceDetectData data = new FaceDetectData(); data.FaceRect = f.FaceRect; foreach (var p in f.FacePoints) { data.FaceLandmarks.Add(p); } faces.Add(data); } _faceDrawer.DrawToCanvas(FaceDrawCanvas, faces); } }); }