void TagPanelVisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { FTagsTextBox.Text = FTagsTextBox.Text.Trim(); FTagsTextBox.Focus(); FToolTip.Hide(FRichTextBox); if (PendingRedraw) { Redraw(); } }
void RichTextBoxMouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { //if cloned via ctrl+click the self is now hidden //and we don't want the nodebrowser to vanish yet if (Visible) { //hack: called only to re-focus active patch //after this mouseup set the focus to the already hidden NodeBrowser window OnCreateNodeFromString(""); FTagsTextBox.Focus(); } }
void RichTextBoxMouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { if (FHoverLine < 0 || FHoverLine >= FRichTextBox.Lines.Length) { return; } string username = FRichTextBox.Lines[FHoverLine].Trim(); FRichTextBox.SelectionStart = FRichTextBox.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(FHoverLine) + 1; FTagsTextBox.Focus(); //as plugin in its own window if (AllowDragDrop) { var selNode = FSelectionList[FHoverLine + ScrolledLine]; FTagsTextBox.DoDragDrop(string.Format("{0}||{1}", selNode.Systemname, selNode.Filename), DragDropEffects.All); return; } //else popped up on doubleclick else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { CreateNodeFromHoverLine(); } else { try { var selNode = FSelectionList[FHoverLine + ScrolledLine]; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle) { OnShowNodeReference(selNode); } else { FTagsTextBox.Text = ""; OnShowHelpPatch(selNode); } } catch //username is a filename..do nothing {} } }
public void AfterShow() { this.FRichTextBox.Resize += this.HandleRichTextBoxResize; FTagsTextBox.Focus(); }