Пример #1
        public static nuint FSE_buildDTable_raw(uint *dt, uint nbBits)
            void *            ptr     = (void *)dt;
            FSE_DTableHeader *DTableH = (FSE_DTableHeader *)(ptr);
            void *            dPtr    = (void *)(dt + 1);
            FSE_decode_t *    dinfo   = (FSE_decode_t *)(dPtr);
            uint tableSize            = (uint)(1 << (int)nbBits);
            uint tableMask            = tableSize - 1;
            uint maxSV1 = tableMask + 1;
            uint s;

            if (nbBits < 1)
                return(unchecked ((nuint)(-(int)ZSTD_ErrorCode.ZSTD_error_GENERIC)));

            DTableH->tableLog = (ushort)(nbBits);
            DTableH->fastMode = 1;
            for (s = 0; s < maxSV1; s++)
                dinfo[s].newState = 0;
                dinfo[s].symbol   = (byte)(s);
                dinfo[s].nbBits   = (byte)(nbBits);

Пример #2
        }           /* size == U32 */

        public static void InitDState(FSE_DState_t DStatePtr, BIT_DStream_t bitD, FSE_DTable *dt)
            void *            ptr     = dt;
            FSE_DTableHeader *DTableH = (FSE_DTableHeader *)ptr;

            DStatePtr.state = ReadBits(bitD, DTableH->tableLog);
            DStatePtr.table = dt + 1;
Пример #3
        private static void FSE_initDState(FSE_DState_t *DStatePtr, BIT_DStream_t *bitD, uint *dt)
            void *            ptr     = (void *)dt;
            FSE_DTableHeader *DTableH = (FSE_DTableHeader *)(ptr);

            DStatePtr->state = BIT_readBits(bitD, DTableH->tableLog);
            DStatePtr->table = dt + 1;
Пример #4
        private static nuint FSE_decompress_wksp_body(void *dst, nuint dstCapacity, void *cSrc, nuint cSrcSize, uint maxLog, void *workSpace, nuint wkspSize, int bmi2)
            byte * istart   = (byte *)(cSrc);
            byte * ip       = istart;
            short *counting = stackalloc short[256];
            uint   tableLog;
            uint   maxSymbolValue = 255;
            uint * dtable         = (uint *)(workSpace);
            nuint  NCountLength   = FSE_readNCount_bmi2((short *)counting, &maxSymbolValue, &tableLog, (void *)istart, cSrcSize, bmi2);

            if ((ERR_isError(NCountLength)) != 0)

            if (tableLog > maxLog)
                return(unchecked ((nuint)(-(int)ZSTD_ErrorCode.ZSTD_error_tableLog_tooLarge)));

            assert(NCountLength <= cSrcSize);
            ip       += NCountLength;
            cSrcSize -= NCountLength;
            if ((((uint)((1 + (1 << (int)(tableLog)))) + ((((nuint)(sizeof(short)) * (maxSymbolValue + 1) + (1UL << (int)tableLog) + 8) + (nuint)(sizeof(uint)) - 1) / (nuint)(sizeof(uint)))) * (nuint)(sizeof(uint))) > wkspSize)
                return(unchecked ((nuint)(-(int)ZSTD_ErrorCode.ZSTD_error_tableLog_tooLarge)));

            workSpace = dtable + (1 + (1 << (int)(tableLog)));
            wkspSize -= ((uint)((1 + (1 << (int)(tableLog)))) * (nuint)(sizeof(uint)));

                nuint _var_err__ = FSE_buildDTable_internal(dtable, (short *)counting, maxSymbolValue, tableLog, workSpace, wkspSize);

                if ((ERR_isError(_var_err__)) != 0)

                void *            ptr     = (void *)dtable;
                FSE_DTableHeader *DTableH = (FSE_DTableHeader *)(ptr);
                uint fastMode             = DTableH->fastMode;

                if (fastMode != 0)
                    return(FSE_decompress_usingDTable_generic(dst, dstCapacity, (void *)ip, cSrcSize, dtable, 1));

                return(FSE_decompress_usingDTable_generic(dst, dstCapacity, (void *)ip, cSrcSize, dtable, 0));
Пример #5
        public static size_t FSE_decompress_usingDTable(void *dst, size_t originalSize, void *cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, FSE_DTable *dt)
            void *            ptr     = dt;
            FSE_DTableHeader *DTableH = (FSE_DTableHeader *)ptr;
            U32 fastMode = DTableH->fastMode;

            /* select fast mode (static) */
            if (fastMode != 0)
                return(FSE_decompress_usingDTable_generic(dst, originalSize, cSrc, cSrcSize, dt, 1));
            return(FSE_decompress_usingDTable_generic(dst, originalSize, cSrc, cSrcSize, dt, 0));
Пример #6
        /*! FSE_decompress_usingDTable():
         *  Decompress compressed source `cSrc` of size `cSrcSize` using `dt`
         *  into `dst` which must be already allocated.
         *  @return : size of regenerated data (necessarily <= `dstCapacity`),
         *            or an errorCode, which can be tested using FSE_isError() */
        public static nuint FSE_decompress_usingDTable(void *dst, nuint originalSize, void *cSrc, nuint cSrcSize, uint *dt)
            void *            ptr     = (void *)dt;
            FSE_DTableHeader *DTableH = (FSE_DTableHeader *)(ptr);
            uint fastMode             = DTableH->fastMode;

            if (fastMode != 0)
                return(FSE_decompress_usingDTable_generic(dst, originalSize, cSrc, cSrcSize, dt, 1));

            return(FSE_decompress_usingDTable_generic(dst, originalSize, cSrc, cSrcSize, dt, 0));
Пример #7
        *  Decompression (Byte symbols)
        public static nuint FSE_buildDTable_rle(uint *dt, byte symbolValue)
            void *            ptr     = (void *)dt;
            FSE_DTableHeader *DTableH = (FSE_DTableHeader *)(ptr);
            void *            dPtr    = (void *)(dt + 1);
            FSE_decode_t *    cell    = (FSE_decode_t *)(dPtr);

            DTableH->tableLog = 0;
            DTableH->fastMode = 0;
            cell->newState    = 0;
            cell->symbol      = symbolValue;
            cell->nbBits      = 0;