public static FPClipRef RawOpen(FPPoolRef inPool, string inClipID, FPStreamRef inStream, FPLong inOptions) { FPClipRef retval = SDK.FPClip_RawOpen(inPool, inClipID, inStream, inOptions); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); return(retval); }
public static FPStreamRef FPStream_CreateToStdio() { FPStreamRef retval = SDK.FPStream_CreateToStdio(); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); return(retval); }
public static FPStreamRef CreatePartialFileForOutput(string pFilePath, string pPerm, long pBuffSize, long pOffset, long pSize, long pMaxFileSize) { FPStreamRef retval = SDK.FPStream_CreatePartialFileForOutput8(pFilePath, pPerm, pBuffSize, pOffset, pSize, pMaxFileSize); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); return(retval); }
public static FPStreamRef CreateBufferForOutput(IntPtr pBuffer, long pBuffLen) { FPStreamRef retval = SDK.FPStream_CreateBufferForOutput(pBuffer, pBuffLen); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); return(retval); }
public static FPStreamRef CreateFileForOutput(string pFilePath, string pPerm) { FPStreamRef retval = SDK.FPStream_CreateFileForOutput8(pFilePath, pPerm); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); return(retval); }
public static FPStreamRef CreateFileForInput(string pFilePath, string pPerm, long pBuffSize) { FPStreamRef retval = SDK.FPStream_CreateFileForInput8(pFilePath, pPerm, pBuffSize); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); return(retval); }
public static FPStreamRef FPStream_CreateTemporaryFile(long pMemBuffSize) { FPStreamRef retval = SDK.FPStream_CreateTemporaryFile(pMemBuffSize); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); return(retval); }
/// <summary> ///Create a Stream using a buffer to write to (StreamType.InputToCentera) ///or read from (StreamType.OutputFromCentera) the Centera. ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateBufferForInput, FPStream_CreateBufferForOutput /// ///@param streamBuffer The buffer that the Stream will read from (for INPUT to the Centera) /// or write to (for OUTPUT from the Centera). ///@param bufferSize The size of the buffer. ///@param streamDirection The StreamDirection enum indicating input or output. /// </summary> public FPStream(IntPtr streamBuffer, int bufferSize, StreamDirection streamDirection) { this.theStream = streamDirection == StreamDirection.InputToCentera ? Native.Stream.CreateBufferForInput(streamBuffer, bufferSize) : Native.Stream.CreateBufferForOutput(streamBuffer, bufferSize); this.AddObject(this.theStream, this); }
/// <summary> ///Create a Stream that reads from the Centera and writes the content to stdio or ///a null stream. ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateToStdio / FPStream_CreateToNull /// ///@param streamType StreamType enum - Stdio or Null. /// </summary> public FPStream(StreamType streamType) { this.theStream = streamType == StreamType.Stdio ? Native.Stream.FPStream_CreateToStdio() : Native.Stream.FPStream_CreateToNull(); this.AddObject(this.theStream, this); }
/// <summary> ///Explicitly close this Stream. See API Guide: FPStream_Close /// </summary> public override void Close() { if (theStream != 0) { RemoveObject(theStream); Native.Stream.Close(theStream); theStream = 0; } }
/// <summary> ///Create a Stream using a buffer to write to (StreamType.InputToCentera) ///or read from (StreamType.OutputFromCentera) the Centera. ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateBufferForInput, FPStream_CreateBufferForOutput /// ///@param streamBuffer The buffer that the Stream will read from (for INPUT to the Centera) /// or write to (for OUTPUT from the Centera). ///@param bufferSize The size of the buffer. ///@param streamDirection The StreamDirection enum indicating input or output. /// </summary> public FPStream(IntPtr streamBuffer, int bufferSize, StreamDirection streamDirection) { if (streamDirection == StreamDirection.InputToCentera) { theStream = Native.Stream.CreateBufferForInput(streamBuffer, (long)bufferSize); } else { theStream = Native.Stream.CreateBufferForOutput(streamBuffer, (long)bufferSize); } AddObject(theStream, this); }
/// <summary> ///Create a Stream that reads from the Centera and writes the content to stdio or ///a null stream. ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateToStdio / FPStream_CreateToNull /// ///@param streamType StreamType enum - Stdio or Null. /// </summary> public FPStream(StreamType streamType) { if (streamType == StreamType.Stdio) { theStream = Native.Stream.FPStream_CreateToStdio(); } else { theStream = Native.Stream.FPStream_CreateToNull(); } AddObject(theStream, this); }
public static void BlobRead(FPTagRef inTag, FPStreamRef inStream, FPLong inOptions) { SDK.FPTag_BlobRead(inTag, inStream, inOptions); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); }
public static void Close(FPStreamRef pStream) { SDK.FPStream_Close(pStream); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); }
/// <summary> ///Creates a Stream for temporary storage. If the length of the stream is greater than ///pMemBuffSize the overflow is flushed to a temporary file. ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateTemporaryFile /// ///@param pMemBuffSize The size of the in-memory buffer to use. /// </summary> public FPStream(long pMemBuffSize) { theStream = Native.Stream.FPStream_CreateTemporaryFile(pMemBuffSize); AddObject(theStream, this); }
/// <summary> ///Create a Stream that reads part of a file and writes the content to Centera. ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreatePartialFileForInput /// ///@param fileName The name of the file to read from. ///@param bufferSize The size of the buffer to use for writing. ///@param offset The position in the file to start reading from. ///@param length The length of the file segment to read from. /// </summary> public FPStream(string fileName, long bufferSize, long offset, long length) { theStream = Native.Stream.CreatePartialFileForInput(fileName, "rb", bufferSize, offset, length); AddObject(theStream, this); }
/// <summary> ///Create a Stream that reads from Centera and writes the content at an offset in a file. ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreatePartialFileForOutput /// ///@param fileName The name of the file to read from. ///@param permission The write mode that the file is opened in. ///@param bufferSize The size of the buffer to use for writing. ///@param offset The position in the file to start writing to. ///@param length The length of the file segment to write to. ///@param maxFileSize The maximum size that the output file max grow to. /// </summary> public FPStream(string fileName, string permission, long bufferSize, long offset, long length, long maxFileSize) { theStream = Native.Stream.CreatePartialFileForOutput(fileName, permission, bufferSize, offset, length, maxFileSize); AddObject(theStream, this); }
public static FPEventCallbackRef RegisterForAllEvents(FPMonitorRef inMonitor, FPStreamRef inStream) { var retval = SDK.FPEventCallback_RegisterForAllEvents(inMonitor, inStream); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); return(retval); }
/// <summary> ///Create a Stream that reads a file and writes the content to Centera. ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateFileForInput /// ///@param fileName The name of the file to read from. ///@param bufferSize The size of the buffer to use for writing. /// </summary> public FPStream(string fileName, long bufferSize) { theStream = Native.Stream.CreateFileForInput(fileName, "rb", bufferSize); AddObject(theStream, this); }
public static void GetDiscoveryStream(FPMonitorRef inMonitor, FPStreamRef inStream) { SDK.FPMonitor_GetDiscoveryStream(inMonitor, inStream); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); }
public static extern IntPtr FPStream_Complete(FPStreamRef pStream);
public static extern unsafe FPStreamInfo *FPStream_GetInfo(FPStreamRef pStream);
/// <summary> ///Create a Stream that reads from the Centera and writes the content to a file. ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateFileForOutput /// ///@param fileName The name of the file to write to. ///@param permissions The permissions to create the file with. /// </summary> public FPStream(string fileName, string permissions) { theStream = Native.Stream.CreateFileForOutput(fileName, permissions); AddObject(theStream, this); }
public static void GetAllStatisticsStream(FPMonitorRef inMonitor, FPStreamRef inStream) { SDK.FPMonitor_GetAllStatisticsStream(inMonitor, inStream); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); }
public static extern void FPStream_Close(FPStreamRef pStream);
public static void BlobReadPartial(FPTagRef inTag, FPStreamRef inStream, FPLong inOffset, FPLong inReadLength, FPLong inOptions) { SDK.FPTag_BlobReadPartial(inTag, inStream, inOffset, inReadLength, inOptions); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); }
public static extern IntPtr FPStream_PrepareBuffer(FPStreamRef pStream);
public static void BlobWritePartial(FPTagRef inTag, FPStreamRef inStream, FPLong inOptions, FPLong inSequenceID) { SDK.FPTag_BlobWritePartial(inTag, inStream, inOptions, inSequenceID); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); }
public static extern void FPStream_ResetMark(FPStreamRef pStream);
public static void RawRead(FPClipRef inClip, FPStreamRef inStream) { SDK.FPClip_RawRead(inClip, inStream); SDK.CheckAndThrowError(); }