public StartButton() { Type = "ButtonState"; Button = Image.CreateRect(400, 200, FP.Color(0xFFFFFF)); var Title = new Text("Start", 0, 0, 0, 0); Title.Size = 100; Title.Color = FP.Color(0x000000); var Instructions = new Text("Instructions: W,A,S,D Control, Right Mouse to Shoot, Left Mouse to Grab Floating Parts.", 0, 0, 0, 0); AddGraphic(Button); AddGraphic(Title); AddGraphic(Instructions); Instructions.CenterOO(); Instructions.Size = 20; Instructions.Color = FP.Color(0xffffff); Instructions.X -= 450; Instructions.Y -= 200; Title.CenterOO(); Title.X -= 125; Title.Y -= 75; SetHitboxTo(Button); CenterOrigin(); Button.CenterOO(); Button.CenterOrigin(); X = FP.HalfWidth; Y = FP.HalfHeight + 100; FP.Log(Instructions.X, Instructions.Y); }
private void LoadRobots(Library.ILibraryInternal library) { string json = null; if (Library.FolderExists(TWITCH_CACHE_PATH)) { var qualifiedFilename = string.Format("{0}{1}.json", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, "robots"); if (Library.FileExists(qualifiedFilename)) { json = File.ReadAllText(Library.GetFilename(qualifiedFilename)); } } if (json == null) { throw new Exception("Can't find robots!"); } var robots = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(json); if (robots == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to create robot dictionary"); } foreach (var pair in robots) { try { AddEmote(pair.Key, pair.Value, library); } catch (Exception) { FP.Log("Failed to load robot", pair.Key); } } }
public override void OnLifetimeComplete() { base.OnLifetimeComplete(); FP.Log("u can b unfrozen now bro"); owner.SetUpgrade(null); }
public Room() { foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles("assets/Levels/", "*.oel")) { FP.Log("PreloadingXML"); Library.GetXml(file); } Library.GetBuffer("assets/Bossedd.ogg"); roomLoader = new Thread(LoadRooms); roomLoader.IsBackground = true; RegisterClass <wallColTile>("wallCollision"); RegisterClass <Platform>("platform"); RegisterClass <GfxTile>("wallGfx"); RegisterClass <Door>("door"); RegisterClass <PlayerSpawn>("playerSpawn"); RegisterClass <GroundEnemy>("groundEnemy"); RegisterClass <TextObj>("textObj"); RegisterClass <FlyingEnemy>("flyingEnemy"); RegisterClass <Chest>("chest"); RegisterClass <Boss>("bossSpawn"); RegisterClass <BackDrop>("backDrop"); AddList(currentEnts = BuildWorldAsArray("assets/Levels/Level01.oel")); Add(cursor = new Cursor()); musics = new Sfx(Library.GetBuffer("assets/Preview2.ogg")); }
private void OnTriggerOff(params object[] args) { if (String.Equals(args[0] as string, Group)) { FP.Log("I was triggered off. Group: " + Group); TriggerOff(); } }
private void LoadChannelBttvSet(Library.ILibraryInternal library, string channel) { string json = null; var qualifiedFilename = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}.json", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, "bttv", channel); try { json = client.DownloadString(string.Format("{0}", channel)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { File.WriteAllText(qualifiedFilename, json); } else { json = null; } } catch { json = null; } if (json == null) { if (Library.FileExists(qualifiedFilename)) { json = File.ReadAllText(Library.GetFilename(qualifiedFilename)); } else { return; } } var api = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BaseBttvAPI>(json); foreach (var emote in api.emotes) { try { if (File.Exists(string.Format("{0}{1}", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, Utility.EncodeStringForFileName(emote.code)))) { AddEmote(emote.code, emote.code, library); } else { AddBttvEmote(emote.code,, library); } LoadedSpecialEmotes.Add(emote.code); } catch (Exception e) { FP.Log(emote.code, e.Message); } } }
private void LoadGlobalSet(Library.ILibraryInternal library) { string json = null; var qualifiedFilename = string.Format("{0}{1}.json", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, "global"); try { json = client.DownloadString(string.Format("{0}.json", "global")); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { File.WriteAllText(qualifiedFilename, json); } else { json = null; } } catch { json = null; } if (json == null) { if (Library.FileExists(qualifiedFilename)) { json = File.ReadAllText(Library.GetFilename(qualifiedFilename)); } else { return; } } var api = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GlobalEmoteAPI>(json); foreach (var pair in api.emotes) { try { if (File.Exists(string.Format("{0}{1}", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, pair.Key))) { AddEmote(pair.Key, pair.Key, library); } else { AddTwitchEmote(pair.Key, pair.Value.image_id, library); } } catch (Exception e) { FP.Log(pair.Key, e.Message); } } }
public override EffectMessage MakeEffect() { EffectMessage.Callback callback = delegate(Entity from, Entity to, float scalar) { to.AddComponent(new Freeze(to.X, to.Y, Lifetime)); }; FP.Log("FROZEN FOR ", Lifetime, " SECONDS YO"); return(new EffectMessage(owner, callback)); }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); lifetime -= FP.Elapsed; if (lifetime <= 0) { FP.Log("gone pls"); Parent.RemoveComponent(this); return; } Parent.X = x; Parent.Y = y; }
public override void Load(System.Xml.XmlNode node) { base.Load(node); Graphic = Image.CreateRect(64, 64, FP.Color(0x66FF33)); Type = "platform"; foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode n in node) { FP.Log(int.Parse(n.Attributes["x"].Value) + " " + float.Parse(n.Attributes["y"].Value)); positionNodes.Add(new Vector2i(int.Parse(n.Attributes["x"].Value), int.Parse(n.Attributes["y"].Value))); } if (positionNodes.Count > 0) { currentPosition = positionNodes[0]; MoveToNextPos(); } SetHitbox(64, 64, 0, 0); }
public override void Load(System.Xml.XmlNode node) { base.Load(node); //Graphic = Image.CreateRect(64, 64, FP.Color(0x66FF33)); //make the enemy hittable and all that jazz Type = "enemy"; physics = new PhysicsBody(); physics.Colliders.Add("wall"); physics.Colliders.Add("platform"); physics.Colliders.Add("player"); AddLogic(physics); //hitboxs and such spritemap = new Spritemap(Library.GetTexture("assets/RoadHeadlowres.png"), 167 / 2, 257 / 2, onAnimationEnd); spritemap.Add("Idle", FP.Frames(0), 5, true); spritemap.Add("Move", FP.MakeFrames(0, 2), 5, true); spritemap.Add("ChargeAttack", FP.MakeFrames(3, 12), 8, false); spritemap.Add("Attack", FP.MakeFrames(13, 22), 8, false); spritemap.Add("Recover", FP.MakeFrames(23, 27), 5, false); spritemap.Add("Injured", FP.MakeFrames(27, 23), 5, true); spritemap.Play("Move"); spritemap.OriginX = spritemap.Width / 2; spritemap.OriginY = spritemap.Height; AddGraphic(spritemap); SetOrigin(spritemap.Width / 2, 257 / 2); SetHitbox(spritemap.Width, spritemap.Height, spritemap.Width / 2, spritemap.Height); foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode n in node) { FP.Log(int.Parse(n.Attributes["x"].Value) + " " + float.Parse(n.Attributes["y"].Value)); positionNodes.Add(new Vector2i(int.Parse(n.Attributes["x"].Value), int.Parse(n.Attributes["y"].Value))); } if (positionNodes.Count > 0) { nextNode = positionNodes[0]; MoveToNextPos(); } }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); if ((World as Room).RoomsAreLoading) { (Graphic as Image).Color = FP.Color(0xFF00AA); } else { (Graphic as Image).Color = FP.Color(0xFF0000); } if (Collide(Player.CollisionType, X, Y) != null) { FP.Log("Collided with player"); if (!(World as Room).RoomsAreLoading && Input.Pressed(Keyboard.Key.W)) { (World as Room).NextRoom(this); } } }