Пример #1
        protected void btOrder_Check_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FAbonentDO      faDO = new FAbonentDO();
            FOrderDO        foDO = new FOrderDO();
            FOrder          fo;
            FAbonent        fa;
            UniversalEntity ue = new UniversalEntity();
            int             id = Convert.ToInt32(hfODID.Value);

            ue = faDO.RetrieveByOrderID(id);

            FOrderDetailsDO fodDO = new FOrderDetailsDO();
            //FOrderDetails fod;
            double sum = 0;

            if (ue.Count > 0)
                fa = (FAbonent)ue[0];
                ue = foDO.RetrieveFOrderById(id);
                if (ue.Count > 0)
                    fo = (FOrder)ue[0];

                    ue = fodDO.RetrieveFOrderDetailsByOrderID(id);
                    foreach (FOrderDetails fod in ue)
                        sum += fod.Price;
                    using (DocX document = DocX.Load(Request.MapPath("~\\Templates/order_check.docx")))
                        //DocXExtender.ReplaceFormatedText(document, "DDD", "дата");
                        document.ReplaceText("FIO", fa.Surname + " " + fa.FirstName + " " + fa.LastName, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("ADDRESS", fa.Address, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("PNONE", fa.Phone, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("DATE", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("NUMBER", fo.Prefix + fo.ID.ToString(), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("TYPE", fo.ActionType, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("SUM", sum.ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("VAT", Utilities.GetVAT(sum).ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("ALL", (sum + Utilities.GetVAT(sum)).ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                        litScript.Text = "<iframe style=\"display:none;\" src=\"../GetDocument.ashx?ordercheck=1\"></iframe>";
Пример #2
        public void EditorMode()
            User u = GetCurrentUser();

            //проверяем наличие прав для редактировнаия
            if (u.ChekPermission("Editor"))
                punAdonentEditor.Visible = true;
                gvJournal.Visible        = false;
                gvJournal2.Visible       = true;
                UniversalEntity ue   = new UniversalEntity();
                FAbonent        fa   = new FAbonent();
                FAbonentDO      fado = new FAbonentDO();
                ue = fado.RetrieveByOrderID(_OrderID);
                if (ue.Count > 0)
                    fa = (FAbonent)ue[0];
                    tbNumberJournalPhysical.Text = fa.PhysicalNumberJournal;
                    tbAddress.Text            = fa.Address;
                    tbClientSurname.Text      = fa.Surname;
                    ddlDistrict.SelectedValue = fa.DistrictID.ToString();
                    tbClientName.Text         = fa.FirstName;
                    tbClientLastName.Text     = fa.LastName;
                    tbPhone.Text     = fa.Phone;
                    cbNotPay.Checked = fa.NotPay;
                    //cbRejectVodomer.Checked = fa.RejectVodomer;
                FOrder   fo    = new FOrder();
                FOrderDO fodDO = new FOrderDO();
                ue = fodDO.RetrieveFOrderById(_OrderID);
                if (ue.Count > 0)
                    fo = (FOrder)ue[0];
                    cbDefectVodomer.Checked = fo.DefectVodomer;
                punAdonentEditor.Visible = false;
                gvJournal.Visible        = true;
                gvJournal2.Visible       = false;
Пример #3
        //Сохраняем всё
        protected void lbSaveAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;
            bool   ok           = true;

            foreach (GridViewRow r in gvJournal.Rows)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((r.FindControl("litEndValue") as Literal).Text) && cbSeld.Checked)
                    errorMessage += "Необходимо заполнить конечные показания водомеров.<br/>";
                    ok            = false;
            if (cbPaid.Checked && string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbPaymentDay.Text))
                ok            = false;
                errorMessage += "Необходимо заполнить дату оплаты.<br/>";
            if (!ok)
                radWM.RadAlert(errorMessage, null, null, "Предупреждение", "");
                //SetMessege("Предупреждение", errorMessage);
                FOrder   fo   = new FOrder();
                FOrderDO fodo = new FOrderDO();
                fo.ID         = Convert.ToInt32(hfODID.Value);
                fo.IsPaid     = cbPaid.Checked;
                fo.UserID     = GetCurrentUser().ID;
                fo.PaymentDay = Convert.ToDateTime(tbPaymentDay.Text);
                if (cbSeld.Checked)
                    fo.DateOut = DateTime.Now;
                bool rez = fodo.UpdateFOrder(fo);

                //(this.Parent.FindControl("gvJournal") as GridView).DataBind();
                //this.Visible = false;
                _OrderID = fo.ID;
Пример #4
        //Сохранение в базу
        protected void lbSaveAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["Abonent"] != null)
                SessionAbonent sa = (SessionAbonent)Session["Abonent"];
                if (sa.Vodomer.Count == 0)
                    radWM.RadAlert("Необходимо добавить минимум 1 водомер.", null, null, "Предупреждение", "");
                    if (sa.Type == (short)Abonent.Corporate)
                        UAbonent   ua   = sa.UAbon;
                        UAbonentDO uado = new UAbonentDO();
                        int        uid  = uado.Create(ua);
                        if (uid > 0)
                            sa.UAbon.ID        = uid;
                            Session["Abonent"] = sa;
                            UOrder   uo   = new UOrder();
                            UOrderDO uodo = new UOrderDO();
                            uo.ActionType = "Определения метрологических характеристик водомера";
                            uo.UAbonentID = uid;
                            uo.UserID     = GetCurrentUser().ID;

                            int uoid = uodo.Create(uo);
                            if (uoid > 0)
                                hfOrder.Value = uoid.ToString();
                                UOrderDetails   uod   = new UOrderDetails();
                                UOrderDetailsDO uoddo = new UOrderDetailsDO();
                                VodomerDO       vdo   = new VodomerDO();
                                foreach (Vodomer v in sa.Vodomer)
                                    int vid = vdo.Create1(v);
                                    uod.UOrderID   = uoid;
                                    uod.VodomerID  = vid;
                                    uod.StartValue = v.VodomerPreview.StartValue;
                                    int uodid = uoddo.Create(uod);
                                Response.Redirect("UJournal.aspx?id=" + uoid.ToString());
                    if (sa.Type == (short)Abonent.Private)
                        FAbonent   fa   = sa.FAbon;
                        FAbonentDO fado = new FAbonentDO();
                        int        fid  = fado.Create(fa);
                        if (fid > 0)
                            sa.FAbon.ID        = fid;
                            Session["Abonent"] = sa;
                            FOrder   fo   = new FOrder();
                            FOrderDO fodo = new FOrderDO();
                            fo.ActionType = "Определения метрологических характеристик водомера ";
                            fo.FAbonentID = fid;
                            fo.UserID     = GetCurrentUser().ID;

                            int foid = fodo.Create(fo);
                            if (foid > 0)
                                hfOrder.Value = foid.ToString();
                                FOrderDetails   fod   = new FOrderDetails();
                                FOrderDetailsDO foddo = new FOrderDetailsDO();
                                VodomerDO       vdo   = new VodomerDO();
                                foreach (Vodomer v in sa.Vodomer)
                                    int vid = vdo.Create1(v);
                                    fod.FOrderID   = foid;
                                    fod.VodomerID  = vid;
                                    fod.StartValue = v.VodomerPreview.StartValue;
                                    int uodid = foddo.Create(fod);
                                Response.Redirect("FJournal.aspx?id=" + foid.ToString());
                    // LoadStep3();
Пример #5
        //Сохранение в базу
        protected void lbSaveAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["Abonent"] != null)
                SessionAbonent sa = (SessionAbonent)Session["Abonent"];
                if (sa.Vodomer.Count == 0)
                    SetMessege("Предупреждение", "Необходимо добавить минимум 1 водомер.");
                    if (sa.Type == (short)Abonent.Corporate)
                        UAbonent   ua   = sa.UAbon;
                        UAbonentDO uado = new UAbonentDO();
                        int        uid  = uado.Create(ua);
                        if (uid > 0)
                            sa.UAbon.ID        = uid;
                            Session["Abonent"] = sa;
                            UOrder   uo   = new UOrder();
                            UOrderDO uodo = new UOrderDO();
                            uo.ActionType = "Поверка водомера.";
                            uo.UAbonentID = uid;
                            uo.UserID     = GetCurrentUser().ID;

                            int uoid = uodo.Create(uo);
                            if (uoid > 0)
                                hfOrder.Value = uoid.ToString();
                                UOrderDetails   uod   = new UOrderDetails();
                                UOrderDetailsDO uoddo = new UOrderDetailsDO();
                                VodomerDO       vdo   = new VodomerDO();
                                foreach (Vodomer v in sa.Vodomer)
                                    int vid = vdo.Create(v);
                                    uod.UOrderID   = uoid;
                                    uod.VodomerID  = vid;
                                    uod.StartValue = v.VodomerPreview.StartValue;
                                    int uodid = uoddo.Create(uod);
                    if (sa.Type == (short)Abonent.Private)
                        FAbonent   fa   = sa.FAbon;
                        FAbonentDO fado = new FAbonentDO();
                        int        fid  = fado.Create(fa);
                        if (fid > 0)
                            sa.FAbon.ID        = fid;
                            Session["Abonent"] = sa;
                            FOrder   fo   = new FOrder();
                            FOrderDO fodo = new FOrderDO();
                            fo.ActionType = "Поверка водомера.";
                            fo.FAbonentID = fid;
                            fo.UserID     = GetCurrentUser().ID;

                            int foid = fodo.Create(fo);
                            if (foid > 0)
                                hfOrder.Value = foid.ToString();
                                FOrderDetails   fod   = new FOrderDetails();
                                FOrderDetailsDO foddo = new FOrderDetailsDO();
                                VodomerDO       vdo   = new VodomerDO();
                                foreach (Vodomer v in sa.Vodomer)
                                    int vid = vdo.Create(v);
                                    fod.FOrderID   = foid;
                                    fod.VodomerID  = vid;
                                    fod.StartValue = v.VodomerPreview.StartValue;
                                    int uodid = foddo.Create(fod);
                    //SetMessege("Статус", "Абонент и водомер успешно внесены в базу.");
Пример #6
        public void Bind()
            cbSeld.Checked = false;
            cbSeld.Enabled = true;
            cbPaid.Checked = false;
            cbPaid.Enabled = true;

            tbPaymentDay.Enabled = true;
            tbPaymentDay.Text    = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

            FOrder          fo   = new FOrder();
            FOrderDO        fodo = new FOrderDO();
            UniversalEntity ue   = new UniversalEntity();

            ue = fodo.RetrieveFOrderById(_OrderID);
            if (ue.Count > 0)
                fo = (FOrder)ue[0];

                /*if (!fo.IsPaid)
                 * {
                 *  btAct.Visible = false;
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  btAct.Visible = true;
                 * }*/
                if (fo.DateOut != null)
                    cbSeld.Checked = true;
                    cbSeld.Enabled = false;
                if (fo.IsPaid)
                    cbPaid.Checked = true;
                    cbPaid.Enabled = false;
                    if (fo.PaymentDay.HasValue)
                        tbPaymentDay.Text = fo.PaymentDay.Value.ToShortDateString();
                    tbPaymentDay.Enabled = false;

            hfODID.Value = _OrderID.ToString();
            StringBuilder sb   = new StringBuilder();
            FAbonent      fa   = new FAbonent();
            FAbonentDO    fado = new FAbonentDO();

            ue = fado.RetrieveByOrderID(_OrderID);
            if (ue.Count > 0)
                fa = (FAbonent)ue[0];
                sb.AppendLine("<span>ФИО: " + fa.Surname + " " + fa.FirstName + " " + fa.LastName + "</span><br/>");
                sb.AppendLine("<span>Тел.: " + fa.Phone + "</span><br/>");
                sb.AppendLine("<span>Адрес: " + fa.Address + "</span><br/>");
                if (fa.NotPay)
                    sb.AppendLine("<span>Без оплаты</span><br/>");

                litAbonentInfo.Text = sb.ToString();
Пример #7
        //генерация квитнации
        protected void btPay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FAbonentDO      faDO = new FAbonentDO();
            FOrderDO        foDO = new FOrderDO();
            VodomerType     vt   = new VodomerType();
            FOrder          fo;
            FAbonent        fa;
            UniversalEntity ue = new UniversalEntity();
            int             id = Convert.ToInt32(hfODID.Value);

            ue = faDO.RetrieveByOrderID(id);

            FOrderDetailsDO fodDO = new FOrderDetailsDO();
            //FOrderDetails fod;
            double sum       = 0; //гривневая цена
            double getvat    = 0; //гривневый ндс
            double uafin     = 0; //гривневая итоговая сумма
            double sumrub    = 0; //рублевая цена
            double getvatrub = 0; //рублевый ндс
            double finish    = 0; //рублевая итоговая сумма

            if (ue.Count > 0)
                fa = (FAbonent)ue[0];
                ue = foDO.RetrieveFOrderById(id);
                if (ue.Count > 0)
                    fo = (FOrder)ue[0];

                    ue = fodDO.RetrieveFOrderDetailsByOrderID(id);
                    foreach (FOrderDetails fod in ue)
                        //гривневый счет
                        sum   += fod.Price;
                        getvat = sum * 0.2;
                        getvat = Math.Round(getvat, 2);
                        uafin  = (sum + getvat);
                        //рублевый счет
                        sumrub   += fod.Price;
                        getvatrub = sumrub * 0.2;
                        getvatrub = Math.Round(getvatrub, 2);
                        finish    = (sumrub + getvatrub) + (sumrub + getvatrub);
                    using (DocX document = DocX.Load(Request.MapPath("~\\Templates/kvit.docx")))
                        //DocXExtender.ReplaceFormatedText(document, "DDD", "дата");
                        document.ReplaceText("FIO", fa.Surname + " " + fa.FirstName + " " + fa.LastName, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("ADDRESS", fa.Address, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("PNONE", fa.Phone, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("DATE", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("NUMBER", fo.Prefix + fo.ID.ToString(), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("VIEW", fo.ActionType, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("DIAMETR", vt.Diameter.ToString(), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("SUM", sum.ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("VAT", getvat.ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("ALL", uafin.ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("CENA", sumrub.ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("NDS", getvatrub.ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("VSEGO", finish.ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                        litScript.Text = "<iframe style=\"display:none;\" src=\"../GetDocument.ashx?pay=Private\"></iframe>";
Пример #8
        protected void btOrder_Check_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            NewFAbonentDO   faDO = new NewFAbonentDO();
            FOrderDO        foDO = new FOrderDO();
            FOrder          fo;
            NewFAbonent     fa;
            UniversalEntity ue = new UniversalEntity();
            int             id = Convert.ToInt32(hfODID.Value);

            ue = faDO.RetrieveByOrderID(id);

            FOrderDetailsDO fodDO = new FOrderDetailsDO();
            //FOrderDetails fod;
            double sum       = 0; //гривневая цена
            double getvat    = 0; //гривневый ндс
            double uafin     = 0; //гривневая итоговая сумма
            double sumrub    = 0; //рублевая цена
            double getvatrub = 0; //рублвый ндс
            double finish    = 0; //рублевая итоговая сумма

            //RetrieveFOrderByID (данные из FOrder + данные из NewFAbonent)
            if (ue.Count > 0)
                fa = (NewFAbonent)ue[0];
                ue = foDO.RetrieveFOrderById(id);
                //RetrieveFOrderByID (данные из FOrder + данные из NewFAbonent)
                if (ue.Count > 0)
                    fo = (FOrder)ue[0];

                    ue = fodDO.RetrieveFOrderDetailsByOrderID(id);
                    //цикл с RetrieveFOrderDetailsByOrderID (данные из FOrderDetails + данные из FOrder)
                    foreach (FOrderDetails fod in ue)
                        //гривневый счет
                        sum   += fod.Price;
                        getvat = sum * 0.2;
                        uafin  = (sum + getvat);
                        //рублевый счет
                        sumrub   += fod.Price;
                        getvatrub = sumrub * 0.2;
                        finish    = (sumrub + getvatrub) + (sumrub + getvatrub);
                    using (DocX document = DocX.Load(Request.MapPath("~\\Templates/order_check.docx")))
                        //DocXExtender.ReplaceFormatedText(document, "DDD", "дата");
                        document.ReplaceText("FIO", fa.Surname + " " + fa.FirstName + " " + fa.LastName, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("ADDRESS", fa.Address, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("PNONE", fa.Phone, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("DATE", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("NUMBER", fo.Prefix + fo.ID.ToString(), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("TYPE", fo.ActionType, false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        //  document.ReplaceText("SUM", sum.ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        //  document.ReplaceText("VAT", Utilities.GetVAT(sum).ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("ALL", uafin.ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        //  document.ReplaceText("CENA", sumrub.ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        //   document.ReplaceText("NDS", (Utilities.GetVATRub(sumrub)).ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        document.ReplaceText("VSEGO", finish.ToString("0.00"), false, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                        litScript.Text = "<iframe style=\"display:none;\" src=\"../GetDocument.ashx?ordercheck=1\"></iframe>";
Пример #9
        public static void GenerateFActSpecial(int id, int ULocationID)
            UniversalEntity ue         = new UniversalEntity();
            string          header     = string.Empty;
            string          actNumber  = string.Empty;
            string          actNumber2 = string.Empty;

            FAbonentDO faDO = new FAbonentDO();

            ue = faDO.RetrieveByOrderID(id);
            FAbonent fa = new FAbonent();

            if (ue.Count > 0)
                fa      = (FAbonent)ue[0];
                header += fa.Surname + " " + fa.FirstName + " " + fa.LastName + " \nадрес: " + fa.Address + "\nтел.: " + fa.Phone;

            FOrder          fo    = new FOrder();
            FOrderDO        foDO  = new FOrderDO();
            FOrderDetailsDO fodDO = new FOrderDetailsDO();

            ue = foDO.RetrieveFOrderById(id);
            if (ue.Count > 0)
                fo         = (FOrder)ue[0];
                actNumber  = "  г. Донецк            АКТ № " + fo.Prefix + fo.ID + " от ____________________" /*+ RuDateAndMoneyConverter.DateToTextLong(fo.DateIn)*/ + " г.";
                actNumber2 = "                             по договору (письму) №  " + fo.Prefix + fo.ID + " от ____________________" + /*RuDateAndMoneyConverter.DateToTextLong(fo.DateIn) +*/ " г.";

            ue = fodDO.RetrieveFOrderDetailsByOrderID(id);

            InitializeWorkbookFActSpecial(); //InitializeWorkbook();
            ISheet sheet1 = hssfworkbook.GetSheet("s");

            //create cell on rows, since rows do already exist,it's not necessary to create rows again.

            int    rowC = 44;
            int    row  = 14;
            double sum  = 0;

            int count = ue.Count;

            if (count <= 5)
                CustomRetrieverDO crDO = new CustomRetrieverDO();
                ue = crDO.RetrieveFActByOrderID5Low(id);
                if (ue.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = row; i < ue.Count + row; i++)
                        ArrayList al = (ArrayList)ue[i - row];
                        //FOrderDetailsAct u = (FOrderDetailsAct)fodal[i - row];

                        sheet1.GetRow(i).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(i - row + 1);
                        sheet1.GetRow(i).GetCell(1).SetCellValue(string.Format("Определения метрологических характеристик водомера D{0}, {1}, {2}", al[0].ToString(), al[1].ToString(), al[2].ToString()));

                        sum += Convert.ToDouble(al[3]);
                CustomRetrieverDO crDO = new CustomRetrieverDO();
                ue = crDO.RetrieveFActByOrderID5High(id);
                if (ue.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = row; i < ue.Count + row; i++)
                        ArrayList al = (ArrayList)ue[i - row];
                        //FOrderDetailsAct u = (FOrderDetailsAct)fodal[i - row];

                        sheet1.GetRow(i).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(i - row + 1);
                        sheet1.GetRow(i).GetCell(1).SetCellValue(string.Format("Определения метрологических характеристик водомера  D{0}", al[0].ToString()));

                        sum += Convert.ToDouble(al[2]);
            sheet1.GetRow(20).GetCell(6).SetCellValue((sum / 100 * 20).ToString("0.00"));
            sheet1.GetRow(21).GetCell(6).SetCellValue((sum + (sum / 100 * 20)).ToString("0.00"));

            string tmp = string.Empty;

            tmp = sheet1.GetRow(29).GetCell(GetLetterNumber("c")).StringCellValue;

            string tmp1 = string.Empty;

            tmp1 = sheet1.GetRow(41).GetCell(GetLetterNumber("a")).StringCellValue;

            CustomRetrieverDO crdo = new CustomRetrieverDO();

            ue = crdo.RetrieveUserLocation(ULocationID);
            if (ue.Count > 0)
                tmp1 = tmp1.Replace("257-42-61", (ue[0] as ArrayList)[2].ToString());

            //tmp1 = tmp1.Replace("257-42-61", "");

            tmp = tmp.Replace("FIO", fa.Surname + " " + fa.FirstName + " " + fa.LastName);
            tmp = tmp.Replace("ADDRESS", fa.Address);
            tmp = tmp.Replace("PNONE", fa.Phone);
            tmp = tmp.Replace("DATE", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy"));
            tmp = tmp.Replace("NUMBER", fo.Prefix + fo.ID.ToString());
            tmp = tmp.Replace("TYPE", fo.ActionType);
            //tmp = tmp.Replace("SUM", sum.ToString("0.00"));
            //tmp = tmp.Replace("VAT", Utilities.GetVAT(sum).ToString("0.00"));
            tmp = tmp.Replace("ALL", (sum + Utilities.GetVAT(sum)).ToString("0.00"));


             * sheet1.GetRow(50).GetCell(6).SetCellValue((sum / 100 * 20).ToString("0.00"));
             * sheet1.GetRow(51).GetCell(6).SetCellValue((sum + (sum / 100 * 20)).ToString("0.00"));*/

            //Force excel to recalculate all the formula while open
            sheet1.ForceFormulaRecalculation = true;

Пример #10
        public static void GenerateFAct(int id)
            UniversalEntity ue         = new UniversalEntity();
            string          header     = string.Empty;
            string          actNumber  = string.Empty;
            string          actNumber2 = string.Empty;

            FAbonentDO faDO = new FAbonentDO();

            ue = faDO.RetrieveByOrderID(id);
            if (ue.Count > 0)
                FAbonent fa = (FAbonent)ue[0];
                header += fa.Surname + " " + fa.FirstName + " " + fa.LastName + " \nадрес: " + fa.Address + "\nтел.: " + fa.Phone;

            FOrder          fo    = new FOrder();
            FOrderDO        foDO  = new FOrderDO();
            FOrderDetailsDO fodDO = new FOrderDetailsDO();

            ue = foDO.RetrieveFOrderById(id);
            if (ue.Count > 0)
                fo         = (FOrder)ue[0];
                actNumber  = "  г. Донецк            АКТ № " + fo.Prefix + fo.ID + " от " + RuDateAndMoneyConverter.DateToTextLong(fo.DateIn) + " г.";
                actNumber2 = "                             по договору (письму) №  " + fo.Prefix + fo.ID + " от " + RuDateAndMoneyConverter.DateToTextLong(fo.DateIn) + " г.";

            ue = fodDO.RetrieveFOrderDetailsByOrderID(id);

            InitializeWorkbookFAct(); //InitializeWorkbook();
            ISheet sheet1 = hssfworkbook.GetSheet("s");

            //create cell on rows, since rows do already exist,it's not necessary to create rows again.

            int    rowC = 44;
            int    row  = 14;
            double sum  = 0;

            int count = ue.Count;

            if (count <= 5)
                CustomRetrieverDO crDO = new CustomRetrieverDO();
                ue = crDO.RetrieveFActByOrderID5Low(id);
                if (ue.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = row; i < ue.Count + row; i++)
                        ArrayList al = (ArrayList)ue[i - row];
                        //FOrderDetailsAct u = (FOrderDetailsAct)fodal[i - row];

                        sheet1.GetRow(i).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(i - row + 1);
                        sheet1.GetRow(i).GetCell(1).SetCellValue(string.Format("Определения метрологических характеристик водомера  D{0}, {1}, {2}", al[0].ToString(), al[1].ToString(), al[2].ToString()));

                        sheet1.GetRow(rowC).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(i - row + 1);
                        sheet1.GetRow(rowC).GetCell(1).SetCellValue(string.Format("Определения метрологических характеристик водомера  D{0}, {1}, {2}", al[0].ToString(), al[1].ToString(), al[2].ToString()));

                        sum += Convert.ToDouble(al[3]);
                CustomRetrieverDO crDO = new CustomRetrieverDO();
                ue = crDO.RetrieveFActByOrderID5High(id);
                if (ue.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = row; i < ue.Count + row; i++)
                        ArrayList al = (ArrayList)ue[i - row];
                        //FOrderDetailsAct u = (FOrderDetailsAct)fodal[i - row];

                        sheet1.GetRow(i).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(i - row + 1);
                        sheet1.GetRow(i).GetCell(1).SetCellValue(string.Format("Определения метрологических характеристик водомера  D{0}", al[0].ToString()));

                        sheet1.GetRow(rowC).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(i - row + 1);
                        sheet1.GetRow(rowC).GetCell(1).SetCellValue(string.Format("Определения метрологических характеристик водомера  D{0}", al[0].ToString()));

                        sum += Convert.ToDouble(al[2]);

            sheet1.GetRow(20).GetCell(6).SetCellValue((sum / 100 * 20).ToString("0.00"));
            sheet1.GetRow(21).GetCell(6).SetCellValue((sum + (sum / 100 * 20)).ToString("0.00"));

            sheet1.GetRow(50).GetCell(6).SetCellValue((sum / 100 * 20).ToString("0.00"));
            sheet1.GetRow(51).GetCell(6).SetCellValue((sum + (sum / 100 * 20)).ToString("0.00"));

            //Force excel to recalculate all the formula while open
            sheet1.ForceFormulaRecalculation = true;

Пример #11
        public void Bind()
            cbSeld.Checked          = false;
            cbSeld.Enabled          = true;
            cbPaid.Checked          = false;
            cbPaid.Enabled          = true;
            cbRejectVodomer.Checked = false;
            cbRejectVodomer.Enabled = true;
            cbDefectVodomer.Checked = false;
            cbDefectVodomer.Enabled = true;

            tbPaymentDay.Enabled = true;
            tbPaymentDay.Text    = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

            FOrder   fo   = new FOrder();
            FOrderDO fodo = new FOrderDO();
            //StringBuilder sbl = new StringBuilder();
            UniversalEntity ue = new UniversalEntity();

            ue = fodo.RetrieveFOrderById(_OrderID);
            if (ue.Count > 0)
                fo = (FOrder)ue[0];

                /*if (!fo.IsPaid)
                 * {
                 *  btAct.Visible = false;
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  btAct.Visible = true;
                 * }*/
                if (fo.DateOut != null)
                    cbSeld.Checked = true;
                    cbSeld.Enabled = false;
                    cbPaid.Checked = true;
                    cbPaid.Enabled = false;
                if (fo.IsPaid)
                    cbPaid.Checked = true;
                    cbPaid.Enabled = false;
                    cbSeld.Checked = true;
                    cbSeld.Enabled = false;
                    if (fo.PaymentDay.HasValue)
                        tbPaymentDay.Text = fo.PaymentDay.Value.ToShortDateString();
                    tbPaymentDay.Enabled = false;
                if (fo.DefectVodomer)
                    cbDefectVodomer.Checked = true;
                    cbDefectVodomer.Enabled = false;

            hfODID.Value = _OrderID.ToString();
            StringBuilder sb   = new StringBuilder();
            FAbonent      fa   = new FAbonent();
            FAbonentDO    fado = new FAbonentDO();

            ue = fado.RetrieveByOrderID(_OrderID);
            if (ue.Count > 0)
                fa = (FAbonent)ue[0];
                if (fa.NotPay)
                    cbPaid.Enabled   = false;
                    btActRub.Enabled = false;
                    //btPay.Enabled = false;
                    //btOrder.Enabled = false;
                    //btOrderCheck.Enabled = false;
                    btActCheckRub.Enabled = false;
                    //btWithdrawalAct.Enabled = false;
                sb.AppendLine("<span>ФИО: " + fa.Surname + " " + fa.FirstName + " " + fa.LastName + "</span><br/>");
                sb.AppendLine("<span>номер по журналу: " + fa.PhysicalNumberJournal + "</span><br/>");
                sb.AppendLine("<span>Тел.: " + fa.Phone + "</span><br/>");
                sb.AppendLine("<span>Адрес: " + fa.Address + "</span><br/>");
                if (fa.NotPay)
                    sb.AppendLine("<span style=\"color:red;font-size:18px;\">Без оплаты</span><br/>");

                litAbonentInfo.Text = sb.ToString();