private void ExtractFilesThread() { ListViewItem item = null; for (int i = 0; (i < _paths.Length) && !_stop; i++) { Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { item = lvStatus.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { String.Empty, Path.GetFileName(_paths[i]), String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty })); item.EnsureVisible(); }); try { using (FLVFile flvFile = new FLVFile(_paths[i])) { flvFile.ExtractStreams(_extractAudio, _extractVideo, _extractTimeCodes, PromptOverwrite); Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { if (flvFile.TrueFrameRate != null) { item.SubItems[2].Text = flvFile.TrueFrameRate.Value.ToString(false); item.SubItems[2].Tag = flvFile.TrueFrameRate; } if (flvFile.AverageFrameRate != null) { item.SubItems[3].Text = flvFile.AverageFrameRate.Value.ToString(false); item.SubItems[3].Tag = flvFile.AverageFrameRate; } if (flvFile.Warnings.Length == 0) { item.ImageIndex = (int)IconIndex.OK; } else { item.ImageIndex = (int)IconIndex.Warning; item.SubItems[4].Text = String.Join(" ", flvFile.Warnings); } }); } } catch (Exception ex) { Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { item.ImageIndex = (int)IconIndex.Error; item.SubItems[4].Text = ex.Message; item.SubItems[4].Tag = ex.StackTrace; }); } } Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { btnStop.Visible = false; btnCopyFrameRates.Enabled = true; btnOK.Enabled = true; }); }
private static void extractFLV() { var newline = Environment.NewLine; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to FLV Extract" + newline + "##########################" + newline + "You have to put exe file in flv file folder" + newline + "##########################" + newline); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to save audio? Y/N"); bool audio = (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper()) == "Y" ? true : false; Console.WriteLine("Do you want to save video? Y/N"); bool video = (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper()) == "Y" ? true : false; Console.WriteLine("Do you want to save timecode? Y/N"); bool timecode = (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper()) == "Y" ? true : false; string currentPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(currentPath); if (di.GetFiles("*.flv").Count() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot find FLV file here"); } foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles("*.flv")) { Console.WriteLine("Total Files:" + di.GetFiles("*.flv").Count() + " Selected File: "); Console.WriteLine(file.Name); FLVFile flvFile = new FLVFile(file.FullName); // first param is whether or not to extract audio streams (true) // second param is whether or not to extract video streams (false) // third param is whether or not to extract timecodes (false) // fourth param is the delegate that gets called in case of an overwrite prompt (leave null in case you want to overwrite automatically) flvFile.ExtractStreams(audio, video, timecode, null); Console.WriteLine("Completed" + Environment.NewLine); } }
private static int Main(string[] args) { int argCount = args.Length; int argIndex = 0; bool extractVideo = false; bool extractAudio = false; bool extractTimeCodes = false; string outputDirectory = null; string inputPath = null; Console.WriteLine("FLV Extract CL v" + General.Version); Console.WriteLine("Copyright 2006-2011 J.D. Purcell"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(); try { while (argIndex < argCount) { switch (args[argIndex]) { case "-v": extractVideo = true; break; case "-a": extractAudio = true; break; case "-t": extractTimeCodes = true; break; case "-o": _autoOverwrite = true; break; case "-d": outputDirectory = args[++argIndex]; break; default: goto BreakArgLoop; } argIndex++; } BreakArgLoop: if (argIndex != (argCount - 1)) { throw new Exception(); } inputPath = args[argIndex]; } catch { Console.WriteLine("Arguments: [switches] source_path"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Switches:"); Console.WriteLine(" -v Extract video."); Console.WriteLine(" -a Extract audio."); Console.WriteLine(" -t Extract timecodes."); Console.WriteLine(" -o Overwrite output files without prompting."); Console.WriteLine(" -d <dir> Output directory. If not specified, output files will be written"); Console.WriteLine(" in the same directory as the source file."); return(1); } try { using (var flvFile = new FLVFile(Path.GetFullPath(inputPath))) { if (outputDirectory != null) { flvFile.OutputDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(outputDirectory); } flvFile.ExtractStreams(extractAudio, extractVideo, extractTimeCodes, PromptOverwrite); if ((flvFile.TrueFrameRate != null) || (flvFile.AverageFrameRate != null)) { if (flvFile.TrueFrameRate != null) { Console.WriteLine("True Frame Rate: " + flvFile.TrueFrameRate.ToString()); } if (flvFile.AverageFrameRate != null) { Console.WriteLine("Average Frame Rate: " + flvFile.AverageFrameRate.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); } if (flvFile.Warnings.Length != 0) { foreach (string warning in flvFile.Warnings) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: " + warning); } Console.WriteLine(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); return(1); } Console.WriteLine("Finished."); return(0); }
static int Main(string[] args) { int argCount = args.Length; int argIndex = 0; bool extractVideo = false; bool extractAudio = false; bool extractTimeCodes = false; string outputDirectory = null; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("QiyiFLV2MP4 v" + General.Version); Console.WriteLine("Copyright 2016 风漠兮"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(); if (!File.Exists("js.dll")) { byte[] buffer = Properties.Resources.js; string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "js.dll"; FileStream FS = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter BWriter = new BinaryWriter(FS); BWriter.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); BWriter.Close(); } if (!File.Exists("js32.dll")) { byte[] buffer = Properties.Resources.js32; string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "js32.dll"; FileStream FS = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter BWriter = new BinaryWriter(FS); BWriter.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); BWriter.Close(); } if (!File.Exists("libgpac.dll")) { byte[] buffer = Properties.Resources.libgpac; string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "libgpac.dll"; FileStream FS = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter BWriter = new BinaryWriter(FS); BWriter.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); BWriter.Close(); } if (!File.Exists("MP4Box.exe")) { byte[] buffer = Properties.Resources.MP4Box; string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "MP4Box.exe"; FileStream FS = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter BWriter = new BinaryWriter(FS); BWriter.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); BWriter.Close(); } try { _autoOverwrite = true; extractVideo = true; extractAudio = true; if (argIndex != (argCount - 1)) { throw new Exception(); } inputPath = args[argIndex]; } catch { Console.WriteLine("Arguments: source_path"); Console.WriteLine(); return(1); } try { using (FLVFile flvFile = new FLVFile(Path.GetFullPath(inputPath))) { if (outputDirectory != null) { flvFile.OutputDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(outputDirectory); } flvFile.ExtractStreams(extractAudio, extractVideo, extractTimeCodes, PromptOverwrite); if ((flvFile.TrueFrameRate != null) || (flvFile.AverageFrameRate != null)) { if (flvFile.TrueFrameRate != null) { Console.WriteLine("True Frame Rate: " + flvFile.TrueFrameRate.ToString()); } if (flvFile.AverageFrameRate != null) { Console.WriteLine("Average Frame Rate: " + flvFile.AverageFrameRate.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); } if (flvFile.Warnings.Length != 0) { foreach (string warning in flvFile.Warnings) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: " + warning); } Console.WriteLine(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); return(1); } Process sortProcess; sortProcess = new Process(); sortOutput = new StringBuilder(""); sortProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; sortProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; // 必须禁用操作系统外壳程序 sortProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; sortProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; //重定向错误输出 sortProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; //设置不显示窗口 sortProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; sortProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "/c mp4box.exe -add \"" + inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".264#trackID=1:par=1:1:name=\" -add \"" + inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".aac:name=\" -new \"" + inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".mp4\""; //设定程式执行参数 sortProcess.Start(); sortProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); // 异步获取命令行内容 sortProcess.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(SortOutputHandler); Console.WriteLine("Packaging!Please wait with patience!"); sortProcess.WaitForExit();//等待程序执行完退出进程 sortProcess.Close(); if (File.Exists(inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".aac")) { File.Delete(inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".aac"); } if (File.Exists(inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".264")) { File.Delete(inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".264"); } Console.WriteLine("Congratulations! " + inputPath + " has been converted to " + inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".mp4 successfully!"); return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Extracts the files thread. /// </summary> private void ExtractFilesThread() { ListViewItem item = null; //string mode = frmMain.rbtFLV; for (var i = 0; (i < _paths.Length) && !_stop; i++) { var i1 = i; Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { item = lvStatus.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new[] { String.Empty, Path.GetFileName( _paths[i1]), String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty })); item.EnsureVisible(); }); string videoSource = ""; string videoCmd = ""; string audioSource = ""; string audioCmd = ""; string target = ""; string fps = ""; string ratio = ""; string arg = ""; try { switch (frmMain.Mode) { #region "FLV" case "FLV": using (var flvFile = new FLVFile(_paths[i])) { flvFile.ExtractStreams(_extractAudio, _extractVideo, _extractTimeCodes, PromptOverwrite); Invoke((MethodInvoker)(delegate { //txtStatus.Text = "Extracting..."; if (flvFile.TrueFrameRate != null) { item.SubItems[2].Text = flvFile.TrueFrameRate.Value.ToString(false); item.SubItems[2].Tag = flvFile.TrueFrameRate; } if (flvFile.AverageFrameRate != null) { item.SubItems[3].Text = flvFile.AverageFrameRate.Value.ToString( false); item.SubItems[3].Tag = flvFile.AverageFrameRate; } if (flvFile.Warnings.Length == 0) { item.ImageIndex = (int)IconIndex.OK; } else { item.ImageIndex = (int)IconIndex.Warning; item.SubItems[4].Text = String.Join(" ", flvFile. Warnings); } //txtStatus.Text = "Done extracting."; })); } break; // Case FLV #endregion "FLV" #region "MP4" case "MP4": using (var flvFile = new FLVFile(_paths[i])) { flvFile.ExtractStreams(_extractAudio, _extractVideo, _extractTimeCodes, PromptOverwrite); Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { txtStatus.Text = "Extracting..."; if (flvFile != null && flvFile.TrueFrameRate != null) { item.SubItems[2].Text = flvFile.TrueFrameRate.Value.ToString(false); item.SubItems[2].Tag = flvFile.TrueFrameRate; } if (flvFile.AverageFrameRate != null) { item.SubItems[3].Text = flvFile.AverageFrameRate.Value.ToString(false); item.SubItems[3].Tag = flvFile.AverageFrameRate; } if (flvFile.Warnings.Length == 0) { item.ImageIndex = (int)IconIndex.OK; } else { item.ImageIndex = (int)IconIndex.Warning; item.SubItems[4].Text = String.Join(" ", flvFile.Warnings); } txtStatus.Visible = true; txtStatus.Text = "Remuxing to mp4 file..."; // command for video if (frmMain.AudioMuxing && frmMain.VideoMuxing == false) { fps = ""; videoCmd = ""; // no video muxing // command for audio audioSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".aac"); audioCmd = "-add \"" + audioSource + "#audio" + "\" "; if (!File.Exists(audioSource)) { audioSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".mp3"); audioCmd = "-add \"" + audioSource + "#audio" + "\" "; if (!File.Exists(audioSource)) { item.SubItems[4].Text = audioSource + " does not exits, please check the video directory/extract setting, or output video will have not audio."; audioCmd = ""; } } } else if (frmMain.AudioMuxing == false && frmMain.VideoMuxing) { audioCmd = ""; fps = (frmMain.Fps.Equals("") || frmMain.Fps.Equals("Auto")) ? ":fps=" + flvFile.TrueFrameRate.ToString() : ":fps=" + frmMain.Fps; if ("Original".Equals(frmMain.Ratio)) { ratio = ""; } else if ("4:3".Equals(frmMain.Ratio)) { ratio = ":par=1:1"; } else if ("16:9".Equals(frmMain.Ratio)) { ratio = ":par=1.78:1.33"; } videoSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".264"); videoCmd = "-add \"" + videoSource + "#video" + fps + ratio + "\" "; if (!File.Exists(videoSource)) { videoSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".avi"); videoCmd = "-add \"" + videoSource + "#video" + fps + ratio + "\" "; if (!File.Exists(videoSource)) { item.SubItems[4].Text = "Video does not exits, please check the video directory or extract setting."; } } } else if (frmMain.AudioMuxing && frmMain.VideoMuxing) { // command for audio audioSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".aac"); audioCmd = "-add \"" + audioSource + "#audio" + "\" "; if (!File.Exists(audioSource)) { audioSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".mp3"); audioCmd = "-add \"" + audioSource + "#audio" + "\" "; if (!File.Exists(audioSource)) { item.SubItems[4].Text = audioSource + " does not exits, please check the video directory/extract setting, or output video will have not audio."; audioCmd = ""; } } // end command for audio if (frmMain.Fps.Equals("") || frmMain.Fps.Equals("Auto")) { //fps = ":fps=" + Math.Round(flvFile.TrueFrameRate.Value.ToDouble(), 3).ToString(); fps = ":fps=" + flvFile.TrueFrameRate.ToString(); } else { fps = ":fps=" + frmMain.Fps; } if (frmMain.Ratio.Equals("Original")) { ratio = ""; } else if (frmMain.Ratio.Equals("4:3")) { ratio = ":par=1:1"; } else if (frmMain.Ratio.Equals("16:9")) { ratio = ":par=1.78:1.33"; } videoSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".264"); videoCmd = "-add \"" + videoSource + "#video" + fps + ratio + "\" "; if (!File.Exists(videoSource)) { videoSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".avi"); videoCmd = "-add \"" + videoSource + "#video" + fps + ratio + "\" "; if (!File.Exists(videoSource)) { item.SubItems[4].Text = "Video does not exits, please check the video directory or extract setting."; } } } // else if has video / audio else { return; } // command for output target = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], frmMain.VideoMuxing ? ".mp4" : ".m4a"); if (File.Exists(target)) { var mes = MessageBox.Show( string.Format("{0} has already existed, rewrite or save with new name?", target), "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (mes == DialogResult.Yes) { File.Delete(target); // build final command and mux files arg = videoCmd + audioCmd + "\"" + target + "\""; Mp4Muxing(arg); } // Yes rewrite switch (mes) { case DialogResult.No: target = target.Insert(target.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal), "_new"); File.Delete(target); arg = videoCmd + audioCmd + "\"" + target + "\""; Mp4Muxing(arg); break; case DialogResult.Cancel: item.SubItems[4].Text = "Skipped"; break; } } else // no exist { arg = videoCmd + audioCmd + "\"" + target + "\""; Mp4Muxing(arg); } // end command for output if (frmMain.Remove) { try { if (frmMain.AudioMuxing) { File.Delete(audioSource); } if (frmMain.VideoMuxing) { File.Delete(videoSource); } File.Delete(Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".txt")); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } txtStatus.Text = "Done."; /** End here */ }); } // using break; // case MP4 #endregion "MP4" #region "MKV" case "MKV": //MessageBox.Show("Not now", "Information"); using (var flvFile = new FLVFile(_paths[i])) { flvFile.ExtractStreams(_extractAudio, _extractVideo, _extractTimeCodes, PromptOverwrite); Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { txtStatus.Text = "Extracting..."; if (flvFile.TrueFrameRate != null) { item.SubItems[2].Text = flvFile.TrueFrameRate.Value.ToString(false); item.SubItems[2].Tag = flvFile.TrueFrameRate; } if (flvFile.AverageFrameRate != null) { item.SubItems[3].Text = flvFile.AverageFrameRate.Value.ToString(false); item.SubItems[3].Tag = flvFile.AverageFrameRate; } if (flvFile.Warnings.Length == 0) { item.ImageIndex = (int)IconIndex.OK; } else { item.ImageIndex = (int)IconIndex.Warning; item.SubItems[4].Text = String.Join(" ", flvFile.Warnings); } txtStatus.Visible = true; txtStatus.Text = "Remuxing to mkv file..."; /** Extracting process ends here */ /** Start muxing process here*/ // mkvmerge.exe -o "F:\\Anime\\Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu\\[A4VF]Full_Metal_Panic_Fumoffu-01.mkv" "--default-duration" "0:23.976fps" " "--aspect-ratio" "0:4/3" "-d" "(" "F:\\Anime\\Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu\\[A4VF]Full_Metal_Panic_Fumoffu-01.264" ")" "(" "F:\\Anime\\Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu\\[A4VF]Full_Metal_Panic_Fumoffu-01.aac" ")" /** Checking codes go here**/ // command for video if (frmMain.AudioMuxing && frmMain.VideoMuxing == false) { fps = ""; ratio = ""; videoCmd = ""; // command for audio audioSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".aac"); audioCmd = "\"" + audioSource + "\""; if (!File.Exists(audioSource)) { audioSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".mp3"); audioCmd = "\"" + audioSource + "\""; if (!File.Exists(audioSource)) { item.SubItems[4].Text = string.Format("{0} does not exist, please check the video directory/extract setting, or output video will have not audio.", audioSource); audioCmd = ""; } } } else if (frmMain.AudioMuxing == false && frmMain.VideoMuxing) { audioCmd = ""; fps = ("".Equals(frmMain.Fps) || "Auto".Equals(frmMain.Fps)) ? "" : "\"--default-duration\" \"0:" + frmMain.Fps + "fps\" "; ratio = ("".Equals(frmMain.Ratio) || "Original".Equals(frmMain.Ratio)) ? "" : "\"--aspect-ratio\" \"0:" + frmMain.Ratio.Replace(":", "/") + "\" "; videoSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".264"); videoCmd = fps + ratio + "\"(\" " + videoSource + "\" \")\" "; if (!File.Exists(videoSource)) { videoSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".avi"); videoCmd = fps + ratio + "\"(\" \"" + videoSource + "\" \")\" "; if (!File.Exists(videoSource)) { item.SubItems[4].Text = "Video does not exist, please check the video directory or extract setting."; //return; } } } else if (frmMain.AudioMuxing && frmMain.VideoMuxing) { // command for audio audioSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".aac"); audioCmd = "\"" + audioSource + "\""; if (!File.Exists(audioSource)) { audioSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".mp3"); audioCmd = "\"" + audioSource + "\""; if (!File.Exists(audioSource)) { item.SubItems[4].Text = string.Format( "{0} does not exist, please check the video directory/extract setting, or output video will have not audio.", audioSource); audioCmd = ""; } } fps = ("".Equals(frmMain.Fps) || "Auto".Equals(frmMain.Fps)) ? "" : "\"--default-duration\" \"0:" + frmMain.Fps + "fps\" "; ratio = ("".Equals(frmMain.Ratio) || "Original".Equals(frmMain.Ratio)) ? "" : "\"--aspect-ratio\" \"0:" + frmMain.Ratio.Replace(":", "/") + "\" "; videoSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".264"); videoCmd = fps + ratio + "\"" + videoSource + "\" "; if (!File.Exists(videoSource)) { videoSource = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".avi"); videoCmd = fps + ratio + "\"(\" \"" + videoSource + "\" \")\" "; if (!File.Exists(videoSource)) { MessageBox.Show("Video does not exist, please check the video directory or extract setting."); } } } // end video / audio command // command for output target = Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], frmMain.VideoMuxing ? ".mkv" : ".mka"); if (File.Exists(target)) { var mes = MessageBox.Show( string.Format("{0} has already existed, rewrite or save with new name?", target), "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); switch (mes) { case DialogResult.Yes: File.Delete(target); arg = " -o \"" + target + "\" " + videoCmd + audioCmd; MkvMuxing(arg); break; case DialogResult.No: target = target.Insert(target.LastIndexOf(".", System.StringComparison.Ordinal), "_new"); File.Delete(target); arg = " -o \"" + target + "\" " + videoCmd + audioCmd; MkvMuxing(arg); break; case DialogResult.Cancel: item.SubItems[4].Text = "Skipped"; break; } } else { arg = " -o \"" + target + "\" " + videoCmd + audioCmd; MkvMuxing(arg); } if (frmMain.Remove) { try { if (frmMain.AudioMuxing) { File.Delete(audioSource); } if (frmMain.VideoMuxing) { File.Delete(videoSource); } File.Delete(Path.ChangeExtension(_paths[i], ".txt")); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } txtStatus.Text = "Done."; /** End here */ }); } // using break; // case Mkv #endregion "MKV" default: MessageBox.Show("Not now", "Information"); break; } } // try catch (Exception ex) { Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { item.ImageIndex = (int)IconIndex.Error; item.SubItems[4].Text = ex.Message; item.SubItems[4].Tag = ex.StackTrace; })); } } Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { btnStop.Visible = false; btnCopyFrameRates.Enabled = true; btnOK.Enabled = true; }); }
private bool convert(string args, bool delete) { if (File.Exists(args.Substring(0, args.Length - 4) + ".mp4")) { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("发现重名文件 " + args.Substring(0, args.Length - 4) + ".mp4 ,是否删除?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { File.Delete(args.Substring(0, args.Length - 4) + ".mp4"); } else if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(false); } } bool extractVideo = false; bool extractAudio = false; bool extractTimeCodes = false; string outputDirectory = null; try { _autoOverwrite = true; extractVideo = true; extractAudio = true; inputPath = args; } catch { Console.WriteLine("Arguments: source_path"); Console.WriteLine(); return(false); } richTextBox1.Text += "正在抽取视音频数据!\r\n"; try { using (FLVFile flvFile = new FLVFile(Path.GetFullPath(inputPath))) { if (outputDirectory != null) { flvFile.OutputDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(outputDirectory); } flvFile.ExtractStreams(extractAudio, extractVideo, extractTimeCodes, PromptOverwrite); if ((flvFile.TrueFrameRate != null) || (flvFile.AverageFrameRate != null)) { if (flvFile.TrueFrameRate != null) { richTextBox1.Text += "True Frame Rate: " + flvFile.TrueFrameRate.ToString() + "\r\n"; } if (flvFile.AverageFrameRate != null) { richTextBox1.Text += "Average Frame Rate: " + flvFile.AverageFrameRate.ToString() + "\r\n"; } } if (flvFile.Warnings.Length != 0) { foreach (string warning in flvFile.Warnings) { richTextBox1.Text += "Warning: " + warning + "\r\n"; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { richTextBox1.Text += "Error: " + ex.Message + "\r\n"; return(false); } if (!File.Exists(inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".aac")) { MessageBox.Show("数据文件异常,请检查FLV文件后尝试!", "温馨提示"); return(false); } if (!File.Exists(inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".264")) { MessageBox.Show("数据文件异常,请检查FLV文件后尝试!", "温馨提示"); return(false); } Process sortProcess; sortProcess = new Process(); sortOutput = new StringBuilder(""); sortProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; sortProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; // 必须禁用操作系统外壳程序 sortProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; sortProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; //重定向错误输出 sortProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; //设置不显示窗口 sortProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; sortProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "/c mp4box.exe -add \"" + inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".264#trackID=1:par=1:1:name=\" -add \"" + inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".aac:name=\" -new \"" + inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".mp4\""; //设定程式执行参数 sortProcess.Start(); richTextBox1.Text += "封装为MP4中!请耐心等待!\r\n"; sortProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); // 异步获取命令行内容 sortProcess.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(SortOutputHandler); // 为异步获取订阅事件 sortProcess.WaitForExit(); //等待程序执行完退出进程 sortProcess.Close(); if (File.Exists(inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".aac")) { File.Delete(inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".aac"); } if (File.Exists(inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".264")) { File.Delete(inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 4) + ".264"); } if (!richTextBox1.Text.Contains("ISO File Writing")) { MessageBox.Show("文件路径中可能存在非法字符,请重命名 " + args + " 后重试!", "温馨提示"); return(false); } if (delete) { File.Delete(inputPath); } richTextBox1.Text = ""; ConvertSuccess++; return(true); }
private void toMp3(string inputPath) { try { using (FLVFile flvFile = new FLVFile(Path.GetFullPath(inputPath))) { flvFile.ExtractStreams(PromptOverwrite); } } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + exc.Message + Environment.NewLine); LogFile.WriteToLogFile(LogFile.Operation.app_error, null, exc.Message); } }