Пример #1
    // Calculates coefficients for a low-pass FIR filter using Hamming window
    void CalculateCoeffs()
        int    i;
        double cntTemp, temp, tempCoeff, h, w;
        double wc;
        double scaleCoeff, sum;

        double[] work   = new double[length];
        float[]  coeffs = new float[length];

        Debug.Assert(length >= 2);
        Debug.Assert(length % 4 == 0);
        Debug.Assert(cutoffFreq >= 0);
        Debug.Assert(cutoffFreq <= 0.5);

        wc        = 2.0 * Math.PI * cutoffFreq;
        tempCoeff = Math.PI * 2 / (double)length;

        sum = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
            cntTemp = (double)i - (double)(length / 2);

            temp = cntTemp * wc;
            if (temp != 0)
                h = Math.Sin(temp) / temp;                     // sinc function
                h = 1.0;
            w = 0.54 + 0.46 * Math.Cos(tempCoeff * cntTemp);       // hamming window

            temp    = w * h;
            work[i] = temp;

            // calc net sum of coefficients
            sum += temp;

        // ensure the sum of coefficients is larger than zero
        Debug.Assert(sum > 0);

        // ensure we've really designed a lowpass filter...
        Debug.Assert(work[length / 2] > 0);
        Debug.Assert(work[length / 2 + 1] > -1e-6);
        Debug.Assert(work[length / 2 - 1] > -1e-6);

        // Calculate a scaling coefficient in such a way that the result can be
        // divided by 16384
        scaleCoeff = 16384.0f / sum;

        for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
            temp = work[i] * scaleCoeff;
            // scale & round to nearest integer
            temp += (temp >= 0) ? 0.5 : -0.5;
            // ensure no overfloods
            Debug.Assert(temp >= -32768 && temp <= 32767);
            coeffs[i] = (float)temp;

        // Set coefficients. Use divide factor 14 => divide result by 2^14 = 16384
        FirFilter.SetCoefficients(coeffs, length, 14);