Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses input file and returns the output stream. Make sure to use a streaming format (like flv).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFilename">Input video file name/path</param>
        /// <param name="options">Output options</param>
        /// <param name="process">FFmpeg process</param>
        /// <param name="inputArguments">Input arguments (such as -f, -v:c, -video_size, -ac, -ar...)</param>
        /// <param name="showOutput">Show output to terminal. Error stream will not be redirected if this is set to true.</param>
        /// <param name="ffmpegExecutable">Name or path to the ffmpeg executable</param>
        public static Stream FileToStream(string inputFilename, EncoderOptions options, out Process process,
                                          string inputArguments = "", bool showOutput = false, string ffmpegExecutable = "ffmpeg")
            var output = FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffmpegExecutable, $"{inputArguments} -i \"{inputFilename}\" " +
                                                  $"-c:v {options.EncoderName} {options.EncoderArguments} -f {options.Format} -", out process, showOutput);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load video metadata into memory.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task LoadMetadataAsync(bool ignoreStreamErrors = false)
            if (LoadedMetadata)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Video metadata is already loaded!");
            var r = FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffprobe, $"-i \"{Filename}\" -v quiet -print_format json=c=1 -show_format -show_streams");

                var metadata = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <VideoMetadata>(r);

                    var videoStream = metadata.Streams.Where(x => x.CodecType.ToLower().Trim() == "video").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (videoStream != null)
                        metadata.Width         = videoStream.Width.Value;
                        metadata.Height        = videoStream.Height.Value;
                        metadata.PixelFormat   = videoStream.PixFmt;
                        metadata.Codec         = videoStream.CodecName;
                        metadata.CodecLongName = videoStream.CodecLongName;

                        metadata.BitRate = videoStream.BitRate == null ? -1 :

                        metadata.BitDepth = videoStream.BitsPerRawSample == null?
                                            tryParseBitDepth(videoStream.PixFmt) :

                        metadata.Duration = videoStream.Duration == null?
                                            double.Parse(metadata.Format.Duration ?? "0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) :
                                                double.Parse(videoStream.Duration, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        metadata.SampleAspectRatio = videoStream.SampleAspectRatio;
                        metadata.AvgFramerateText  = videoStream.AvgFrameRate;
                        metadata.AvgFramerate      = videoStream.AvgFrameRateNumber;

                        metadata.PredictedFrameCount = (int)(metadata.AvgFramerate * metadata.Duration);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // failed to interpret video stream settings
                    if (!ignoreStreamErrors)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Failed to parse video stream data! " + ex.Message);

                LoadedMetadata = true;
                Metadata       = metadata;
            catch (JsonException ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to interpret ffprobe video metadata output! " + ex.Message);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Play video in background and return the process associated with it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runPureBackground">Detach the player from this VideoPlayer control. Player won't be killed on disposing.</param>
        /// <param name="extraInputParameters">Extra FFmpeg input parameters to be passed</param>
        public Process PlayInBackground(bool runPureBackground = false, string extraInputParameters = "")
            if (!runPureBackground && OpenedForWriting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Player is already opened for writing frames!");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filename))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No filename was specified!");

            FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffplay, $"{extraInputParameters} -i \"{Filename}\"", out Process p);
            if (!runPureBackground)
                ffplayp = p;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Play audio in background and return the process associated with it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="showWindow">Show player window</param>
        /// <param name="runPureBackground">Detach the player from this AudioPlayer control. Player won't be killed on disposing.</param>
        public Process PlayInBackground(bool showWindow = false, bool runPureBackground = false)
            if (!runPureBackground && OpenedForWriting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Player is already opened for writing samples!");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filename))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No filename was specified!");

            FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffplay, $"-i \"{Filename}\"" + (showWindow ? "" : " -nodisp"), out Process p);
            if (!runPureBackground)
                ffplayp = p;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the audio and prepare it for reading frames.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitDepth">frame bit rate in which the audio will be processed (16, 24, 32)</param>
        public void Load(int bitDepth = 16)
            if (bitDepth != 16 && bitDepth != 24 && bitDepth != 32)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Acceptable bit depths are 16, 24 and 32");
            if (OpenedForReading)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Audio is already loaded!");
            if (!MetadataLoaded)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please load the audio metadata first!");

            // we will be reading audio in S16LE format (for best accuracy, could use S32LE)
            DataStream       = FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffmpeg, $"-i \"{Filename}\" -f s{bitDepth}le -");
            loadedBitDepth   = bitDepth;
            OpenedForReading = true;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the video for reading frames and seeks to given offset in seconds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offsetSeconds">Offset in seconds to which to seek to</param>
        public void Load(double offsetSeconds)
            if (OpenedForReading)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Video is already loaded!");
            if (!LoadedMetadata)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please load the video metadata first!");
            if (Metadata.Width == 0 || Metadata.Height == 0)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Loaded metadata contains errors!");

            // we will be reading video in RGB24 format
            DataStream = FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffmpeg, $"{(offsetSeconds <= 0 ? "" : $"-ss {offsetSeconds:0.00}")} -i \"{Filename}\"" +
                                                  $" -pix_fmt rgb24 -f rawvideo -");
            OpenedForReading = true;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Load audio metadata into memory.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task LoadMetadata(bool ignoreStreamErrors = false)
            if (MetadataLoaded)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Video metadata is already loaded!");
            var r = FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffprobe, $"-i \"{Filename}\" -v quiet -print_format json=c=1 -show_format -show_streams");

                var metadata = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <AudioMetadata>(r);

                    var audioStream = metadata.Streams.Where(x => x.CodecType.ToLower().Trim() == "audio").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (audioStream != null)
                        metadata.Channels      = audioStream.Channels;
                        metadata.Codec         = audioStream.CodecName;
                        metadata.CodecLongName = audioStream.CodecLongName;
                        metadata.SampleFormat  = audioStream.SampleFmt;

                        metadata.SampleRate = audioStream.SampleRate == null ? -1 :

                        metadata.Duration = audioStream.Duration == null?
                                            double.Parse(metadata.Format.Duration ?? "-1") :

                        metadata.BitRate = audioStream.BitRate == null ? -1 :

                        metadata.BitDepth             = audioStream.BitsPerSample;
                        metadata.PredictedSampleCount = (int)Math.Round(metadata.Duration * metadata.SampleRate);

                        if (metadata.BitDepth == 0)
                            // try to parse it from format
                            if (metadata.SampleFormat.Contains("64"))
                                metadata.BitDepth = 64;
                            else if (metadata.SampleFormat.Contains("32"))
                                metadata.BitDepth = 32;
                            else if (metadata.SampleFormat.Contains("24"))
                                metadata.BitDepth = 24;
                            else if (metadata.SampleFormat.Contains("16"))
                                metadata.BitDepth = 16;
                            else if (metadata.SampleFormat.Contains("8"))
                                metadata.BitDepth = 8;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // failed to interpret video stream settings
                    if (!ignoreStreamErrors)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Failed to parse audio stream data! " + ex.Message);

                MetadataLoaded = true;
                Metadata       = metadata;
            catch (JsonException ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to interpret ffprobe audio metadata output! " + ex.Message);