Пример #1
        public Report GetOrCreateReport(FCCLReportType type, int objectId, string objectName, DateTime testDate, DateTime printDate, long?reportNumber = null)
            bool   notCommited  = true;
            int    attemptCount = 0;
            Report report       = null;

            while (notCommited && attemptCount < 5)
                using (var tran = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                        logger.Info("GetOrCreateReport|objectName: {0}, reportNumber: {1}", objectName, reportNumber);
                        if (reportNumber.HasValue)
                            report = GetByNumber(reportNumber.Value);
                        if (report == null)
                            report = repo.Create();
                            if (reportNumber.HasValue)
                                report.ReportNumber = reportNumber.Value;
                                report.ReportNumber = repo.Get().OrderByDescending(r => r.Created).First().ReportNumber + 1;
                                logger.Info("GetOrCreateReport|retrieved number: {0}", report.ReportNumber);
                            logger.Info("GetOrCreateReport|retrieved report Id: {0}", report.Id);
                        report.ReportType = (short)type;
                        report.ObjectId   = objectId;
                        report.ObjectName = objectName;
                        report.TestDate   = testDate.Year > 1753 ? testDate.Date : DateTime.Now.Date;
                        report.PrintDate  = printDate.Year > 1753 ? printDate.Date : DateTime.Now.Date;
                        notCommited = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        logger.Fatal(string.Format("GetOrCreateReport|objectName: {0}, reportNumber: {1} at cnt {2}|msg:{3}|stack:{4}", objectName, reportNumber, attemptCount, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace));
            if (notCommited)
                throw new Exception("Nu am putut salva raportul");
            logger.Info("GetOrCreateReport|objectName: {0}, reportNumber: {1}", objectName, reportNumber);
Пример #2
        public Order GetOrCreateOrder(string fullOrderNumber, string clientName, DateTime sampleDate, DateTime receiveDate, bool imported, int?sampleCount, int?clientId, long?orderNumber = null)
            logger.Info("GetOrCreateOrder|clientName: {0}, orderNumber: {1}", clientName, orderNumber);
            Order order = null;

            if (orderNumber.HasValue)
                order = GetByNumberAndImported(orderNumber.Value);
            if (order == null)
                order = repo.Create();
                if (orderNumber.HasValue)
                    order.OrderNumber = orderNumber.Value;
                    order.OrderNumber = repo.Get().Max(r => r.OrderNumber) + 1;
                    logger.Info("GetOrCreateOrder|retrieved number: {0}", order.OrderNumber);
                logger.Info("GetOrCreateOrder|retrieved order Id: {0}", order.Id);
            order.FullOrderNumber = fullOrderNumber;
            order.ClientId        = clientId.HasValue ? clientId.Value : -1;
            order.ClientName      = clientName;
            order.SampleDate      = sampleDate;
            order.ReceivedDate    = receiveDate;
            order.Imported        = imported;
            order.SampleCount     = sampleCount;
            logger.Info("GetOrCreateOrder|clientName: {0}, reportNumber: {1}", clientName, orderNumber);
Пример #3
    public void CreateReport()
        ReportManager rManager = new ReportManager(ctx);

        LocalReport report = new LocalReport();

        byte[] file;
        string mimeType, encoding, fileExtension;

        string[]  streams;
        Warning[] warnings;

        long   reportNumber;
        Report dalReport = rManager.GetOrCreateReport(FCCLReportType.FCB, -1
                                                      , DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text, TestDate, PrintDate, long.TryParse(TextBox3.Text, out reportNumber) ? (long?)reportNumber : null);

        TextBox3.Text = dalReport.ReportNumber.ToString();

        ReportDataSource rds = new ReportDataSource();

        rds.Name = "MostreFabrica";

        List <MostreFabrica> mostre = MostreFabrica.GetMostreFCB(DropDownList1.SelectedValue, TextBox1.Text);

        rds.Value = mostre;
        string datatestare = TextBox1.Text;

        string datatmin      = datatestare;
        string datatmax      = datatestare;
        string datatesttitlu = datatestare;
        string dataprimirii  = "";
        string datapmin      = dataprimirii;
        string datapmax      = dataprimirii;
        string dataprimtitlu = dataprimirii;

        string combi = mostre[0].Combi;

        foreach (MostreFabrica mf in mostre)
            string datamin = mf.DataTestare;
            string datamax = mf.DataTestareFinala;
            dataprimirii = mf.DataPrimirii;
            if (datapmin == "")
                datapmin = dataprimirii;
            if (datapmax == "")
                datapmax = dataprimirii;
            if (datamin != datatmin)
                DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(datamin.Substring(6, 4)), Int32.Parse(datamin.Substring(3, 2)), Int32.Parse(datamin.Substring(0, 2)));
                DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(datatmin.Substring(6, 4)), Int32.Parse(datatmin.Substring(3, 2)), Int32.Parse(datatmin.Substring(0, 2)));
                if (DateTime.Compare(dt1, dt2) < 0)
                    datatmin = datamin;
            if (datamax != datatmax)
                DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(datamax.Substring(6, 4)), Int32.Parse(datamax.Substring(3, 2)), Int32.Parse(datamax.Substring(0, 2)));
                DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(datatmax.Substring(6, 4)), Int32.Parse(datatmax.Substring(3, 2)), Int32.Parse(datatmax.Substring(0, 2)));
                if (DateTime.Compare(dt1, dt2) > 0)
                    datatmax = datamax;
            // data primirii
            if (dataprimirii != datapmin)
                DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(dataprimirii.Substring(6, 4)), Int32.Parse(dataprimirii.Substring(3, 2)), Int32.Parse(dataprimirii.Substring(0, 2)));
                DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(datapmin.Substring(6, 4)), Int32.Parse(datapmin.Substring(3, 2)), Int32.Parse(datapmin.Substring(0, 2)));
                if (DateTime.Compare(dt1, dt2) < 0)
                    datapmin = dataprimirii;
            if (dataprimirii != datapmax)
                DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(dataprimirii.Substring(6, 4)), Int32.Parse(dataprimirii.Substring(3, 2)), Int32.Parse(dataprimirii.Substring(0, 2)));
                DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(datapmax.Substring(6, 4)), Int32.Parse(datapmax.Substring(3, 2)), Int32.Parse(datapmax.Substring(0, 2)));
                if (DateTime.Compare(dt1, dt2) > 0)
                    datapmax = dataprimirii;
        if (datatmin != datatmax)
            datatesttitlu = datatmin + " - " + datatmax;
        if (datapmin != datapmax)
            dataprimtitlu = datapmin + " si " + datapmax;
            dataprimtitlu = datapmin;

        rds.Value = mostre;


        report.ReportPath = "ReportFCB4.rdlc";

        string client = DropDownList1.SelectedValue;

        // read fabrica
        SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["fccl2ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
        SqlCommand    cmd = new SqlCommand();

        cmd.Connection = cnn;

        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT MostreTancuri.AdresaClient,MostreTancuri.NumeClient,MostreTancuri.Localitate,MostreTancuri.Judet,MostreTancuri.NrComanda "
                          + "FROM MostreTancuri WHERE MostreTancuri.NumeClient='" + client + "'";

        SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();


        string fabricastrada = mostre[0].FabriciStrada;
        string fabricaoras   = mostre[0].FabriciOras;
        string fabricajudet  = mostre[0].FabriciJudet;
        string nrcomanda     = mostre[0].NrComanda;

        string nrb = dalReport.ReportNumber.ToString();;
        //set report parameters
        string laborator   = ddlLaborator.Items[ddlLaborator.SelectedIndex].ToString();
        string responsabil = ddlResponsabil.Items[ddlResponsabil.SelectedIndex].ToString();

        ReportParameter pDatatestare   = new ReportParameter("datatestare", datatesttitlu);
        ReportParameter pDataprimirii  = new ReportParameter("dataprimirii", dataprimtitlu);
        ReportParameter pCombi         = new ReportParameter("combi", combi);
        ReportParameter pDatab         = new ReportParameter("datab", TextBox2.Text);
        ReportParameter pNrb           = new ReportParameter("nrb", nrb);
        ReportParameter pFabricanume   = new ReportParameter("fabricanume", client);
        ReportParameter pFabricastrada = new ReportParameter("fabricastrada", fabricastrada);
        ReportParameter pComanda       = new ReportParameter("nrcomanda", nrcomanda);
        ReportParameter pFabricaoras   = new ReportParameter("fabricaoras", fabricaoras);
        ReportParameter pFabricajudet  = new ReportParameter("fabricajudet", fabricajudet);
        ReportParameter pLaborator     = new ReportParameter("laborator", laborator);
        ReportParameter pResponsabil   = new ReportParameter("responsabil", responsabil);
        ReportParameter pVersiune      = new ReportParameter("Versiune", new SettingManager(StaticDataHelper.FCCLDbContext).GetValueByName("ReportFCB4"));

        ReportParameter[] p = { pDatatestare, pDataprimirii, pCombi, pDatab, pNrb, pFabricanume, pFabricastrada, pComanda, pFabricaoras, pFabricajudet, pLaborator, pResponsabil, pVersiune };

        file = report.Render("PDF", StaticData.DEVICE_INFO_PDF, out mimeType, out encoding, out fileExtension, out streams, out warnings);
        string httppath = StaticDataHelper.SettingsManager.CaleRapoarteHttp;
        string filepath = StaticDataHelper.SettingsManager.CaleRapoarte;

        string parse_client = replace_special_car(client);

        string raport_name  = "RaportFCB" + datatestare.Replace("/", "_") + "_" + nrb + "_" + parse_client + ".pdf";
        string raport_excel = "RaportFCB" + datatestare.Replace("/", "_") + "_" + nrb + "_" + parse_client + ".xls";

        string path_raport_http = "http://" + Request.ServerVariables.Get("HTTP_HOST") + "/" + httppath;
        string pdf_link         = path_raport_http + @"FCB/" + raport_name;
        string pdf_file         = filepath + @"FCB/" + raport_name;
        // writefile

        string excel_link = path_raport_http + @"FCB/" + raport_excel;
        string excel_file = filepath + @"FCB/" + raport_excel;

        report.SetParameters(new ReportParameter("BkImage", ""));
        File.WriteAllBytes(pdf_file, file);
        dalReport.SampleCount = mostre.Count;
        dalReport.PageCount   = PDFHelper.GetNumberOfPdfPages(pdf_file);

        byte[] file_xls = report.Render("EXCEL", StaticData.DEVICE_INFO_XLS, out mimeType, out encoding, out fileExtension, out streams, out warnings);
        File.WriteAllBytes(excel_file, file_xls);

        pdflink.Visible     = true;
        pdflink.NavigateUrl = pdf_link;
        pdflink.Text        = raport_name;

        xlslink.Visible     = true;
        xlslink.NavigateUrl = excel_link;
        xlslink.Text        = raport_excel;
Пример #4
    public void CreateReport()
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";

        LocalReport report = new LocalReport();

        byte[] file;
        string mimeType, encoding, fileExtension;

        string[]      streams;
        Warning[]     warnings;
        long          reportNumber;
        ReportManager rManager  = new ReportManager(ctx);
        Report        dalReport = rManager.GetOrCreateReport(FCCLReportType.Crotalii, ObjectId
                                                             , DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text, TestDate, PrintDate, long.TryParse(TextBox3.Text, out reportNumber) ? (long?)reportNumber : null);

        TextBox3.Text = dalReport.ReportNumber.ToString();
        ReportDataSource rds = new ReportDataSource();

        rds.Name = "MostreFabrica";

        List <MostreFabrica> mostre = MostreFabrica.GetMostreFerma(DropDownList1.SelectedValue, DateTime.Parse(TextBox1.Text));

        logger.Info(string.Format("GetMostreFerma|mostre cnt:{0}", mostre.Count));
        rds.Value = mostre;
        DateTime datatestare = DateTime.Parse(TextBox1.Text);

        DateTime datatmin      = datatestare;
        DateTime datatmax      = datatestare;
        string   datatesttitlu = datatestare.ToShortDateString();

        DateTime datapmin = DateTime.MaxValue;
        DateTime datapmax = DateTime.MinValue;
        string   dataprimtitlu;

        string nrcomanda = "";
        string combi     = mostre[0].Combi;

        foreach (MostreFabrica mf in mostre)
            DateTime datamin = mf.DataTestare;
            DateTime datamax = mf.DataTestareFinala;

            if (mf.NrComanda.Trim() != "")
                nrcomanda = mf.NrComanda.Trim();

            if (DateTime.Compare(datamin, datatmin) < 0)
                datatmin = datamin;

            if (DateTime.Compare(datamax, datatmax) > 0)
                datatmax = datamax;

            if (DateTime.Compare(mf.DataPrimirii, datapmin) < 0)
                datapmin = mf.DataPrimirii;

            if (DateTime.Compare(mf.DataPrimirii, datapmax) > 0)
                datapmax = mf.DataPrimirii;

        if (datatmin != datatmax)
            datatesttitlu = datatmin.ToShortDateString() + " - " + datatmax.ToShortDateString();
        if (datapmin != datapmax)
            dataprimtitlu = datapmin.ToShortDateString() + " si " + datapmax.ToShortDateString();
            dataprimtitlu = datapmin.ToShortDateString();

        rds.Value = mostre;


        report.ReportPath = "ReportCrotalii.rdlc";


        string fermaid   = DropDownList1.SelectedValue;
        string fermaname = DropDownList1.Items[DropDownList1.SelectedIndex].ToString();
        // read fabrica
        SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

        cmd.Connection = cnn;

        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Ferme_CCL.Cod,Ferme_CCL.Strada,Ferme_CCL.Numar,Ferme_CCL.Oras,Judete.Denloc "
                          + "FROM Ferme_CCL,Judete WHERE Ferme_CCL.ID=" + fermaid
                          + " AND Ferme_CCL.Judet=Judete.ID";
        SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

        string fermastrada = Convert.ToString(reader["Strada"]);
        string fermanumar  = Convert.ToString(reader["Numar"]);
        string fermaoras   = Convert.ToString(reader["Oras"]);
        string fermajudet  = Convert.ToString(reader["Denloc"]);
        string fermacod    = Convert.ToString(reader["Cod"]);


        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Fabrici.Nume, Ferme_CCL.FabricaID from Ferme_CCL, Fabrici  "
                          + " WHERE Ferme_CCL.ID =" + fermaid + " AND Ferme_CCL.FabricaID = Fabrici.ID";
        reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        string asocid   = Convert.ToString(reader["FabricaID"]);
        string asocnume = Convert.ToString(reader["Nume"]);


        FermaName.Text = fermaname;
        FermaCod.Text  = fermacod;
        FermaId.Text   = "" + fermaid;

        string datab = TextBox2.Text;
        string nrb   = dalReport.ReportNumber.ToString();
        //set report parameters
        string laborator   = ddlLaborator.Items[ddlLaborator.SelectedIndex].ToString();
        string responsabil = ddlResponsabil.Items[ddlResponsabil.SelectedIndex].ToString();

        ReportParameter pAsocnume = new ReportParameter("asocnume", asocnume);

        ReportParameter pNrcomanda = new ReportParameter("nrcomanda", nrcomanda);

        ReportParameter pDatatestare  = new ReportParameter("datatestare", datatesttitlu);
        ReportParameter pDataprimirii = new ReportParameter("dataprimirii", dataprimtitlu);

        ReportParameter pCombi = new ReportParameter("combi", combi);

        ReportParameter pDatab = new ReportParameter("datab", TextBox2.Text);
        ReportParameter pNrb   = new ReportParameter("nrb", nrb);

        ReportParameter pFermanume   = new ReportParameter("fabricanume", fermaname);
        ReportParameter pFermastrada = new ReportParameter("fabricastrada", fermastrada);
        ReportParameter pFermanumar  = new ReportParameter("fabricanumar", fermanumar);
        ReportParameter pFermaoras   = new ReportParameter("fabricaoras", fermaoras);
        ReportParameter pFermajudet  = new ReportParameter("fabricajudet", fermajudet);

        ReportParameter pLaborator = new ReportParameter("laborator", laborator);

        ReportParameter pResponsabil = new ReportParameter("responsabil", responsabil);

        ReportParameter pVersiune = new ReportParameter("Versiune", new SettingManager(StaticDataHelper.FCCLDbContext).GetValueByName("ReportCrotalii"));

        ReportParameter[] p = { pDatatestare, pDataprimirii, pCombi, pNrcomanda, pDatab, pNrb, pFermanume, pFermastrada, pFermanumar, pFermaoras, pFermajudet, pAsocnume, pLaborator
                                ,             pResponsabil,  pVersiune };

        file = report.Render("PDF", StaticData.DEVICE_INFO_PDF, out mimeType, out encoding, out fileExtension, out streams, out warnings);

        string httppath = StaticDataHelper.SettingsManager.CaleRapoarteHttp;
        string filepath = StaticDataHelper.SettingsManager.CaleRapoarte;

        fermaname = replace_special_car_null(fermaname);
        string nrcom = nrcomanda.Replace("/", "_");

        nrcom = nrcom.Replace(".", "");
        string raport_name  = "Raport" + nrcom + "-" + fermaname + "_" + fermacod + "-" + datatestare.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "") + ".pdf";
        string raport_excel = "Raport" + nrcom + "-" + fermaname + "_" + fermacod + "-" + datatestare.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "") + ".xls";

        string path_raport_http = "http://" + Request.ServerVariables.Get("HTTP_HOST") + "/" + httppath;
        string pdf_link         = path_raport_http + @"Ferme/" + raport_name;
        string pdf_file         = filepath + @"Ferme/" + raport_name;
        // writefile

        string excel_link = path_raport_http + @"Ferme/" + raport_excel;
        string excel_file = filepath + @"Ferme/" + raport_excel;

        //	Trace.Write(pdf_file);
        File.WriteAllBytes(pdf_file, file);
        logger.Info(string.Format("GetMostreFerma|pdf done"));

        dalReport.SampleCount = mostre.Count;
        dalReport.PageCount   = PDFHelper.GetNumberOfPdfPages(pdf_file);
        logger.Info(string.Format("GetMostreFerma|saved report"));

        // raport excel
        LocalReport rapexcel = new LocalReport();

        ReportDataSource rdse = new ReportDataSource();

        rdse.Name = "MostreFabrica";

        rdse.Value = mostre;


        rapexcel.ReportPath = "ReportCrotalii.rdlc";



        rapexcel.SetParameters(new ReportParameter("BkImage", ""));
        byte[] file_xls = rapexcel.Render("EXCEL", StaticData.DEVICE_INFO_XLS, out mimeType, out encoding, out fileExtension, out streams, out warnings);
        // end raport excel
        File.WriteAllBytes(excel_file, file_xls);
        logger.Info(string.Format("GetMostreFerma|excel done"));

        int firstyear;

        if (int.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["firstyear"], out firstyear))
            // test rep. portal
            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ApplicationServices"].ConnectionString);
            SqlCommand    cmda       = new SqlCommand("Select aspnet_Users.UserName from aspnet_users join usersinformation on aspnet_Users.userid = usersinformation.userid where usersinformation.asocid=" + asocid, connection);
            string username = "";
            using (SqlDataReader rdr = cmda.ExecuteReader())
                if (rdr.Read())
                    username = rdr["UserName"].ToString();

            if (username.Length > 0)
                    MembershipUser User = Membership.Providers["PortalProvider"].GetUser(username, false);

                    Username.Text = User.UserName;
                    //Start generating from test date
                    for (int year = firstyear; year <= DateTime.Now.Year; year++)
                        logger.Info(string.Format("GetMostreFerma|ext call year:{0}", year));
                catch { }

        string raport_csv = "CSV_Registru_" + datatestare.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "") + "_" + fermaid + "_" + fermaname + ".csv";
        string csv_link   = path_raport_http + @"Registru/" + raport_csv;
        string csv_file   = filepath + @"Registru/" + raport_csv;

        logger.Info(string.Format("CreateReportExt|write csv file {0}", csv_file));
        CreateExcelFile(mostre, csv_file);

        logger.Info(string.Format("GetMostreFerma|processing done"));

        pdflink.Visible     = true;
        pdflink.NavigateUrl = pdf_link;
        pdflink.Text        = raport_name;

        xlslink.Visible     = true;
        xlslink.NavigateUrl = excel_link;
        xlslink.Text        = raport_excel;

        csvlink.Visible     = true;
        csvlink.NavigateUrl = csv_link;
        csvlink.Text        = raport_csv;