Пример #1
         * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
         * by <code>k</code> using the reduced <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (RTNAF)
         * method.
         * @param p The F2mPoint to multiply.
         * @param k The integer by which to multiply <code>k</code>.
         * @return <code>p</code> multiplied by <code>k</code>.
        protected override ECPoint MultiplyPositive(ECPoint point, BigInteger k)
            if (!(point is F2mPoint))
                throw new ArgumentException("Only F2mPoint can be used in WTauNafMultiplier");

            F2mPoint p     = (F2mPoint)point;
            F2mCurve curve = (F2mCurve)p.Curve;
            int      m     = curve.M;
            sbyte    a     = (sbyte)curve.A.ToBigInteger().IntValue;
            sbyte    mu    = curve.GetMu();

            BigInteger[] s = curve.GetSi();

            ZTauElement rho = Tnaf.PartModReduction(k, m, a, s, mu, (sbyte)10);

            return(MultiplyWTnaf(p, rho, curve.GetPreCompInfo(p, PRECOMP_NAME), a, mu));