Пример #1
            public static float GetClipPosition(Extrapolation extrapolation, float time, float duration)
                if (Mathf.Approximately(duration, 0.0f))

                float t = time / duration;

                switch (extrapolation)
                case Extrapolation.Loop:
                    return(Mathf.Abs(t) - Mathf.Floor(t));

                case Extrapolation.PingPong:
                    t = Mathf.Abs(t);
                    int n = Mathf.FloorToInt(t);
                    t -= (float)n;

                    if (n % 2 == 1)
                        t = 1.0f - t;


                case Extrapolation.Hold:
Пример #2
        public FixedLocalVolSurface(Date referenceDate,
                                    List <Date> dates,
                                    List <double> strikes,
                                    Matrix localVolMatrix,
                                    DayCounter dayCounter,
                                    Extrapolation lowerExtrapolation =
                                    Extrapolation upperExtrapolation =
            : base(referenceDate, null, BusinessDayConvention.Following, dayCounter)
            maxDate_            = dates.Last();
            localVolMatrix_     = localVolMatrix;
            strikes_            = new InitializedList <List <double> >(dates.Count, new List <double>(strikes));
            localVolInterpol_   = new List <Interpolation>();
            lowerExtrapolation_ = lowerExtrapolation;
            upperExtrapolation_ = upperExtrapolation;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(dates[0] >= referenceDate,
                             () => "cannot have dates[0] < referenceDate");

            times_ = new InitializedList <double>(dates.Count);
            for (int j = 0; j < times_.Count; j++)
                times_[j] = timeFromReference(dates[j]);

            setInterpolation <Linear>();
Пример #3
        public FixedLocalVolSurface(Date referenceDate,
                                    List <double> times,
                                    List <double> strikes,
                                    Matrix localVolMatrix,
                                    DayCounter dayCounter,
                                    Extrapolation lowerExtrapolation =
                                    Extrapolation upperExtrapolation =
            : base(referenceDate, null, BusinessDayConvention.Following, dayCounter)
            maxDate_            = Utils.time2Date(referenceDate, dayCounter, times.Last());
            times_              = times;
            localVolMatrix_     = localVolMatrix;
            strikes_            = new InitializedList <List <double> >(times.Count, new List <double>(strikes));
            localVolInterpol_   = new List <Interpolation>();
            lowerExtrapolation_ = lowerExtrapolation;
            upperExtrapolation_ = upperExtrapolation;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(times[0] >= 0.0,
                             () => "cannot have times[0] < 0");

            setInterpolation <Linear>();
Пример #4
 public LogLinearInterpolator(IEnumerable <Tuple <double, double> > keyPoints, Extrapolation extrapolation = Extrapolation.Natural)
     _keyPoints     = keyPoints.OrderBy(x => x.Item1).ToList();
     _extrapolation = extrapolation;
     if (!_keyPoints.Any())
         throw new PricingLibraryException("Loglinear interpolation requires at least 1 point");
     _slopes = new double[_keyPoints.Count - 1];
     for (var i = 0; i < _slopes.Length; ++i)
         _slopes[i] = (Math.Log(_keyPoints[i + 1].Item2) - Math.Log(_keyPoints[i].Item2)) / (_keyPoints[i + 1].Item1 - _keyPoints[i].Item1);
Пример #5
        public BlackVarianceSurface(Date referenceDate,
                                    Calendar calendar,
                                    List <Date> dates,
                                    List <double> strikes,
                                    Matrix blackVolMatrix,
                                    DayCounter dayCounter,
                                    Extrapolation lowerExtrapolation = Extrapolation.InterpolatorDefaultExtrapolation,
                                    Extrapolation upperExtrapolation = Extrapolation.InterpolatorDefaultExtrapolation)
            : base(referenceDate, calendar)
            dayCounter_         = dayCounter;
            maxDate_            = dates.Last();
            strikes_            = strikes;
            lowerExtrapolation_ = lowerExtrapolation;
            upperExtrapolation_ = upperExtrapolation;
            dates_        = dates;
            volatilities_ = blackVolMatrix;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(dates.Count == blackVolMatrix.columns(), () =>
                             "mismatch between date vector and vol matrix colums");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(strikes_.Count == blackVolMatrix.rows(), () =>
                             "mismatch between money-strike vector and vol matrix rows");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(dates[0] >= referenceDate, () =>
                             "cannot have dates[0] < referenceDate");

            int i, j;

            times_     = new InitializedList <double>(dates.Count + 1);
            times_[0]  = 0.0;
            variances_ = new Matrix(strikes_.Count, dates.Count + 1);
            for (i = 0; i < blackVolMatrix.rows(); i++)
                variances_[i, 0] = 0.0;
            for (j = 1; j <= blackVolMatrix.columns(); j++)
                times_[j] = timeFromReference(dates[j - 1]);
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(times_[j] > times_[j - 1],
                                 () => "dates must be sorted unique!");
                for (i = 0; i < blackVolMatrix.rows(); i++)
                    variances_[i, j] = times_[j] * blackVolMatrix[i, j - 1] * blackVolMatrix[i, j - 1];

            // default: bilinear interpolation
            setInterpolation <Bilinear>();
Пример #6
 public LinearInterpolator(Tuple <double, double>[] keyPoints,
                           Extrapolation extrapolation = Extrapolation.Flat)
     _keyPoints = keyPoints.ToList();
     if (_keyPoints.Count < 1)
         throw new PricingLibraryException("LinearInterpolator must have at least 1 point");
     _extrapolation = extrapolation;
     _integrals     = new List <double> {
     for (var i = 1; i < _keyPoints.Count; ++i)
         var dx    = _keyPoints[i].Item1 - _keyPoints[i - 1].Item1;
         var slope = (_keyPoints[i].Item2 - _keyPoints[i - 1].Item2) / dx;
         _integrals.Add(_integrals[i - 1] + dx * (_keyPoints[i - 1].Item2 + 0.5 * dx * slope));
            public void StartCameraShot(CinematicCameraShot shot, Extrapolation extrapolation, float blendTime = -1.0f, InterpolationType blendType = InterpolationType.InOutCubic)
                if (blendTime <= 0.0f)
                    _currentShot._weight = 1.0f;
                    _blendingShots       = new ShotInfo[0];
                else if (_currentShot._shot != null)
                    ArrayUtils.Add(ref _blendingShots, _currentShot);
                    _currentShot._weight    = 0.0f;
                    _currentShot._blendType = blendType;
                    _currentShotBlendSpeed  = 1.0f / blendTime;

                _currentShot._shot          = shot;
                _currentShot._extrapolation = extrapolation;
                _currentShot._time          = 0.0f;
            public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
                _trackBinding = playerData as CinematicCamera;

                if (_trackBinding == null)

                if (!_firstFrameHappened)
                    _defaultState       = _trackBinding.GetState();
                    _firstFrameHappened = true;

                int numInputs = playable.GetInputCount();

                float[] inputWeights = new float[numInputs];
                float   totalWeights = 0.0f;

                CinematicCameraState[] states = new CinematicCameraState[numInputs];

                for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
                    ScriptPlayable <CinematicCameraPlayableBehaviour> scriptPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <CinematicCameraPlayableBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                    CinematicCameraPlayableBehaviour inputBehaviour = scriptPlayable.GetBehaviour();

                    if (inputBehaviour != null && (inputBehaviour._cameraShot != null || inputBehaviour._path != null))
                        float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);

                        if (inputWeight > 0.0f)
                            TimelineClip clip = _trackAsset.GetClip(inputBehaviour._clipAsset);

                            if (clip != null)
                                double clipStart    = clip.hasPreExtrapolation ? clip.extrapolatedStart : clip.start;
                                double clipDuration = clip.hasPreExtrapolation || clip.hasPostExtrapolation ? clip.extrapolatedDuration : clip.duration;

                                if (_director.time >= clipStart && _director.time <= clipStart + clipDuration)
                                    inputWeights[i] = inputWeight;

                                    Extrapolation extrapolation = Extrapolation.Hold;

                                    if (clip.hasPreExtrapolation && _director.time < clip.start)
                                        extrapolation = GetExtrapolation(clip.preExtrapolationMode);
                                    else if (clip.hasPostExtrapolation && _director.time > clip.start + clip.duration)
                                        extrapolation = GetExtrapolation(clip.postExtrapolationMode);

                                    float timeInClip = (float)(_director.time - clip.start);

                                    //Single shot
                                    if (inputBehaviour._cameraShot != null)
                                        states[i] = inputBehaviour._cameraShot.GetState(timeInClip, (float)clip.duration);
                                    //Camera path
                                    else if (inputBehaviour._path != null)
                                        float clipPosition = CinematicCameraMixer.GetClipPosition(extrapolation, timeInClip, (float)clip.duration);
                                        float pathT        = (float)MathUtils.Interpolate(inputBehaviour._pathInterpolation, 0d, 1f, clipPosition);

                                        //Work out path position
                                        PathPosition pos = inputBehaviour._path.GetPoint(pathT);

                                        //Work out a lerp between to path nodes
                                        inputBehaviour._path.GetNodeSection(pathT, out int startNode, out int endNode, out float sectionT);

                                        //Lerp camera shot state based on the relevant section of the path
                                        GetPathNodeStateInfo(timeInClip, (float)clip.duration, inputBehaviour._path, startNode, out CinematicCameraState startNodeState, out Quaternion startNodeFromTo, out Vector3 startNodeCamFor, out Vector3 startNodeCamUp);
                                        GetPathNodeStateInfo(timeInClip, (float)clip.duration, inputBehaviour._path, endNode, out CinematicCameraState endNodeState, out Quaternion endNodeFromTo, out Vector3 endNodeCamFor, out Vector3 endNodeCamUp);

                                        Vector3 cameraForward;
                                        Vector3 cameraUp;

                                        if (sectionT <= 0f)
                                            states[i] = startNodeState;
                                            //cameraForward = startNodeFromTo * pos._pathForward;
                                            cameraForward = startNodeCamFor;
                                            cameraUp      = startNodeCamUp;
                                        else if (sectionT >= 1f)
                                            states[i] = endNodeState;
                                            //cameraForward = endNodeFromTo * pos._pathForward;
                                            cameraForward = endNodeCamFor;
                                            cameraUp      = endNodeCamUp;
                                            states[i] = CinematicCameraState.Interpolate(_trackBinding, startNodeState, endNodeState, InterpolationType.Linear, sectionT);

                                            //Work out rotation based on
                                            Quaternion cameraRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startNodeFromTo, endNodeFromTo, sectionT);
                                            cameraForward = cameraRotation * pos._pathForward;

                                            cameraForward = Vector3.Lerp(startNodeCamFor, endNodeCamFor, sectionT);
                                            cameraUp      = Vector3.Lerp(startNodeCamUp, endNodeCamUp, sectionT);

                                        //Set camera position from path pos
                                        states[i]._position = pos._pathPosition;
                                        states[i]._rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(cameraForward, cameraUp);

                                    totalWeights += inputWeights[i];

                if (totalWeights > 0.0f)
                    CinematicCameraState blendedState = _defaultState;

                    float weightAdjust = 1.0f / totalWeights;
                    bool  firstBlend   = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
                        if (inputWeights[i] > 0.0f)
                            if (firstBlend)
                                blendedState = states[i];
                                firstBlend   = false;
                                blendedState = CinematicCameraState.Interpolate(_trackBinding, blendedState, states[i], InterpolationType.Linear, inputWeights[i] * weightAdjust);

Пример #9
 public Form1()
     Extr = new Extrapolation();
     Extr.SetLogging(WriteHorizontal, WriteVertical, Log); // включаем логирование из модуля
Пример #10
        public LogCubicInterpolator(IEnumerable <Tuple <double, double> > keyPoints, Extrapolation extrapolation = Extrapolation.Natural)
            _keyPoints = keyPoints.OrderBy(x => x.Item1).ToList();

            _interpolator = new CubicHermiteMonotonicInterpolator(_keyPoints.Select(x => Tuple.Create(x.Item1, Math.Log(x.Item2))));