static int Main(string[] args) { try { args = new string[] { "{\"LST\":\"2017/03/17 00:59:00\",\"Type\":\"外表入库\"}", "{\"ConnectionString\":\"Data Source=,3433;Initial Catalog=SEMCShare;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=diting\",\"TableName\":\"T_SourceAclevel\",\"FilePath\":\"D:/SMMCDatabase/ModuleTest/DataSource/OMI/2017/20170201_104_DWD-MOHP.csv\",\"CreateTaskType\":\"MosaicLidar1\"}", "{}" }; ResolvePar resolvePar = new ResolvePar(args); ConnectionStrings = resolvePar.TryGetValue("ConnectionString"); m_Database = new Database(ConnectionStrings); string type = resolvePar.TryGetValue("Type"); DateTime LST = Convert.ToDateTime(resolvePar.TryGetValue("LST")); string tablename = resolvePar.TryGetValue("TableName"); string filename = resolvePar.TryGetValue("FilePath"); string station = "环科院站"; string city = "上海"; ScheduleTask m_ScheduleTask = new ScheduleTask(ConnectionStrings); if (type == "颗粒") { DataTable Table = ToCSV(filename, ','); foreach (DataRow row in Table.Rows) { DateTime starttime = Convert.ToDateTime(row[0]); UpdateVarDb(row, station, type, city); } } else if (type == "Hmetal") { string csvpath = resolvePar.TryGetValue("DataBasePath") + "SourceData/Hmetal/" + LST.ToString("yyyy") + "/" + LST.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "/" + LST.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ".txt"; if (File.Exists(csvpath)) { if (LST.Minute > 30) { LST = Convert.ToDateTime(LST.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00")).AddHours(1); } else { LST = Convert.ToDateTime(LST.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00")); } UpdateDb(ToCSV(csvpath, ','), type, LST, city, station); } } else if (type == "OMI") { ExternalData.m_Database = m_Database; DataTable sources = ExternalData.MonthColumnO3toDb(filename, type, station, city); foreach (DataRow row in sources.Rows) { DateTime starttime = Convert.ToDateTime(row[0]); UpdateVarDb(row, station, type, city); } } else if (type == "外表入库") { foreach (int itemid in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ITEM))) { string temptype = ((ITEM)itemid).ToString(); DateTime minmaxtime = Convert.ToDateTime(m_Database.GetFirstValue("select max(lst) from [ssta].[dbo].[" + temptype + "1]")); string strminlasttime = m_Database.GetFirstValue("select max(StartTime) from T_SuperStationmin where Type='" + temptype + "'"); if (temptype == "O3Leida") { strminlasttime = m_Database.GetFirstValue("select max(LST) from T_Lidar where Type like '" + temptype + "%'"); } string strlasttime = m_Database.GetFirstValue("select max(StartTime) from T_SuperStation where Type='" + temptype + "'"); DateTime minlasttime = minmaxtime.AddHours(-72); DateTime lasttime = Convert.ToDateTime(minmaxtime.AddHours(-72).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00")); if (strminlasttime != "") { minlasttime = Convert.ToDateTime(strminlasttime); } if (strlasttime != "") { lasttime = Convert.ToDateTime(strlasttime); } /////////// minlasttime = Convert.ToDateTime("2017/01/01 00:00:00"); minmaxtime = Convert.ToDateTime("2017/01/31 00:00:00"); DataTable timelist = m_Database.GetDataset(string.Format("select distinct lst from [ssta].[dbo].[{0}1] where lst between '{1}' and '{2}' order by lst", temptype, minlasttime, minmaxtime)).Tables[0]; for (int i = 1; i < timelist.Rows.Count; i++) { DateTime time = Convert.ToDateTime(timelist.Rows[i][0]); DataTable sources = m_Database.GetDataset(string.Format("select [parameterid] ,[value] ,[opcode] from [ssta].[dbo].[{0}1] where lst='{1}'", temptype, time)).Tables[0]; try { if (temptype == "O3Leida") { time = CorrectTime(time, 20); sources = ExternalData.O3Lidar(sources, time, temptype); InsertLidarToDB(sources, temptype, time); string CreateTaskType = resolvePar.TryGetValue("CreateTaskType"); if (CreateTaskType != null && time.Minute == 0) { var taskPro = m_ScheduleTask.taskPros.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == CreateTaskType); CreateTask.InsertTask(time, taskPro); } } else { UpdateVarDb(sources, station, temptype, time, "T_SuperStationmin"); if (temptype == "Sun") { double v = 121.43561; double latitude = 31.17599; ExternalData.m_Database = m_Database; sources = ExternalData.CalAOD(v, latitude, time, sources); UpdateVarDb(sources, station, temptype, time, "T_SuperStation"); } } } catch { } if (temptype == "Zhuoduji" || temptype == "Capsalb" || temptype == "Jvalues") { for (DateTime dtime = lasttime.AddHours(1); dtime < Convert.ToDateTime(time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00")); dtime = dtime.AddHours(1)) { string Str_SQL = "select '" + dtime + "' as [StartTime] ,'" + dtime.AddHours(1) + "' as [EndTime] ,[City] ,[Station] ,[Item] ,avg([Value]) as [Value] ,'' as [Quality] ,[Type] ,avg([DValue]) as [DValue] ,'' as [OPCode] ,'' as [LMark] ,'' as [HMark] ,'' as [State] from T_SuperStationmin where convert(varchar(13),StartTime,120)+':00:00'='" + dtime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00") + "' and Type='" + temptype + "' and [DValue] !=-99 and [Value]!=-99 group by [City] ,[Station], [Type],[Item] "; DataTable Table_Data = m_Database.GetDataset(Str_SQL).Tables[0]; if (Table_Data.Rows.Count != 0) { UpdateDb(Table_Data, type, dtime, city, station); } lasttime = dtime; } } } } } else { try { //string filename = resolvePar.TryGetValue("FilePath"); string insertsql = "insert into " + tablename + " ([Year] ,[Code] ,[ParameterID] ,[TypeCode] ,[CLType] ,[EcoCode] ,[Value]) values "; DataTable Table = ToCSV(filename, ','); int typecode = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(TypeCode), type); int i = 0; foreach (DataRow row in Table.Rows) { int year = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); city = row[1].ToString(); string province = row[2].ToString(); int code = GetCode(city, province); int cltype = -1; int ecocode = -1; for (int j = 3; j < Table.Columns.Count; j++) { if (Table.Columns[j].ColumnName.Contains("Column")) { continue; } double value = 0; try { value = Convert.ToDouble(row[j]); } catch { } int parameterid = GetParameterID(Table.Columns[j].ColumnName); insertsql += string.Format("({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}),", year, code, parameterid, typecode, cltype, ecocode, value); i++; if (i > 900) { m_Database.Execute(insertsql.Remove(insertsql.Length - 1)); insertsql = "insert into " + tablename + " ([Year] ,[Code] ,[ParameterID] ,[TypeCode] ,[CLType] ,[EcoCode] ,[Value]) values "; i = 0; } } } m_Database.Execute(insertsql.Remove(insertsql.Length - 1)); } catch { } } return(2); } catch { return(-1); } }