Пример #1
        public void TestOneOrManyString()
            const Plurality plurality = Plurality.OneOrMany;

            var clrType = typeof(string);
            var exType = new ExtendedType(clrType, plurality);
            var toString = exType.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(clrType + "[+]", toString);
Пример #2
        public void TestSingularString()
            const Plurality plurality = Plurality.Singular;

            var clrType = typeof(string);
            var exType = new ExtendedType(clrType, plurality);
            var toString = exType.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(clrType.ToString(), toString);
Пример #3
        public void TestSingularViewType()
            const Plurality plurality = Plurality.Singular;

            var clrType = typeof(string);
            var exType = new ExtendedType(clrType, plurality);
            var viewType = exType.ViewType;

            Assert.AreEqual(clrType, viewType);
Пример #4
        public void TestPluralViewType()
            const Plurality plurality = Plurality.Plural;

            var clrType = typeof(string);
            var exType = new ExtendedType(clrType, plurality);
            var viewType = exType.ViewType;

            Assert.IsTrue(clrType == viewType.GetElementType());
Пример #5
        public void Method_InstanceFuncValid()
            ExtendedType et     = typeof(ComplexOverloads <int>);
            Method       method = et.GetMethod("Add", typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int));

            Func <ComplexOverloads <int>, int, int, int> add = method.GetFunc(
                typeof(ComplexOverloads <int>),
                typeof(int)) as
                                                               Func <ComplexOverloads <int>, int, int, int>;

            int a = Random.Next();
            int b = Random.Next();

            ComplexOverloads <int> obj = new ComplexOverloads <int>();

            Assert.AreEqual(a + b, add(obj, a, b));
        public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext ctx, CultureInfo ci, object data)
            if (data == null)
            string typeName = (string)data;
            // ReSharper disable ExceptionNotDocumented
            Type result = ExtendedType.FindType(typeName, false, true);

            // ReSharper restore ExceptionNotDocumented

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
                          string.Format(Resources.SimplifiedTypeNameConverter_ConvertFrom_Unknown_Type, typeName),

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the parent object, and recursively process it's children
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="typeSupport"></param>
        /// <param name="maxDepth"></param>
        /// <param name="options">The serialization options</param>
        /// <param name="objectTree"></param>
        /// <param name="ignoreAttributes"></param>
        internal static TypeDescriptors Write(BinaryWriter writer, object obj, ExtendedType typeSupport, uint maxDepth, SerializerOptions options, ICollection <object> ignoreAttributes, out string diagnosticLog, ICollection <string> ignorePropertiesOrPaths = null)
            var currentDepth = 0;

            diagnosticLog = string.Empty;
            TypeDescriptors typeDescriptors = null;

            if (options.BitwiseHasFlag(SerializerOptions.EmbedTypes))
                typeDescriptors = new TypeDescriptors();

            var dataSettings = SerializerDataSettings.None;

            if (typeDescriptors != null)
                dataSettings |= SerializerDataSettings.TypeMap;
            if (options.BitwiseHasFlag(SerializerOptions.Compact))
                dataSettings |= SerializerDataSettings.Compact;
            if (options.BitwiseHasFlag(SerializerOptions.Compress))
                dataSettings |= SerializerDataSettings.Compress;
            // write the serializer byte 0, data settings

            var typeWriter = new TypeWriter(maxDepth, dataSettings, options, ignoreAttributes, typeDescriptors, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);

            typeWriter.WriteObject(writer, obj, typeSupport, currentDepth, string.Empty, 0);
            if (options.BitwiseHasFlag(SerializerOptions.WriteDiagnosticLog))
                diagnosticLog = typeWriter.GetDiagnosticLog();
Пример #8
        internal void WriteDictionaryType(BinaryWriter writer, long lengthStartPosition, object obj, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path)
            // write each element
            var dictionary = (IDictionary)obj;

            var          keyExtendedType           = typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.First().GetExtendedType();
            var          valueExtendedType         = typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.Skip(1).First().GetExtendedType();
            ExtendedType valueConcreteExtendedType = null;
            var          index = 0;

            foreach (DictionaryEntry item in dictionary)
                // write the key
                WriteObject(writer, item.Key, keyExtendedType, currentDepth, path, index);
                // write the value
                if (item.Value != null && valueConcreteExtendedType == null)
                    valueConcreteExtendedType = item.Value.GetType().GetExtendedType();
                WriteObject(writer, item.Value, valueConcreteExtendedType ?? valueExtendedType, currentDepth, path, index);
Пример #9
        internal object ReadObjectType(object newObj, BinaryReader reader, uint length, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path, TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor)
            // read each property into the object
            var fields = newObj.GetFields(FieldOptions.AllWritable).OrderBy(x => x.Name);

            var rootPath  = path;
            var localPath = string.Empty;

            foreach (var field in fields)
                localPath = $"{rootPath}.{field.ReflectedType.Name}.{field.Name}";
                uint dataLength        = 0;
                uint headerLength      = 0;
                var  fieldExtendedType = new ExtendedType(field.Type);

                if (fieldExtendedType.IsDelegate)

                // check for ignore attributes
                if (IgnoreObjectName(field.Name, localPath, field.CustomAttributes))
                // also check the property for ignore, if this is a auto-backing property
                if (field.BackedProperty != null && IgnoreObjectName(field.BackedProperty.Name, $"{rootPath}.{field.ReflectedType.Name}.{field.BackedPropertyName}", field.BackedProperty.CustomAttributes))

                var fieldValue = ReadObject(reader, fieldExtendedType, currentDepth, localPath, ref dataLength, ref headerLength);
                newObj.SetFieldValue(field, fieldValue);

Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if two objects match equality
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeSupport">The extended type for the left object</param>
        /// <param name="left"></param>
        /// <param name="right"></param>
        /// <param name="isObjectEqual">The result of a custom equals comparitor</param>
        /// <returns>True if object has custom equality comparitor</returns>
        private bool CompareForObjectEquality(ExtendedType typeSupport, object left, object right, out bool isObjectEqual)
            // order of precedence: IEquatable => Equals => (==)
            // if the object implements IEquatable, use it
            var hasIEquatable = typeSupport.Implements(typeof(IEquatable <>));

            if (hasIEquatable)
                var equatableMethod = typeSupport.Methods?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Equals" && x.Parameters.Any(y => y.ParameterType == typeSupport.Type));
                isObjectEqual = (bool)equatableMethod?.MethodInfo.Invoke(left, new object[] { right }) == true;
                // if the object overrides Equals(), use it
                var hasEqualsOverride = typeSupport.Methods?.Any(x => x.Name == "Equals" && x.IsOverride) == true;
                if (hasEqualsOverride)
                    isObjectEqual = left.Equals(right);
                    // if the object overrides the equality operator (==), use it
                    var hasEqualityOperator = typeSupport.Methods?.Any(x => x.Name == "op_Equality" && x.IsOperatorOverload) == true;
                    if (hasEqualityOperator)
                        var operatorMethod = typeSupport.Methods?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "op_Equality" && x.Parameters.All(y => y.ParameterType == typeSupport.Type));
                        isObjectEqual = (bool)operatorMethod?.MethodInfo.Invoke(left, new object[] { left, right }) == true;
            isObjectEqual = false;
Пример #11
        internal void WriteObjectType(BinaryWriter writer, long lengthStartPosition, object obj, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path)
            // write each element
            var fields = obj.GetFields(FieldOptions.AllWritable).OrderBy(x => x.Name);

            var rootPath  = path;
            var localPath = string.Empty;
            var index     = 0;

            foreach (var field in fields)
                localPath = $"{rootPath}.{field.ReflectedType.Name}.{field.Name}";
                var fieldExtendedType = new ExtendedType(field.Type);
                var fieldValue        = obj.GetFieldValue(field);

                if (fieldExtendedType.IsDelegate)

                // check for ignore attributes
                if (IgnoreObjectName(field.Name, localPath, field.CustomAttributes))
                // also check the property for ignore, if this is a auto-backing property
                if (field.BackedProperty != null && IgnoreObjectName(field.BackedProperty.Name, $"{rootPath}.{field.ReflectedType.Name}.{field.BackedPropertyName}", field.BackedProperty.CustomAttributes))

                WriteObject(writer, fieldValue, fieldExtendedType, currentDepth, localPath, index);
Пример #12
 public virtual T Visit(ExtendedType node)
Пример #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Field"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="extendedType">Type of the extended.</param>
 /// <param name="info">The info.</param>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 public Field([NotNull] ExtendedType extendedType, [NotNull] FieldInfo info)
     ExtendedType = extendedType;
     Info         = info;
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Property"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="extendedType">The extended type.</param>
        /// <param name="info">
        ///   The <see cref="System.Reflection.PropertyInfo">property info</see>.
        /// </param>
        internal Property([NotNull] ExtendedType extendedType, [NotNull] PropertyInfo info)
            ExtendedType = extendedType;
            Info         = info;
            _getMethod   = new Lazy <MethodInfo>(() => info.GetGetMethod(true), LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);
            _setMethod   = new Lazy <MethodInfo>(() => info.GetSetMethod(true), LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);

            // Tries to find the underlying field for an automatic property.
            _automaticField = new Lazy <Field>(
                () =>
                MethodInfo getMethod;
                MethodBody methodBody;

                // If the get/set accessor is missing or we can't retrieve the method body for the get accessor,
                // then we're not an automatic property.
                if (!info.CanRead ||
                    !info.CanWrite ||
                    ((getMethod = info.GetGetMethod()) == null) ||
                    ((methodBody = getMethod.GetMethodBody()) == null))

                // Evaluate MSIL to resolve underlying field that is accessed.
                byte[] getter = methodBody.GetILAsByteArray();
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                byte ldfld = (byte)(info.GetGetMethod().IsStatic ? OpCodes.Ldsfld : OpCodes.Ldfld).Value;
                // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
                byte[] fieldToken = getter.SkipWhile(b => b != ldfld).Skip(1).Take(4).ToArray();
                if (fieldToken.Length != 4)

                // Grab the field
                FieldInfo field;
                    Type[] typeArguments = ExtendedType.GenericArguments.Select(g => g.Type).ToArray();
                    if (typeArguments.Length < 1)
                        typeArguments = null;
                    // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                    field = info.DeclaringType.Module.ResolveField(
                        BitConverter.ToInt32(fieldToken, 0),

                // Compilers don't strictly have to add this attribute, so could relax this check, but this ensures
                // that we are indeed looking at an automatic property.
                return(field != null && field.IsDefined(typeof(CompilerGeneratedAttribute), false)
                        ? field
                        : null);
Пример #15
        internal object ReadDictionaryType(object newObj, BinaryReader reader, uint length, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path, TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor)
            // length = entire collection
            // read each element
            uint i            = 0;
            uint dataLength   = 0;
            uint headerLength = 0;

            if (typeSupport.IsGeneric && typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.Any())
                // generic IDictionary<,>
                var    genericTypes      = typeSupport.Type.GetGenericArguments().ToList();
                var    typeSupports      = genericTypes.Select(x => x.GetExtendedType()).ToList();
                var    keyExtendedType   = typeSupports.First();
                var    valueExtendedType = typeSupports.Skip(1).First();
                Type[] typeArgs          = { genericTypes[0], genericTypes[1] };

                var dictionaryType = typeof(Dictionary <,>).MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
                var newDictionary  = Activator.CreateInstance(dictionaryType) as IDictionary;

                while (i < length)
                    var key = ReadObject(reader, keyExtendedType, currentDepth, path, ref dataLength, ref headerLength);
                    // increment the size of the data read
                    i += dataLength + headerLength;
                    var value = ReadObject(reader, valueExtendedType, currentDepth, path, ref dataLength, ref headerLength);
                    // increment the size of the data read
                    i += dataLength + headerLength;
                    newDictionary.Add(key, value);

                // special case for concurrent dictionaries
                if (typeSupport.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ConcurrentDictionary <,>))
                    dictionaryType = typeof(ConcurrentDictionary <,>).MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
                    var newConcurrentDictionary = Activator.CreateInstance(dictionaryType, new object[] { newDictionary }) as IDictionary;
                    newDictionary = newConcurrentDictionary;

                // return the value
                // non-generic IDictionary
                ExtendedType extendedType;
                if (typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.Any())
                    extendedType = typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.First().GetExtendedType();
                    extendedType = typeof(object).GetExtendedType();

                var factory       = new ObjectFactory();
                var newDictionary = (IDictionary)factory.CreateEmptyObject(typeSupport);

                while (i < length)
                    var key = ReadObject(reader, extendedType, currentDepth, path, ref dataLength, ref headerLength);
                    // increment the size of the data read
                    i += dataLength + headerLength;
                    var value = ReadObject(reader, extendedType, currentDepth, path, ref dataLength, ref headerLength);
                    // increment the size of the data read
                    i += dataLength + headerLength;
                    newDictionary.Add(key, value);

                // return the value
Пример #16
        internal void WriteKeyValueType(BinaryWriter writer, long lengthStartPosition, object obj, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path)
            var          keyExtendedType           = typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.First().GetExtendedType();
            var          valueExtendedType         = typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.Skip(1).First().GetExtendedType();
            ExtendedType valueConcreteExtendedType = null;

            var key   = obj.GetPropertyValue("Key");
            var value = obj.GetPropertyValue("Value");

            // write the key
            WriteObject(writer, key, keyExtendedType, currentDepth, path, 0);
            // write the value
            valueConcreteExtendedType = value?.GetType().GetExtendedType();
            WriteObject(writer, value, valueConcreteExtendedType ?? valueExtendedType, currentDepth, path, 0);
Пример #17
        internal void WriteTupleType(BinaryWriter writer, long lengthStartPosition, object obj, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path)
            // write each element, treat a tuple as a list of objects
            var enumerable = new List <object>();

            if (typeSupport.IsValueTuple)
                enumerable = obj.GetValueTupleItemObjects();
            else if (typeSupport.IsTuple)
                enumerable = obj.GetTupleItemObjects();

            var valueExtendedTypes = typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.Select(x => x.GetExtendedType()).ToArray();
            var index = 0;

            foreach (var item in enumerable)
                WriteObject(writer, item, valueExtendedTypes[index], currentDepth, path, index);
Пример #18
        internal void WriteArrayType(BinaryWriter writer, long lengthStartPosition, object obj, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path)
            // write each element
            var arrayEnumerable = (IEnumerable)obj;
            var array           = (Array)obj;

            var          elementExtendedType         = typeSupport.ElementType.GetExtendedType();
            ExtendedType elementConcreteExtendedType = null;
            var          index = 0;
            // calculate the dimensions of the array
            var rank = (uint)array.Rank;

            // write out the total number of dimensions
            // write the length of each dimension
            for (var i = 0; i < rank; i++)
                var dimensionSize = (uint)array.GetLength(i);
            // this will flatten a multidimensional array into a single list of values
            // we will need to know the dimensions (above) in order to restore it
            foreach (var item in arrayEnumerable)
                if (item != null && elementConcreteExtendedType is null)
                    elementConcreteExtendedType = item.GetType().GetExtendedType();
                WriteObject(writer, item, elementConcreteExtendedType ?? elementExtendedType, currentDepth, path, index);
Пример #19
 public void ExtendedTypeConstructorTest()
     ExtendedTypes type = new ExtendedTypes(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     ExtendedType target = new ExtendedType(type);
     Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Read an object recursively
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="typeSupport">Type type of object being read</param>
        /// <param name="customSerializers"></param>
        /// <param name="currentDepth"></param>
        /// <param name="maxDepth"></param>
        /// <param name="objectReferences"></param>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <param name="ignoreAttributes"></param>
        /// <param name="typeRegistry"></param>
        /// <param name="typeDescriptors"></param>
        /// <param name="typeDescriptor"></param>
        /// <param name="dataLength"></param>
        /// <param name="headerLength"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal object ReadObject(BinaryReader reader, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path, ref uint dataLength, ref uint headerLength)
            var arrayDimensions = new List <int>();
            var arrayRank       = 0;

            dataLength   = 0;
            headerLength = 0;

            // increment the current recursion depth

            // ensure we don't go too deep if specified
            if (_maxDepth > 0 && currentDepth >= _maxDepth)

            // drop any objects we are ignoring by attribute
            if (typeSupport.Attributes.Any(x => _ignoreAttributes.Contains(x)))

            // for delegate types, return null
            if (typeSupport.IsDelegate)

            // read the object type
            var objectTypeByte = reader.ReadByte();

            headerLength += Constants.TypeHeaderSize;
            var isTypeDescriptorMap = TypeUtil.IsTypeDescriptorMap((TypeId)objectTypeByte);
            var isTypeMapped        = TypeUtil.IsTypeMapped((TypeId)objectTypeByte);
            var isNullValue         = TypeUtil.IsNullValue((TypeId)objectTypeByte);
            var objectTypeId        = TypeUtil.GetTypeId(objectTypeByte);

            // read the length prefix (minus the length field itself)
            if (_dataSettings.BitwiseHasFlag(SerializerDataSettings.Compact))
                dataLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
                dataLength = reader.ReadUInt32();
            var  actualDataRemaining   = reader.BaseStream.Length - reader.BaseStream.Position;
            uint expectedDataRemaining = 0;

            if (dataLength > 0)
                if (_dataSettings.BitwiseHasFlag(SerializerDataSettings.Compact))
                    dataLength   -= Constants.CompactLengthHeaderSize;
                    headerLength += Constants.CompactLengthHeaderSize;
                    dataLength   -= Constants.LengthHeaderSize;
                    headerLength += Constants.LengthHeaderSize;
                expectedDataRemaining = dataLength + Constants.ObjectReferenceIdSize;

            if (expectedDataRemaining > actualDataRemaining)
                throw new DataFormatException($"The object length read ({dataLength}) for type {objectTypeId} at path {path} cannot exceed the remaining size ({actualDataRemaining}) of the stream!");

            if (isTypeDescriptorMap)
                // process a type descriptor map, then continue
                _typeDescriptors = GetTypeDescriptorMap(reader, dataLength);
                return(ReadObject(reader, typeSupport, currentDepth, path, ref dataLength, ref headerLength));

            // read in the object reference id
            var objectReferenceId = reader.ReadUInt16();

            headerLength += Constants.ObjectReferenceIdSize;

            // only interfaces can store type descriptors
            TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = null;

            if (_typeDescriptors?.Types.Any() == true && isTypeMapped)
                // type descriptors are embedded, read in the type
                var typeId = reader.ReadUInt16();
                headerLength  += Constants.ObjectTypeDescriptorId;
                typeDescriptor = _typeDescriptors.GetTypeDescriptor(typeId);

            // an null value was written
            if (dataLength == 0 && isNullValue)

            // do we already have this object as a reference?
            if (!_options.BitwiseHasFlag(SerializerOptions.DisableReferenceTracking))
                if (_objectReferences.ContainsKey(objectReferenceId))
                    var reference = _objectReferences[objectReferenceId];
                    if (reference != null)
                        // if the types are a match, allow using it as a reference
                        var referenceType = reference.GetType();
                        if (typeDescriptor != null)
                            var typeDescriptorType = Type.GetType(typeDescriptor.FullName);
                            if (referenceType == typeDescriptorType)
                            if (referenceType == typeSupport.Type)

            // if it's an array, read it's dimensions before we create a new object for it
            uint arrayStartPosition = 0;

            if (objectTypeId == TypeId.Array)
                // number of dimensions
                arrayRank           = (int)reader.ReadUInt32();
                arrayStartPosition += sizeof(uint);
                // length of each dimension
                for (var i = 0; i < arrayRank; i++)
                    arrayStartPosition += sizeof(uint);

                if (dataLength == 0)
                    // an empty initialized object was written
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeDescriptor?.FullName))
                        return(_objectFactory.CreateEmptyObject(typeDescriptor.FullName, _typeRegistry));
                    return(_objectFactory.CreateEmptyObject(typeSupport.Type, _typeRegistry));
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                throw new DataFormatException($"[{path}] {ex.Message}", ex);

            // get the type support object for this object type
            ExtendedType objectExtendedType = null;

            if (objectTypeId != TypeId.Struct)
                objectExtendedType = TypeUtil.GetType(objectTypeId).GetExtendedType();

                // does this object map to something expected?
                if (!TypeUtil.GetTypeId(objectExtendedType).Equals(objectTypeId))
                    throw new DataFormatException($"Serialized data wants to map {objectTypeId} to {typeSupport.Type.Name}, invalid data.");

            object newObj = null;
            // for arrays, we need to pass the dimensions of the desired arrays
            var destinationTypeSupport = typeSupport;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeDescriptor?.FullName))
                    newObj = _objectFactory.CreateEmptyObject(typeDescriptor.FullName, _typeRegistry, arrayDimensions);
                    destinationTypeSupport = Type.GetType(typeDescriptor.FullName).GetExtendedType();
                    // if the destination type is a generic object, but we know its a more specific type then swap types
                    if (destinationTypeSupport.Type == typeof(object) && objectExtendedType != typeof(object))
                        newObj = _objectFactory.CreateEmptyObject(objectExtendedType.Type, _typeRegistry, arrayDimensions);
                        destinationTypeSupport = objectExtendedType;
                        // standard case of create object as intended
                        newObj = _objectFactory.CreateEmptyObject(destinationTypeSupport, _typeRegistry, arrayDimensions);
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                throw new DataFormatException($"[{path}] {ex.Message}", ex);

            // custom types support
            var objectDataLength = dataLength;
            var @switch          = new Dictionary <Type, Func <object> >
                { typeof(XDocument), () => { return(ReadValueType(reader, objectDataLength, destinationTypeSupport, currentDepth, path)); } },

            if (@switch.ContainsKey(destinationTypeSupport.Type))
                newObj = @switch[destinationTypeSupport.Type]();
                switch (objectTypeId)
                case TypeId.Object:
                    newObj = ReadObjectType(newObj, reader, dataLength, destinationTypeSupport, currentDepth, path, typeDescriptor);

                case TypeId.Struct:
                    newObj = ReadStructType(newObj, reader, dataLength, destinationTypeSupport, currentDepth, path, typeDescriptor);

                case TypeId.Array:
                    newObj = ReadArrayType(newObj, reader, dataLength, destinationTypeSupport, currentDepth, path, typeDescriptor, arrayStartPosition);

                case TypeId.IDictionary:
                    newObj = ReadDictionaryType(newObj, reader, dataLength, destinationTypeSupport, currentDepth, path, typeDescriptor);

                case TypeId.IEnumerable:
                    newObj = ReadEnumerableType(newObj, reader, dataLength, destinationTypeSupport, currentDepth, path, typeDescriptor);

                case TypeId.KeyValuePair:
                    newObj = ReadKeyValueType(newObj, reader, dataLength, destinationTypeSupport, currentDepth, path, typeDescriptor);

                case TypeId.Enum:
                    newObj = ReadValueType(reader, dataLength, typeof(Enum).GetExtendedType(), currentDepth, path);

                case TypeId.Tuple:
                    newObj = ReadTupleType(newObj, reader, dataLength, destinationTypeSupport, currentDepth, path, typeDescriptor);

                    newObj = ReadValueType(reader, dataLength, destinationTypeSupport, currentDepth, path);

            // store the object reference id in the object reference map
            if (!_objectReferences.ContainsKey(objectReferenceId))
                _objectReferences.Add(objectReferenceId, newObj);

Пример #21
        internal Array ReadArrayType(object newObj, BinaryReader reader, uint length, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path, TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor, uint arrayStartPosition)
            // length = entire collection
            // read each element, starting from the position after the rank/dimension information is read
            uint i                   = arrayStartPosition;
            uint dataLength          = 0;
            uint headerLength        = 0;
            var  elementExtendedType = typeSupport.ElementType.GetExtendedType();
            var  array               = (Array)newObj;
            var  arrayRank           = array.Rank;
            var  arrayDimensions     = new List <int>();

            for (var dimension = 0; dimension < arrayRank; dimension++)
            var flatRowIndex = 0;

            while (i < length)
                var element = ReadObject(reader, elementExtendedType, currentDepth, path, ref dataLength, ref headerLength);
                // increment the size of the data read
                i += dataLength + headerLength;
                // performance optimization, skip dimensional processing if it's a 1d array
                if (arrayRank > 1)
                    // this is an optimized multi-dimensional array reconstruction
                    // based on the formula: indicies.Add((i / (arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 1] * arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 2] * arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 3] * arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 4] * arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 5])) % arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 6]);
                    var indicies = new List <int>();
                    for (var r = 1; r <= arrayRank; r++)
                        var multi = 1;
                        for (var p = 1; p < r; p++)
                            multi *= arrayDimensions[arrayRank - p];
                        var b = (flatRowIndex / multi) % arrayDimensions[arrayRank - r];
                    // set element of multi-dimensional array
                    array.SetValue(element, indicies.ToArray());
                    // set element of 1d array
                    array.SetValue(element, flatRowIndex);
Пример #22
        internal object ReadEnumerableType(object newObj, BinaryReader reader, uint length, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path, TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor)
            // length = entire collection
            // read each element
            uint i            = 0;
            uint dataLength   = 0;
            uint headerLength = 0;

            // determine what this enumerable enumerates (it's not necessarily the generic argument of the class)
            Type         genericType;
            ExtendedType genericExtendedType;
            // if it's a custom class that implements IEnumerable generically, get it's type argument
            var enumerableInterface = typeSupport.Interfaces.Where(x => x.IsGenericType && x.Name == "IEnumerable`1").FirstOrDefault();

            if (enumerableInterface != null)
                genericType         = enumerableInterface.GetGenericArguments().FirstOrDefault();
                genericExtendedType = genericType.GetExtendedType();
                // use the generic type from the class directly
                genericType         = typeSupport.Type.GetGenericArguments().First();
                genericExtendedType = genericType.GetExtendedType();

            var addMethod = typeSupport.Type.GetMethod("Add");

            if (addMethod == null)
                addMethod = typeSupport.Type.GetMethod("Push");
            if (addMethod == null)
                addMethod = typeSupport.Type.GetMethod("Enqueue");
            if (addMethod == null)
                throw new DataFormatException($"TypeReader does not know how to add items to this enumerable: {typeSupport.Type}");

            while (i < length)
                var element = ReadObject(reader, genericExtendedType, currentDepth, path, ref dataLength, ref headerLength);
                // increment the size of the data read
                i += dataLength + headerLength;
                addMethod.Invoke(newObj, new[] { element });
Пример #23
        internal object ReadObjectType(object newObj, BinaryReader reader, uint length, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path, TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor)
            // read each property into the object
            var fields = newObj.GetFields(FieldOptions.AllWritable).OrderBy(x => x.Name);

            var rootPath  = path;
            var localPath = string.Empty;

            foreach (var field in fields)
                localPath = $"{rootPath}.{field.ReflectedType.Name}.{field.Name}";
                uint dataLength        = 0;
                uint headerLength      = 0;
                var  fieldExtendedType = field.Type;

                if (fieldExtendedType.IsDelegate)

                // check for ignore attributes
                if (IgnoreObjectName(field.Name, localPath, field.CustomAttributes))
                // also check the property for ignore, if this is a auto-backing property
                if (field.BackedProperty != null && IgnoreObjectName(field.BackedProperty.Name, $"{rootPath}.{field.ReflectedType.Name}.{field.BackedPropertyName}", field.BackedProperty.CustomAttributes))

                var fieldValue = ReadObject(reader, fieldExtendedType, currentDepth, localPath, ref dataLength, ref headerLength);
                    newObj.SetFieldValue(field, fieldValue);
                catch (FieldAccessException)
                    // .net core 3.0+ no longer allows you to set values on static initializers
                    // see https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/11571 & https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/pull/20886

Пример #24
        internal object ReadKeyValueType(object newObj, BinaryReader reader, uint length, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path, TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor)
            uint dataLength        = 0;
            uint headerLength      = 0;
            var  genericTypes      = typeSupport.Type.GetGenericArguments().ToList();
            var  typeSupports      = genericTypes.Select(x => x.GetExtendedType()).ToList();
            var  keyExtendedType   = typeSupports.First();
            var  valueExtendedType = typeSupports.Skip(1).First();

            var key   = ReadObject(reader, keyExtendedType, currentDepth, path, ref dataLength, ref headerLength);
            var value = ReadObject(reader, valueExtendedType, currentDepth, path, ref dataLength, ref headerLength);

            newObj.SetFieldValue("key", key);
            newObj.SetFieldValue("value", value);

            // return the kvp
Пример #25
        internal void WriteValueType(BinaryWriter writer, long lengthStartPosition, object obj, ExtendedType typeSupport)
            var @switch = new Dictionary <Type, Action> {
                { typeof(bool), () => writer.Write((bool)obj) },
                { typeof(byte), () => writer.Write((byte)obj) },
                { typeof(sbyte), () => writer.Write((sbyte)obj) },
                { typeof(short), () => writer.Write((short)obj) },
                { typeof(ushort), () => writer.Write((ushort)obj) },
                { typeof(int), () => writer.Write((int)obj) },
                { typeof(uint), () => writer.Write((uint)obj) },
                { typeof(long), () => writer.Write((long)obj) },
                { typeof(ulong), () => writer.Write((ulong)obj) },
                { typeof(float), () => writer.Write((float)obj) },
                { typeof(double), () => writer.Write((double)obj) },
                { typeof(decimal), () => writer.Write((decimal)obj) },
                { typeof(Enum), () =>
                      var bytes = _customSerializers[typeof(Enum)].Value.Serialize((Enum)obj);
                  } },
                { typeof(XDocument), () =>
                      var bytes = _customSerializers[typeof(XDocument)].Value.Serialize((XDocument)obj);
                  } },
                { typeof(string), () =>
                  } },
                { typeof(char), () => writer.Write((char)obj) },
                { typeof(IntPtr), () =>
                  } },
                { typeof(Guid), () => writer.Write(((Guid)obj).ToByteArray()) },
                { typeof(DateTime), () => writer.Write(((DateTime)obj).ToBinary()) },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), () => writer.Write(((TimeSpan)obj).Ticks) },
                { typeof(Point), () =>
                      var bytes = _customSerializers[typeof(Point)].Value.Serialize((Point)obj);
                  } },

            // write the type bytes. If the value is null, don't write it and it will receive a zero length instruction
            if (obj != null)
Пример #26
        private void RegisterHierarchy(Type entityType, string name)
            if (_entityMaps.ContainsKey(name))

            var properties       = entityType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            var propertyMappings = new Dictionary <string, IPropertyMap>();
            var propertyMapType  = typeof(PropertyMap <>);

            var relationTypes = new List <Type>();

            foreach (var property in properties.Where(p => p.CanRead && p.CanWrite).OrderBy(p => p.Name))
                if (!propertyMappings.ContainsKey(property.Name))
                    var genericPropertyMapType = propertyMapType.MakeGenericType(property.PropertyType);
                    var propertyIndex          = propertyMappings.Count + 1;
                    var propertyMap            = (IPropertyMap)Activator.CreateInstance(genericPropertyMapType, property, propertyIndex);
                    propertyMappings.Add(property.Name, propertyMap);

                    var extended = new ExtendedType(property.PropertyType);
                    if (extended.Classification == TypeClassification.Collection)
                        var collectionInfo      = extended.Container.AsCollection();
                        var extendedElementType = new ExtendedType(collectionInfo.ElementType);
                        if (extendedElementType.Classification == TypeClassification.Complex)
                    else if (extended.Classification == TypeClassification.Dictionary)
                        var dictionaryInfo  = extended.Container.AsDictionary();
                        var extendedKeyType = new ExtendedType(dictionaryInfo.KeyType);
                        if (extendedKeyType.Classification == TypeClassification.Complex)

                        var extendedValueType = new ExtendedType(dictionaryInfo.ValueType);
                        if (extendedValueType.Classification == TypeClassification.Complex)
                    else if (extended.Classification == TypeClassification.Complex)

            var entityMap = EntityMap.Create(entityType, propertyMappings.Values, new IIndex[] {});

            if (propertyMappings.ContainsKey("Id"))
                entityMap.KeyName = "Id";
            else if (propertyMappings.ContainsKey("ID"))
                entityMap.KeyName = "ID";
            else if (propertyMappings.ContainsKey(entityType.Name + "Id"))
                entityMap.KeyName = entityType.Name + "Id";
            else if (propertyMappings.ContainsKey(entityType.Name + "ID"))
                entityMap.KeyName = entityType.Name + "ID";
            else if (propertyMappings.ContainsKey("Guid"))
                entityMap.KeyName = "Guid";
            else if (propertyMappings.ContainsKey("GUID"))
                entityMap.KeyName = "GUID";

            _entityMaps.Add(name, entityMap);

            foreach (var relationType in relationTypes)
Пример #27
 private TypeReflectionContext(Type type, ITypeProvider provider)
     _type       = type;
     _extended   = provider.Extend(type);
     _properties = new Lazy <IList <PropertyReflectionContext> >(() => ParseProperties(type, provider));
Пример #28
        internal void WriteEnumerableType(BinaryWriter writer, long lengthStartPosition, object obj, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path)
            // write each element
            var enumerable = (IEnumerable)obj;

            // special case for stack types, write the data in reverse order
            if (typeSupport.IsGeneric)
                if (typeSupport.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ConcurrentBag <>) ||
                    typeSupport.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ConcurrentStack <>) ||
                    typeSupport.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Stack <>)
                    enumerable = Enumerable.Reverse((IEnumerable <object>)obj);

            var          elementExtendedType         = typeSupport.ElementType.GetExtendedType();
            ExtendedType elementConcreteExtendedType = null;
            var          index = 0;

            foreach (var item in enumerable)
                if (item != null && elementConcreteExtendedType is null)
                    elementConcreteExtendedType = item.GetType().GetExtendedType();
                WriteObject(writer, item, elementConcreteExtendedType ?? elementExtendedType, currentDepth, path, index);
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// (Recursive) Recursive function that inspects an object and its properties/fields and clones it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceObject">The object to clone</param>
        /// <param name="currentDepth">The current tree depth</param>
        /// <param name="maxDepth">The max tree depth</param>
        /// <param name="options">The cloning options</param>
        /// <param name="objectTree">The object tree to prevent cyclical references</param>
        /// <param name="path">The current path being traversed</param>
        /// <param name="ignorePropertiesOrPaths">A list of properties or paths to ignore</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object InspectAndCopy(object sourceObject, int currentDepth, int maxDepth, CloneOptions options, IDictionary <int, object> objectTree, string path, ICollection <string> ignorePropertiesOrPaths)
            if (IgnoreObjectName(null, path, options, ignorePropertiesOrPaths))

            if (sourceObject == null)

            // ensure we don't go too deep if specified
            if (maxDepth > 0 && currentDepth >= maxDepth)

            var typeSupport = new ExtendedType(sourceObject.GetType(), _defaultTypeSupportOptions);

            // always return the original value on value types
            if (typeSupport.IsValueType)

            // drop any objects we are ignoring by attribute
            if (typeSupport.Attributes.Any(x => _ignoreAttributes.Contains(x)) && options.BitwiseHasFlag(CloneOptions.DisableIgnoreAttributes))

            // for delegate types, copy them by reference rather than returning null
            if (typeSupport.IsDelegate)

            object newObject = null;

            // create a new empty object of the desired type
            if (typeSupport.IsArray)
                var sourceArray = sourceObject as Array;
                // calculate the dimensions of the array
                var arrayRank = sourceArray.Rank;
                // get the length of each dimension
                var arrayDimensions = new List <int>();
                for (var dimension = 0; dimension < arrayRank; dimension++)
                newObject = _objectFactory.CreateEmptyObject(typeSupport.Type, default(TypeRegistry), arrayDimensions.ToArray());
            else if (typeSupport.Type == typeof(string))
                // copy the item directly
                newObject = String.Copy((string)sourceObject);
                newObject = _objectFactory.CreateEmptyObject(typeSupport.Type);

            if (newObject == null)

            // increment the current recursion depth

            // construct a hashtable of objects we have already inspected (simple recursion loop preventer)
            // we use this hashcode method as it does not use any custom hashcode handlers the object might implement
            if (sourceObject != null && !typeSupport.IsValueType)
                var hashCode = System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(sourceObject);
                if (objectTree.ContainsKey(hashCode))

                // ensure we can refer back to the reference for this object
                objectTree.Add(hashCode, newObject);

            // clone a dictionary's key/values
            if (typeSupport.IsDictionary && typeSupport.IsGeneric)
                var    genericType = typeSupport.Type.GetGenericArguments().ToList();
                Type[] typeArgs    = { genericType[0], genericType[1] };

                var listType      = typeof(Dictionary <,>).MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
                var newDictionary = Activator.CreateInstance(listType) as IDictionary;
                newObject = newDictionary;
                var iDictionary = (IDictionary)sourceObject;
                var success     = false;
                var retryCount  = 0;
                while (!success && retryCount < 10)
                        foreach (DictionaryEntry item in iDictionary)
                            var key   = InspectAndCopy(item.Key, currentDepth, maxDepth, options, objectTree, path, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);
                            var value = InspectAndCopy(item.Value, currentDepth, maxDepth, options, objectTree, path, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);
                            newDictionary.Add(key, value);
                        success = true;
                    catch (InvalidOperationException)
                        // if the collection was modified during enumeration, stop re-initialize and retry
                        success = false;
            else if (typeSupport.IsEnumerable && !typeSupport.IsArray)
                // clone an enumerables' elements
                var addMethod = typeSupport.Type.GetMethod("Add");
                if (addMethod == null)
                    addMethod = typeSupport.Type.GetMethod("Enqueue");
                if (addMethod == null)
                    addMethod = typeSupport.Type.GetMethod("Push");
                if (addMethod == null)
                    throw new TypeException($"Unsupported IEnumerable type: {typeSupport.Type.Name}");
                var enumerator = (IEnumerable)sourceObject;
                var success    = false;
                var retryCount = 0;
                while (!success && retryCount < 10)
                        foreach (var item in enumerator)
                            var element = InspectAndCopy(item, currentDepth, maxDepth, options, objectTree, path, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);
                            addMethod.Invoke(newObject, new[] { element });
                        success = true;
                    catch (InvalidOperationException)
                        // if the collection was modified during enumeration, stop re-initialize and retry
                        success = false;
                        var clearMethod = typeSupport.Type.GetMethod("Clear");
                        clearMethod?.Invoke(newObject, null);

            // clone an arrays' elements
            if (typeSupport.IsArray)
                var sourceArray     = sourceObject as Array;
                var newArray        = newObject as Array;
                var arrayRank       = newArray.Rank;
                var arrayDimensions = new List <int>();
                for (var dimension = 0; dimension < arrayRank; dimension++)
                var flatRowIndex = 0;
                foreach (var row in sourceArray)
                    var newElement = InspectAndCopy(row, currentDepth, maxDepth, options, objectTree, path, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);
                    // performance optimization, skip dimensional processing if it's a 1d array
                    if (arrayRank > 1)
                        // this is an optimized multi-dimensional array reconstruction
                        // based on the formula: indicies.Add((i / (arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 1] * arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 2] * arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 3] * arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 4] * arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 5])) % arrayDimensions[arrayRank - 6]);
                        var indicies = new List <int>();
                        for (var r = 1; r <= arrayRank; r++)
                            var multi = 1;
                            for (var p = 1; p < r; p++)
                                multi *= arrayDimensions[arrayRank - p];
                            var b = (flatRowIndex / multi) % arrayDimensions[arrayRank - r];
                        // set element of multi-dimensional array
                        newArray.SetValue(newElement, indicies.ToArray());
                        // set element of 1d array
                        newArray.SetValue(newElement, flatRowIndex);

            var fields = sourceObject.GetFields(FieldOptions.AllWritable);

            var rootPath  = path;
            var localPath = string.Empty;

            // clone and recurse fields
            if (newObject != null)
                foreach (var field in fields)
                    localPath = $"{rootPath}.{field.Name}";
                    if (IgnoreObjectName(field.Name, localPath, options, ignorePropertiesOrPaths, field.CustomAttributes))
                    // also check the property for ignore, if this is a auto-backing property
                    if (field.BackedProperty != null && IgnoreObjectName(field.BackedProperty.Name, $"{rootPath}.{field.BackedPropertyName}", options, ignorePropertiesOrPaths, field.BackedProperty.CustomAttributes))
                    var fieldTypeSupport = new ExtendedType(field.Type, _defaultTypeSupportOptions);
                    var fieldValue       = sourceObject.GetFieldValue(field);
                    if (fieldTypeSupport.IsValueType || fieldTypeSupport.IsImmutable)
                        newObject.SetFieldValue(field, fieldValue);
                    else if (fieldValue != null)
                        var clonedFieldValue = InspectAndCopy(fieldValue, currentDepth, maxDepth, options, objectTree, localPath, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);
                        newObject.SetFieldValue(field, clonedFieldValue);

Пример #30
        internal void WriteDictionaryType(BinaryWriter writer, long lengthStartPosition, object obj, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path)
            // write each element
            var dictionary = (IDictionary)obj;

            // determine the generic iterator type
            var isDictionaryEntry = dictionary.OfType <DictionaryEntry>().Any();
            var isKvp             = dictionary.OfType <KeyValuePair <object, object> >().Any();

            // if neither was determined (possibly because of no data) assume DictionaryEntry
            if (!isDictionaryEntry && !isKvp)
                isDictionaryEntry = true;

            if (typeSupport.IsGeneric && typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.Any())
                // generic IDictionary<,>
                var          keyExtendedType           = typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.First().GetExtendedType();
                var          valueExtendedType         = typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.Skip(1).First().GetExtendedType();
                ExtendedType valueConcreteExtendedType = null;
                var          index = 0;
                if (isDictionaryEntry)
                    // iterate DictionaryEntry of objects
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry item in dictionary)
                        // write the key
                        WriteObject(writer, item.Key, keyExtendedType, currentDepth, path, index);
                        // write the value
                        if (item.Value != null && valueConcreteExtendedType is null)
                            valueConcreteExtendedType = item.Value.GetType().GetExtendedType();
                        WriteObject(writer, item.Value, valueConcreteExtendedType ?? valueExtendedType, currentDepth, path, index);
                else if (isKvp)
                    // this scenario isn't supported. Shouldn't be possible when using generics
                // non-generic IDictionary
                ExtendedType extendedType;
                if (typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.Any())
                    extendedType = typeSupport.GenericArgumentTypes.First().GetExtendedType();
                    extendedType = typeof(object).GetExtendedType();
                var index = 0;

                if (isDictionaryEntry)
                    // iterate DictionaryEntry of objects
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry item in dictionary)
                        // write the key
                        WriteObject(writer, item.Key, item.Key.GetExtendedType(), currentDepth, path, index);
                        // write the value
                        WriteObject(writer, item.Value, item.Value.GetExtendedType(), currentDepth, path, index);
                else if (isKvp)
                    // iterate KeyValuePair of objects
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <object, object> item in dictionary)
                        // write the key
                        WriteObject(writer, item.Key, item.Key.GetExtendedType(), currentDepth, path, index);
                        // write the value
                        WriteObject(writer, item.Value, item.Value.GetExtendedType(), currentDepth, path, index);
Пример #31
 public override bool Visit(ExtendedType node)
Пример #32
        internal long WriteObject(BinaryWriter writer, object obj, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path, int index)
            // increment the current recursion depth

            var    isTypeMapped   = false;
            TypeId objectTypeId   = TypeId.None;
            var    newTypeSupport = typeSupport;

                objectTypeId = TypeUtil.GetTypeId(newTypeSupport);
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"[{path}] {ex.Message}", ex);

            // if the object type is not a concrete type, indicate so in the type mask
            isTypeMapped = _typeDescriptors != null && !newTypeSupport.IsConcreteType;
            // also resolve the concrete type as it may require being typemapped
            if (_typeDescriptors != null && newTypeSupport.ConcreteType != null && newTypeSupport.Type != newTypeSupport.ConcreteType && !newTypeSupport.IsConcreteType)
                // a special condition for writing anonymous types and types without implementation or concrete type
                newTypeSupport = newTypeSupport.ConcreteType.GetExtendedType();
                isTypeMapped   = true;
                objectTypeId   = TypeUtil.GetTypeId(newTypeSupport);

            // if we couldn't resolve a concrete type, don't map it
            if (isTypeMapped && newTypeSupport.Type == typeof(object))
                isTypeMapped = false;

            byte objectTypeIdByte = (byte)objectTypeId;

            // if the object is null, indicate so in the type mask
            if (obj == null)
                objectTypeIdByte |= (byte)TypeId.NullValue;
            if (isTypeMapped)
                objectTypeIdByte |= (byte)TypeId.TypeMapped;

            // write the object type being serialized in position 0x00

            // make a note of where this object starts, so we can populate the length header later
            var lengthStartPosition = writer.BaseStream.Position;

            // make room for the length prefix and object reference id
            if (_dataSettings.BitwiseHasFlag(SerializerDataSettings.Compact))
                writer.Seek((int)(Constants.CompactLengthHeaderSize + Constants.ObjectReferenceIdSize + (int)writer.BaseStream.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                writer.Seek((int)(Constants.LengthHeaderSize + Constants.ObjectReferenceIdSize + (int)writer.BaseStream.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // write the optional type descriptor id - only interfaces can store type descriptors
            var    containsTypeDescriptorId = false;
            ushort typeDescriptorId         = 0;

            if (isTypeMapped)
                typeDescriptorId = _typeDescriptors.AddKnownType(newTypeSupport);
                containsTypeDescriptorId = true;

            // construct a hashtable of objects we have already inspected (simple recursion loop preventer)
            // we use this hashcode method as it does not use any custom hashcode handlers the object might implement
            ushort objectReferenceId = 0;
            bool   alreadyMapped     = false;
            var    hashCode          = System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(obj);

            if (obj != null && !_options.BitwiseHasFlag(SerializerOptions.DisableReferenceTracking))
                alreadyMapped = _referenceTracker.ContainsHashcode(hashCode, obj.GetType());
                // if we already wrote this object, we want to write a reference to it in the data
                if (alreadyMapped)
                    objectReferenceId = _referenceTracker.GetObjectReferenceId(hashCode, obj.GetType());
            if (hashCode != 0 && !alreadyMapped)
                if (!_options.BitwiseHasFlag(SerializerOptions.DisableReferenceTracking))
                    // ensure we can refer back to the reference for this object
                    objectReferenceId = _referenceTracker.AddObject(hashCode, obj);

                // custom types support
                var @switch = new Dictionary <Type, Action>
                    { typeof(XDocument), () => WriteValueType(writer, lengthStartPosition, obj, newTypeSupport) },

                if (@switch.ContainsKey(newTypeSupport.Type))
                    switch (objectTypeId)
                    case TypeId.Object:
                        WriteObjectType(writer, lengthStartPosition, obj, newTypeSupport, currentDepth, path);

                    case TypeId.Struct:
                        WriteStructType(writer, lengthStartPosition, obj, newTypeSupport, currentDepth, path);

                    case TypeId.Array:
                        WriteArrayType(writer, lengthStartPosition, obj, newTypeSupport, currentDepth, path);

                    case TypeId.IDictionary:
                        WriteDictionaryType(writer, lengthStartPosition, obj, newTypeSupport, currentDepth, path);

                    case TypeId.IEnumerable:
                        WriteEnumerableType(writer, lengthStartPosition, obj, newTypeSupport, currentDepth, path);

                    case TypeId.KeyValuePair:
                        WriteKeyValueType(writer, lengthStartPosition, obj, newTypeSupport, currentDepth, path);

                    case TypeId.Tuple:
                        WriteTupleType(writer, lengthStartPosition, obj, newTypeSupport, currentDepth, path);

                    case TypeId.Enum:
                        WriteValueType(writer, lengthStartPosition, obj, typeof(Enum).GetExtendedType());

                        WriteValueType(writer, lengthStartPosition, obj, newTypeSupport);

            var currentPosition = writer.BaseStream.Position;
            // write the length header at the start of this object, excluding the objectReferenceId at the end
            var dataLength = (int)(writer.BaseStream.Position - lengthStartPosition - sizeof(ushort));

            // if we wrote a typeDescriptorId, that doesn't apply to the dataLength
            if (containsTypeDescriptorId)
                dataLength -= (int)Constants.ObjectTypeDescriptorId;
            WriteDebugBuilder(writer.BaseStream.Position, typeSupport, objectTypeId, currentDepth, path, index, dataLength, objectReferenceId, typeDescriptorId, hashCode);
            writer.Seek((int)lengthStartPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            if (_dataSettings.BitwiseHasFlag(SerializerDataSettings.Compact))
                if (dataLength > ushort.MaxValue)
                    throw new ExceedsMaxSizeException($"The object type '{newTypeSupport.Type}' serializes to a data size '{dataLength}' which is greater than supported for Compact mode (max: '{ushort.MaxValue}')");
            // write the object reference Id from the object tree.
            // this is used so we don't have to serialize objects already in the data, we can just reference it's id
            // reset the position to current
            writer.Seek((int)currentPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);

Пример #33
        internal object ReadTupleType(object newObj, BinaryReader reader, uint length, ExtendedType typeSupport, int currentDepth, string path, TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor)
            // length = entire collection
            // read each element, treat a tuple as a list of objects
            uint i            = 0;
            uint dataLength   = 0;
            uint headerLength = 0;
            var  genericTypes = typeSupport.Type.GetGenericArguments().ToList();
            var  typeSupports = genericTypes.Select(x => x.GetExtendedType()).ToList();
            Type tupleType    = null;

            if (typeSupport.IsValueTuple)
                tupleType = TypeSupport.Extensions.TupleExtensions.CreateValueTuple(typeSupports.Select(x => x.Type).ToList());
                tupleType = TypeSupport.Extensions.TupleExtensions.CreateTuple(typeSupports.Select(x => x.Type).ToList());
            object newTuple = null;

            if (typeDescriptor != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeDescriptor.FullName))
                newTuple = new ObjectFactory().CreateEmptyObject(typeDescriptor.FullName, _typeRegistry);
                newTuple = new ObjectFactory().CreateEmptyObject(tupleType, _typeRegistry);
            var index = 0;

            while (i < length)
                var element = ReadObject(reader, typeSupports[index], currentDepth, path, ref dataLength, ref headerLength);
                // increment the size of the data read
                i += dataLength + headerLength;
                var fieldName = $"m_Item{index + 1}";
                if (typeSupport.IsValueTuple)
                    fieldName = $"Item{index + 1}";
                TypeUtil.SetFieldValue(fieldName, newTuple, element);

            // return the value
Пример #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Property"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="extendedType">The extended type.</param>
 /// <param name="info">The <see cref="System.Reflection.PropertyInfo">property info</see>.</param>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 internal Indexer([NotNull] ExtendedType extendedType, [NotNull] PropertyInfo info)
     : base(extendedType, info)
     Debug.Assert(extendedType.DefaultMember == info.Name || info.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0);
     _indexParameters = new Lazy <ParameterInfo[]>(info.GetIndexParameters, LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);
Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// (Recursive) Recursive function that inspects an object and its properties/fields and clones it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceObject">The object to clone</param>
        /// <param name="destObject">The destination object</param>
        /// <param name="mapToType">The type to map to</param>
        /// <param name="currentDepth">The current tree depth</param>
        /// <param name="maxDepth">The max tree depth</param>
        /// <param name="options">The cloning options</param>
        /// <param name="objectTree">The object tree to prevent cyclical references</param>
        /// <param name="path">The current path being traversed</param>
        /// <param name="ignorePropertiesOrPaths">A list of properties or paths to ignore</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object InspectAndMap <TSource, TDest>(object sourceObject, object destObject, ExtendedType mapToType, int currentDepth, int maxDepth, MappingOptions options, IDictionary <ObjectHashcode, object> objectTree, string path, ICollection <string> ignorePropertiesOrPaths = null)
            if (IgnoreObjectName(null, path, options, ignorePropertiesOrPaths))

            if (sourceObject == null)

            // ensure we don't go too deep if specified
            if (maxDepth > 0 && currentDepth >= maxDepth)

            var sourceType = typeof(TSource).GetExtendedType();
            var destType   = typeof(TDest).GetExtendedType();

            if (ignorePropertiesOrPaths == null)
                ignorePropertiesOrPaths = new List <string>();

            // drop any objects we are ignoring by attribute
            if (mapToType.Attributes.Any(x => _ignoreAttributes.Contains(x)) && options.BitwiseHasFlag(MappingOptions.DisableIgnoreAttributes))

            // for delegate types, copy them by reference rather than returning null
            if (mapToType.IsDelegate)

            object newObject = destObject;

            // create a new empty object of the desired type
            if (newObject == null)
                if (mapToType.IsArray)
                    var length = 0;
                    if (mapToType.IsArray)
                        length = (sourceObject as Array).Length;
                    newObject = _objectFactory.CreateEmptyObject(mapToType.Type, length);
                else if (mapToType.Type == typeof(string))
                    // copy the item directly
                    newObject = Convert.ToString(sourceObject);
                    newObject = _objectFactory.CreateEmptyObject(mapToType.Type);

            if (newObject == null)

            // increment the current recursion depth

            // construct a hashtable of objects we have already inspected (simple recursion loop preventer)
            // we use this hashcode method as it does not use any custom hashcode handlers the object might implement
            if (sourceObject != null && !mapToType.IsValueType)
                var hashCode = System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(sourceObject);
                var key      = new ObjectHashcode(hashCode, newObject.GetType());
                if (objectTree.ContainsKey(key))

                // ensure we can refer back to the reference for this object
                objectTree.Add(key, newObject);

            var objectMapper = TypeRegistry.ObjectMappings
                               .FirstOrDefault(x => x.SourceObjectType == sourceType.Type &&
                                               x.DestinationObjectType == destType.Type);

                // clone a dictionary's key/values
                if (mapToType.IsDictionary && mapToType.IsGeneric)
                    var    genericType = mapToType.Type.GetGenericArguments().ToList();
                    Type[] typeArgs    = { genericType[0], genericType[1] };

                    var listType      = typeof(Dictionary <,>).MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
                    var newDictionary = Activator.CreateInstance(listType) as IDictionary;
                    newObject = newDictionary;
                    var enumerator = (IDictionary)sourceObject;
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry item in enumerator)
                        var key   = InspectAndMap <TSource, TDest>(item.Key, null, item.Key.GetExtendedType(), currentDepth, maxDepth, options, objectTree, path, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);
                        var value = InspectAndMap <TSource, TDest>(item.Value, null, item.Value.GetExtendedType(), currentDepth, maxDepth, options, objectTree, path, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);
                        newDictionary.Add(key, value);

                // clone an enumerables' elements
                if (mapToType.IsEnumerable && mapToType.IsGeneric)
                    var genericType         = mapToType.Type.GetGenericArguments().First();
                    var genericExtendedType = genericType.GetExtendedType();
                    var addMethod           = mapToType.Type.GetMethod("Add");
                    var enumerator          = (IEnumerable)sourceObject;
                    foreach (var item in enumerator)
                        var element = InspectAndMap <TSource, TDest>(item, null, genericExtendedType, currentDepth, maxDepth, options, objectTree, path, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);
                        addMethod.Invoke(newObject, new object[] { element });

                // clone an arrays' elements
                if (mapToType.IsArray)
                    var sourceArray = sourceObject as Array;
                    var newArray    = newObject as Array;
                    newObject = newArray;
                    for (var i = 0; i < sourceArray.Length; i++)
                        var element    = sourceArray.GetValue(i);
                        var newElement = InspectAndMap <TSource, TDest>(element, null, mapToType.ElementType.GetExtendedType(), currentDepth, maxDepth, options, objectTree, path, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);
                        newArray.SetValue(newElement, i);

                var fields     = sourceObject.GetFields(FieldOptions.AllWritable);
                var properties = sourceObject.GetProperties(PropertyOptions.HasGetter);

                var rootPath = path;
                // clone and recurse fields
                if (newObject != null)
                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        path = $"{rootPath}.{field.Name}";
                        if (IgnoreObjectName(field.Name, path, options, ignorePropertiesOrPaths, field.CustomAttributes))
                        // also check the property for ignore, if this is a auto-backing property
                        if (field.BackedProperty != null && IgnoreObjectName(field.BackedProperty.Name, $"{rootPath}.{field.BackedPropertyName}", options, ignorePropertiesOrPaths, field.BackedProperty.CustomAttributes))
                        newObject = MapField <TSource, TDest>(newObject, sourceObject, objectMapper, field, currentDepth, maxDepth, options, objectTree, path, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);
                    foreach (var property in properties)
                        path = $"{rootPath}.{property.Name}";
                        if (IgnoreObjectName(property.Name, path, options, ignorePropertiesOrPaths, property.CustomAttributes))

                        // also check the backing field for ignore, if this is a auto-backing property
                        if (property.BackingFieldName != null && IgnoreObjectName(property.BackingFieldName, $"{rootPath}.{property.BackingFieldName}", options, ignorePropertiesOrPaths, fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == property.BackingFieldName).CustomAttributes))

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.BackingFieldName))
                            // map the property, it has no backing field so it's likely a method call
                            newObject = MapProperty <TSource, TDest>(newObject, sourceObject, objectMapper, property, currentDepth, maxDepth, options, objectTree, path, ignorePropertiesOrPaths);
