// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Changes background dynamically if (m_BackgroundColorBrightness > 1.0f) { Color goalColor = Color.Lerp(m_BackgroundColorGoTo, Color.white, m_BackgroundColorBrightness - 1.0f); m_currentCamera.backgroundColor = ExtendedFunctions.ColorSmoothDamp ( m_currentCamera.backgroundColor, goalColor, ref m_backgroundVel, m_BackgroundColorAnimationDamp ); } else { m_currentCamera.backgroundColor = ExtendedFunctions.ColorSmoothDamp ( m_currentCamera.backgroundColor, m_BackgroundColorGoTo * m_BackgroundColorBrightness, ref m_backgroundVel, m_BackgroundColorAnimationDamp ); } }
private void Adddialog_Adding(object sender, EventArgs e) { AddNewProjectTaskList adddialog = (AddNewProjectTaskList)sender; adddialog.MyList.CreatedBy = this.MainWindow.StaffKey; adddialog.MyList.CreatedOn = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(); adddialog.MyList.ProjectKey = this.MyProject.Key; adddialog.MyList.Key = Encryption.GetUniqueKey(16); this.TaskListDbset.Add(adddialog.MyList); if (this.TaskListConn.GetValidationErrors().Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in TaskListConn.GetValidationErrors()) { Console.WriteLine(item.Entry.GetType().ToString()); foreach (var error in item.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine(" " + error.PropertyName + ": " + error.ErrorMessage); } } } else { try { //Thêm vào cơ sở dữ liệu TaskListConn.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Nếu có lỗi thì ghi vào console và thông báo Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public SaveEventMessages SetSaveData() { if (m_ActiveSave == null) { return(SaveEventMessages.SaveSlotEmpty); } if (OverrideSaveData() != SaveEventMessages.SaveOverrideSuccess) { return(SaveEventMessages.SaveOverrideSuccess); } string[] temp; if (m_Save1.GetSaveID() == m_ActiveSave.GetSaveID()) { temp = SaveData.SaveDataToStringArray(m_Save1); ExtendedFunctions.PrintArray(temp); PlayerPrefsX.SetStringArray(K_SAVE1, temp); } else if (m_Save2.GetSaveID() == m_ActiveSave.GetSaveID()) { temp = SaveData.SaveDataToStringArray(m_Save2); PlayerPrefsX.SetStringArray(K_SAVE2, temp); } PlayerPrefs.SetInt(K_HIGHSCORE, m_HighScore); return(SaveEventMessages.SaveSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Thêm các thông tin cuối cùng và gọi framework để chèn dự án vào csdl /// </summary> private void AddProjectToDb() { //Thông tin về phân nhóm dự án SetCategory(); //Thông tin về khách hàng (chưa làm) SetCustomer(); //Thông tin về nhân sự của dự án SetPeople(); //Thông tin về ngày của dự án SetDates(); //Thông tin về các thẻ đính kèm; SetTags(); //Thông tin về người tạo, giờ tạo this.NewProject.AddedBy = this.MainWindow.StaffKey; this.NewProject.AddedOn = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(); //Thông tin về người sửa, giờ sửa this.NewProject.ModifiedBy = this.NewProject.AddedBy; this.NewProject.ModifiedOn = this.NewProject.AddedOn; //Danh sách công việc mặc định this.CreateDefaultTaskList(); //Kiểm tra lỗi if (this.Conn.GetValidationErrors().Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in Conn.GetValidationErrors()) { Console.WriteLine(item.Entry.GetType().ToString()); foreach (var error in item.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine(" " + error.PropertyName + ": " + error.ErrorMessage); } } } else { try { //Thêm vào cơ sở dữ liệu Conn.SaveChanges(); //Nếu thành công thì gọi event this.ProjectAdded?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { //Nếu có lỗi thì ghi vào console và thông báo Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); //Raise event this.AddingProjectFailed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } }
/// <summary> /// Create the All Project category (the root) and the No Category /// </summary> private void CreateBasicCategory() { using (Data.ConnectContainer Conn = new ConnectContainer()) { if (Conn.Categories.Count() == 0) { try { string AllProjectKey = Encryption.GetUniqueKey(16); Conn.Categories.Add(new Category() { Name = "All Projects", Key = AllProjectKey, AddedBy = this.MainWindow.StaffKey, AddedOn = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(), Color = "DimGray", IsDeleted = false, ModifiedBy = this.MainWindow.StaffKey, ModifiedOn = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(), ParentKey = "", Level = 0 }); Conn.Categories.Add(new Category() { Name = "No Category", Key = Encryption.GetUniqueKey(16), AddedBy = this.MainWindow.StaffKey, AddedOn = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(), Color = "DimGray", IsDeleted = false, ModifiedBy = this.MainWindow.StaffKey, ModifiedOn = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(), ParentKey = AllProjectKey, Level = 1 }); if (Conn.GetValidationErrors().Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in Conn.GetValidationErrors()) { foreach (var error in item.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine(error.ErrorMessage); } } } else { Conn.SaveChanges(); } } finally { Conn.Dispose(); } } } }
private void NextMonday_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var date = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(); while (date.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Monday) { date = date.AddDays(1); } this.SelectedDate = date.Date; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { playerData = PlayerData.GetInstance(); gameInfo = GameInfo.GetInstance(); GameObject currentMarker; switch (gameInfo.GetLatestWinner()) { case GameOutcome.Tie: m_BackgroundColorGoTo = new Color ( ExtendedFunctions.Convert8ToFloat(50), ExtendedFunctions.Convert8ToFloat(50), ExtendedFunctions.Convert8ToFloat(50) ); m_congratsMessage.text = "TIE GAME!"; break; case GameOutcome.PlayerWon: currentMarker = GetMarker(gameInfo.GetPlayerMarker()); m_BackgroundColorGoTo = ExtendedFunctions.GetColorOfGameObject(currentMarker); SetupMarkerDisplay(currentMarker); m_congratsMessage.text = "YOU WON!"; break; case GameOutcome.AIWon: currentMarker = GetMarker(gameInfo.GetAIMarker()); m_BackgroundColorGoTo = ExtendedFunctions.GetColorOfGameObject(currentMarker); SetupMarkerDisplay(currentMarker); m_congratsMessage.text = "YOU LOSS!"; break; } m_statsTitle.text = playerData.ActiveSave.m_saveName + "'s stats"; m_winStats.text = "Total wins\n" + playerData.ActiveSave.m_TotalWins; m_lossStats.text = "Total losses\n" + playerData.ActiveSave.m_TotalLosses; }
/// <summary> /// Thêm các thông tin về nhân sự dự án /// </summary> private void SetPeople() { //Create the staff dbset if (this.ProjectStaffDbset == null) { this.ProjectStaffDbset = this.Conn.Set <ProjectStaffs>(); } else { this.ProjectStaffDbset.Local.Clear(); } //Create the permission db set if (this.ProjectPermissionDbset == null) { this.ProjectPermissionDbset = this.Conn.Set <Data.UserProjectPermission>(); } if (this.SelectedStaff == null) { this.SelectedStaff = new List <Data.Staff>(); this.SelectedStaff.Add(MainWindow.LoggedInStaff); } //Create the assignment and permission foreach (Staff s in SelectedStaff) { var newAssign = this.ProjectStaffDbset.Create(); if (IsProjectOwner(s.Key)) { this.NewProject.ProjectOwner = s.Key; } newAssign.StaffKey = s.Key; newAssign.ProjectKey = this.NewProject.Key; newAssign.Key = Encryption.GetUniqueKey(16); newAssign.AddedBy = this.MainWindow.StaffKey; newAssign.AddedOn = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime().ToString(); //Create a permission record UserProjectPermission permission = this.ProjectPermissionDbset.Create(); permission.ProjectStaffKey = newAssign.Key; permission.IsAdmin = IsProjectOwner(newAssign.StaffKey); newAssign.PermissionKey = Encryption.GetPermisionKey(permission); this.ProjectPermissionDbset.Add(permission); this.ProjectStaffDbset.Add(newAssign); } }
Color GetMarkerColor(MarkerType selectedMarker) { switch (selectedMarker) { case MarkerType.O: //return m_oMarker.GetComponent<Shader>().GetColor("_Color"); return(ExtendedFunctions.GetColorOfGameObject(m_oMarker)); case MarkerType.X: //return m_xMarker.GetComponent<Material>().GetColor("_Color"); return(ExtendedFunctions.GetColorOfGameObject(m_xMarker)); default: return(Color.black); } }
private void UpdateCategoryToDb() { try { MainWindow M = (MainWindow)App.Current.MainWindow; using (Data.ConnectContainer conn = new Data.ConnectContainer()) { var cate = conn.Categories.Where(c => c.Key == EditingCategory.Key).FirstOrDefault(); var Parent = ((ComboBoxItem)this.NestCombobox.SelectedItem).Tag as Category; bool changed = false; if (cate != null) { changed = changed || (cate.Name != NameTextbox.Text); changed = changed || (cate.ParentKey != Parent.Key); changed = changed || (cate.Color != this.colorPicker.CurrentSelectedColor.Color.ToString()); } if (changed) { cate.Name = NameTextbox.Text; cate.Color = this.colorPicker.CurrentSelectedColor.Color.ToString(); cate.ParentKey = Parent.Key; cate.ModifiedBy = M.StaffKey; cate.ModifiedOn = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(); cate.Level = Parent.Level + 1; } int i = conn.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { this.Confirmed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } else { this.Failed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); throw; } }
public void OnPointerEnter(int marker) { switch (marker) { case 0: // Circle m_BackgroundColorGoTo = ExtendedFunctions.GetColorOfGameObject(m_oMarker); SwapVisual(m_oMarker); break; case 1: // Cross m_BackgroundColorGoTo = ExtendedFunctions.GetColorOfGameObject(m_xMarker); SwapVisual(m_xMarker); break; } }
private void AddTagButton_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.TagsDbset == null) { this.TagsDbset = Conn.Set <Tags>(); } if (this.ListOfTags == null) { this.ListOfTags = new List <Tags>(); } //Detect if this tag is currently added to the project bool TagExist = this.ListOfTags.Where(lt => lt.TagName.ToLower() == this.NewTagTextBox.Text.ToLower().Trim()).FirstOrDefault() != null; if (TagExist) { this.AddTagPopupButton.IsPopupOpen = false; this.MySnackbar.MessageQueue.Enqueue("This tag is already added to project".ToUpper()); return; } //Create the new tag var newTag = this.TagsDbset.Create(); newTag.TagName = this.NewTagTextBox.Text; newTag.TagKey = Encryption.GetUniqueKey(16); newTag.Color = this.TagColorPicker.CurrentSelectedColor.Color.ToString(); newTag.AddedBy = ((MainWindow)App.Current.MainWindow).StaffKey; newTag.AddOn = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(); MyTagChips tc = new MyTagChips(newTag); tc.Margin = new Thickness(3); tc.Deleting += Tc_Deleting; //Add to collections this.TagWrapPanel.Children.Add(tc); this.ListOfTags.Add(newTag); this.TagsDbset.Add(newTag); //Close the popup this.AddTagPopupButton.IsPopupOpen = false; }
private void AddNewCategoryToDb() { try { MainWindow M = (MainWindow)App.Current.MainWindow; using (Data.ConnectContainer conn = new Data.ConnectContainer()) { var cate = new Data.Category() { Name = NameTextbox.Text, ModifiedBy = M.StaffKey, ModifiedOn = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(), AddedBy = M.StaffKey, AddedOn = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(), Color = this.colorPicker.CurrentSelectedColor.Color.ToString(), IsDeleted = false, Key = Encryption.GetUniqueKey(16) }; var Parent = ((ComboBoxItem)this.NestCombobox.SelectedItem).Tag as Category; cate.ParentKey = Parent.Key; cate.Level = Parent.Level + 1; conn.Categories.Add(cate); int i = conn.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { this.Confirmed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } else { this.Failed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Thêm nhân viên mới /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void AddUserButtonClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { var DateTimeNow = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(); foreach (var item in Conn.ChangeTracker.Entries <Staff>()) { if (!this.IsEditing) { item.Entity.AddedOn = DateTimeNow; item.Entity.AddedBy = this.MainWindow.StaffKey != null ? this.MainWindow.StaffKey : item.Entity.Key; item.Entity.Password = Encryption.GetUniqueKey(8); } ; item.Entity.ModifiedBy = this.MainWindow.StaffKey != null ? this.MainWindow.StaffKey : item.Entity.Key; item.Entity.ModifiedOn = DateTimeNow; } bool _NoMoreError = true; _NoMoreError = this.Validate(); if (_NoMoreError) { int i = Conn.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { this.StaffAdded?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } else { MySnackbar.MessageQueue.Enqueue("Error while adding staff. Please try again later."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> Writes the extended comm function. </summary> /// <param name="value"> The value. </param> public void Write(ExtendedFunctions value) { if (!EscapeCommFunction(Handle, (int) value)) WinError.WinIOError(); }
private void ToDayMyTextBlock_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var date = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(); this.SelectedDate = date.Date; }
private void NextWeek_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var date = ExtendedFunctions.GetNetworkTime(); this.SelectedDate = date.AddDays(7).Date; }
/// <summary> /// Game loop /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> IEnumerator GameLoop() { // Delay start for wipe animation yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); int player = GI.GetPlayerFirst() ? 1 : 2; for (m_turns = 0; m_turns < 9 && Win(m_board) == 0; ++m_turns) { m_TurnText.text = "Turns: " + m_turns.ToString(); if ((m_turns + player) % 2 == 0) { Debug.Log("Computer's turn!"); currentTurnMove = TurnMode.AIMove; UpdateTurnVisual(); m_BackgroundColorGoTo = GetMarkerColor(AIMarker); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(m_AITurnDuration)); ComputerMove(m_board); Debug.Log("Computer has made their turn!"); UpdateBoardVisuals(); } else { Debug.Log("Player's turn!"); currentTurnMove = TurnMode.PlayerMove; UpdateTurnVisual(); m_BackgroundColorGoTo = GetMarkerColor(playerMarker); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => m_turnOver)); Debug.Log("Player has made their turn!"); UpdateBoardVisuals(); } m_turnOver = false; } currentTurnMove = TurnMode.GameOver; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); switch (Win(m_board).ToInt()) { case 0: Debug.Log("A draw. How droll.\n"); m_BackgroundColorGoTo = Color.black; UpdateText("Tie game!", new Color( ExtendedFunctions.Convert8ToFloat(50.0f), ExtendedFunctions.Convert8ToFloat(50.0f), ExtendedFunctions.Convert8ToFloat(50.0f) ) ); GI.SetLatestWinner(GameOutcome.Tie); break; case 1: Debug.Log("You lose.\n"); WinVisual(m_WinPositions); UpdateText("AI won!", GetMarkerColor(AIMarker)); LoseState(); break; case -1: Debug.Log("You win.\n"); WinVisual(m_WinPositions); UpdateText("You win!", GetMarkerColor(playerMarker)); WinState(); break; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); m_WhiteWipe.SetTrigger("WipeIn"); }
/// <summary> Writes the extended comm function. </summary> /// <param name="value"> The value. </param> public bool WriteBool(ExtendedFunctions value) { return EscapeCommFunction(Handle, (int) value); }
public static extern bool EscapeCommFunction(IntPtr hFile, ExtendedFunctions dwFunc);