//public override bool IsModified
        //  get
        //  {
        //    return (base.IsModified || ExtendedFields.IsDirty() || TaxFormRemarks.IsDirty());
        //  }

        protected override void UnLoadSubClass()
            if (ParentPackage != null)
                ParentPackage.Rollback();                  //only happens under NF2 scenario
            if (TaxFormRemarks != null)
                TaxFormRemarks.Table.RowChanged -= TaxFormRemarks_RowChanged;

            //blow away child row first to avoid the 'missing foreign to primary key' exception from the dataset police
            if (ExtendedFields != null)
                ExtendedFields.PropertyChanged -= ExtendedFields_PropertyChanged;

            if (Fields != null)
                Fields.PropertyChanged -= FieldChange;
        private void SetExtendedFields()
            if (ExtendedFields != null)
                ExtendedFields.PropertyChanged -= ExtendedFields_PropertyChanged;

            string extable = GetCurrentTransactionTypeExtendedTableName();

            if (dsCache.Relations.Contains(extable)) //if this is a transaction type with extended fields required...
                DataView ExtFields = Fields.CreateChildView(extable);

                if (ExtFields.Count == 0) //if no row already exists, create a default row for this tax form and transaction type to provide the empty slot for fields to be filled out
                    DataTable extTable = dsCache.Tables[extable];

                    //it'd be cool to break this out into a generic AddBlankRow() function that populates a GUID PK if present and cruises the column types to create blank default values
                    DataRow extrow            = extTable.NewRow();
                    DataColumnCollection cols = extTable.Columns;
                    foreach (DataColumn col in cols)
                        if (!col.ColumnName.Contains("GUID"))
                            extrow[col.ColumnName] = "";                                                      //fill out all non GUID fields generically to dodge not null errors
                    extrow["RowGUID"]     = Guid.NewGuid();
                    extrow["TaxFormGUID"] = GUID;

                ExtendedFields = ExtFields[0];
                ExtendedFields.PropertyChanged += ExtendedFields_PropertyChanged;

            OnPropertyChanged("ExtendedFields"); //let the UI know to update the extended fields display when we change TransactionType