Пример #1
        //public static Msdfgen.Shape CreateMsdfShape(GlyphContourBuilder glyphToContour, float pxScale)
        //    List<GlyphContour> cnts = glyphToContour.GetContours();
        //    List<GlyphContour> newFitContours = new List<GlyphContour>();
        //    int j = cnts.Count;
        //    for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
        //    {
        //        newFitContours.Add(
        //            CreateFitContour(
        //                cnts[i], pxScale, false, true));
        //    }
        //    return CreateMsdfShape(newFitContours);

        //static Msdfgen.Shape CreateMsdfShape(List<GlyphContour> contours)
        //    var shape = new Msdfgen.Shape();
        //    int j = contours.Count;
        //    for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
        //    {
        //        var cnt = new Msdfgen.Contour();
        //        shape.contours.Add(cnt);

        //        GlyphContour contour = contours[i];
        //        List<GlyphPart> parts = contour.parts;
        //        int m = parts.Count;
        //        for (int n = 0; n < m; ++n)
        //        {
        //            GlyphPart p = parts[n];
        //            switch (p.Kind)
        //            {
        //                default: throw new NotSupportedException();
        //                case GlyphPartKind.Curve3:
        //                    {
        //                        GlyphCurve3 curve3 = (GlyphCurve3)p;
        //                        cnt.AddQuadraticSegment(
        //                            curve3.FirstPoint.X, curve3.FirstPoint.Y,
        //                            curve3.x1, curve3.y1,
        //                            curve3.x2, curve3.y2
        //                           );
        //                    }
        //                    break;
        //                case GlyphPartKind.Curve4:
        //                    {
        //                        GlyphCurve4 curve4 = (GlyphCurve4)p;
        //                        cnt.AddCubicSegment(
        //                            curve4.FirstPoint.X, curve4.FirstPoint.Y,
        //                            curve4.x1, curve4.y1,
        //                            curve4.x2, curve4.y2,
        //                            curve4.x3, curve4.y3);
        //                    }
        //                    break;
        //                case GlyphPartKind.Line:
        //                    {
        //                        GlyphLine line = (GlyphLine)p;
        //                        cnt.AddLine(
        //                            line.FirstPoint.X, line.FirstPoint.Y,
        //                            line.x1, line.y1);
        //                    }
        //                    break;
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return shape;
        //static GlyphContour CreateFitContour(GlyphContour contour, float pixelScale, bool x_axis, bool y_axis)
        //    GlyphContour newc = new GlyphContour();
        //    List<GlyphPart> parts = contour.parts;
        //    int m = parts.Count;
        //    for (int n = 0; n < m; ++n)
        //    {
        //        GlyphPart p = parts[n];
        //        switch (p.Kind)
        //        {
        //            default: throw new NotSupportedException();
        //            case GlyphPartKind.Curve3:
        //                {
        //                    GlyphCurve3 curve3 = (GlyphCurve3)p;
        //                    newc.AddPart(new GlyphCurve3(
        //                            curve3.FirstPoint.X * pixelScale, curve3.FirstPoint.Y * pixelScale,
        //                            curve3.x1 * pixelScale, curve3.y1 * pixelScale,
        //                            curve3.x2 * pixelScale, curve3.y2 * pixelScale));

        //                }
        //                break;
        //            case GlyphPartKind.Curve4:
        //                {
        //                    GlyphCurve4 curve4 = (GlyphCurve4)p;
        //                    newc.AddPart(new GlyphCurve4(
        //                          curve4.FirstPoint.X * pixelScale, curve4.FirstPoint.Y * pixelScale,
        //                          curve4.x1 * pixelScale, curve4.y1 * pixelScale,
        //                          curve4.x2 * pixelScale, curve4.y2 * pixelScale,
        //                          curve4.x3 * pixelScale, curve4.y3 * pixelScale
        //                        ));
        //                }
        //                break;
        //            case GlyphPartKind.Line:
        //                {
        //                    GlyphLine line = (GlyphLine)p;
        //                    newc.AddPart(new GlyphLine(
        //                        line.FirstPoint.X * pixelScale, line.FirstPoint.Y * pixelScale,
        //                        line.x1 * pixelScale, line.y1 * pixelScale
        //                        ));
        //                }
        //                break;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return newc;

        public static void PreviewSizeAndLocation(ExtMsdfGen.Shape shape, ExtMsdfGen.MsdfGenParams genParams,
                                                  out int imgW, out int imgH,
                                                  out Vector2 translate1)
            double left   = MAX;
            double bottom = MAX;
            double right  = -MAX;
            double top    = -MAX;

            shape.findBounds(ref left, ref bottom, ref right, ref top);
            int w = (int)Math.Ceiling((right - left));
            int h = (int)Math.Ceiling((top - bottom));

            if (w < genParams.minImgWidth)
                w = genParams.minImgWidth;
            if (h < genParams.minImgHeight)
                h = genParams.minImgHeight;

            //temp, for debug with glyph 'I', tahoma font
            //double edgeThreshold = 1.00000001;//default, if edgeThreshold < 0 then  set  edgeThreshold=1
            //Msdfgen.Vector2 scale = new Msdfgen.Vector2(0.98714652956298199, 0.98714652956298199);
            //double pxRange = 4;
            //translate = new Msdfgen.Vector2(12.552083333333332, 4.0520833333333330);
            //double range = pxRange / Math.Min(scale.x, scale.y);

            int borderW = (int)((float)w / 5f) + 3;

            //var translate = new ExtMsdfgen.Vector2(left < 0 ? -left + borderW : borderW, bottom < 0 ? -bottom + borderW : borderW);
            var translate = new Vector2(-left + borderW, -bottom + borderW);

            w += borderW * 2; //borders,left- right
            h += borderW * 2; //borders, top- bottom

            imgW       = w;
            imgH       = h;
            translate1 = translate;
Пример #2
        public static SpriteTextureMapData <PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemBitmap> CreateMsdfImage(ExtMsdfGen.Shape shape, MsdfGenParams genParams, EdgeBmpLut lutBuffer = null)
            double left   = MAX;
            double bottom = MAX;
            double right  = -MAX;
            double top    = -MAX;

            shape.findBounds(ref left, ref bottom, ref right, ref top);
            int w = (int)Math.Ceiling((right - left));
            int h = (int)Math.Ceiling((top - bottom));

            if (w < genParams.minImgWidth)
                w = genParams.minImgWidth;
            if (h < genParams.minImgHeight)
                h = genParams.minImgHeight;

            //temp, for debug with glyph 'I', tahoma font
            //double edgeThreshold = 1.00000001;//default, if edgeThreshold < 0 then  set  edgeThreshold=1
            //Msdfgen.Vector2 scale = new Msdfgen.Vector2(0.98714652956298199, 0.98714652956298199);
            //double pxRange = 4;
            //translate = new Msdfgen.Vector2(12.552083333333332, 4.0520833333333330);
            //double range = pxRange / Math.Min(scale.x, scale.y);

            int borderW = (int)((float)w / 5f) + 3;

            //var translate = new ExtMsdfgen.Vector2(left < 0 ? -left + borderW : borderW, bottom < 0 ? -bottom + borderW : borderW);
            var translate = new Vector2(-left + borderW, -bottom + borderW);

            w += borderW * 2; //borders,left- right
            h += borderW * 2; //borders, top- bottom

            double edgeThreshold = genParams.edgeThreshold;

            if (edgeThreshold < 0)
                edgeThreshold = 1.00000001; //use default if  edgeThreshold <0

            var    scale = new Vector2(genParams.scaleX, genParams.scaleY); //scale
            double range = genParams.pxRange / Math.Min(scale.x, scale.y);
            FloatRGBBmp frgbBmp = new FloatRGBBmp(w, h);

            EdgeColoring.edgeColoringSimple(shape, genParams.angleThreshold);

            if (lutBuffer != null)
                                            translate,//translate to positive quadrant
                                           translate,//translate to positive quadrant

            var spriteData = new SpriteTextureMapData <PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemBitmap>(0, 0, w, h);

            spriteData.Source         = PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemBitmap.CreateFromCopy(w, h, MsdfGenerator.ConvertToIntBmp(frgbBmp));
            spriteData.TextureXOffset = (float)translate.x;
            spriteData.TextureYOffset = (float)translate.y;