Пример #1
 public void DrawWithExtraSize(Color color, float offset)
     for (int i = 0; i < _listLines.Length; i++)
         ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugCapsuleFromInsidePoint(_listLines[i].P1, _listLines[i].P2, color, offset, 0, true, false);
Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    ///     - Debugs a cylinder.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='start'>
    ///     - The position of one end of the cylinder.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='end'>
    ///     - The position of the other end of the cylinder.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='color'>
    ///     - The color of the cylinder.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='radius'>
    ///     - The radius of the cylinder.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='duration'>
    ///     - How long to draw the cylinder.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='depthTest'>
    ///     - Whether or not the cylinder should be faded when behind other objects.
    /// </param>
    public static void DebugCylinder(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Color color, float radius = 1, float duration = 0, bool depthTest = true)
        Vector3 up      = (end - start).normalized * radius;
        Vector3 forward = Vector3.Slerp(up, -up, 0.5f);
        Vector3 right   = Vector3.Cross(up, forward).normalized *radius;

        //Radial circles
        ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugCircle(start, up, color, radius, duration, depthTest);
        ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugCircle(end, -up, color, radius, duration, depthTest);
        ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugCircle((start + end) * 0.5f, up, color, radius, duration, depthTest);

        //Side lines
        Debug.DrawLine(start + right, end + right, color, duration, depthTest);
        Debug.DrawLine(start - right, end - right, color, duration, depthTest);

        Debug.DrawLine(start + forward, end + forward, color, duration, depthTest);
        Debug.DrawLine(start - forward, end - forward, color, duration, depthTest);

        //Start endcap
        Debug.DrawLine(start - right, start + right, color, duration, depthTest);
        Debug.DrawLine(start - forward, start + forward, color, duration, depthTest);

        //End endcap
        Debug.DrawLine(end - right, end + right, color, duration, depthTest);
        Debug.DrawLine(end - forward, end + forward, color, duration, depthTest);
Пример #3
        public void ShowCircumsphere(Color color, float duration)
            Vector3 circumCenter = new Vector3(_d.x / (2 * _a), _d.y / (2 * _a), _d.z / (2 * _a));
            float   circumRadius = Mathf.Sqrt(_d.sqrMagnitude - 4 * _a * _c) / (2 * Mathf.Abs(_a));

            ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(circumCenter, color, circumRadius, duration, false);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// calculate trajectory of entity
        ///rigidbody: rb of the object
        ///pos: position from where to start the plot Trajectory
        ///velocity: current velocity of the rigidbody
        ///steps: numbers of steps
        ///applyForceUp: do we apply additionnal gravity when going upward ?
        ///applyForceDown: do we apply additionnal gravity when going down ?
        /// </summary>
        public Vector3[] Plots(Rigidbody rigidbody, Vector3 pos, Vector3 velocity, int steps, bool applyForceUp, bool applyForceDown)
            Vector3[] results = new Vector3[steps];

            float timestep = Time.fixedDeltaTime / magicTrajectoryCorrection; //magicCorection = 1

            float   drag     = 1f - timestep * rigidbody.drag;                //take into account the rb drag
            Vector3 moveStep = velocity * timestep;

            int i = -1;

            while (++i < steps)
                //get the gravity direction, depending on the position
                Vector3 gravityOrientation = entityGravity.CalculateGravity(pos);
                //Get the vector acceleration (dir + magnitude)
                Vector3 gravityAccel = entityGravity.FindAirGravity(pos, moveStep,
                                                                    gravityOrientation, applyForceUp, applyForceDown) * timestep;// * timestep;
                moveStep += gravityAccel;
                moveStep *= drag;
                pos      += moveStep;// * timestep;

                results[i] = pos;
                ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(pos, Color.white, 0.1f, 5f);
Пример #5
    //Wiresphere already exists

    /// <summary>
    ///     - Draws a cylinder.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='start'>
    ///     - The position of one end of the cylinder.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='end'>
    ///     - The position of the other end of the cylinder.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='color'>
    ///     - The color of the cylinder.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='radius'>
    ///     - The radius of the cylinder.
    /// </param>
    public static void DrawCylinder(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Color color, float radius = 1.0f)
        Vector3 up      = (end - start).normalized * radius;
        Vector3 forward = Vector3.Slerp(up, -up, 0.5f);
        Vector3 right   = Vector3.Cross(up, forward).normalized *radius;

        //Radial circles
        ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(start, up, color, radius);
        ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(end, -up, color, radius);
        ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle((start + end) * 0.5f, up, color, radius);

        Color oldColor = Gizmos.color;

        Gizmos.color = color;

        //Side lines
        Gizmos.DrawLine(start + right, end + right);
        Gizmos.DrawLine(start - right, end - right);

        Gizmos.DrawLine(start + forward, end + forward);
        Gizmos.DrawLine(start - forward, end - forward);

        //Start endcap
        Gizmos.DrawLine(start - right, start + right);
        Gizmos.DrawLine(start - forward, start + forward);

        //End endcap
        Gizmos.DrawLine(end - right, end + right);
        Gizmos.DrawLine(end - forward, end + forward);

        Gizmos.color = oldColor;
Пример #6
        protected override void DrawInSceneViewSelected(int index)
            if (!_quaternionTarget.DisplayQuaternion)

            SerializedProperty waypoint = _waypointList.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);
            SerializedProperty point    = waypoint.GetPropertie(nameof(QuaternionPoints.QuaternionWaypoint.Rotation));

            Quaternion currentRotationAtSpline = _quaternionTarget.SplineBase.EvaluateOrientation(_quaternionTarget.GetWayPoint(index).PathPosition);
            Quaternion localRotation           = _quaternionTarget.GetRotation(index);

            Quaternion finalRotation = localRotation * currentRotationAtSpline;
            Vector3    position      = _quaternionTarget.GetPositionFromPoint(index);

            ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugArrow(position, finalRotation * Vector3.forward, Color.blue);
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugArrow(position, finalRotation * Vector3.right, Color.red);
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugArrow(position, finalRotation * Vector3.up, Color.green);

            Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, currentRotationAtSpline, Vector3.one * 0.6f);

            using (new Handles.DrawingScope(matrix))
                Quaternion rotationHandle = Handles.RotationHandle(localRotation, Vector3.zero);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    point.quaternionValue = rotationHandle;
        public void Trigger(ActionPoints.ActionPointsWaypoint action, object parameters)
            //Debug.Log("trigge point " + action.Index + " of " + action.PointLister.Description + " at: " + action.PathPosition, action.ReferenceAction);
            OnTriggerPoint?.Invoke(action, parameters);
            //ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(transform.position, action.PointLister.ColorWayPoint, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(action.PointLister.SplineBase.EvaluatePositionAtUnit(action.PathPosition, action.PointLister.PositionUnits), action.PointLister.ColorWayPoint, 1, 0.5f);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Draws a <seealso cref="Rigidbody" />'s trajectory using <seealso cref="Debug" />.DrawLine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rb"> The body whose trajectory is being drawn. </param>
        /// <param name="force"> For predicting the effects of a Rigidbody.AddForce() method. Use Vector3.zero if not needed. </param>
        /// <param name="mode"> Determines how the force vector changes the velocity. Irrelevant when using Vector3.zero. </param>
        /// <param name="color"> The color of the line being drawn. </param>
        /// <param name="trajectoryDuration"> Amount of time in seconds to predict. </param>
        /// <param name="lineDuration"> Amount of time in seconds the drawn line will persist. </param>
        /// <param name="constantForce"> Will the force be applied every FixedUpdate. </param>
        /// <param name='depthTest'> Whether or not the line should be faded when behind other objects. </param>
        public static void DebugTrajectory(this Rigidbody rb, Vector3 force, ForceMode mode, Color color,
                                           float trajectoryDuration = 1.0f, float lineDuration = 0.0f, bool constantForce = false, bool depthTest = false)
            var positions = rb.GetTrajectory(force, mode, trajectoryDuration, constantForce);

            ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(positions[0], color, 0.1f, 5f);
            for (var i = 0; i < positions.Length - 1; i++)
                ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(positions[i + 1], color, 0.1f, 5f);
                //Debug.DrawLine(positions[i], positions[i + 1], color, lineDuration, depthTest);
 public override void Draw()
     if (!_drawRadius)
     if (_radiusMax > 0)
         ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(Disc.Position, Color.red, _radiusMax * transform.lossyScale.Maximum());
Пример #10
 private void Update()
     if (_superTetra != null)
         bool isInsideOfCircumsphere = _superTetra.IsPointInCircumcircle(_sphereMesh.transform.position);
         if (isInsideOfCircumsphere != _isPreviouslyInsideOfCircumsphere)
             _sphereMesh.material = isInsideOfCircumsphere ? _greenMaterial : _redMaterial;
             ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(_sphereMesh.transform.position, Color.cyan, 0.01f, 1000, false);
         _isPreviouslyInsideOfCircumsphere = isInsideOfCircumsphere;
Пример #11
        public void DrawWithExtraSize(Color color, Vector3 extraSize, bool drawFace = false, bool drawPoints = false)
            Matrix4x4 cubeMatrix = ExtMatrix.GetMatrixTRS(_position, _rotation, _localScale + extraSize);

            Vector3 size = Vector3.one;

            Vector3 p1 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + ((-size) * 0.5f));
            Vector3 p2 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + (new Vector3(-size.x, -size.y, size.z) * 0.5f));
            Vector3 p3 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + (new Vector3(size.x, -size.y, size.z) * 0.5f));
            Vector3 p4 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + (new Vector3(size.x, -size.y, -size.z) * 0.5f));
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawLocalQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4, color, drawFace, drawPoints);
Пример #12
        public void DrawWithExtraSize(Color color, Vector3 extraSize)
            if (extraSize.Maximum() <= 0f)

            Matrix4x4 cylinderMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(_position, _rotation, (_localScale + extraSize) * _radius);
            Vector3   size           = new Vector3(0, _lenght / 2, 0);
            Vector3   p1             = cylinderMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + ((-size)));
            Vector3   p2             = cylinderMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero - ((-size)));
            float     realRadius     = _radius * MaxXY(_localScale + extraSize);

            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCylinder(p1, p2, color, realRadius);
Пример #13
    /// <summary>
    ///     - Draws a capsule.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='start'>
    ///     - The position of one end of the capsule.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='end'>
    ///     - The position of the other end of the capsule.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='color'>
    ///     - The color of the capsule.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='radius'>
    ///     - The radius of the capsule.
    /// </param>
    public static void DrawCapsule(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Color color, float radius = 1)
        Vector3 up      = (end - start).normalized * radius;
        Vector3 forward = Vector3.Slerp(up, -up, 0.5f);
        Vector3 right   = Vector3.Cross(up, forward).normalized *radius;

        Color oldColor = Gizmos.color;

        Gizmos.color = color;

        float   height     = (start - end).magnitude;
        float   sideLength = Mathf.Max(0, (height * 0.5f) - radius);
        Vector3 middle     = (end + start) * 0.5f;

        start = middle + ((start - middle).normalized * sideLength);
        end   = middle + ((end - middle).normalized * sideLength);

        //Radial circles
        ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(start, up, color, radius);
        ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(end, -up, color, radius);

        //Side lines
        Gizmos.DrawLine(start + right, end + right);
        Gizmos.DrawLine(start - right, end - right);

        Gizmos.DrawLine(start + forward, end + forward);
        Gizmos.DrawLine(start - forward, end - forward);

        for (int i = 1; i < 26; i++)
            //Start endcap
            Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(right, -up, i / 25.0f) + start, Vector3.Slerp(right, -up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + start);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(-right, -up, i / 25.0f) + start, Vector3.Slerp(-right, -up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + start);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(forward, -up, i / 25.0f) + start, Vector3.Slerp(forward, -up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + start);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(-forward, -up, i / 25.0f) + start, Vector3.Slerp(-forward, -up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + start);

            //End endcap
            Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(right, up, i / 25.0f) + end, Vector3.Slerp(right, up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + end);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(-right, up, i / 25.0f) + end, Vector3.Slerp(-right, up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + end);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(forward, up, i / 25.0f) + end, Vector3.Slerp(forward, up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + end);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(-forward, up, i / 25.0f) + end, Vector3.Slerp(-forward, up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + end);

        Gizmos.color = oldColor;
Пример #14
        public void Draw(Color color)
            _circle.DrawWithExtraSize(color, _realThickNess, false, "");
            _circle.DrawWithExtraSize(color, -_realThickNess, false, "");

            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(_circle.Point + _donutMatrix.RightNormalized() * _realRadius, _donutMatrix.ForwardFast(), color, _realThickNess, false, "");
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(_circle.Point + _donutMatrix.LeftNormalized() * _realRadius, _donutMatrix.ForwardFast(), color, _realThickNess, false, "");
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(_circle.Point + _donutMatrix.ForwardNormalized() * _realRadius, _donutMatrix.RightFast(), color, _realThickNess, false, "");
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(_circle.Point + _donutMatrix.BackwardNormalized() * _realRadius, _donutMatrix.RightFast(), color, _realThickNess, false, "");

            Vector3 right   = (_donutMatrix.RightNormalized() + _donutMatrix.ForwardNormalized()).FastNormalized();
            Vector3 forward = (_donutMatrix.ForwardNormalized() + _donutMatrix.LeftNormalized()).FastNormalized();

            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(_circle.Point + right * _realRadius, forward, color, _realThickNess, false, "");
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(_circle.Point - right * _realRadius, forward, color, _realThickNess, false, "");
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(_circle.Point + forward * _realRadius, right, color, _realThickNess, false, "");
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawCircle(_circle.Point - forward * _realRadius, right, color, _realThickNess, false, "");
Пример #15
        public void DrawWithExtraSize(Color color, Vector3 extraSize)
            Matrix4x4 cubeMatrix = ExtMatrix.GetMatrixTRS(_position, _rotation, _localScale + extraSize);

            Vector3 size = Vector3.one;

            Vector3 p1 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + ((-size) * 0.5f));
            Vector3 p2 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + (new Vector3(-size.x, -size.y, size.z) * 0.5f));
            Vector3 p3 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + (new Vector3(size.x, -size.y, size.z) * 0.5f));
            Vector3 p4 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + (new Vector3(size.x, -size.y, -size.z) * 0.5f));

            Vector3 p5 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + (new Vector3(-size.x, size.y, -size.z) * 0.5f));
            Vector3 p6 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + (new Vector3(-size.x, size.y, size.z) * 0.5f));
            Vector3 p7 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + ((size) * 0.5f));
            Vector3 p8 = cubeMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero + (new Vector3(size.x, size.y, -size.z) * 0.5f));
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawLocalCube(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, color);
Пример #16
 private static void ShowLinks(TriggerZone points)
     if (!points.ShowLinksToActions)
     for (int i = 0; i < points.ActionCount; i++)
         GameObject reference = points.GetActionByIndex(i);
         if (reference != null)
             float sizeArrow = 0.2f;
             if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(points.transform.position - reference.transform.position) > sizeArrow * sizeArrow)
                 ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugArrowConstant(points.transform.position, -(points.transform.position - reference.transform.position) * 0.8f, new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.1f), sizeArrow);
Пример #17
        static void DrawGizmos(ControllerStickOffset offsetSticker, GizmoType selectionType)
            if (Application.isPlaying || offsetSticker == null || offsetSticker.TargetStick == null || offsetSticker.TargetStick.SplineBase == null)
            //ControllerStickOffsetEditor stickEditor = (ControllerStickOffsetEditor)CreateEditor((ControllerStickOffset)offsetSticker) as ControllerStickOffsetEditor;
            //SerializedProperty offset = stickEditor.GetPropertie("_offsetFromTarget");
            //SerializedProperty splineProperty = stickEditor.GetPropertie("_spline");
            //SplineBase spline = splineProperty.GetValue<SplineBase>();
            //stickEditor.UpdatePositionFromEditor(offset, spline);
            //Gizmos.DrawLine(offsetSticker.transform.position, offsetSticker.TargetStick.transform.position);


            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawBezier(offsetSticker.transform.position, offsetSticker.TargetStick.transform.position, -offsetSticker.transform.forward, Color.green, 0.5f);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(offsetSticker.transform.position, offsetSticker.PositionWithoutOffsetFromSpline(offsetSticker.PathPosition));
Пример #18
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            if (!Application.isPlaying)

            if (!AttractorSettings.Instance.ShowArrow)

            for (int i = 0; i < _extGravitonCalculation.AttractorCounts; i++)
                ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(_extGravitonCalculation.AttractorIndex(i).ContactPoint, Color.green, 0.1f);
                ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawArrow(_rigidBody.position, _extGravitonCalculation.AttractorIndex(i).NormalizedDirection *_extGravitonCalculation.ForceAmountIndex(i) * AttractorSettings.Instance.RatioSizeArrow, Color.white);
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawArrow(_rigidBody.position, _gravityDirection * AttractorSettings.Instance.RatioSizeArrow, Color.cyan);
Пример #19
    public bool IsTargetInSight()
        RaycastHit hitInfo;
        Vector3    dir = target.position - headSight.position;

        int layerMask = Physics.AllLayers;

        layerMask = ~LayerMask.GetMask("Enemy");

        if (Physics.SphereCast(headSight.position, radius, dir, out hitInfo,
                               dir.magnitude + offsetPlayerDist, layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))

            ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(hitInfo.point, Color.blue, radius, 0.1f);
            Debug.DrawLine(headSight.position, hitInfo.point, Color.blue, 0.1f);
        protected override void DrawInSceneViewSelected(int index)
            Vector3   posInSpline        = _componentTarget.GetPositionFromPoint(index);
            Component componentReference = _componentTarget.GetReference(index);

            if (componentReference == null)
            Transform reference = componentReference.transform;

            Vector3 posOfReference = reference.position;

            if (!this.GetPropertie("_showTarget").boolValue)

            float size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(posOfReference) * 0.05f;

            if (Handles.Button(posOfReference, Quaternion.identity, size, size, Handles.SphereHandleCap))
                Selection.activeObject = reference.gameObject;

            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawBezier(posInSpline, posOfReference, _componentTarget.GetRotationFromPoint(index) * Vector3.right, _componentTarget.ColorWayPoint, 0.5f);

            if (this.GetPropertie("_showDistance").boolValue)
                float   distance = Vector3.Distance(posInSpline, reference.position);
                Vector3 positionDistanceLabel = (posInSpline + reference.position) * 0.5f;
                PointsOnSplineExtensionEditor.DisplayStringInSceneViewFrom3dPosition(positionDistanceLabel, distance.ToString(".0"), _componentTarget.ColorWayPoint, 8);

            if (!Event.current.shift && index == _waypointList.index && index != -1 && this.GetPropertie("_showHandleTarget").boolValue)
                ExtHandle.DoHandleMove(reference, true, out bool hasChanged, _target.SplineBase.GridSize);
        protected static void DrawUnselected(ComponentPoints point, int index)
            Vector3   posInSpline = point.GetPositionFromPoint(index);
            Component reference   = point.GetReference(index);

            if (reference == null)

            Vector3 posOfReference = reference.transform.position;

            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawBezier(posInSpline, posOfReference, point.GetRotationFromPoint(index) * Vector3.right, point.ColorWayPoint, 0.5f);

            float size     = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(posOfReference) * 0.05f;
            Color colorOld = Gizmos.color;

            Gizmos.color = point.ColorWayPoint;
            Gizmos.DrawSphere(posOfReference, size);
            Gizmos.color = colorOld;
Пример #22
    /// <summary>
    ///     - Debugs a capsule.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='start'>
    ///     - The position of one end of the capsule.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='end'>
    ///     - The position of the other end of the capsule.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='color'>
    ///     - The color of the capsule.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='radius'>
    ///     - The radius of the capsule.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='duration'>
    ///     - How long to draw the capsule.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='depthTest'>
    ///     - Whether or not the capsule should be faded when behind other objects.
    /// </param>
    public static void DebugCapsule(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Color color, float radius = 1, float duration = 0, bool depthTest = true)
        Vector3 up      = (end - start).normalized * radius;
        Vector3 forward = Vector3.Slerp(up, -up, 0.5f);
        Vector3 right   = Vector3.Cross(up, forward).normalized *radius;

        float   height     = (start - end).magnitude;
        float   sideLength = Mathf.Max(0, (height * 0.5f) - radius);
        Vector3 middle     = (end + start) * 0.5f;

        start = middle + ((start - middle).normalized * sideLength);
        end   = middle + ((end - middle).normalized * sideLength);

        //Radial circles
        ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugCircle(start, up, color, radius, duration, depthTest);
        ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugCircle(end, -up, color, radius, duration, depthTest);

        //Side lines
        Debug.DrawLine(start + right, end + right, color, duration, depthTest);
        Debug.DrawLine(start - right, end - right, color, duration, depthTest);

        Debug.DrawLine(start + forward, end + forward, color, duration, depthTest);
        Debug.DrawLine(start - forward, end - forward, color, duration, depthTest);

        for (int i = 1; i < 26; i++)
            //Start endcap
            Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(right, -up, i / 25.0f) + start, Vector3.Slerp(right, -up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + start, color, duration, depthTest);
            Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(-right, -up, i / 25.0f) + start, Vector3.Slerp(-right, -up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + start, color, duration, depthTest);
            Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(forward, -up, i / 25.0f) + start, Vector3.Slerp(forward, -up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + start, color, duration, depthTest);
            Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(-forward, -up, i / 25.0f) + start, Vector3.Slerp(-forward, -up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + start, color, duration, depthTest);

            //End endcap
            Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(right, up, i / 25.0f) + end, Vector3.Slerp(right, up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + end, color, duration, depthTest);
            Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(-right, up, i / 25.0f) + end, Vector3.Slerp(-right, up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + end, color, duration, depthTest);
            Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(forward, up, i / 25.0f) + end, Vector3.Slerp(forward, up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + end, color, duration, depthTest);
            Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.Slerp(-forward, up, i / 25.0f) + end, Vector3.Slerp(-forward, up, (i - 1) / 25.0f) + end, color, duration, depthTest);
Пример #23
 public override void DrawRadius(float radius, Color color)
     if (Waypoints.Length == 0)
     else if (Waypoints.Length == 1)
         Vector3 positionWayPoint = EvaluatePositionAtUnit(0, PositionUnits.PathUnits);
         ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(positionWayPoint, color, radius);
     else if (Waypoints.Length == 2)
         Vector3 positionWayPoint1 = EvaluatePositionAtUnit(0, PositionUnits.PathUnits);
         Vector3 positionWayPoint2 = EvaluatePositionAtUnit(1, PositionUnits.PathUnits);
         ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugCapsuleFromInsidePoint(positionWayPoint1, positionWayPoint2, color, radius);
         for (int i = 0; i < Waypoints.Length - 1; i++)
             Vector3    positionWayPoint1 = EvaluatePositionAtUnit(i, PositionUnits.PathUnits);
             Vector3    positionWayPoint2 = EvaluatePositionAtUnit(i + 1, PositionUnits.PathUnits);
             Quaternion rotation1         = EvaluateOrientationAtUnit(i, PositionUnits.PathUnits);
             Quaternion rotation2         = EvaluateOrientationAtUnit(i + 1, PositionUnits.PathUnits);
             ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugCircle(positionWayPoint1, rotation1 * Vector3.forward, color, radius);
             ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugCircle(positionWayPoint2, rotation2 * Vector3.forward, color, radius);
             if (i == 0)
                 ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawHalfWireSphere(positionWayPoint1, rotation1 * -Vector3.forward, color, radius);
             else if (i + 2 >= Waypoints.Length)
                 ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawHalfWireSphere(positionWayPoint2, rotation2 * Vector3.forward, color, radius);
Пример #24
        //[DrawGizmo(GizmoType.Active | GizmoType.NotInSelectionHierarchy
        //   | GizmoType.InSelectionHierarchy | GizmoType.Pickable, typeof(QuaternionPoints))]
        //static void DrawGizmos(QuaternionPoints points, GizmoType selectionType)
        //    if (points.gameObject == Selection.activeGameObject)
        //    {
        //        return;
        //    }
        //    if (!points.ShowWayPointsWhenUnselected)
        //    {
        //        return;
        //    }
        //    for (int i = 0; i < points.WaypointsCount; ++i)
        //    {
        //        DrawUnselected(points, i);
        //    }

        protected static void DrawUnselected(QuaternionPoints point, int index)
            if (!point.DisplayQuaternion)

            Quaternion currentRotationAtSpline = point.SplineBase.EvaluateOrientation(point.GetWayPoint(index).PathPosition);
            Quaternion localRotation           = point.GetRotation(index);

            Quaternion finalRotation = localRotation * currentRotationAtSpline;
            Vector3    position      = point.GetPositionFromPoint(index);

            ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugArrow(position, finalRotation * Vector3.forward, Color.blue);
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugArrow(position, finalRotation * Vector3.right, Color.red);
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugArrow(position, finalRotation * Vector3.up, Color.green);

            //Vector3 posInSpline = position + Vector3.down * 0.3f;
            //Vector3 rotationData = localRotation.eulerAngles;
            ////Vector3 position = posInSpline + localPosition;
            //string positionDisplay = (int)rotationData.x + " : " + (int)rotationData.y + " : " + (int)rotationData.z;
            //PointsOnSplineExtensionEditor.DisplayStringInSceneViewFrom3dPosition(posInSpline, positionDisplay, point.ColorWayPoint, 10);
Пример #25
 public void DrawWithExtraRadius(Color color, float radius)
     ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawHalfWireSphere(Position, Rotation * Vector3.up, color, _realRadius + radius);
Пример #26
 public void Draw(Color color)
     ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawHalfWireSphere(Position, Rotation * Vector3.up, color, _realRadius);
Пример #27
        public void Draw(Color color, bool drawFace = false, bool drawPoints = false)
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawLocalQuad(this, color, drawFace, drawPoints, true);
Пример #28
        public void Draw(Color color, bool drawFace, bool drawPoints)
            ExtDrawGuizmos.DrawLocalCube(_p1, _p2, _p3, _p4, _p5, _p6, _p7, _p8, color, drawFace, drawPoints);
 private void OnDrawGizmos()
     ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(rb.position, Color.red, distForChase);
     ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(rb.position, Color.green, distForLosePlayer);
Пример #30
 public void Draw(Color color)
     ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugCapsuleFromInsidePoint(_p1, _p2, color, _realRadius);