Пример #1
        // Creates ExplorationSector via user-command input
        private static ExplorationSector GetExplorationSector()
            // Prompt user for Eastern and Northern constraints
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the eastern and northern grid bounds, separated by a space.");
            string explorationGridBoundsInput = Console.ReadLine();

            if (explorationGridBoundsInput != null)
                // Divide Input result into separate strings by space char
                string[] explorationGridBoundsArr = explorationGridBoundsInput.Split(' ');

                // Validate that number of input entries is correct
                if (explorationGridBoundsArr.Length != 2)
                    WriteError("ERROR: Unexpected number of tokens: expected two numbers");

                    // Represents how far east and north a rover can venture
                    int easternBound  = 0;
                    int northernBound = 0;

                    // Validate that input entries are integers and output them into the easternBound and northernBound int variables
                    bool isEasternBoundInteger  = int.TryParse(explorationGridBoundsArr[0], out easternBound);
                    bool isNorthernBoundInteger = int.TryParse(explorationGridBoundsArr[1], out northernBound);

                    if (!isEasternBoundInteger || !isNorthernBoundInteger)
                        WriteError("ERROR: Non-Integer Input detected!");
                        if (easternBound < 0 || northernBound < 0)
                            WriteError("ERROR: Negative Bound detected, must be positive bound");
                        ExplorationSector explorationSector = new ExplorationSector(easternBound, northernBound);
                WriteError("ERROR: Null Input Received!");
Пример #2
        // Driver Method
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // External loop to allow for user-error correction during map creation
            while (true)
                // Will obtain exploration bounds
                ExplorationSector explorationSector = GetExplorationSector();

                if (explorationSector != null)
                    // Internal loop to allowed for continuous rover control
                    while (true)
Пример #3
        // Method takes user commands to move rover
        private static void RoverCommand(ExplorationSector explorationSector)
            // Prompts User for starting position of a drone
            Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Rover Position via X-coord, Y-coord, and cardinal direction symbol, separated by spaces");
            string originalPosInput = Console.ReadLine();

            // Prompts User for movement instructions
            Console.WriteLine("Enter movement instructions (NO SPACES)");
            Console.WriteLine("M = Move forward, L = Turn 90 degrees left, R = Turn 90 degrees right");
            string movementInstructionsInput = Console.ReadLine();

            if (originalPosInput != null && movementInstructionsInput != null)
                // Validate that movement instructions didn't have any invalid characters in it
                if (movementInstructionsInput.Any(letter => !new[] { 'M', 'L', 'R' }.Contains(letter)))
                    WriteError("ERROR: Movement Instructions contained unknown character; Expected M, L, or R");

                // Divide Input result into separate strings by space char
                string[] originalPosArr = originalPosInput.Split(' ');

                // Validate that number of input entries is correct
                if (originalPosArr.Length != 3)
                    WriteError("ERROR: Unexpected number of tokens: expected two numbers, followed by one cardinal letter");
                    // Validate that input entries are correct data types, and output them to respective variables
                    bool isXInteger = int.TryParse(originalPosArr[0], out int x);
                    bool isYInteger = int.TryParse(originalPosArr[1], out int y);
                    if (!isXInteger || !isYInteger)
                        WriteError("ERROR: Non-numeric character detected in coordinates");

                    // Validate cardinal direction input is only one character long
                    if (originalPosArr[2].Length != 1)
                        WriteError("ERROR: Cardinal Direction should only be one character long");
                        // Validate whether or not the cardinal direction contains N, E, S, or W
                        if (!new[] { 'N', 'E', 'S', 'W' }.Contains(originalPosArr[2][0]))
                            WriteError("ERROR: Cardinal Direction should only contain either: N, E, S, or W ");
                            // Sets dir value
                            char dir = originalPosArr[2][0];

                            if (!(0 <= x && x <= explorationSector.EasternBound) ||
                                !(0 <= y && y <= explorationSector.NorthernBound))
                                WriteError("ERROR: X or Y coordinate is out of bounds");
                                // Creates rover
                                Rover rover = new Rover(x, y, dir);

                                // Attempts to execute movement commands
                                explorationSector.MoveRover(rover, movementInstructionsInput);
                WriteError("ERROR: Null Input Received!");