private void DisposeExplosion(ExplodingBean explosion)
            if (_selectedBean != null && _selectedBean.Bean == explosion.Bean)
                //TODO: Remove any other selection visuals (leave the popup though)

                if (_selectedBean.Viewer != null)
                    //TODO: This will get very annoying

                _selectedBean = null;



            //_winnerManager.ShipDied(explosion.Bean);		// this was done when creating the explosion
            _map.RemoveItem(explosion.Bean, true);
            //_beans.Remove(explosion.Bean);		// this was done when creating the explosion

        private ExplodingBean ExplodeBean(Bean bean, bool isExplode, double sizeMultiplier, double forceMultiplier)
            double explodeStartRadius = 1d;

            // Don't remove visuals.  Wait until the explosion is complete

            // Turn it into a ghost
            bean.PhysicsBody.ApplyForceAndTorque -= new EventHandler<BodyApplyForceAndTorqueArgs>(Bean_ApplyForceAndTorque);
            bean.PhysicsBody.MaterialGroupID = _material_ExplodingBean;		// the body now won't collide with anything

            double mass = bean.PhysicsBody.Mass;

            // Create the explosion
            ExplodingBean retVal = null;
            if (isExplode)
                // Explode
                retVal = new ExplodingBean(bean, mass * sizeMultiplier * 60d, mass * forceMultiplier * 4000d, mass * sizeMultiplier * 16d, _viewport, explodeStartRadius);
                // Implode
                retVal = new ExplodingBean(bean, mass * sizeMultiplier * 60d, mass * forceMultiplier * -3d, mass * sizeMultiplier * 16d, _viewport, explodeStartRadius);


            // Exit Function
            return retVal;