/// <summary> /// Handles a double click event /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void TimeLineControl_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ModelEvent evt = GetEventUnderMouse(); VariableUpdate variableUpdate = evt as VariableUpdate; if (variableUpdate != null) { ExplanationPart explain = variableUpdate.Explanation; ExplainBox explainTextBox = new ExplainBox(); explainTextBox.SetExplanation(explain); GuiUtils.MdiWindow.AddChildWindow(explainTextBox); } RuleFired rulefired = evt as RuleFired; if (rulefired != null) { ExplanationPart explain = rulefired.Explanation; ExplainBox explainTextBox = new ExplainBox(); explainTextBox.SetExplanation(explain); GuiUtils.MdiWindow.AddChildWindow(explainTextBox); } Expect expect = evt as Expect; if (expect != null) { Expectation expectation = expect.Expectation; if (expectation != null) { ExplanationPart explanation = expect.Explanation; if (explanation == null) { explanation = expectation.Explain; } ExplainBox explainTextBox = new ExplainBox(); explainTextBox.SetExplanation(explanation); GuiUtils.MdiWindow.AddChildWindow(explainTextBox); } } ModelInterpretationFailure modelInterpretationFailure = evt as ModelInterpretationFailure; if (modelInterpretationFailure != null) { ExplainBox explainTextBox = new ExplainBox(); explainTextBox.SetExplanation(modelInterpretationFailure.Explanation); GuiUtils.MdiWindow.AddChildWindow(explainTextBox); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles a double click event /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void watchDataGridView_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { HandlingDoubleClick = true; List <WatchedExpression> watches = (List <WatchedExpression>)watchDataGridView.DataSource; // Open a editor to edit the cell contents WatchedExpression selected = SelectedWatch; if (selected != null) { DataGridViewCell selectedCell = watchDataGridView.SelectedCells[0]; if (selectedCell.ColumnIndex == 0) { EditorView.Window form = new EditorView.Window { AutoComplete = true }; TextChangeHandler handler = new TextChangeHandler(Instance, selected, selectedCell.OwningColumn.Name); form.setChangeHandler(handler); form.ShowDialog(); watchDataGridView.DataSource = null; watchDataGridView.DataSource = watches; EnsureEmptyRoom(); Refresh(); } else if (selectedCell.ColumnIndex == 1) { ExplainBox explainTextBox = new ExplainBox(); explainTextBox.SetExplanation(selected.ExpressionTree.Explain()); GuiUtils.MdiWindow.AddChildWindow(explainTextBox); } } } finally { HandlingDoubleClick = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Handles a double click event /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void watchDataGridView_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { HandlingDoubleClick = true; List<WatchedExpression> watches = (List<WatchedExpression>) watchDataGridView.DataSource; // Open a editor to edit the cell contents WatchedExpression selected = SelectedWatch; if (selected != null) { DataGridViewCell selectedCell = watchDataGridView.SelectedCells[0]; if (selectedCell.ColumnIndex == 0) { EditorView.Window form = new EditorView.Window {AutoComplete = true}; TextChangeHandler handler = new TextChangeHandler(Instance, selected, selectedCell.OwningColumn.Name); form.setChangeHandler(handler); form.ShowDialog(); watchDataGridView.DataSource = null; watchDataGridView.DataSource = watches; EnsureEmptyRoom(); Refresh(); } else if (selectedCell.ColumnIndex == 1) { ExplainBox explainTextBox = new ExplainBox(); explainTextBox.SetExplanation(selected.ExpressionTree.Explain()); GuiUtils.MdiWindow.AddChildWindow(explainTextBox); } } } finally { HandlingDoubleClick = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Click! /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void EventControl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModelEvent is RuleFired) { if (TimeLine.Window.MDIWindow.DataDictionaryWindow != null) { RuleFired ruleFired = ModelEvent as RuleFired; TimeLine.Window.MDIWindow.DataDictionaryWindow.TreeView.Select(ruleFired.RuleCondition); } } else if (ModelEvent is VariableUpdate) { VariableUpdate variableUpdate = ModelEvent as VariableUpdate; if (isDoubleClick()) { if (variableUpdate != null) { DataDictionary.Interpreter.ExplanationPart explain = variableUpdate.Explanation; ExplainBox explainTextBox = new ExplainBox(); explainTextBox.setExplanation(explain); MDIWindow.AddChildWindow(explainTextBox); } } BaseTreeNode treeNode = null; if (TimeLine.Window.MDIWindow.DataDictionaryWindow != null) { treeNode = TimeLine.Window.MDIWindow.DataDictionaryWindow.TreeView.Select(variableUpdate.Action); } if (treeNode == null) { if (TimeLine.Window.MDIWindow.TestWindow != null) { TimeLine.Window.MDIWindow.TestWindow.TreeView.Select(variableUpdate.Action); } } } else if (ModelEvent is Expect) { if (isDoubleClick()) { DataDictionary.Tests.Expectation expectation = getExpectation(); if (expectation != null) { DataDictionary.Interpreter.ExplanationPart explain = expectation.ExpressionTree.Explain(); ExplainBox explainTextBox = new ExplainBox(); explainTextBox.setExplanation(explain); MDIWindow.AddChildWindow(explainTextBox); } } if (TimeLine.Window.MDIWindow.TestWindow != null) { TimeLine.Window.MDIWindow.TestWindow.TreeView.Select((ModelEvent as Expect).Expectation); } } lastClick = DateTime.Now; }