Пример #1
        private static bool TryTraverseBonus(BotMain bot, GameStanding standing, HashSet <TerritoryIDType> allUnownedTerrsInBonus, TerritoryIDType terrID, HashSet <TerritoryIDType> visited, Stack <MultiAttackPlan> stack, int depth)
            if (depth > 20)
                return(false); //prevent stack overflows. If the bonus is too deep, we'll just skip it
            if (bot.PastTime(10))
                return(false); //don't look for too long. This algorithm can take forever on large maps, so abort if we're slow.
            stack.Push(new MultiAttackPlan(bot, terrID, MultiAttackPlanType.MainStack));

            if (allUnownedTerrsInBonus.All(o => visited.Contains(o)))
                return(true); //we did it, we traversed the bonus
            var nextSteps = bot.Map.Territories[terrID].ConnectedTo.Keys.Where(o => !visited.Contains(o) && allUnownedTerrsInBonus.Contains(o)).ToList();

            //Disable offshoots.  Their plan calculates correctly, however the code that calculates the number of armies we need doesn't take into account offshoots, so it ends up using remainders when we don't really get those remainders.  This makes them not able to complete the bonus.
            //if (nextSteps.Count == 0)
            //    //We're an offshoot.
            //    stack.Peek().Type = MultiAttackPlanType.OneTerritoryOffshoot;
            //    return false;

            //Traverse from big to small.  We want to take bigger territories first so that more remainders are left for taking smaller ones
            foreach (var next in nextSteps.OrderByDescending(o => ExpansionHelper.GuessNumberOfArmies(bot, o, standing).DefensePower))
                if (TryTraverseBonus(bot, standing, allUnownedTerrsInBonus, next, visited, stack, depth + 1))

            //Could not find a solution through here. Back up and keep searching.
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns null if we can't find a way to take the bonus or if we already own it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bot"></param>
        /// <param name="bonusID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MultiAttackPathToBonus TryCreate(BotMain bot, TerritoryIDType startFrom, BonusIDType bonusID, GameStanding standing, int maxDistance)
            var bonus = bot.Map.Bonuses[bonusID];
            var allUnownedTerrsInBonus = bonus.Territories.Where(o => standing.Territories[o].OwnerPlayerID != bot.PlayerID).ToHashSet(true);

            if (allUnownedTerrsInBonus.Count == 0)
                return(null); //already own it
            HashSet <TerritoryIDType> terrsWeEnterBonus;

            int jumpsToGetToBonus = DistanceToTerrs(bot, startFrom, bonus.Territories.ToHashSet(true), standing, maxDistance, out terrsWeEnterBonus);

            if (jumpsToGetToBonus == int.MaxValue)
                return(null); //can't take it within a reasonable searching distance
            if (jumpsToGetToBonus == 0)
                //We're already in it
                var armiesNeededToCapture = bot.ArmiesToTakeMultiAttack(allUnownedTerrsInBonus.Select(o => ExpansionHelper.GuessNumberOfArmies(bot, o, standing, MultiAttackExpand.GuessOpponentNumberOfArmiesInFog)));
                return(new MultiAttackPathToBonus(bot, startFrom, bonusID, 0, armiesNeededToCapture, 0, new List <TerritoryIDType>()));
                var pathToGetThere = FindPath.TryFindShortestPath(bot, startFrom, t => terrsWeEnterBonus.Contains(t), visit => visit == startFrom || bot.IsTeammateOrUs(standing.Territories[visit].OwnerPlayerID) == false);
                if (pathToGetThere == null)

                var getThere = pathToGetThere.ExceptOne(pathToGetThere.Last());
                var armiesNeededToCapture = bot.ArmiesToTakeMultiAttack(getThere.Concat(allUnownedTerrsInBonus).Select(o => ExpansionHelper.GuessNumberOfArmies(bot, o, standing, MultiAttackExpand.GuessOpponentNumberOfArmiesInFog)));

                return(new MultiAttackPathToBonus(bot, startFrom, bonusID, jumpsToGetToBonus, armiesNeededToCapture, getThere.Sum(o => ExpansionHelper.GuessNumberOfArmies(bot, o, standing).DefensePower), pathToGetThere));
Пример #3
        public override void Go(int useArmies, bool highlyValuedOnly)
            //In FFA, focus on expansion even moreso than in headsup
            float minWeight = !highlyValuedOnly ? float.MinValue : ExpansionHelper.BaseBonusWeight + (Bot.IsFFA ? -10 : 0) + (Bot.UseRandomness ? (float)RandomUtility.BellRandom(-9, 9) : 0);

            AILog.Log("Expand", "Expand called with useArmies=" + useArmies + ", minWeight=" + minWeight);
            Assert.Fatal(useArmies >= 0, "useArmies negative");

            var meetsFilter = AttackableNeutrals.Where(o => o.Value.Weight > minWeight).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.Value);  //Don't bother with anything less than the min weight

            AILog.Log("Expand", meetsFilter.Count + " items over weight " + minWeight + " (" + AttackableNeutrals.Count + " total), top:");
            foreach (var spot in meetsFilter.OrderByDescending(o => o.Value.Weight).Take(10))
                AILog.Log("Expand", " - " + spot.Value);

            int armiesToExpandWithRemaining = useArmies;

            while (meetsFilter.Count > 0)
                var expandTo = meetsFilter.OrderByDescending(o => o.Value.Weight).First().Key;

                if (Bot.Orders.Orders.OfType <GameOrderAttackTransfer>().Any(o => o.To == expandTo))
                    continue; //we've already attacked it
                int attackWith = Bot.ArmiesToTake(Bot.Standing.Territories[expandTo].NumArmies.Fogged ? ExpansionHelper.GuessNumberOfArmies(Bot, expandTo) : Bot.Standing.Territories[expandTo].NumArmies);

                var attackFromList = Bot.Map.Territories[expandTo].ConnectedTo.Keys
                                     .Select(o => Bot.Standing.Territories[o])
                                     .Where(o => o.OwnerPlayerID == Bot.PlayerID && !Bot.AvoidTerritories.Contains(o.ID))
                                     .ToDictionary(o => o.ID, o => Bot.MakeOrders.GetArmiesAvailable(o.ID))
                                     .OrderByDescending(o => o.Value).ToList();

                if (attackFromList.Count == 0)
                    continue; //nowhere to attack from
                var attackFrom = attackFromList[0];

                int armiesNeedToDeploy = Math.Max(0, attackWith - attackFrom.Value);

                if (armiesToExpandWithRemaining >= armiesNeedToDeploy)
                    //Deploy if needed
                    if (armiesNeedToDeploy > 0)
                        armiesToExpandWithRemaining -= armiesNeedToDeploy;
                        if (!Bot.Orders.TryDeploy(attackFrom.Key, armiesNeedToDeploy))
                            //Remember that we deployed armies towards the capture of this bonus
                            foreach (var bonusID in AttackableNeutrals[expandTo].Bonuses.Keys)
                                foreach (var an in AttackableNeutrals.Values)
                                    if (an.Bonuses.ContainsKey(bonusID))
                                        an.Bonuses[bonusID].DeployedTowardsCapturing += armiesNeedToDeploy;

                    AILog.Log("Expand", "Expanding into " + Bot.TerrString(expandTo) + " from " + Bot.TerrString(attackFrom.Key) + " with " + attackWith + " by deploying " + armiesNeedToDeploy + ", already had " + attackFrom.Value + " available");

                    Bot.Orders.AddAttack(attackFrom.Key, expandTo, AttackTransferEnum.AttackTransfer, attackWith, false);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimate how many turns it would take us to complete the bonus, assuming full deployment and usage of armies in or next to it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bonusID"></param>
        /// <param name="bonusPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private CaptureTerritories TurnsToTake(BonusIDType bonusID, BonusPath path)
            var bonus       = Bot.Map.Bonuses[bonusID];
            var terrsToTake = bonus.Territories.Where(o => Bot.Standing.Territories[o].OwnerPlayerID != Bot.PlayerID).ToHashSet(true);

            var terrsWeOwnInOrAroundBonus   = bonus.Territories.Concat(bonus.Territories.SelectMany(o => Bot.Map.Territories[o].ConnectedTo.Keys)).Where(o => Bot.Standing.Territories[o].OwnerPlayerID == Bot.PlayerID).ToHashSet(false);
            var armiesWeHaveInOrAroundBonus = terrsWeOwnInOrAroundBonus.Sum(o => Bot.MakeOrders.GetArmiesAvailable(o));

            var armiesPerTurn = Bot.BaseIncome.FreeArmies;

            return(CaptureTerritories.TryFindTurnsToTake(Bot, path, armiesWeHaveInOrAroundBonus, armiesPerTurn, terrsToTake, o => o.NumArmies.Fogged ? ExpansionHelper.GuessNumberOfArmies(Bot, o.ID).DefensePower : o.NumArmies.DefensePower));
Пример #5
        private void TryExpand(ref int armiesLeft, int maxDistanceArg, float armyMult, Dictionary <BonusIDType, float> bonusWeights)
            var maxDistance = maxDistanceArg;

            foreach (var borderTerritory in MultiAttackStanding.Territories.Values.Where(o => Bot.IsBorderTerritory(MultiAttackStanding, o.ID)).OrderByDescending(o => o.NumArmies.NumArmies).ToList())
                if (Bot.PastTime(10))

                var stackSize = Math.Max(0, MultiAttackStanding.Territories[borderTerritory.ID].NumArmies.NumArmies - Bot.Settings.OneArmyMustStandGuardOneOrZero);
                var canDeployOnBorderTerritory = Bot.Standing.Territories[borderTerritory.ID].OwnerPlayerID == Bot.PlayerID;

                if (stackSize == 0 && !canDeployOnBorderTerritory)

                var bonusPaths = Bot.Map.Bonuses.Keys
                                 .Where(o => Bot.BonusValue(o) > 0)
                                 .Select(o =>
                    if (maxDistance > 1 && Bot.PastTime(7))
                        AILog.Log("MultiAttackExpand", "Due to slow speed, reducing bonus search distance from " + maxDistance + " to 1");
                        maxDistance = 1;     //if we're taking too long, give up on far away bonuses.  Otherwise this algorithm can take forever on large maps
                    if (Bot.PastTime(10))

                    return(MultiAttackPathToBonus.TryCreate(Bot, borderTerritory.ID, o, MultiAttackStanding, maxDistance));
                                 .Where(o => o != null)
                                 .ToDictionary(o => o.BonusID, o => o);

                var adjustedWeights = bonusPaths.Values.ToDictionary(o => o.BonusID, o => bonusWeights[o.BonusID] - o.ArmiesNeedToKillToGetThere * armyMult);

                //AILog.Log("ExpandMultiAttack", "Found " + bonusPaths.Count + " bonuses in range of " + Bot.TerrString(borderTerritory.ID) + ": " + bonusPaths.Values.OrderByDescending(o => adjustedWeights[o.BonusID]).Select(o => Bot.BonusString(o.BonusID)).JoinStrings(", "));

                foreach (var bonus in bonusPaths.Values.OrderByDescending(o => adjustedWeights[o.BonusID]))
                    var estimatedArmiesNeedToDeploy = Math.Max(0, bonus.EstArmiesNeededToCapture - stackSize);
                    if (estimatedArmiesNeedToDeploy > armiesLeft)
                    if (estimatedArmiesNeedToDeploy > 0 && !canDeployOnBorderTerritory)

                    AILog.Log("ExpandMultiAttack", "Considering expansion to bonus " + Bot.BonusString(bonus.BonusID) + " from " + Bot.TerrString(borderTerritory.ID) + ".  stackSize=" + stackSize + " estimatedArmiesNeedToDeploy=" + estimatedArmiesNeedToDeploy + " weight=" + adjustedWeights[bonus.BonusID] + " ArmiesNeedToKillToGetThere=" + bonus.ArmiesNeedToKillToGetThere + " EstArmiesNeededToCapture=" + bonus.EstArmiesNeededToCapture + " armiesLeft=" + armiesLeft + " PathToGetThere=" + bonus.PathToGetThere.Select(o => Bot.TerrString(o)).JoinStrings(" -> "));

                    var plan = MultiAttackPlan.TryCreate(Bot, bonus, MultiAttackStanding, borderTerritory.ID);

                    if (plan == null)
                        AILog.Log("ExpandMultiAttack", " - Could not find a plan");

                    var actualArmiesNeedToCapture = Bot.ArmiesToTakeMultiAttack(plan.Select(o => ExpansionHelper.GuessNumberOfArmies(Bot, o.To, MultiAttackStanding, GuessOpponentNumberOfArmiesInFog)));
                    var actualArmiesNeedToDeploy  = Math.Max(0, actualArmiesNeedToCapture - stackSize);
                    if (actualArmiesNeedToDeploy > armiesLeft)
                        AILog.Log("ExpandMultiAttack", " - actualArmiesNeedToDeploy=" + actualArmiesNeedToDeploy + " is not enough, have " + armiesLeft);

                    var stackStartedFrom = this.StackStartedFrom.ContainsKey(borderTerritory.ID) ? this.StackStartedFrom[borderTerritory.ID] : borderTerritory.ID;
                    if (!Bot.Orders.TryDeploy(stackStartedFrom, actualArmiesNeedToDeploy))
                        AILog.Log("ExpandMultiAttack", " - Could not deploy armies");
                    armiesLeft -= actualArmiesNeedToDeploy;

                    AILog.Log("ExpandMultiAttack", " - Attempting to capture. actualArmiesNeedToDeploy=" + actualArmiesNeedToDeploy + " plan=" + plan.Select(o => o.ToString()).JoinStrings(" -> "));

                    var terr = borderTerritory.ID;
                    foreach (var planStep in plan)
                        Assert.Fatal(Bot.Map.Territories[terr].ConnectedTo.ContainsKey(planStep.To), terr + " does not connect to " + planStep.To);

                        var defendersKill = SharedUtility.Round(ExpansionHelper.GuessNumberOfArmies(Bot, planStep.To).DefensePower *Bot.Settings.DefenseKillRate);
                        if (planStep.Type == MultiAttackPlanType.MainStack)
                            Bot.Orders.AddAttack(terr, planStep.To, AttackTransferEnum.AttackTransfer, 100, false, true);
                            MultiAttackStanding.Territories[planStep.To]    = TerritoryStanding.Create(planStep.To, Bot.PlayerID, MultiAttackStanding.Territories[terr].NumArmies.Subtract(new Armies(defendersKill)));
                            MultiAttackStanding.Territories[terr].NumArmies = new Armies(Bot.Settings.OneArmyMustStandGuardOneOrZero);

                            terr = planStep.To;
                        else if (planStep.Type == MultiAttackPlanType.OneTerritoryOffshoot)
                            var attackWith = Bot.ArmiesToTake(ExpansionHelper.GuessNumberOfArmies(Bot, planStep.To));
                            Bot.Orders.AddAttack(terr, planStep.To, AttackTransferEnum.AttackTransfer, attackWith, false, false);

                            MultiAttackStanding.Territories[planStep.To]    = TerritoryStanding.Create(planStep.To, Bot.PlayerID, new Armies(attackWith - defendersKill));
                            MultiAttackStanding.Territories[terr].NumArmies = MultiAttackStanding.Territories[terr].NumArmies.Subtract(new Armies(attackWith));

                        this.StackStartedFrom.Add(planStep.To, stackStartedFrom);

                    //After taking a bonus, we changed MultiAttackStanding. Therefore, we need to re-calc everything.
                    TryExpand(ref armiesLeft, maxDistance, armyMult, bonusWeights);
Пример #6
        private void TryDoAttack(PossibleAttack attack, ref int armiesToOffense)
            bool commanders = true;
            var  toTS       = Bot.Standing.Territories[attack.To];

            int attackWith = Bot.ArmiesToTake(toTS.NumArmies.Fogged == false ? toTS.NumArmies : ExpansionHelper.GuessNumberOfArmies(Bot, toTS.ID));

            //Add a few more to what's required so we're not as predictable.
            if (Bot.UseRandomness)
                attackWith += SharedUtility.Round(attackWith * (RandomUtility.RandomPercentage() * .2));

                //Once in a while, be willing to do a stupid attack.  Sometimes it will work out, sometimes it will fail catastrophically
                if (RandomUtility.RandomNumber(20) == 0)
                    var origAttackWith = attackWith;
                    attackWith = SharedUtility.Round(attackWith * RandomUtility.RandomPercentage());
                    commanders = false;
                    AILog.Log("Offense", "Willing to do a \"stupid\" attack from " + Bot.TerrString(attack.From) + " to " + Bot.TerrString(attack.To) + ": attacking with " + attackWith + " instead of our planned " + origAttackWith);
                attackWith += SharedUtility.Round(attackWith * 0.1);

            int have = Bot.MakeOrders.GetArmiesAvailable(attack.From);
            int need = Math.Max(0, attackWith - have);

            if (need > armiesToOffense)
                //We can't swing it. Just deploy the rest and quit. Will try again next turn.
                if (armiesToOffense > 0 && Bot.Orders.TryDeploy(attack.From, armiesToOffense))
                    AILog.Log("Offense", "Could not attack from " + Bot.TerrString(attack.From) + " to " + Bot.TerrString(attack.To) + " with " + attackWith + ". Short by " + need + ".  Just deploying " + armiesToOffense + " to the source.");
                    armiesToOffense = 0;
                //We can attack.  First deploy however many we needed
                if (need > 0)
                    if (!Bot.Orders.TryDeploy(attack.From, need))
                    armiesToOffense -= need;
                    Assert.Fatal(armiesToOffense >= 0);

                //Now issue the attack
                Bot.Orders.AddAttack(attack.From, attack.To, AttackTransferEnum.AttackTransfer, attackWith, false, commanders: commanders);
                AILog.Log("Offense", "Attacking from " + Bot.TerrString(attack.From) + " to " + Bot.TerrString(attack.To) + " with " + attackWith + " by deploying " + need);
Пример #7
        private static bool PlayBlockadeCard(BotMain bot, CardInstance card)
            //Look for bonuses that we can't hold and should blockade
            foreach (var bonus in bot.Map.Bonuses.Values)
                var grouped = bonus.Territories.GroupBy(o => bot.Standing.Territories[o].OwnerPlayerID).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o);
                if (!grouped.ContainsKey(bot.PlayerID))
                    continue; //we're not in it
                if (grouped.ContainsKey(TerritoryStanding.NeutralPlayerID))
                    continue; //only complete bonuses -- if it's never been taken, don't blockade
                var opps = grouped.Keys.Where(o => bot.IsOpponent(o)).ToList();
                if (opps.Count == 0)
                    continue; //no opponents in it
                if (bonus.Territories.Any(t => bot.AvoidTerritories.Contains(t)))
                    continue; //already doing something here, perhaps already blockading it.
                var oppTerrs       = opps.SelectMany(o => grouped[o].ToList()).ToHashSet(false);
                var friendlyTerrs  = grouped.Where(o => bot.IsTeammateOrUs(o.Key)).SelectMany(o => o.Value.ToList()).ToList();
                var friendlyArmies = friendlyTerrs.Sum(o => bot.Standing.Territories[o].NumArmies.DefensePower);
                var enemyArmies    = oppTerrs.Sum(o => ExpansionHelper.GuessNumberOfArmies(bot, o).AttackPower);
                var ratio          = bot.UseRandomness ? RandomUtility.BellRandom(1, 3) : 2;
                if (friendlyArmies * ratio > enemyArmies)

                var armies = SharedUtility.Round(bot.EffectiveIncome.FreeArmies * (bot.UseRandomness ? RandomUtility.BellRandom(.1, .4) : .25));
                if (armies < 5)
                    armies = 5;

                var canBlockade = friendlyTerrs.Where(o =>
                                                      bot.Standing.Territories[o].OwnerPlayerID == bot.PlayerID &&
                                                      bot.Map.Territories[o].ConnectedTo.Keys.None(t => oppTerrs.Contains(t)) &&
                                                      bot.Standing.Territories[o].NumArmies.SpecialUnits.Length == 0 &&
                                                      bot.Standing.Territories[o].NumArmies.NumArmies < armies * 2
                if (canBlockade.Count == 0)
                var blockade = bot.UseRandomness ? canBlockade.Random() : canBlockade.First();
                var deploy   = Math.Max(0, armies - bot.Standing.Territories[blockade].NumArmies.NumArmies);

                if (!bot.Orders.TryDeploy(blockade, deploy))

                AILog.Log("PlayCards", "Blockading " + bot.TerrString(blockade) + " with " + armies + " (had to deploy " + deploy + ")");

                bot.Orders.AddOrder(GameOrderPlayCardBlockade.Create(card.ID, bot.PlayerID, blockade));
