Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Private Constructor, creates new CShItem from the item's parent folder and
        ///  the item's PIDL relative to that folder.</summary>
        /// <param name="folder">the folder interface of the parent</param>
        /// <param name="pidl">the Relative PIDL of this item</param>
        /// <param name="parent">the CShitem of the parent</param>
        private CShItem(ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.IShellFolder folder, IntPtr pidl, CShItem parent)
            if (DesktopBase == null)
                DesktopBase = new CShItem(); //This initializes the Desktop folder
            m_Parent = parent;
            m_Pidl = concatPidls(parent.PIDL, pidl);

            //Get some attributes
            SetUpAttributes(folder, pidl);

            //Set unfetched value for IconIndex....
            m_IconIndexNormal = - 1;
            m_IconIndexOpen = - 1;
            //finally, set up my Folder
            if (m_IsFolder)
                int HR;
                HR = folder.BindToObject(pidl, IntPtr.Zero, ref ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.IID_IShellFolder, ref m_Folder);
                if (HR != ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.NOERROR)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>Get the base attributes of the folder/file that this CShItem represents</summary>
        /// <param name="folder">Parent Folder of this Item</param>
        /// <param name="pidl">Relative Pidl of this Item.</param>
        private void SetUpAttributes(ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.IShellFolder folder, IntPtr pidl)
            ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO attrFlag;
            attrFlag = ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.BROWSABLE;
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.FILESYSTEM;
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.HASSUBFOLDER;
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.FOLDER;
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.LINK;
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.SHARE;
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.HIDDEN;
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.REMOVABLE;
            //attrFlag = attrFlag Or SFGAO.RDONLY   'made into an on-demand attribute
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.CANCOPY;
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.CANDELETE;
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.CANLINK;
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.CANMOVE;
            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.DROPTARGET;
            //Note: for GetAttributesOf, we must provide an array, in  all cases with 1 element
            IntPtr[] aPidl = new IntPtr[1];
            aPidl[0] = pidl;
            folder.GetAttributesOf(1, aPidl, ref attrFlag);
            m_Attributes = attrFlag;
            m_IsBrowsable = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.BROWSABLE)!=0;
            m_IsFileSystem = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.FILESYSTEM)!=0;
            m_HasSubFolders = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.HASSUBFOLDER)!=0;
            m_IsFolder = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.FOLDER)!=0;
            m_IsLink = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.LINK)!=0;
            m_IsShared = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.SHARE)!=0;
            m_IsHidden = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.HIDDEN)!=0;
            m_IsRemovable = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.REMOVABLE)!=0;
            //m_IsReadOnly = CBool(attrFlag And SFGAO.RDONLY)      'made into an on-demand attribute
            m_CanCopy = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.CANCOPY)!=0;
            m_CanDelete = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.CANDELETE)!=0;
            m_CanLink = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.CANLINK)!=0;
            m_CanMove = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.CANMOVE)!=0;
            m_IsDropTarget = (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.DROPTARGET)!=0;

            //Get the Path
            IntPtr strr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.MAX_PATH * 2 + 4);
            Marshal.WriteInt32(strr, 0, 0);
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.MAX_PATH);
            ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SHGDN itemflags = ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SHGDN.FORPARSING;
            folder.GetDisplayNameOf(pidl, itemflags, strr);
            int HR = ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.StrRetToBuf(strr, pidl, buf, ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.MAX_PATH);
            Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(strr); //now done with it
            if (HR == ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.NOERROR)
                m_Path = buf.ToString();
                //check for zip file = folder on xp, leave it a file
                if (m_IsFolder && m_IsFileSystem && XPorAbove)
                    //Note:meaning of SFGAO.STREAM changed between win2k and winXP
                    //Version 20 code
                    //If File.Exists(m_Path) Then
                    //    m_IsFolder = False
                    //End If
                    //Version 21 code
                    aPidl[0] = pidl;
                    attrFlag = ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.STREAM;
                    folder.GetAttributesOf(1, aPidl, ref attrFlag);
                    if ((attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.STREAM)!=0)
                        m_IsFolder = false;
                if (m_Path.Length == 3 && m_Path.Substring(1).Equals(":\\"))
                    m_IsDisk = true;
Пример #3
        /// Returns the requested Items of this Folder as an ArrayList of CShitems
        ///  unless the IntPtrOnly flag is set.  If IntPtrOnly is True, return an
        ///  ArrayList of PIDLs.
        /// <param name="flags">A set of one or more SHCONTF flags indicating which items to return</param>
        /// <param name="IntPtrOnly">True to suppress generation of CShItems, returning only an
        ///  ArrayList of IntPtrs to RELATIVE PIDLs for the contents of this Folder</param>
        private List<IntPtr> GetContentsPIDL(ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SHCONTF flags)
            List<IntPtr> rVal = new List<IntPtr>();
            int HR;
            ShellDll.IEnumIDList IEnum = null;
            HR = m_Folder.EnumObjects(0, flags, ref IEnum);
            if (HR == ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.NOERROR)
                IntPtr item = IntPtr.Zero;
                int itemCnt = 0;
                HR = IEnum.GetNext(1, ref item, ref itemCnt);
                if (HR == ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.NOERROR)
                    while (itemCnt > 0 && ! item.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
                        //there is no setting to exclude folders from enumeration,
                        // just one to include non-folders
                        // so we have to screen the results to return only
                        //  non-folders if folders are not wanted
                        if ((flags & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SHCONTF.FOLDERS)==0) //don't want folders. see if this is one
                            ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO attrFlag = 0;
                            attrFlag = attrFlag | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.FOLDER | ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.STREAM;
                            //Note: for GetAttributesOf, we must provide an array, in all cases with 1 element
                            IntPtr[] aPidl = new IntPtr[1];
                            aPidl[0] = item;
                            m_Folder.GetAttributesOf(1, aPidl, ref attrFlag);
                            if (! XPorAbove)
                                if (System.Convert.ToBoolean(attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.FOLDER)) //Don't need it
                                    goto SKIPONE;
                            else //XP or above
                                if ((attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.FOLDER)!=0 && (attrFlag & ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SFGAO.STREAM)==0)
                                    goto SKIPONE;

                        //just relative pidls for fast look, no CShITem overhead
                        rVal.Add(PIDLClone(item)); //caller must free
                        Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(item); //if New kept it, it kept a copy
                        item = IntPtr.Zero;
                        itemCnt = 0;
                        // Application.DoEvents()
                        HR = IEnum.GetNext(1, ref item, ref itemCnt);
                    if (HR != 1)
                        goto HRError; //1 means no more

                goto HRError;
            //Normal Exit
            if (IEnum != null)
            return rVal;

            // Error Exit for all Com errors
            HRError: //not ready disks will return the following error
            //If HR = &HFFFFFFFF800704C7 Then
            //    GoTo NORMAL
            //ElseIf HR = &HFFFFFFFF80070015 Then
            //    GoTo NORMAL
            //    'unavailable net resources will return these
            //ElseIf HR = &HFFFFFFFF80040E96 Or HR = &HFFFFFFFF80040E19 Then
            //    GoTo NORMAL
            //ElseIf HR = &HFFFFFFFF80004001 Then 'Certain "Not Implemented" features will return this
            //    GoTo NORMAL
            //ElseIf HR = &HFFFFFFFF80004005 Then
            //    GoTo NORMAL
            //ElseIf HR = &HFFFFFFFF800704C6 Then
            //    GoTo NORMAL
            //End If
            if (IEnum != null)
                //#If Debug Then
                //        Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(HR)
                //#End If
                rVal = new List<IntPtr>(); //sometimes it is a non-fatal error,ignored
                goto NORMAL;
Пример #4
        private List<CShItem> GetContents(ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SHCONTF flags)
            List<IntPtr> pidlList = GetContentsPIDL(flags);

            List<CShItem> rVal = new List<CShItem>(pidlList.Count);

            foreach(IntPtr pidl in pidlList)
                rVal.Add(new CShItem(m_Folder, pidl, this));

            return rVal;
Пример #5
        private bool m_XtrInfo; //= False

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>Create instance based on a non-desktop CSIDL.
        /// Will create based on any CSIDL Except the DeskTop CSIDL</summary>
        /// <param name="ID">Value from CSIDL enumeration denoting the folder to create this CShItem of.</param>
        public CShItem(ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.CSIDL ID)
            if (DesktopBase == null)
                DesktopBase = new CShItem(); //This initializes the Desktop folder
            int HR;
            if (ID == ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.CSIDL.MYDOCUMENTS)
                int pchEaten = 0;
                int pdwAttributes = 0;
                HR = DesktopBase.m_Folder.ParseDisplayName(0, IntPtr.Zero, "::{450d8fba-ad25-11d0-98a8-0800361b1103}", ref pchEaten, ref m_Pidl, ref pdwAttributes);
                HR = ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, (int)ID, ref m_Pidl);
            if (HR == ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.NOERROR)
                ShellDll.IShellFolder pParent;
                IntPtr relPidl = IntPtr.Zero;

                pParent = GetParentOf(m_Pidl, ref relPidl);
                //Get the Attributes
                SetUpAttributes(pParent, relPidl);
                //Set unfetched value for IconIndex....
                m_IconIndexNormal = - 1;
                m_IconIndexOpen = - 1;
                //finally, set up my Folder
                if (m_IsFolder)
                    HR = pParent.BindToObject(relPidl, IntPtr.Zero, ref ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.IID_IShellFolder, ref m_Folder);
                    if (HR != ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.NOERROR)
                //if PidlCount(m_Pidl) = 1 then relPidl is same as m_Pidl, don't release
                if (PidlCount(m_Pidl) > 1)
Пример #6
 public static CShItem GetCShItem(ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.CSIDL ID)
     CShItem returnValue;
     returnValue = null; //avoid VB2005 Warning
     if (ID == ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.CSIDL.DESKTOP)
         return GetDeskTop();
     int HR;
     IntPtr tmpPidl = IntPtr.Zero;
     if (ID == ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.CSIDL.MYDOCUMENTS)
         int pchEaten = 0;
         int pdwAttributes = 0;
         HR = GetDeskTop().Folder.ParseDisplayName(0, IntPtr.Zero, "::{450d8fba-ad25-11d0-98a8-0800361b1103}", ref pchEaten, ref tmpPidl, ref pdwAttributes);
         HR = ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, (int)ID, ref tmpPidl);
     if (HR == ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.NOERROR)
         returnValue = FindCShItem(tmpPidl);
         if (returnValue == null)
                 returnValue = new CShItem(ID);
                 returnValue = null;
     if (! tmpPidl.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
     return returnValue;